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巴兹尔属、滑刃属和长尾属线虫国内新纪录种的描述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粗尾巴兹尔线虫(Basiria tumida(Colbran,1960),Geraert,1968),采自辽宁省普兰店市五里台的马铃薯根际土壤,其主要鉴定特征是侧区4条侧线,唇区平滑,中食道球发育弱;单卵巢,尾部形状为亚圆柱形到棒状。阿布萨里滑刃线虫(Aphelenchoides absariHusain&Khan,1967)采自辽宁省瓦房店市辣椒和庄河市茄子根际土壤,其主要鉴定特征是侧区4条侧线  相似文献   
A study was done on the relationship between Aphelenchoides besseyi and the symptoms of small grains and erect panicles. This is an important rice disease in Jiangsu Province, China. A. besseyi was extracted from small grains and erect panicles and cultured artificially, and then inoculated into bud and leaf sheaths of seedlings of two Oryza sativa cultivars, namely Zhendao 2 and Wuyunjing 7 in a greenhouse. The effect on rice growth, in particular the small grains and erect panicles, was revealed by the extent of the disease, seed expansion stages, nematode load, and nematode mortality. In contrast to healthy seedlings, the height, length, and the numbers of spikelets of unhealthy panicles of Zhendao 2 were decreased by 6.7, 16.4, and 13.5%, respectively. Before anthesis, nematodes were attracted to the leaf sheath and apical meristem, nematode load increased by 40%; after anthesis, nematodes occurred in spikelets principally and the number increased by 90.8%. The percentages of infected seeds and nematode load were highest in plump seeds and lowest in empty seeds. Nematode mortality on grain with normal endosperm was lower than seeds with abnormal endosperm. Results indicated that A. besseyi was the pathogen in rice with the symptoms of small grains and erect panicles. Wuyunjing 7 manifests only the small grains and erect panicles symptoms and not the symptoms of leaf white-tip. These symptoms of small grains and erect panicles are new symptom records for the disease caused by A. besseyi on rice.  相似文献   
滑刃线虫属(Aphelenchoides Fischer,1894)的2个国内新记录种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
描述了滑刃线虫属(Aphelenchoides Fischer,1894)的2个国内新记录种:游泳滑刃线虫(Aphelenchoides hechaleos)和内卷滑刃线虫(A.involutus)。游泳滑刃线虫采自辽宁省盖州市熊岳镇莴苣(Lactuca sativa)的根际土壤中,它与近似种拟游泳滑刃线虫(A.paranechaleos)的主要区别是雌虫尾较长,尾的形状是腹面凸(而拟游泳滑刃线虫的尾较短,尾的形状是背面凸,腹面凹),雄虫交合刺背杆的弯曲程度较小。内卷滑刃线虫采自辽宁省凌海市苍耳(Xanthium sibiricum)及山东济南大花金鸡菊(Coreopsis grandiflora)的根际土壤中,它与近似种A.jacobi的主要区别是雌虫尾向腹面弯曲程度较大,尾后部呈钩状,尾较长。  相似文献   
干尖线虫病对不同水稻品种(系)产量相关性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]该研究旨在了解干尖线虫病对不同水稻品种的影响。[方法]通过田间表型观察与室内考种试验,对自然发病状态下的4个常规粳稻品种(系)和粳稻恢复系 R161进行了观察和分析。[结果]不同水稻品种(系)被侵染后的症状存在差异,常规粳稻宁1707、宁1818、镇稻88和南粳9108被侵染后表现"干尖"和"小穗头"症状,粳稻恢复系R161只表现"干尖",不表现"小穗头"症状,且"干尖"的位置不同,分别位于剑叶叶尖,整片剑叶及倒二叶。供试材料被水稻干尖线虫侵染后均能抽穗,但是株高、穗长、结实率和千粒重均受到不同程度的影响。此外,R161被干尖线虫侵染后,不同发病部位对水稻产量的影响不同,整片剑叶干枯扭曲的稻穗受影响最大。[结论]该研究为进一步阐明我国水稻干尖线虫病的危害规律和制定相应的防治措施提供依据。  相似文献   
A study was done on the relationship between Aphelenchoides besseyi and the symptoms of small grains and erect panicles. This is an important rice disease in Jiangsu Province, China. A. besseyi was extracted from small grains and erect panicles and cultured artificially, and then inoculated into bud and leaf sheaths of seedlings of two Oryza sativa cultivars, namely Zhendao 2 and Wuyunjing 7 in a greenhouse. The effect on rice growth, in particular the small grains and erect panicles, was revealed by the extent of the disease, seed expansion stages, nematode load, and nematode mortality. In contrast to healthy seedlings, the height, length, and the numbers of spikelets of unhealthy panicles of Zhendao 2 were decreased by 6.7, 16.4, and 13.5%, respectively. Before anthesis, nematodes were attracted to the leaf sheath and apical meristem, nematode load increased by 40%; after anthesis, nematodes occurred in spikelets principally and the number increased by 90.8%. The percentages of infected seeds and nematode load were highest in plump seeds and lowest in empty seeds. Nematode mortality on grain with normal endosperm was lower than seeds with abnormal endosperm. Results indicated that A. besseyi was the pathogen in rice with the symptoms of small grains and erect panicles. Wuyunjing 7 manifests only the small grains and erect panicles symptoms and not the symptoms of leaf white-tip. These symptoms of small grains and erect panicles are new symptom records for the disease caused by A. besseyi on rice.  相似文献   
种传线虫病及其治理措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要介绍了小麦粒线虫(Anguina tritici)、水稻干尖线虫(Aphelenchoides besseyi)、水稻茎线虫(Ditylenchus angustus)、剪股颖粒线虫(Anguina agrostis)等4种种传线虫病害的发生分布为害、侵染部位、症状、传播途径、寄主植物及检疫检验和治理措施。  相似文献   
2016年,天津口岸检疫人员从美国进境饲用苜蓿草中发现一种滑刃属线虫,通过形态学特征、形态测计值以及核糖体28S r RNA-D2/D3区与ITS区核酸序列比对和系统进化分析,最终确定为我国检疫性有害生物菊花滑刃线虫(Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi)。从进境饲用苜蓿草中截获该线虫为全国口岸首次。  相似文献   
抗性验证试验表明籼稻大白谷抗水稻干尖线虫侵染。为进一步探究此抗性与病程相关蛋白——半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂(Cystatin)的相关性,基于水稻基因组数据克隆籼稻大白谷Cystatin家族的OC-XII基因,分别进行OC-XII、Japonica-OC-XII和Indica-OC-XII蛋白质三维结构构建,并与水稻干尖线虫组织蛋白酶B(Cathepsin B)进行分子对接以验证OC-XII基因编码蛋白对Cathepsin B的抑制功能。通过荧光定量qPCR验证OC-XII基因在线虫侵染前后的表达特性,OC-XII蛋白可以与水稻干尖线虫Cathepsin B蛋白质特异结合,线虫侵染后OC-XII基因在浸染12h~2d期间表达量持续上调,侵染3d后下调。表明OC-XII基因在大白谷抗水稻干尖线虫侵染过程中发挥功能,具有对植物寄生线虫进行生物防治的潜力,有必要对其进行深入研究。  相似文献   
通过小区对比试验,探讨了种子不同处理对水稻干尖线虫病危害的影响。结果表明:采用20%稻乐丰乳油1 000倍液+10%浸种灵5 000倍液浸种消毒防病效果最好,干尖线虫病穴发病率仅为0~3.4%;其次是80%敌敌畏乳油1 000倍液+10%浸种灵5 000倍液浸种消毒,病穴发病率为0~13.2%;去掉种子颖壳用纸隔离后播种,对干尖线虫病的防治效果位居第三,病害穴发病率0~21.4%。水稻遭受干尖线虫病危害,由于单位面积收获穗数、颖花量、结实率、千粒重均有一定程度的降低,进而造成了水稻的大幅度减产。  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the fungivorous nematodes Aphelenchoides spp. and Aphelenchus avenae can suppress damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani in cauliflower seedlings, and enhance the disease-suppressive effect of compost. In greenhouse experiments, we used two different composts mixed with peat (20% + 80%) and pure peat as growth substrates in growing pots. In each substrate, treatments were: (A) with R. solani and nematodes, (B) with R. solani, (C) with nematodes, (D) control without R. solani or nematodes. Treatment effects were measured as percentage of healthy seedlings 7, 10 and 14 days after start of the experiment. We conducted two different experiments with the treatments A–D; one with Aphelenchoides spp. and one with Aphelenchus avenae. Aphelenchoides spp.+R. solani (treatment A) had 85% healthy plants (= control without addition of fungi (D)) compared with 45% in R. solani without nematodes (B). Aphelenchus avenae suppressed damping-off significantly in all substrates, from almost 100% dead plants in peat with R. solani to 65% healthy plants in R. solani+A. avenae. One compost mixture had an intrinsic suppressive effect on damping-off, while plant health in the other compost mixture was not better than in 100% peat as growing substrate. There were no additive suppressive effects (enhancement) between nematode effects and the suppressive compost. The results demonstrate the ability of fungivorous nematodes to suppress plant diseases. The effects of fungivorous nematodes in combination with compost and other control measures on disease suppression need further attention. The usefulness of fungivorous nematodes in agriculture and horticulture is discussed.  相似文献   
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