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以1a生北丰(Vitis thunbergii×V.vinifera)葡萄盆栽结果树为试材,在果实始熟期采用紫外线C(Ultraviolet C,UV-C)辐射结合韧皮部环剥的方法,研究了UV-C辐射对葡萄叶片和邻近果穗果实白藜芦醇(Resveratrol,Res)及其糖苷质量分数的影响。结果表明,UV-C辐射诱导葡萄果实Res合成积累的敏感性低于叶片,辐射葡萄叶片对邻近果穗上果皮Res的影响远远小于UV-C直接辐射葡萄果穗,且辐射诱导葡萄果皮中Res质量分数与叶片中Res质量分数存在着一定的相关性。当叶片位于果穗下方时,叶片中反式白藜芦醇(trans-Resveratrol,trans-Res)、反式白藜芦醇苷(trans-Piceid,trans-PD)和顺式白藜芦醇苷(cis-Piceid,cis-PD)质量分数表现出环剥处理显著高于不环剥处理,然而果皮中的结果正好相反。当叶片位于果穗上方时,果皮中trans-Res、trans-PD和cis-PD质量分数表现出不环剥处理显著高于环剥处理,暗示葡萄Res可能存在韧皮部运输途径,且运输方向是双向的。此外,UV-C直接辐射葡萄果穗处理果皮trans-Res和cis-PD质量分数显著高于对照和UV-C辐射葡萄叶片处理。种子中仅检测到trans-Res,且仅环剥处理和辐射下方叶片不环剥处理显著高于对照。  相似文献   
The phospholipid fatty acid biomarkers 18:1ω9, 18:2ω6,9 and 18:3ω3,6,9 are commonly used as fungal biomarkers in soils. They have, however, also been found to occur in plant tissues, such as roots. Thus, the use of these PLFAs as fungal biomarkers in sieved soil, which may still contain small remains of roots, has been questioned. We used data from a recent beech tree girdling experiment to calculate the contribution of roots to these biomarkers and were able to demonstrate that not more than 0.61% of 18:1ω9 and 18:2ω6,9 in sieved soil samples originated from roots (but 4% of 18:3ω3,6,9). Additionally, the abundance of the biomarker 18:2ω6,9 in the soil was found to be highly correlated to ectomycorrhizal root colonization, which further corroborates its fungal origin. PLFA biomarkers were substantially reduced in vital roots from girdled trees compared to roots of control trees (by up to 76%), indicating that the major part of PLFAs measured in roots may actually originate from ectomycorrhizal fungi growing inside the roots. We calculated, that even a near to 50% reduction in fine root biomass - as observed in the girdling treatment - accounted for only 0.8% of the measured decrease of 18:2ω6,9. Our results demonstrate that both 18:1ω9 and 18:2ω6,9 are suitable biomarkers for detecting fungal dynamics in soils and that especially 18:2ω6,9 is a reliable biomarker to study mycorrhizal dynamics in beech forests.  相似文献   

Stem respiration was measured in the growing season (June to July) and in the dormant season (October) to detect cambial activity induced by pruning live branches or girdling stems in Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing in northern Sweden. Immediately after the treatments, the treatment:control ratio of stem respiration increased to between 1.38 and 1.44 in the pruning treatment and between 1.17 and 1.20 in the girdling treatment. The treatment:control ratio of stem respiration then decreased by the end of July, to 0.65 in the pruning treatment and 0.55 in the girdling treatment. In October, the treatment:control ratios were higher: between 0.87 and 0.97 in the pruning treatment and between 0.85 and 0.97 in the girdling treatment. In both pruning and girdling treatments, the time trends of stem respiration rates largely followed those of stem temperatures: the stem respiration rate increased exponentially with an increase in stem temperature. The Q 10 values were 2.83–4.05 and 2.57–2.89 in the pruning treatment and control, and 2.10–2.60 and 1.99–3.19 in the girdling treatment and control, respectively. In most cases, the values of Q 10 in both treatments did not differ significantly from those in the controls.  相似文献   
Seasonal fluxes of CO2 from soil and the contribution of autotrophic (root + mycorrhizal) to total soil respiration (SR) were estimated for a mixed stand of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) in Central Europe. Mature trees of each species were girdled in August 2002 to eliminate carbohydrate allocation to roots. SR was measured at distances of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5/2.0 m from the bole of each tree at 1–2 weeks intervals throughout the fall of 2002 and monthly during the spring and summer of 2003. The contribution of roots and mycorrhizae to total SR was estimated by the decrease in SR compared to ungirdled control trees to account for seasonal patterns evident in controls. SR decreased with soil temperature in the fall 2002 and increased again in 2003 as soil warmed. During most of the study period, SR was strongly related to soil temperature. During the dry summer of 2003, however, SR appeared to be uncoupled from temperature and was strongly related to soil water content (SWC). Mean rates of SR in beech and spruce control plots as well as root densities did not show a clear pattern with distance from the bole. SR decreased to levels below controls in beech within a few days after girdling, whereas spruce did not show a significant decrease until October 2002, 6 weeks after girdling. In both beech and spruce, decreased SR in response to girdling was greatest closest to the bole, possibly reflecting increased mycorrhizal activity close to the bole. Autotrophic respiration was estimated in beech to be as much as 50% of the total SR in the stand. The contribution of autotrophic respiration was less certain for spruce, although close to the bole, the autotrophic fraction may contribute to total SR as much as in beech. The large fraction of autotrophic respiration in total SR requires better understanding of tree level stresses that affect carbon allocation below ground.  相似文献   
枝梢环剥对荔枝新梢生长和叶片矿质营养的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
环剥处理中断韧皮部光合产物向下运输及抑制枝梢生长的效应已经明确,但对不同矿质营养运输的影响则有待进一步揭示。研究以妃子笑荔枝为试材,揭示了枝梢环剥处理对新梢生长和叶片矿质营养的影响。结果表明,枝梢环剥处理可强烈抑制枝梢上的新梢发生;环剥17 d后,叶片叶绿素指数明显下降;同时,环剥口上端的叶片不同的矿质营养发生不同的变化。其中对钾和镁影响微弱,而氮、磷、钙、铁、锰、铜、锌等矿质营养含量发生不同程度降低,其中微量元素铁、铜、锰的含量下降较为明显,这表明,中断韧皮部运输也会导致叶片摄取这些矿质元素的减少。  相似文献   
茶树空中压条不定根原基发育影响因子研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了筛选出促使茶树茎段空中压条后发根的最佳技术方案,研究了成熟度、外施激素浓度、枝梢茎粗以及环割方式对根原基发育的影响.结果表明:选择生长健壮、茎粗为0.252 ~0.280 cm的当年生枝条,在黄绿色或青绿色茎段处进行传统环割,外用100 mg/L的ABT 1号生根粉处理,能有效缩短根原基发育周期.经过40~50 d...  相似文献   
Soil respiration is a large component of global carbon fluxes, so it is important to explore how this carbon flux varies with environmental factors and carbon inputs from plants. As part of a long-term study on the chemical and biological effects of aboveground litterfall denial, root trenching and tree-stem girdling, we measured soil respiration for three years in plots where those treatments were applied singly and in combination. Tree-stem girdling terminates the flow of carbohydrates from canopy, but allows the roots to continue water and nutrient uptake. After carbon storage below the stem girdles is depleted, the girdled trees die. Root trenching immediately terminates root exudates as well as water and nutrient uptake. Excluding aboveground litterfall removes soil carbon inputs, but allows normal root functions to continue. We found that removing aboveground litterfall and the humus layer reduced soil respiration by more than the C input from litter, a respiration priming effect. When this treatment was combined with stem girdling, root trenching or those treatments in combination, the change in soil respiration was indistinguishable from the loss of litterfall C inputs. This suggests that litterfall priming occurs only when normal root processes persist. Soil respiration was significantly related to temperature in all treatment combinations, and to soil water content in all treatments except stem girdling alone, and girdling plus trenching. Aboveground litterfall was a significant predictor of soil respiration in control, stem-girdled, trenched and stem-girdled plus trenching treatments. Stem girdling significantly reduced soil respiration as a single factor, but root trenching did not. These results suggest that in addition to temperature, aboveground carbon inputs exert strong controls on forest soil respiration.  相似文献   
对糯米糍荔枝进行螺旋环剥与不同方法环割研究螺旋环剥与不同的环割方法对糍米糯荔枝冬梢的控制促花、保果增产效应的影响。研究结果表明螺旋环剥和不同环割方法在控稍促花方面能有效的控制糯米糍荔枝冬梢的萌发与促进花和花穗的生成;在保果增产方面,螺旋环剥、环割2处与同株50%主干枝条环割2处都能增加糯米糍荔枝的果穗枝条数与株产量,但环割1处反而降低了糯米糍荔枝的果穗枝条数与株产量。  相似文献   
赤霉素或环剥处理分别对暗柳橙的花芽分化起阻遏或促进怍用。赤霉素处理使芽内总游离氨基酸,特别是碱性氨基酸含量明显下降。环剥处理则使上述氨基酸含量增多。赤霉素处理,绝大多数种类氨基酸减少,尤其是组氨酸、精氨酸、酪氨酸等。环剥处理,相当种类的氨基酸增多,尤其是苏氨酸、组氨酸、谷氨酸等。氨基酸变化可能与芽内合成特异蛋白质有关,与基因的表达与阻遏有关。但也可能是营养芽或生殖芽两者本身在代谢上的差异。本研究为进一步阐明花芽分化的实质原因提供了生物化学对比性背景资料。  相似文献   
以大棚栽培的5个台湾青枣品种为材料,分别研究喷施赤霉素和环剥对促进坐果的影响.结果表明:喷施一定浓度的赤霉素能够促进台湾青枣提高坐果率,品种之间没有显著差异;浓度为15 mg/L的赤霉素能够显著提高坐果数,但赤霉素浓度过高,则会造成大量落花,反而对坐果不利;环剥能够极有效地促进坐果,各品种台湾青枣环剥后坐果率都增长在45%以上.  相似文献   
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