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香蕉新品种‘南天红’由‘南天黄’的自然突变选育而成。假茎平均高度2.59 m,幼树假茎外表面暗红色,抽蕾后转绿。雄花苞片外表面常为深红色,花苞卷曲,常不脱落;从种植到收获11 ~ 13个月,单株产量25 kg,品质好。中高抗香蕉枯萎病4号小种,采用配套的栽培技术可在所有香蕉种植区推广。  相似文献   
远缘杂交及异源多倍化导致许多重要作物的起源与进化,而芸薹属栽培异源四倍种是研究作物异源多倍化的模式系统之一。异源多倍体是如何调控及协调来自不同二倍体祖先的不同基因组的遗传行为及基因表达,是过去二十年间的研究热点和重要的生物学问题。利用不断发展的分子生物学技术,一方面揭示出芸薹属及其他多倍体物种基因组表现出动态性质,即在形成初期及长期进化过程中持续发生遗传及表观遗传的变化;另一方面发现异源多倍化过程中伴随着大量的基因表达模式改变,包括非加性表达、超亲表达、表达水平显性、部分同源偏向表达、基因剂量平衡效应等现象。上述基因组结构、表观遗传改变以及基因表达模式的调控,使新产生的多倍体得以成功进化为新物种。  相似文献   
优化了S1核酸酶突变检测体系,结果表明(1)扩增法比杂交法产生异源双链DNA更节省时间;(2)PCR产物可以直接作为突变检测的底物;(3)适当降低反应温度、适当增加反应缓冲液中的NaCl浓度、适当缩短反应时间可提高突变检测效果。  相似文献   
牛胚胎移植技术已趋于成熟。我国新疆牧科院用一步细管法移植牛冻胚受胎率达41%;牛和羊鲜胚四分胚移植也产下1头犊牛和6只羔羊。家畜体外受精,因卵子体外成熟和受精卵体外培养尚不过关,目前仍停留在实验室阶段。胚胎性别鉴定,1990年Koopman发现单拷贝基因,该基因是Y染色体的性决定区,命名为SRY,可利用PCR技术制成雄性特异DNA探针盒,进行马、牛、羊、猪早期胚胎性别鉴定。北京农学院等单位用PCR扩增牛SRY序列进行奶牛胚胎性别鉴定准确率达100%。英、日、法等国已获得牛胚胎细胞核移植后代;我国也获得1只核移植兔。北农大和新疆牧科院合作以绵羊精子为载体导入牛生长激素基因rMTbGH DNA成功,外源基因整合率为3%。  相似文献   
肉兔双列杂交遗传效应的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验采用了5品种完全双列杂交,用Havey程序对德国花巨兔(G)、比利时兔(B)、新西兰白兔(N)、加利福尼亚兔(C)、丹麦白兔(D)的主要生产性能进行了遗传效应分析。首次采用加性——显性模型分析了优势杂交组合优势性状的基因效应值与杂种优势率的关系,对杂种优势机理作了一定探讨。结果表明:最佳杂交父本、母本分别为G(♂)或N(♂)、N(♀);最优杂交组合为GB、NG。此外,GN、DN、GC、BC也不失为优秀组合  相似文献   
家蚕第2隐性赤蚁的遗传学研究——Ⅱ.ch-2基因的连锁分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ch-2基因是继ch之后新发现的一种隐性赤蚁ch-2基因与pM(2)、Ze(3)、L(4)、Pe(5)、E~(EL)(6)、q(7)、st(8)、I(9)、w-2(10)、ms(12)、cf(13)、U(14)、Se(15)、cts(16)、B_m(17)、nb(19)、rb(21)、or(22)、sp(23)、Nd(25)、及Y_m等各标志基因都是独立遗传.Ch-2与mln杂交F_2代分离+ch-2+min:ch-2+min:ch-2mln:ch-2mln=523:284:231:0≈2:1:1:0;ch-2与elp杂交F_2代分离+ch-2+elf:ch-2+elp:+ch-2elp:ch-2elp=219:97:68:0≈2:1:1:0,充分说明ch-2与mln、elp是连锁遗传的,即ch-2基因位于第18连锁群.  相似文献   
AIM:To detect the association between the polymorphism of Fc receptor γ chain gene at position-29 in promoter and systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE).METHODS:The genotypes at position -29 in promoter of Fc receptor γ chain gene were determined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method in 180 patients with SLE and 140 ethnically matched controls in southern China.RESULTS:The frequencies of TT genotype(33.3%) and T allele (54.4%) at position -29 in patients with SLE were significantly higher than those in controls (17.2% and 42.9%, respectively), whereas, the frequencies of GG genotype (24.4%) and G allele (45.6%) in patients with SLE were remarkably lower than those in controls (31.4% and 57.1%, respectively) (P<0.05). The TT genotype and T allele at position -29 were not associated with lupus nephritis in SLE patients (P>0.05).CONCLUSION:Our results indicate that the T allele at position -29 in promoter of Fc receptor gene probably contributes to the susceptibility to SLE, but does not play a role in the occurrence of lupus nephritis.  相似文献   
AIM: To prepare gfp-bcl-XL-contained recombinant adenovirus(rAd-gfp-bcl-XL).METHODS: Bcl-XL gene was amplified from pEGFP-C3-bcl-XL, subcloned into shuttle plasmid and formed transfer plasmid of pAdTrack-CMV-bcl-XL. Then pAdTrack-CMV-bcl-XL was linealinzed with PmeI and co-transformed into BJ5183 bacteria with adenovirus genomic plasmid of pAdEasy-1. The identified recombinant adenovirus plasmid was digested with PacI and transfected into 293 cells to package recombinant adenovirus particles. The target gene was detected by PCR.RESULTS: There were about 35% positive recombinant bacterial clones after the co-transformation of pAdTrack-CMV-bcl-XL and pAdEasy-1 into BJ5183. Recombinant adenovirus particle were produced and further amplified after the transfection of pAdEasy-1-gfp-bcl-XL into 293 cells. PCR test indicated that the recombinant Ad contained bcl-XL gene. The titer of the purified rAd-gfp-bcl-XL was 6.5×1012 PFU/L. CONCLUSIONS: The homologous recombination in bacteria is a convenient and high efficient method to prepare rAd-gfp-bcl-XL. This affords a good gene transfer vector for the gene therapy in human’s diseases.  相似文献   
AIM and METHODS: Total RNA was extracted from 6th rat subcultured pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells(PASMC) exposed to continual chronic hypoxia or normoxia and the effects of chronic hypoxia on the changes of Kv1.3,Kv2.1,Kv3.1 mRNA in cultured PASMC induced by acute hypoxia were studied by semiquantitative RT-PCR in vitro. RESULTS:①Kv1.3,Kv2.1,Kv3.1 genes were found to be expressed in PASMC of rats exposed either to hypoxia or normxia.②The expression of Kv2.1 and Kv3.1 in 6th subcultured of PASMC in normaxia group could be upregulated by exposure to acute hypoxia,the levels of Kv2.1 and Kv3.1 mRNA were significantly increased from 0.646±0.092, 0.782±0.104 to 1.059±0.134, 0.985±0.116,respectively (P<0.01,n=5). ③PASMC cultured continuously in chronic hypoxia for 6 subcultures and then exposed to normoxia for 12 h,thereafter the expression of Kv2.1 and Kv3.1 were downregulated by acute hypoxia for 6 hours.The level of Kv2.1 mRNA was significantly decreased from 1.008±0.117 to 0.649±0.097 (P<0.01,n=5). CONCLUSION:Kv2.1,Kv3.1 genes might be oxygen sensitive genes.Chronic hypoxia might change the response of these Kv genes of PASMC to acute hypoxia and down-regulate its expression,which might probably decrease the role of Kv in HPV.  相似文献   
极早熟葡萄新品种‘90- 1’   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 ‘90- 1’是从‘乍娜’的芽变中选出的葡萄新品种。该品种除保持母本的优质、丰产、适合保护地栽培等优良性状外, 其最突出的特点是极早熟, 果实6 月下旬成熟, 果实发育期仅35 d。  相似文献   
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