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Indices of the tomato seedling quality maintenance level after production before field planting were studied through simulated experiments, small--scale operation, indoor analyses and measurements, and field observation. The results showed that under simulated shipping and storage conditions, seedling quality change following different durations (days) of shipping and storage was correlated significantly or even very significantly with certain physiological and morphological indices. With various measured indices following different periods of shipping and storage treatment subjected to multinomial successive regressive correlation analysis, the principal factors influencing seedling quality maintenance level are identified to be chlorophyll content→dry short weight→ leaf freshness index in order of their importance. Significance analysis with multinomial fitted equation indicated that correlations between any one of above three factors and the growth index after field planting reached very significant difference level.  相似文献   
用盆栽方法进行播量对寒地水稻生长发育及干物质积累影响试验,结果表明:稀播的秧苗发根力强、分蘖多、茎基宽、充实度高。播量200g/m2的产量最高。  相似文献   
本文论述了海南椴幼年期生长特性,年生长节律,苗期生长规律以及苗木繁育技术。用loglstic方程拟合,找出高和直径生长的最优回归方程。  相似文献   
尾巨桉试管苗移栽基质配方的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以五色土、堆沤木糠渣、锯木屑、泥炭为供试基质材料,进行尾巨桉3229试管苗移栽基质配方筛选研究。结果表明,五色土和锯木屑(1:2、1:1、2:1)三个配比的混合基质均可作为尾巨桉3229试管苗的移栽基质,其成活率高(达98.21%以上)和生长快,与对照(五色土)的成活率96.43%相近;纯五色土和泥炭(1:2和1:1)二个配比的混合基质也可作为尾巨桉试管苗的移栽基质。  相似文献   
对黄瓜、番茄在育苗前期进行短时间的人工补光有明显促进生长的效果。农用荧光灯(BR)的补光效果优于日光型荧光灯(W)。早春育苗进行人工补光的时间以下午自然光照强度稍高于光补偿点、叶片气孔尚未关闭之前为好,呼和浩特、包头3月份16:00、4月份17:00开始补光为宜。补光的光强度在500~800lx 效果明显。光源距幼苗的距离以10cm 为宜。  相似文献   
研究结果表明,由性状果实最大周长,果实体积,门茄显蕾期,单株产量等性状构成的选择指数较好;进一步进行遗传相关分析结果认为,应用选择指数时应注意果实体积这个性状,单株产量是一个重要的辅助性状,门茄显蕾期是一个限制性因子。应用选择指数对品种评价结果认为,早熟性较好的品种有:天津早茄、西安绿茄、二民、七叶茄、白线茄和汉中荷包。  相似文献   
椰糠对黄瓜穴盘苗生长发育的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
将草炭、椰糠、蛭石按不同比例配制育苗基质,探讨椰糠对黄瓜秧苗生长发育的影响。结果表明,椰糠具有较好的保水性,酸碱度适合于作为穴盘育苗基质,出苗情况较好,秧苗质量高,证明椰糠是一种良好的园艺栽培基质。  相似文献   
茄子新品种蒙茄4号的选育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蒙茄 4号是以 86D0 1 1 1 1为母本 ,79B0 1 2 2 2为父本配制的一代杂种。该品种中早熟 ,始花节位第 7~ 8节。果实近圆形稍扁 ,果皮深紫色 ,光泽度强 ,耐贮运 ,果肉紧密 ,商品性好。平均单果质量 4 0 0~ 4 5 0g,露地每6 6 7m2 产量 4 5 0 0kg左右。适宜露地栽培。  相似文献   
Snow mould, caused by Microdochium nivale , and seedling blight caused by members of the Fusarium complex, are cereal diseases of great economic importance in many temperate zones. In a glasshouse bioassay designed to enhance disease, about 600 plant-associated bacterial isolates obtained by different methods were screened for suppressive effects in wheat against infection caused by Fusarium culmorum . Although most of the isolates tested had a neutral effect on test plants and disease development, a few were synergistic to the pathogen and about one-fifth showed > 80% disease suppression. During five consecutive growing seasons, 164 bacterial isolates were tested in field experiments against both F. culmorum and M. nivale as causal agents of seedling blight. Tests for effects on yield in experiments with spring and winter wheat, performed in different climatic regions of Sweden, showed that disease-suppressive effects were repeatable. The most efficient isolates, three fluorescent pseudomonads and a species of Pantoea , suppressed disease equal to that of the fungicide guazatine, both with respect to crop stand and yield. Seed treatment with Pantoea sp. (isolate MF 626) increased yield by an average of more than 500 kg ha−1 in six field experiments.  相似文献   
烯效唑浸种对黄瓜的壮苗效应   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
研究不同浓度烯效唑浸种对黄瓜幼苗生长发育的影响。结果表明,烯效唑可抑制黄瓜幼苗徒长,使株高降低,比叶重增加,根冠比和壮苗指数增大,叶绿素含量增加,根系活性增强,在形态上和生理上表现出显著的壮苗效应;烯效唑对黄瓜有极显著的增产作用,以20 mg·kg-1处理最佳,促进增产的主要原因是提高了单株结瓜数。  相似文献   
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