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采用生态系统健康的理论和评价方法分析评价农田生态环境问题具有重要的理论和现实意义,应用生态健康指数定量评价农田健康水平是生态系统管理的重要内容。以武川县农田为研究对象,选择水分、生物量、幅宽等代表性指标,分析了不同作物覆盖下农田生态健康指数。结果表明:不同种植模式间农田健康指数差别明显。播种期较早的小麦田最为健康,没有采用地膜覆盖的马铃薯田健康指数最低,而采用地膜覆盖的马铃薯田健康指数比较高。推广小麦栽培和覆膜栽培是北方农牧交错带农田很好的经营管理模式,具有推广价值,是缓解该地区环境的有效手段之一。  相似文献   
浑善达克沙地生态系统现状分析及生态恢复对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
2007年秋作者在锡林郭勒盟正蓝旗宝绍岱苏木查干诺尔嘎查进行了生态环境调查和实践活动,对当地草场严重退化的生态环境问题进行分析研究。从土壤状况、植被层及食物链等方面进行了分析。并提出了用自然力和绿化相结合的方法建立育苗基地、转移物种、坚持绿化工作等途径恢复当地沙地植被,建立生态系统适时监测系统,观测生态系统动态。  相似文献   
用生态经济型植物控制豚草的"绿色污染"   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
豚草是一种严重危害农业生产、人体健康和生物环境的恶性杂草,是一种典型的“绿色污染”。根据群落演替规律,采用具有生态和经济功能的树种创造不利豚草生长的环境,人为创建多物种和谐共存的植物群落,能降低豚草的种群优势,使单一种群优势转变为良性演替的生态系统。  相似文献   
Urban forests (UF) provide a range of important ecosystem services (ES) for human well-being. Relevant ES delivered by UF include urban temperature regulation, runoff mitigation, noise reduction, recreation, and air purification. In this study the potential of air pollution removal by UF in the city of Florence (Italy) was investigated. Two main air pollutants were considered – particulate matter (PM10) and tropospheric ozone (O3) – with the aim of providing a methodological framework for mapping air pollutant removal by UF and assessing the percent removal of air pollutant.The distribution of UF was mapped by high spatial resolution remote sensing data and classified into seven forest categories. The Leaf Area Index (LAI) was estimated spatially using a regression model between in-field LAI survey and Airborne Laser Scanning data and it was found to be in good linear agreement with estimates from ground-based measurements (R2 = 0.88 and RMSE% = 11%). We applied pollution deposition equations by using pollution concentrations measured at urban monitoring stations and then estimated the pollutant removal potential of the UF: annual O3 and PM10 removal accounted for 77.9 t and 171.3 t, respectively. O3 and PM10 removal rates by evergreen broadleaves (16.1 and 27.3 g/m2), conifers (10.9 and 28.5 g/m2), and mixed evergreen species (15.8 and 31.7 g/m2) were higher than by deciduous broadleaf stands (4.1 and 10 g/m2). However, deciduous forests exhibited the largest total removal due to the high percentage of tree cover within the city. The present study confirms that UF play an important role in air purification in Mediterranean cities as they can remove monthly up to 5% of O3 and 13% of PM10.  相似文献   
为揭示喀斯特石漠化生态系统服务功能价值对生态治理的响应,以贵州花江峡谷为例,将提供产品、涵养水源、保持土壤、土壤肥力、固碳释氧5项功能作为服务价值评估指标,选择生态治理两个时段(前期2000—2005年、后期2005—2010年),基于实测与调查数据,采用物质量和价值量相结合的方法对生态系统服务价值进行了估算。研究区10 a的生态系统类型变化过程中,发生转变的面积14.29 hm2,占总面积的27.7%。其中林分、灌丛、其他生态系统面积有所增加,而耕地、裸岩荒地面积大幅度减少。2000—2005年研究区生态系统类型发生转变的面积11.83 hm2,占土地总面积的22.9%,主要变化区域集中在河岸两侧实施退耕还林区域。2005—2010年研究区生态系统类型发生转变的面积仅占总面积的4.8%,与上一阶段相比转变强度明显降低,变化区域较为分散。研究区生态治理后系统服务价值显著增加,2000—2010年共增加9.61×107元,其中前期增额占18.2%,后期占81.8%。前期年均增长3.49×106元,后期年均增长1.57×107元,后期生态服务价值增长更为显著。其中固定CO2、释放O2价值,产品供给价值和土壤肥力都是服务价值主要组成部分。功能价值的增加一方面源于服务价值低的生态系统向服务价值高的演变(10年间研究区耕地和裸岩荒地向经济生态系统转出868.60 hm2),另一方面归功于生态系统内部服务价值的增加,其贡献率大于80%,是驱动服务价值变化的主导因素。生态治理后生态系统类型间发生明显的空间转变,转变强度、场所与所实施生态治理工程的数量、区域密切相关。治理后生态系统类型间发生转变时间响应较快(前期转变面积占总转变面积的83.0%),但主要服务功能恢复期后才大幅度增加(后期增加功能价值占总增额的81.8%),相比较服务价值变化响应有一定滞后性。  相似文献   
In the Oxisols of the eastern plains of Colombia, the large native anecic earthworm Martiodrilus sp. is an abundant ecosystem engineer producing long-lasting casts and burrows. Casts deposited in the soil by this species have been estimated at several tonnes per hectare per year. The physical and chemical processes occurring in these casts have never been studied. In this study, we compared the dynamics of water content (WC), total C (Ctot), and available N (Navail) contents, and the distribution in size of aggregates in ageing below-ground casts of this species and in the bulk soil. In a native herbaceous savannah and a sown grass/legume pasture (Brachiaria humidicola, Arachis pintoi, Desmodium ovalifolium and Stylosanthes capitata), fresh surface casts were experimentally injected into artificial burrows of 1 cm Ø and 10 cm depth and sampled at different dates during a total period of 120 days. The injection procedure used resulted in a 34% decrease in WC of the casts from the sown pasture and reduced the mean mass diameter (MMD) of the aggregates of casts from the savannah by 19%. Other properties were not significantly affected by the procedure.For injected casts in both grasslands, MMD and Ctot were stable during cast ageing while WC and Navail were initially at levels several times higher than the bulk soil and decreased to similar bulk soil values with ageing. The Ctot was twice and one third higher in casts compared with the bulk soil in the pasture and the savannah, respectively. Overall means for cast MMD (8.3 and 7.4 mm) were twice as high as those in the bulk soil (3.8 mm) in the savannah and the pasture, respectively. However, MMD was not significantly different between the casts and the bulk soil in two occasions in the pasture. Available nitrogen (Navail) in injected casts was initially greater than bulk soil levels, reaching maximum levels just after injection (116 and 93 mg kg−1) and remained significantly greater during 1-2 weeks, in the savannah and the pasture, respectively. In conclusion, the tonnes of casts deposited in the soil profile by Martiodrilus sp. each year are likely to contribute greatly to plant nutrition and to the regulation of the soil structure. For each anecic earthworm species, the ecological impact of its below-ground casts is likely to be as important as its surface casts.  相似文献   
生态系统健康理论与评价方法探析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
阐述了生态系统健康理论的形成与发展以及评价生态系统健康的方法和指标 ,并简介了我国生态系统健康理论在温室生态系统的应用。  相似文献   
Tropical insect species show year-round breeding activity due to favourable climatic conditions. However, most species also display seasonal reproductive peaks, but little is known about underlying causes of temporal density changes. We investigated population dynamics of the pest predator Rhynchium haemorrhoidale (F.) (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae) and its natural enemies in relation to season, climate and varying shade tree composition in cacao agroforestry systems in Central Sulawesi (Indonesia). Nesting of R. haemorrhoidale showed clear seasonality with highest densities in the wet season and lowest in the dry season, which was not related to changes in temperature. Wasp densities increased with land-use intensity, presumably because less-shaded areas offer more favourable climatic conditions and higher densities of the major prey, the cacao pest Agathodes caliginosalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Pupal body size was higher in June than in November indicating increasing intraspecific competition due to high wasp densities and food shortage at the beginning of the wet season. Body size between habitat types was similar, thus season appeared to be more important than habitat in terms of food supply. High wasp densities in the wet season were associated with high diversity of the altogether seven parasitoid species. In conclusion, we found a pronounced seasonality of the wasp R. haemorrhoidale and a preference for little shaded agroforestry, which may be due to enhanced temperature and density of its prey. Our data indicate a high potential for biological control of a major cacao pest by management of nesting sites of R. haemorrhoidale.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to assess the role and effectiveness of community organisers in supporting the development of people’s organisations in achieving community-based forest management objectives in Leyte Province Philippines. Community organisers were found to be effective in forming people’s organisations (POs), motivating people to participate in voluntary activities organised by POs and encouraging cohesiveness among PO members. Community organisers manage to raise the level of environmental awareness and knowledge of members of people’s organisations, develop leadership interest and skills, create various livelihood opportunities and provide direction and facilitate the establishment of large tree plantations. However, the short duration of community organisers’ contracts (typically two years) is insufficient to establish mature and cohesive POs prepared to assume management on their own, including the management of tree plantations. Further, lack of training and funding support, low wages, delayed payment of salaries and limited time to work with people’s organisations, as well as the pressure to produce tangible outputs such the establishment of large tree plantations, prevents them from placing greater emphasis on the development and empowerment of the people.  相似文献   
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