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This research analyzes patch development and determines tree spatial patterns along the lower mixed-conifer ecotone on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona (U.S.A.). Patterns of patch development were interpreted from spatial analyses, based on tree age and size, and past records of disturbance and climate. Five plots in the ecotone between mixed conifer forests and monospecific stands of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) were studied for patterns of patch development. The methods used include: (1) size-structure analyses, to compare species patch development; (2) dendrochronological dating of tree establishment; (3) tree ring master chronology, to determine periods of suppressed growth, compared to a Palmer Drought Severity Index; and (4) spatial analyses by species composition, size and age, with univariate and bivariate analyses of spatial association and spatial autocorrelation. We found an increased density of shade-tolerant and fire-intolerant species namely clusters of pole-sized white fir, and fewer large ponderosa pine. This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the climate and growth response of the sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) and the northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) using dendrochronological methods. Tree-ring series of street trees in the city of Dresden, Germany and in a nature reserve close to the urban area were analysed, and the climate and growth response and moving correlation functions (CF) were computed. Moreover, the impact of 13 years of drought was examined by superposed epoch analysis (SEA). Our results show that differences emerge from peculiarities of the different site conditions, indicating that city oaks contain a higher level of noise in their ring width data due to human activities that degrade the strength of growth-climate associations. Importantly, climatic conditions during the previous summer and autumn and during the current spring season display significant correlations with annual growth. The stability of the climate–growth relationship was tested via moving correlation functions. A strong increase in the correlation with the temperature and precipitation in April was found for the trees of northern red oak in forests. Drought years induced significant reductions in radial growth for the northern red oak only. Nevertheless, the long-term impact of drought years must be considered as marginal because of the fast recovery of the radial growth after one to two years. In the future, the growth of the northern red oak may be restricted by an increased frequency of droughts and warmer and drier conditions in April.  相似文献   
Dendrogeomorphological analyses of trees affected by debris flows have regularly been used to date past events. However, this method has always been limited to forested cones where trees registered the impact of previous events. The minimum age dating of trees growing in the debris deposits can, in contrast, provide information on the latest possible moment of past activity. In this paper, we report on results obtained from a combination of these two approaches on a forested cone in the Valais Alps (Switzerland). A detailed geomorphic map in a scale of 1:1000 served as a basis for the sampling strategy. Disturbed Larix decidua Mill. and Picea abies (L.) Karst. trees growing in the deposits allowed reconstruction of 49 events between AD 1782 and 2005 as well as the determination of the spatial extent of events. In the debris-flow channels where survivor trees are missing, we selected the oldest post-event trees and assessed their age by counting their growth rings. Missing rings due to lack of center as well as to sampling height were added so as to determine real tree age. The combination of the dendrogeomorphological event reconstruction with the assessment of germination dates of successor trees allowed realistic approximation of the minimum time elapsed since the last debris-flow activity in 23 of the 29 channels present on the current-day cone surface. In general, channels in the northern part of the cone and those close to the currently active channel generally show signs of (sub-) recent activity with one last overbank sedimentation event in the 1980s, whereas signs of debris-flow activity are absent from the channels in the outermost part since the late 19th century. As a consequence of the deeply incised channel and the stabilization measures undertaken along the banks, signs of debris flows are missing in the tree-ring record for the past two decades.  相似文献   
Using eight populations of Scots pine growing in foothills of the Sudetes (southern Poland) as an example, the character and causes of annual ring variation in 1900–1999 were studied. The climate had a short-term effect on radial growth during the whole period investigated. A long-term decrease of radial growth occurred after 1960, but only in some localities. It was probably caused by non-climatic factors, most likely by industrial pollution. The decline of trees during that period is mainly evidenced by a high variation of width of annual rings, a small similarity of chronologies of annual ring widths, and a lack of signal years. After 1990, the tree recovery process was evident. It was most intensive in localities where the earlier stress was the most severe. Then, trees started to produce wide annual rings, homogeneity of the growth reaction increased, and the signal years began to occur.  相似文献   
Coarse woody debris pools and their decay class dynamics were studied in three areas of unmanaged boreal forest in northern Finland, and in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk provinces in northwestern Russia. The study areas had varying climatic and edaphic conditions, and disturbance histories. Living and dead trees (diameter at 1.3 m height ≥10 cm) were measured in five late-successional Picea abies-dominated stands in each of the three areas. Wood density and time since death were determined from randomly sampled dead P. abies, and their decay class dynamics were modeled using stage-based matrix models.  相似文献   
We developed a 378-year tree-ring-width chronology based on 110 core samples from 55 individual trees of Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr. growing in a wide open forest close to the tree line in the Kronotsky National Park. Reflecting strong climatic control over tree growth not only within the study area but also more extensively over central Kamchatka, our chronology was well correlated with those from other larch sites. Response analysis with 10-day mean temperature revealed that the ring width was primarily controlled by the temperature of early summer, i.e., of late May through late June (40 days). While the regression models for a formal reconstruction failed to pass stringent verification tests commonly used in dendroclimatology, the relationship between tree growth and climate was statistically significant and credible. We therefore used our chronology as a proxy of early summer temperature. The chronology shows a cool period from the 1660s until the 1680s, followed by gradual warming until ca. 1800, then by a slight cooling trend extending to ca. 1910, and a warming trend continuing up to the present, with decadal fluctuations throughout the chronology. The warming trend found in our chronology over the twentieth century is generally consistent with the ones commonly appearing in higher latitudes.  相似文献   
采用树木年代学的方法,按照珙桐的分布特点分海拔下限(1400 m~1500 m),中部(1 600 m~1 700 m),上限(1 800 m~1 900 m),研究不同海拔梯度下北川珙桐种群的年龄结构,结果表明:海拔上限珙桐年龄结构偏大,缺乏幼苗及30 a~40a的个体;在海拔中部,30 a~40 a的个体占的比例较大,争夺空间和资源的能力更强;海拔下限的实生幼苗较多.在中部海拔分布的珙桐较多,且年龄结构集中在30 a~40 a之间,低海拔的种群特征是以幼苗为优势,而高海拔面有的幼苗却很少,表明海拔对珙桐种群年龄结构有重要的影响.  相似文献   
Urban forests have many positive effects on human health and recreation. However, urban areas can create stressful environments for native trees, leading to increased mortality and an altered ecosystem. Here, we compare growth variability and the climate response from old (>200 years) L. tulipifera growing in an urban forest in Bloomington, IN to surrounding non-urban sites in southern Indiana using dendrochronological techniques. We found that L. tulipifera growing in the urban forest responded similarly with small differences to climate compared to the non-urban sites. Radial growth from urban L. tulipifera had statistically similar correlation values with temperature, soil moisture, and precipitation compared to the trees in non-urban forests. Growth variability between the urban and non-urban L. tulipifera trees showed good agreement through time with the exception of the 20th century, where the urban forest experienced a stand-wide release from competition. Our results indicate that some urban forests may function similarly to non-urban forests from an ecological perspective. These findings suggest management practices from non-urban old-growth forest could be useful for management of rare urban old-growth forests.  相似文献   
Coastal erosion is a widespread phenomenon on sandy coasts throughout the Mediterranean region; along the Thyrrenian coast of Tuscany (Italy), stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) stands originally planted for the protection of agricultural crops further inland are often damaged. In the present study, a pairwise comparison of stands at different distance from the sea at eroded and control sites highlighted the effects of coastal erosion alone on pine growth and function. Dendroecological analyses made it possible to determine the temporal dynamics of the phenomenon since 1930 and the interactions with climate, whilst additional structural (LAI, sapwood area) and functional (carbon isotope discrimination) measurements were used to discriminate between stress mechanisms. Salty winds, exacerbated by the removal of dunal vegetation, were found to be the most likely cause of the observed growth decline. The presence and, in more recent times, the reduction of surfactants in sea water played an important synergistic effect. The intrusion of salty water in the water table, on the contrary, played a marginal role at the site. Finally, stressed trees were more sensitive to the inter-annual variability in precipitation; at all sites, growth was stimulated by June, November and December precipitation in the current and two preceding years.  相似文献   
Tree-ring analysis was applied to assess the impacts of the fungal disease Swiss needle cast on the radial growth of mature Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forests in the western Oregon Coast Range. Although considered endemic to the Pacific Northwest, Swiss needle cast has significantly lowered productivity in Douglas-fir forests only in the past 20–30 years. To date, studies on Swiss needle cast impacts have almost exclusively involved young (<30 years) plantation trees. To better describe the history of Swiss needle cast and its impacts on older (>80 years) trees, we extracted tree cores from dominant and codominant Douglas-fir and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) in three even-aged stands in western Oregon. In the least affected stand growth rates of both species did not significantly differ, while at the most severely diseased site Douglas-fir radial growth was reduced by as much as 85%. Growth reductions likely associated with Swiss needle cast were dated to as early as 1950, though the most severe impacts occurred after 1984. An index of Swiss needle cast severity significantly (p < 0.01) related to instrumental records of air temperatures such that warm conditions from March through August were associated with reduced radial growth at the most severely affected site. Overall, this study demonstrates that even mature forests of natural origin are susceptible to severe growth reductions by Swiss needle cast, that warmer spring and summer temperatures are associated with Swiss needle cast impacts, and that the disease appears to be increasing in severity.  相似文献   
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