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Stratospheric ozone (O3) depletion has led to increased terrestrial ultraviolet‐B (UV‐B) radiation (290–320 nm). Leaves exposed to this radiation produce UV‐absorbing compounds in the epidermal cells, which protect plants from UV‐B damage. To determine the role of UV‐absorbing compounds in the UV‐B sensitivity of weeds (common chickweed (Stellaria media), downy brome (Bromus tectorum), green smartweed (Polygonum scabrum), redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), spotted cat’s‐ear (Hypochoeris radicata), and stork’s‐bill (Erodium cicutarium)) seedlings were exposed to 0, 4 (field ambient), 7 (18% O3 depletion) and 11 (37% O3 depletion) kJ m?2 d?1 of biologically effective UV‐B radiation in a greenhouse. Ultraviolet‐absorbing compounds were extracted from the second true‐leaf (0.5 cm2 samples) with methanol : distilled water : HCl (79 : 20 : 1) in an 85°C water bath for 15 min, and the absorbance of the extracts measured at 300 nm. The shoot dry biomass was recorded to determine the susceptibility to UV‐B radiation. Common chickweed was the most sensitive and green smartweed the least sensitive weed to UV‐B radiation. The latter accumulated more UV‐absorbing compounds and this accumulation occurred earlier compared with common chickweed. As UV‐BBE radiation levels increased from 0 to 11 kJ m?2 d?1, the green smartweed shoot biomass did not decline. However, the biomass of all five susceptible species declined despite an increase in the UV‐absorbing compounds in response to increased UV‐B radiation. Therefore, formation of a ‘UV‐screen’ in these species is not sufficient to fully prevent UV‐B damage. When the concentration of UV‐absorbing compounds in the six species was plotted against their susceptibility to UV‐B radiation, no relationship was observed. Thus, while the accumulation of UV‐absorbing compounds may be a major factor in the protection of certain species against UV‐B radiation and may offer some degree of defence in other species, it does not explain UV‐B susceptibility differences in weedy species in general.  相似文献   
In the United States, yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) is an annual invasive weed with Mediterranean origins. Malformed plants displaying witches' broom, fasciations, abortion of buds and flower virescence symptoms were observed in central Italy. Attempts to transmit the causal agent from the natural yellow starthistle host to periwinkle by grafting, resulted in typical symptoms of a phytoplasma, i.e. yellowing and shortening of internodes. The detection of phytoplasmas was obtained from both symptomatic yellow starthistle and periwinkle by the specific amplification of their 16S-23S rRNA genes. PCR amplification of extracted DNA from symptomatic plant samples gave a product of expected size. Asymptomatic plants did not give positive results. An amplicon obtained by direct PCR with universal primers P1/P7 was cloned and sequenced. The homology search using CLUSTALW program showed more than 99% similarity with Illinois elm yellows (ILEY) phytoplasma from Illinois (United States) and 97% with Brinjal little leaf (BLL) phytoplasma from India. Digestion of the nested-PCR products with restriction enzymes led to restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns referable to those described for phytoplasmas belonging to the clover proliferation (16S-VI) group. Since this is a previously undescribed disease, the name Centaurea solstitialis virescence has been tentatively assigned to it. This is a new phytoplasma with closest relationships to ILEY and BLL, but distinguishable from them on the basis of 16S rDNA homology, the different associated plant hosts and their geographical origin.  相似文献   
14%快八可湿性粉剂能有效地防除冬小麦一年生阔叶杂草及具有杀草谱广、用药量少、活性高、见效快、对作物安全等特点,是一种较理想的混配茎叶处理剂。  相似文献   
杨愉琴 《青海草业》2006,15(2):53-54,45
通过对贵德县常牧乡切扎村毒草危害状况的调查,毒草危害面积为0.63×104hm2,基本摸清了其分布情况及危害程度,并提出了防治建议,对于今后开展防治工作具有指导意义。  相似文献   
74.7%农民乐防除休闲耕地杂草试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用农民乐防除休闲地杂草,结果表明,74.7%农民乐对苣荬菜的防除适宜剂量为1 500g.hm-2;对野胡萝卜为750—1 050g.hm-2;赖草、硬枝早熟禾为2 250g.hm-2;对西伯利亚蓼、三脉紫菀、茵陈蒿为3 000g.hm-2。  相似文献   
抗虫耐除草剂棉花生存竞争能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验对抗虫耐除草剂棉花639017、当地棉花冀棉106在两种土壤类型条件下开展生存竞争能力研究。结果表明:正常播种条件下,抗虫耐除草剂棉花和冀棉106在大坝沙壤土出苗率低于5%,在试验基地壤土出苗率低于10%,两种土壤类型下,棉花覆盖度均远低于杂草覆盖度,棉花株高仅20 cm左右,未完成正常生长发育。在地表撒播试验中,试验棉花均未出苗。另外栽培地竞争试验中,抗虫耐除草剂棉花株高及产量均低于冀棉106,部分生育期差异显著。表明:外源基因的导入并未增强抗虫耐除草剂棉花的生存竞争能力,因此,抗虫耐除草剂棉花无杂草化风险。  相似文献   
【目的】分析减量施肥对冬小麦休闲期农田杂草物种多样性及生态化学计量特征的影响,旨在为化肥农药“双减”政策产生的生态环境效应科学评价提供参考。【方法】以陕西杨凌曹新庄试验地冬小麦肥料试验为基础,设置不施肥(CK)、减量施肥(氮(N)、磷(P2O5)用量分别为165和122 kg/hm2)和常规施肥(N、P2O5用量分别为220和160 kg/hm2)3个处理,测定不同处理小麦产量及夏季休闲期农田杂草的生物量、株高、盖度、多度、频度、丰富度,以及藜、狗尾草和马唐的有机碳、全氮、全磷含量,计算植物多样性指标及生态化学计量比(C/N、C/P、N/P),研究减量施肥对农田杂草物种多样性及生态化学计量特征的影响。【结果】与对照相比,减量施肥和常规施肥处理均对冬小麦休闲期农田杂草的生物量、株高、盖度、多度、频度有明显影响,冬小麦籽粒产量和杂草生物量增加;施肥处理藜和地锦草的株高和生物量均显著增加,其他农田杂草的株高和生物量总体降低。与对照相比,施肥处理苋的有机碳含量以及藜、狗尾草、马唐和葎草的全氮含量均显著增加,藜、马唐全磷含量显著降低。相较于常规施肥,减量施肥处理狗尾草全磷含量显著降低。与对照相比,减量施肥和常规施肥处理藜、狗尾草和马唐氮磷比和碳磷比总体显著增加,碳氮比显著降低。相对于常规施肥处理,减量施肥处理缓解了藜和马唐氮磷比的增加幅度。与对照相比,施肥处理的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson多样性指数和Margalef丰富度指数均显著降低;与减量施肥处理相比,常规施肥处理Pielou均匀度指数与丰富度显著降低。植物β多样性指数表明,常规施肥对小区植物多样性的影响最大。【结论】减量施肥和常规施肥处理冬小麦休闲期农田杂草的物种多样性均明显降低,但减量施肥处理缓解了常规施肥对农田杂草生物多样性和生态化学计量特征的影响。  相似文献   
【目的】施肥和除草是农业生产中两大重要的管理措施。近年来,施肥位置作为一种精准施肥措施越来越引起关注,本研究调查了施肥位置与杂草防控在玉米、马铃薯间作中对作物生长和产量的影响。【方法】采用2∶2间作行比,进行了玉米、马铃薯间作大田试验。杂草管理设除草和不除草,施肥位置处理包括:均匀施肥(HF)、种间行施肥(TERF)和种内行施肥(TRAF),共6个处理,每个处理3次重复。调查了间作玉米、马铃薯的株高、生物量、根系总生物量和产量,以及杂草生物量。【结果】施肥位置和杂草管理对玉米产量、生物量和株高均有显著影响,且存在显著的交互效应(产量P <0.001、生物量P=0.002、株高P=0.007)。相比于均匀施肥,在不除草情况下,种间行和种内行施肥均显著提高了玉米的产量、生物量和株高。而在除草情况下,种内行施肥显著提高了玉米的产量和生物量,种间行施肥仅显著增加了玉米的株高。除草对马铃薯株高无显著影响(P=0.494),但显著提高了马铃薯产量和生物量(P <0.001)。施肥位置对马铃薯产量(P=0.114)、生物量(P=0.580)和株高(P=0.772)均无显著影响。在均匀施肥和种内行施肥下,除草显著提高根系总生物量(P <0.001),但在种间行施肥下则无显著影响。不论除草与否,与均匀施肥相比,种内行施肥显著提高了玉米、马铃薯的根系总生物量(P <0.001)。施肥位置(P=0.001)和生长位置(P <0.001)均对杂草生物量有显著影响。与均匀施肥相比,种内行施肥显著降低种间行和马铃薯种内行的杂草生物量,而种间行施肥对种间行杂草生物量无显著影响,但显著降低两种作物的种内行杂草生物量。【结论】在玉米、马铃薯间作体系中,种内行施肥结合除草,可显著促进玉米和马铃薯根系发育,抑制杂草生物量,进而提高产量及肥料施用效果。  相似文献   
湿润直播稻田杂草出苗动态与发生规律   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
 1996~1997年在浙江嘉兴调查了湿润直播稻田杂草出苗动态和发生规律,并比较了直播与移栽,早稻、单季晚稻与连作晚稻直播,翻耕与免耕直播间杂草发生差异。湿润直播稻田杂草以稗草、千金子、异型莎草、节节菜、陌上菜为主,其次有通泉草、丁香蓼、水芹。禾本科、莎草科和阔叶杂草种类数分别占25.0%、18.8%和56.2%,出苗数量分别占11.2%、11.6%和77.2%。单季晚稻直播田稗草、千金子发生重于其他直播田,直播田稗草和千金子数量明显高于移栽田。直播田杂草于播种后3~4 d陆续出苗,1~3周达到高峰。连作晚稻直播田播后6~8周出现明显的第二个出苗高峰。以阔叶杂草为绝对优势的翻耕直播田杂草发生重于免耕田。直播田杂草数量自然消长呈现与出苗动态相同的趋势。直播田杂草发生以稗草、千金子、丁香蓼较早,节节菜、陌上菜、通泉草次之,异型莎草和水芹较迟。稗草、千金子及其他几种主要杂草出苗高峰均呈单峰状态,而节节菜、陌上菜在连作晚稻直播田的出苗则为双峰。  相似文献   
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