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来到奈曼旗沙日浩来林场,映入眼帘的是一片片挺拔伟岸、碗口粗的白杨树。沙日浩来林场职工张国忠高兴地说:“2005年场里实施林地承包政策以来,职工的积极性提高了,各家争着抢着承包土地植树造林,我家承包了80亩地,全部栽上了树,并发展林下经济,每年可收入五、六万元呢!”说到家庭林场的好处,  相似文献   
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白杨树的枝叶富含鞣酸、单宁酸及抑菌成分,可治疗幼畜的腹泻疾病且效果显著。曲坛镇磨合村谢某饲养的4头仔猪发生白痢,用鲜杨树枝叶250g切碎,加水500ml,煎30~45min后温服,每次10ml/头,2次/d,2~3d后基本治愈。曲坛镇朵巴营村马某饲养的3月龄羔羊发生腹泻,灌服杨树枝叶水煎液50ml  相似文献   
张建恒 《农村电工》2012,20(6):40-40
2011年7月初一个雨后下午,我和父亲一同去修理自家的白杨树。其中有一棵树距离35kV高压线较近。我知道如果树枝碰到高压线后果会很严重,所以还特意嘱咐父亲:"咱们要防着点,可别电着。"话说完没几分钟,意外还是发生了,在我蹬着梯子往树梢攀爬时,突然一种触电感觉从右手入从脚底出,还好随即消失了。我是这样分析触电事故原因的。我在往高处爬时,脚蹬的梯子对柔弱的树干产生一定的推力,致使树枝碰到了高压线,那时我正好用右  相似文献   
从选地、整地、杨树插条的选择及处理和种植后的管理方面介绍了速生白杨树的栽培技术。  相似文献   
The visible and near infrared (NIR) (350-2500 nm) spectra and the MOE of 438 small clear wood samples from Chinese fir, eucalyptus and poplar 72 were measured. Using partial least-square (PLS) modeling, the NIR spectra could be used to predict MOE and MOR of the clear-wood samples from Chinese fir and eucalyptus solid wood. NIR spectra could only be used to Predict MOE but not MOR of poplar clear-wood samples. With the exception of MoR of poplar clear-wood samples, the correlations between NIR and the mechanical properties are very strong, and the calibration and test correlation coefficients are both above 0.80.  相似文献   
Populus tomento a was crossed with P. tremuloidis, P grandiden ata, P. lba × P. grandidentata and P. alba × Ulmus s . ta pumila in order to maintain its rapid growth and high wood quality and improve its resistance to cold. Two methods were used to increase the germination rate from 1.5% to 41.1% and the remaining rate from 1.7% to 44.2%. Forty crossing combinations were conducted and 2 744 hybrid seedlings were obtained. MX. t4 × P grandiden ata (G-1-58), MX3 × P. tremuloidis (T-44-60), MX2 × P. tremuloidis (l-13-87-37) and MX2 × (P. alba × P. grandidentata) were regarded as superior combinations after analysis and selection. Thirty seedlings of these combinations and 11 triploid seedlings identified by counting their chromosomes were selected as super plants.  相似文献   
一趟西北之行,竟意外地遇见了梦中的白杨树。之所以说意外,是因为,去之前我满脑子都是黄土高坡和塞外辽阔的草原等影像,压根就没有想到白杨树会闯入我的旅程,并且长时间地占据我的大脑空间,令视野所及其他景物都黯然失色。  相似文献   
曹蚓 《科学种养》2008,(11):20-20
我村村民晏定贵经过多次观察试验,于近两年试验成功白杨、泡桐无性繁殖简易法。这种育苗方法既可节省种子、劳力,又不占空地,而且成活率高。方法是在冬春两季间,用锄头在成材的白杨树下,每隔5—7厘米浅挖几锄;在成林的泡桐树下,把露在地面上“手指粗”的根按每50厘米1段顺1个方向挖断,挖断的小段埋进土里或不埋均可。两种树苗在当年秋季就可从挖过的地方长出数棵小苗来,秋冬季即可出圃移栽。  相似文献   
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