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Exotic animals are becoming increasingly popular and more exotic pet owners are seeking veterinary care. This has led to a demand for properly trained veterinarians who are capable of providing quality, up-to-date medical and surgical treatments. Many surgeries are now performed on exotic pets, and selection of the appropriate suture material is an important part of the treatment protocol. An understanding of different available suture materials, healing times of different tissues, and knowledge of different anatomic and physiologic characteristics in different species is important in the selection of the most appropriate suture material. This review will summarize important aspects of suture selection in exotic animals.  相似文献   
A 15‐year‐old Hanoverian mare presented with a 10‐day history of facial swelling in the right maxillary and frontal regions, left epiphora and intermittent right epistaxis. Radiographs revealed suture exostosis of both nasofrontal sutures and a deviated and thickened nasal septum. Computed tomography (CT) of the skull revealed exostosis of the nasolacrimal sutures and ducts bilaterally of both nasofrontal sutures and of the right zygomatocomaxillary and lacrimomaxillary sutures. The mid‐to‐caudal aspect of the nasal septum was thickened and had multiple well demarcated hypoattenuated regions within the septum. Histological examination of biopsies taken from the right nasofrontal suture and the nasal septal mass revealed suture exostosis and nasal septum chondrosarcoma. The horse was treated with rest and anti‐inflammatories. The facial swelling and left epiphora were improved at 7 months telephone follow‐up. This report is the first to describe a nasal septum chondrosarcoma in a horse. Additionally, we suggest that the suture exostosis may have developed due to an alteration of the biomechanics of the skull sutures secondary to the septal tumour.  相似文献   
为使手术创达到第一期愈合,采取了一系列综合性预防措施,使所做的27例临床手术均获得一期愈合、主要措施如下: 器械消毒采用0.1%新洁尔灭溶液消毒,在手术过程中器械一直浸泡在此消毒药中。手术室地面用自来水冲洗,室外地面喷洒2%耒苏儿。手术区剪毛后,用0.1%新洁尔灭溶液消毒。病畜麻醉采用静松灵配合局部浸润麻醉。手术人员的手臂清洗之后,用0.1%新洁尔灭溶液消毒。严防感染的器官和内脏器官的内容物污染手术切口。创口一律用0.1%新洁尔灭溶液冲洗,散布青霉素,并作密闭缝合。大手术作术中输液。手术后的病畜至少注射7天青霉素和链霉素。手术创达到一期愈合,具有重要的经济价值,一直是外料工作者研究盼主要课题,过去虽然采取多方面的予防措施,但在临床手术中仍经常发生感染,后来不断对消毒和具体操作进行探索与改进,取得了满意的效果,所施行的27例临床手术均获得一期愈合。牛病:瘤胃积食2例、瘤胃泡沫性臌气1例,瘤胃与腹壁粘连2例、瘤胃痿管1例、创伤性网胃炎2例、真胃右方变位1例、肠闭结1例、肾旁脓肿1例、腹壁疝1例、剖腹产10例、腹壁肿瘤1例。马属动物疾病:腹壁疝1例、尿道结石1例、膝盖骨上方脱位1例、屈腱挛缩1例。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine failure strength, stiffness, and failure mode of 4 suture materials in equine linea alba. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized complete block design. SAMPLE POPULATION: Linea albas collected from 12 adult horses (mean weight, 475 kg; mean age, 10 years). METHODS: The ventral abdominal fascia, including the linea alba, was collected and bisected along the linea alba into right and left halves. Each half was divided into four, 5-cm sections extending from the umbilicus cranially, and randomly assigned to 1 of 4 suture materials: 2 polydioxanone (2 PD), 3 polyglactin 910 (3 PG), 6 polyglactin 910 (6 PG), and 7 polydioxanone (7 PD). A single cycle to failure test was performed on each specimen at a distraction rate of 100 mm/min. Differences in failure strength and stiffness for the materials were evaluated using a mixed linear model with significance set at P<.05. RESULTS: In 94 of 96 test sections, constructs failed by suture failure. There were significant differences in failure strength (P<.0001) and stiffness (P<.001) among the suture/tissue constructs. 7 PD had the highest breaking strength (316.8 N) followed by 6 PG (281.3 N), 3 PG (229.9 N), and 2 PD (193.0 N). Six PG had the largest stiffness (14 N/mm) followed by 3 PG (12.7 N/mm), 7 PD (10.1 N/mm), and 2 PD (7.2 N/mm). Suture breaking strength and stiffness were not affected by linea or fascia thickness, individual horse, half of the linea alba, or abdominal wall position. Eighty-five (90.4%) suture loops failed adjacent the knot. CONCLUSIONS: When tested in single cycle to failure, suture material was more likely to fail than the linea alba. Larger suture materials had higher breaking strengths than smaller suture materials and stiffness was also affected by suture material and size. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Given its high initial breaking strength and its relatively longer in vivo strength retention, 7 PD seems an appropriate choice of suture material for closure of the equine linea alba when maximal short-term failure strength is desired.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To compare ease of insertion, load to failure, and mode of failure of cortical and cancellous screws, BoneBiter, IMEX, and TwinFix suture anchors in canine metaphyseal tibial bone. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental biomechanical study. ANIMALS: Canine cadaveric tibias. METHODS: One investigator inserted all anchors and subjectively evaluated ease of placement. Anchor systems were loaded to failure along axis of insertion with audio-video recording to determine failure mode. RESULTS: BoneBiter was the most difficult anchor to insert successfully. Mean+/-SD loads to failure were cancellous screw (711+/-193 N), IMEX 4.7 mm 18 g wire (661+/-163 N), IMEX 4.0 mm 18 g wire (661+/-165 N), cortical screw (635+/-184 N), BoneBiter #5 Kevlar suture (393+/- 109 N), and TwinFix 5.0 mm #2 polyester (267+/-73 N). No significant differences were noted among the cortical screw, cancellous screw, IMEX 4.7 and 4.0 mm, all of which were significantly (P<.001) greater than BoneBiter and TwinFix . Failure modes were pullout of bone, suture-wire breakage, eyelet breakage, or no failure to 1000 N: screws (18,0,0,2), IMEX (18,1,1,0), BoneBiter (2,8,0,0), and TwinFix (0,10,0,0). CONCLUSIONS: Fixation devices were user friendly, with the exception of BoneBiter. Mode of failure is dependent on suture material and anchor design. Cortical and cancellous screws, and IMEX anchors with 18 g wire have significantly greater load to failure compared with BoneBiter and TwinFix suture anchors. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Based on load to failure, ease of use, design characteristics, and cost, IMEX anchors may have advantages over other comparable soft tissue fixation devices.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To report the use of a nylon suture system (Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament Repair System; Securos Inc Veterinary Orthopedics) as a prosthesis for equine laryngoplasty. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental and prospective clinical study. ANIMALS: Cadaver specimens (n = 5) and 7 horses with left laryngeal hemiplegia. METHODS: A commercially available monofilament nylon suture system was implanted as a laryngeal prosthesis. Arytenoid cartilage abduction was achieved with a tensioning device applied to the suture prosthesis during transnasal endoscopic observation. Suture fixation was achieved with crimping clamps and a crimping device. RESULTS: The nylon suture system was suitable as a laryngeal prosthesis for arytenoid cartilage abduction. The ratchet mechanism of the tensioning device facilitated abduction of the arytenoid cartilage and suture fixation was achieved by the crimped clamp without any loss of tension. Postoperatively, there was a slight loss of tension in 4 horses and complete loss of tension in 1 horse because of cartilage failure. After convalescence, none of the horses had abnormal respiratory noise, exercise intolerance or cough. CONCLUSIONS: A nylon suture system designed for canine cranial cruciate ligament repair was used successfully as a laryngeal prosthesis and facilitated control of the degree of arytenoid cartilage abduction during laryngoplasty. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: For improved control of the degree of arytenoid cartilage abduction during laryngoplasty, use of a nylon suture system with metal crimps should be considered.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: (1) To determine whether an extracapsular patellar ligament/fascia lata graft would provide stability in the cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL)-deficient stifle comparable with that of the intact stifle. (2) To determine if different tibial anchor points would enhance stability of the CrCLdeficient stifle when compared with the standard fabellar-tibial suture (FTS) placement. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental. ANIMALS: Twenty-eight canine cadaver hind limbs. METHODS: Stifles were mounted in a jig and tested between loads of -65 and 80 N. After testing the intact CrCL, 4 stabilization techniques were tested after CrCL transection: lateral graft technique (LGT) and 3 FTS with different tibial anchor points. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in displacement between the LGT and standard FTS, between the LGT and the intact CrCL, or between the FTS and the intact CrCL, in either the Securos or the Screw-washer experiments. Stiffness of the intact CrCL was significantly greater than that of any stabilization technique and the cut CrCL. The standard FTS showed the least displacement of all suture stabilization techniques. Differences in stiffness were not significant between the suture stabilization techniques. CONCLUSIONS: Securely anchored, the LGT results in a reduction in drawer motion similar to that of the intact CrCL and the standard FTS. Altering the tibial anchor point for the FTS does not improve stiffness or enhance stabilization of the CrCL-deficient stifle. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The LGT could be used for the treatment of CrCL ruptures in the dog. A clinical study is recommended.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To characterize the mechanical performance of a veterinary bone anchor under static and cyclic loads. STUDY DESIGN: Mechanical testing study. ANIMALS: Cadaveric canine humeri. METHODS: Humeri (6 pairs) were collected from skeletally mature dogs (mean [+/-SD] age, 17.2+/-2.1 months; weight, 20.8+/-1.5 kg). Bone anchors were inserted in the proximal metaphysis using nylon, and were longitudinally extracted. For the opposite humerus, anchors were subjected to longitudinal cyclic load (50% of the load at failure of their pair) for 1200 cycles then longitudinally loaded to failure. Anchors were then installed in a similar and adjacent area of these 2(nd) humeri with nylon and cyclically tested perpendicular to the axis of anchor insertion (100% of the longitudinal holding power of their pair) for 1200 cycles, then perpendicularly loaded to failure. Paired t-tests were used to compare holding power before and after longitudinal cyclic testing. RESULTS: Longitudinal holding power of the screw-type anchor in the proximal humerus was 385+/-30 N. Anchor pullout was the only mode of failure. Anchors in the paired humeri did not fail after 1200 cycles of 50% longitudinal loading, and post-cycle holding strength was not different (335+/-87 N; P=.32). Perpendicularly loaded anchors did not fail after 1200 cycles of 100% of opposite longitudinal holding strength, and had post-cycle perpendicular holding strengths of 514+/-72 N. Suture breakage was the mode of failure. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Bone anchor holding strength is dependent on orientation of suture load. Screw-type bone anchor holding strength was not affected by longitudinal cyclic loading, and holding strengths of approximately 385 N can be expected in metaphyseal bone of large-breed mature dogs. Perpendicularly loaded anchors have higher failure loads, and holding strength of approximately 514 N can be expected in metaphyseal bone of the proximal humerus.  相似文献   

The macroscopic and histological appearance of jejunal antimesenteric incisions approximated with two different absorbable suture materials (monofilament versus multifilament) and three closure techniques (appositional single layer, crushing single layer, and double layer) were compared in healthy dogs at 14 or 28 days, postoperatively. No significant differences between the two suture materials were observed for most of the macroscopic or histological variables. However, the monofilament suture material caused significantly more fibrous tissue reaction in the muscular layer of the jejunum than did the multifilament suture material. Of the three enterotomy closure techniques used in this study, the appositional single‐layer method proved to be the best. The double‐layer closure method caused a significant decrease in the incisional circumference, the relative circumference, and volume of the jejunum, and a significant increase in jejunal wall thickness. Our findings suggest that canine jejunal enterotomy incisions can be closed using an appositional suture pattern with relatively rapidly absorbable monofilament suture material. The use of double‐layer suture patterns for closure of jejunal enterotomy incisions should be avoided because the size of the intestinal lumen may be reduced.  相似文献   
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