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Abstract Aspects of colonization of the canine skin with bacteria are reviewed. Owing to variability in sampling techniques, anatomical sites involved and lack of temporal studies, there is still controversy as to which bacteria are residents or transients on the canine skin. The establishment of the cutaneous flora is determined by the ability of bacteria to adhere to canine corneocytes, to use available nutrients from skin secretions and to resist challenge from competing bacteria. Variations in humidity and temperature due to environment, skin folds or differences in the haircoat are also likely to have an effect. Much research has focused around Staphylococcus intermedius, the main pathogen of the canine skin but its cutaneous residency status remains questionable. Pathological conditions such as atopy and seborrhoea favour the colonization of S. intermedius and predispose to infection. Recent studies indicate that bacterial interference as a method of preventing colonization of pathogenic staphylococci may be feasible. Résumé— Les aspects de la colonisation de la peau canine par des bactéries sont étudiées. A cause de la variabilité des techniques de prélèvements, des sites anatomiques, et du caratère ponctuel des études, le doute subsiste toujours quant à savoir quelle sont les bactéries résidentes ou transitoires sur la peau de chien. L'établissement d'une flore cutanée est déterminée par la capacité de la bactérie à adhérer aux cornéocytes canines, à utiliser les nutriments disponibles à partir des sécrétions cutanées et à résister aux autres bactéries qui concourent à l'occupation des memes sites. Les variations d'humidité et de température, dues à l'environnement, aux plis de peau et aux différences de pelage jouent probablement un role. La plupart des études concernent Staphylococcus intermedius, l'agent pathogène principal de la peau du chien, mais son statut de résident cutané est toujours débattu. Des conditions pathologiques telles que l'atopie et la séborrhée favorisent la colonisation par S. intermedius et prédisposent à l'infection. Des études récentes indiquent que l'interférence bactérienne peut être envisagée comme une méthode de prévention de la colonisation cutanée par un staphylocoque pathogène. [Saijonmaa-Koulumies, L. & Lloyd, D. H. Colonization of the canine skin with bacteria (Colonisation de la peau canine par des bactéries). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 153–162.] Resumen Se revisan algunos aspectos de la colonización bacteriana en la piel canina. Existe aún controversia sobre qué bacterias son résidentes o transitorias en la piel del perro, debido a la variabilidad en las técnicas de recolección, localización y falta de estudios temporales. El establecimiento de la flora cutánea depende de su capacidad de adhesión a los corneocitos, de utilizar los nutrientes de las secreciones cutáneas y de resistir la competencia de otras bacterias. También es probable que tengan un papel los cambios de humedad y temperatura por los pliegues cutáneos o las diferencias en el pelaje. Se ha centrado mucha investigación en Staphylococcus intermedius, el principal patógeno de la piel canina, aunque se sigue cuestionando su existencia como residente cutáneo. Situaciones patológicas como la atopia o la seborrea favorecen la colonización por S. intermedius y predisponen a infección. Algunos estudios recientes indican que es factible la interferencia bacteriana como método de prevenir la colonización por estafilococos patógenos. [Saijonmaa-Koulumies, L. & Lloyd, D. H. Colonization of the canine skin with bacteria (Colonizacion de la piel cannina con bacterias). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 153–162.] Zusammenfassung— Es werden Aspekte der Besiedelung der Hundehaut mit Bakterien dargestellt. Entsprechend der Variabilität in der Probenentnahme, verwendeten anatomischen Regionen und dem Mangel an temporären Studien exisitieren immer noch unterschiedliche Ansichten, ob Bakterien auf der Haut des Hundes als resident oder transient gelten. Die Aufstellung der kutanen Flora wird durch die Fähigkeit der Bakterien bestimmt, sich an die kaninen Korneozyten anzuheften, verfügbare Nährstoffe aus den Hautsekretionen zu verwenden und sich gegenüber konkurrierenden Keimen zu behaupten. Veränderungen in Feuchtigkeit und Temperatur in Abhängigkeit von Umgebung, Hautfalten oder Unterschieden im Haarkleid scheinen ebenfalls einen Effekt zu besitzen. Viele Untersuchungen konzentrierten sich auf Staphylococcus aureus, der hauptpathogene Keim auf der Hundehaut, aber sein Status als residenter Keim bleibt fraglich. Pathologische Zustände wie Atopie und Seborrhoe begünstigen die Besiedelung mit S. intermedius und prädisponieren für eine Infektion. Kürzliche Studien zeigen, daß bakterielle Interferenzen als Methode zur Verhinderung der Ansiedlung von pathogenen Staphylokokken möglich sein könnten. [Saijonmaa-Koulumies, L., Lloyd, D.H. Colonization of the canine skin with bacteria (Besiedelung der Haut des Hundes mit Bakterien). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 153–162.]  相似文献   
Efficacy of Enrofloxacin in the Treatment of Canine Bacterial Pyoderma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— Bacterial pyoderma was diagnosed in 30 dogs which were subsequently treated with enrofloxacin administered orally at 2.5 mg.kg-1 of body weight every 12 h, for 2 to 14 weeks. Dogs were re-examined at the conclusion of antibiotic treatment and 28 (93.3 per cent) were found to have an excellent response. Relapses were seen in 25 per cent of these dogs after follow up periods of 1 to 4 months. Minor side effects were seen in only 1 dog. On the basis of this study, enrofloxacin is an excellent antibiotic for the treatment of canine bacterial pyoderma but must be administered well beyond the manufacturer's maximum recommendation for duration of therapy. Résumé— Une pyodermite bactérienne a été diagnostiquée chez 30 chiens qui furent traités avec de l'enrofloxacine administrée par voie orale à la dose de 2.5 mg/Kg toutes les 12 heures, pour une durée allant de 2.5 à 14 semaines. Les chiens furent réexaminés à la fin de l'antibiothérapie et 28 d'entre eux (93.3%) présentaient une excellente réponse au traitement. Des rechutes furent observées chez 25% des chiens lors de suivis portant sur des périodes de 1 à 4 mois. Des effets secondaires mineurs furent observés chez l'un des chiens. Cette étude montre que l'enrofloxacine est un excellent antibiotique pour le traitement des pyodermites canines mais, qu'il doit être administré pendant des délais beaucoup plus longs que ceux qui sont indiqués par le fabricant. Zusammenfassung— 30 Hunde mit bakteríellen Pyodermien wurden zweieinhalb bis vierzehn Wochen lang oral mit Enrofloxacin behandelt (2 täglich 2.5 mg/kg KGW). Nach Abschluß der Behandlung wurden die Tiere erneut untersucht. Bei 28 Patienten (93.3%) wurden hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielt. Bei 25% kam as nach 1 bis 4 Monaten zu Rezidiven. Geringe Nebenwirkungen wurden nur in einem Fall beobachtet. Die vorliegende Untersuchung zeigt, daß Enrofloxacin ein hervorragendes Antibiotikum für die Behandlung von Pyodermien ist, aber wesentlich länger als vom Hersteller angegeben verabreicht werden muß. Resumen Treinta perros, a los cuales se había diagnosticado una epiderma bacteriana, fueron tratado con Enrofloxacina via oral a una dosis de 2,5 mg/kg de peso corporal cada 12 horas durante un período de tiempo que oscíló entre las 2,5 semanas y las 14 semanas. Los perros se examinaron clínicamente de nuevo cuando acabó el tratamiento antibiótico y se observó en 28 (93,3%) una respuesta excelente. En un 25% de estos perros se observaron recidivas en un período comprendido entre uno y cuatro meses. Efectos colaterales de poca importancia se observaron úicamente en un animal. Según estos resultados puede concluirse que la Enrofloxacina es un antibiótico excelente para el tratamiento de las piodermas bacterianas del perro, aunque debe administrarse durante un período de tiempo superior al que recomiendan los productores.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe the patterns of use of antimicrobial drugs by veterinary surgeons treating commonly presented bacterial infections in companion animals in New Zealand.

METHODS: A postal survey of 800 randomly selected companion animal veterinarians practicing in New Zealand was conducted between August and December 2008. Data were collected regarding the antimicrobials prescribed for recent cases of skin, ear and urinary tract infections; the use of culture and susceptibility testing; and veterinarian characteristics such as proportion of time spent treating companion animals and recent attendance at continuing professional development (CPD) events. Potential associations within the data were explored using extended mosaic plots and multivariable regression models.

RESULTS:Completed surveys from 393 respondents were available for analysis, providing data on systemic antimicrobial drug use for 1,799 cases of presumptive bacterial infections. The most frequently prescribed drugs were amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (864 cases, 48%), cephalexin (558, 31%), and fluoroquinolones (198, 11%). Of 359 cases of canine superficial pyoderma, 157 (44%) were treated with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and 155 (43%) were treated with cephalexin with median reported treatment durations of 7 and 10 days, for these two drugs respectively. Culture and susceptibility tests had been used in 376 of 1,984 (19%) of all reported cases and 160 (43%) of these were suspected urinary tract infections. Practitioners that spent 100% of their time treating companion animals and who had attended a CPD course related to companion animals within the 12 months prior to completing the survey were more likely to submit a sample for culture and susceptibility testing and to prescribe longer courses of antimicrobials for the treatment of canine pyoderma than practitioners who spent less than 100% of their time treating companion animals and had not attended a CPD course in the last 12 months.

CONCLUSIONS: Broad-spectrum drugs considered by the World Health Organisation to be critically important for human health, such as fluoroquinolones and amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, are amongst the most frequently prescribed antimicrobials in companion animal medicine, and these drugs are often prescribed without submitting a sample for culture and susceptibility testing.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Many cases of superficial pyoderma were treated for less than the recommended duration of 21 days, which may contribute to a higher rate of recurrent pyoderma and the development of drug resistance within the causal bacteria. Veterinarians should be aware that the use of fluoroquinolones, in particular, should be based upon the results of a culture and susceptibility test.  相似文献   
Abstract A case report of an 8-month-old ferret with severe ulcerative dermatitis of the ventral abdomen and medial thigh regions is presented. Cutaneous biopsies of the periphery of the ulcerative lesions revealed large, confluent, superficial epidermal pustules containing inflammatory cellular debris and Gram-positive cocci, as well as perifollicular dermal necrosis. These histological findings are consistent with superficial spreading pyoderma in conjunction with dermal coagulative necrosis. Résumé— Un furet mâle de 8 mois est présenté pour une dermite ulcérative sévère du ventre et des faces internes des cuisses. Des biopsies cutanées réalisées à la périphérie des lésions ulcératives montrent la présence d'importantes pustules épidermiques contenant des débris cellulaires inflammatoires et des bactéries cocci Gram positif, ainsi qu'une nécrose dermique périfolliculaire. Ces éléments histopathologiques sont en faveur d'une pyodermite superficielle extensive associée à une nécrose de coagulation du derme. [King, W. W., Lemarié, S. L., Veazey, R. S., Hodin, E. C. Superficial spreading pyoderma and ulcerative dermatitis in a ferret (Pyodermite extensive superficielle et dermite ulcérative chez un furet). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 43–47.] Resumen Presentamos el caso clínico de un hurón de 8 meses con una dermatitis ulcerativa grave en abdomen ventral y muslo medial. El estudio de biopsias de la periferia de las zonas ulceradas reveló la presencia de grandes pústulas superficiales epidérmicas confluentes que contenían restos celulares inflamatorios y cocos Gram-positivo, así como necrosis perifolicular en la dermis. Estos hallazgos histológicos son compatibles con una pioderma de extensióin superficial en conjunción con necrosis dérmica coagulativa. [King, W. W., Lemarié, S. L., Veazey, R. S., Hodin, E. C. Superficial spreading pyoderma and ulcerative dermatitis in a ferret (Pioderma de extension superficial y dermatitis ulcerativa en un huron). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 43–47.] Zusammenfassung— Es wird ein Fallbericht vorgestellt, bei dem ein 8 Monate altes Frettchen an schwerer ulzerativer Dermatitis des ventralen Abdomens und der medialen Schenkelregionen leidet. Hautbiopsien aus der Peripherie der ulzerativen Veränderungen zeigten große, konfluierende, oberflächliche epidermale Pusteln, die entzündlichen Zelldebris und Gram-positive Kokken enthielten, sowie eine perifollikuläre dermale Nekrose. Diese histologischen Befunde stimmen mit der oberflächlich ausgebreiteten Pyodermie in Verbindung mit einer dermalen Koagulationsnekrose überein. [King, W. W., Lemarié, S. L., Veazey, R. S., Hodin, E. C. Superficial spreading pyoderma and ulcerative dermatitis in a ferret (Oberflächlich ausgebreitete Pyodermie und ulzerative Dermatitis bei einem Frettchen). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 43–47.]  相似文献   
Macrolides and lincosamides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Macrolides and lincosamides are first choice bacteriostatic antibiotics used in veterinary dermatology. The main antibiotics in these classes are erythromycin, lincomycin, clindamycin and tylosin. They are well absorbed if given orally and are able to penetrate well into infected skin. Their spectrum of action comprises bacteria commonly associated with skin infections, including staphylococci. Their main disadvantages are the rapid development of bacterial resistance and occasional gastroenteric upset, most often seen with erythromycin. More recently developed macrolides, such as azithromycin and clarithomycin, are bactericidal, have a larger spectrum of action, a longer endurance, less resistance and may be given once a day instead of two or three times daily.  相似文献   
The aetiology of dermatitis in dogs is often complex, and primary or secondary bacterial infections are common. In this report we describe a case where Listeria monocytogenes was proposed to be the bacteriological cause of a pyoderma in a 4-year-old Giant Schnauzer. The infection manifested as a cutaneous listeriosis with multiple pustulae on the dog's back. The dog was treated with clindamycin and recovered within 1 week. The source of infection was suggested to be a carcass or the faeces of a wild animal, or a decomposed placenta from an infected animal.  相似文献   
The efficacy and field safety of marbofloxacin (Zeniquin) for the treatment of superficial and deep bacterial pyoderma were evaluated. Seventy‐two dogs were treated with 2.75 mg kg?1 of marbofloxacin orally once daily for 21 or 28 days. Sixty‐two dogs (86%) had superficial pyoderma and 10 (14%) had deep pyoderma. A history of prior pyoderma was reported in 39/72 dogs. Pretreatment aerobic bacteriologic cultures of skin lesions were performed in 47 cases and the predominant pathogen isolated was Staphylococcus intermedius. Treatment was successful in 62/72 (86.1%) dogs, improvement was noted in 6/72 (8.3%) dogs and treatment failed in 4/72 (5.6%) dogs. Adverse effects associated with treatment included listlessness, anorexia, vomiting, soft stool, flatulence and polydipsia; these adverse effects were seen in only 6/81 dogs. Marbofloxacin was safe and effective for the treatment of superficial and deep pyoderma in dogs at the dosage used in this study.  相似文献   
Topical therapy is extremely important in the management of allergic, infectious, and seborrheic disorders. It can be used as a sole therapy or adjunctive therapy for these disorders, often minimizing the need for systemic therapy. In allergic diseases, pruritus can be decreased by removing allergen, desensitizing the skin or other antipruritic effects. Many agents can also maintain or replace moisture to the skin and have emollient effects. When used for infectious conditions, topical therapy can decrease microbial counts and reduce surface colonization of microbes and help to prevent relapses. Antiseborrheic products function by normalizing keratinocyte turnover rates by reducing epidermal division (keratoplastic), normalizing keratinization, and increasing desquamation (keratolytic). There are many different topical vehicles and modes of application: shampoos, whirlpools, soaks, rinses, sprays, lotions, gels, creams, and ointments. Shampoos are often the most practical and effective. The practitioner needs to become familiar with many active ingredients to learn what products are indicated for specific diseases.  相似文献   
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