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旨在设计利用不同信息来源的模型估计荷斯坦后备牛不同月龄体重性状的遗传参数。本研究于2014—2020年测定并收集了7 122头荷斯坦牛32 338条0~12月龄体重数据,分别利用系谱信息(linear mixed model with pedigree relationship matrix, LM_A)和系谱-基因组信息构建亲缘关系矩阵(linear mixed model with genotype-pedigree joint relationship matrix, LM_H),基于母体效应动物模型估计初生重,基于是否考虑初生重作为协变量的单性状动物模型估计2~12月龄各月龄体重遗传力,并利用双性状动物模型估计初生重与其它月龄体重的遗传相关。结果显示,对于初生重,根据赤池信息量准则(Akaike information criterion, AIC),LM_H方法的拟合程度显著优于LM_A方法,但两种方法估计的遗传参数相差不大:直接遗传力分别为0.30和0.32,母体遗传力分别为0.08和0.09,个体直接遗传效应和母体遗传效应遗传相关系数分别为-0.65和-0.64;对于2~...  相似文献   
The dispersal ecology of most stream fishes is poorly characterised, complicating conservation efforts for these species. We used microsatellite DNA marker data to characterise dispersal patterns and effective population size (Ne) for a population of Roanoke logperch Percina rex, an endangered darter (Percidae). Juveniles and candidate parents were sampled for 2 years at sites throughout the Roanoke River watershed. Dispersal was inferred via genetic assignment tests (ATs), pedigree reconstruction (PR) and estimation of lifetime dispersal distance under a genetic isolation‐by‐distance model. Estimates of Ne varied from 105 to 1218 individuals, depending on the estimation method. Based on PR, polygamy was frequent in parents of both sexes, with individuals spawning with an average of 2.4 mates. The sample contained 61 half‐sibling pairs, but only one parent–offspring pair and no full‐sib pairs, which limited our ability to discriminate natal dispersal of juveniles from breeding dispersal of their parents between spawning events. Nonetheless, all methods indicated extensive dispersal. The AT indicated unrestricted dispersal among sites ≤15 km apart, while siblings inferred by the PR were captured an average of 14 km and up to 55 km apart. Model‐based estimates of median lifetime dispersal distance (6–24 km, depending on assumptions) bracketed AT and PR estimates, indicating that widely dispersed individuals do, on average, contribute to gene flow. Extensive dispersal of P. rex suggests that darters and other small benthic stream fishes may be unexpectedly mobile. Monitoring and management activities for such populations should encompass entire watersheds to fully capture population dynamics.  相似文献   
Anadromous fishes are frequently restricted by artificial barriers to movement such as dams and culverts, so measuring dispersal helps identify sites where improved connectivity could promote range expansion and population viability. We used a combination of DNA‐based parentage analysis and mark–recapture techniques to evaluate dispersal by juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in a population in the initial stages of colonisation following installation of fish passage structures at a previously impassable dam on the Cedar River, WA, USA. The spatial distribution of individuals within maternal families revealed that dispersal was common. Among the offspring of radio‐tagged mothers, 28% were collected outside the spawning reach and dispersed up to 6.3 km (median = 1.5 km). Most juveniles captured in a tributary (Rock Creek, where few adults spawned) had immigrated from the Cedar River and represented many different families. Juvenile dispersal therefore provided a secondary phase of spatial expansion following initial colonisation by adults. Consistent with the condition‐dependent dispersal hypothesis, juveniles that dispersed farther upstream in the tributary were larger than fish collected near the tributary mouth. Overall, the results demonstrated widespread dispersal in a system with low coho salmon densities, and this might increase the rate of population growth if it reduces the effects of local density dependence. By implication, juveniles can take advantage of rearing habitats reconnected through barrier removal, even when such areas are located several kilometres from adult breeding grounds.  相似文献   
按系统指数(PI:Pedigree Index)的高低将119头北京荷斯坦犊牛分成两组(PI〉500为高组,PI〈500为低组),其中38头犊牛(5头公牛的后代)具有高系谱指数,平均值为718.5,81头犊牛(10头公牛的后代)具有低系谱指数,平均值为400.5。犊牛为3~6月龄,在禁食34~36h状态下采血,检测它们血液中总蛋白(TP)、尿素氮(BUN)、肌酸酐(CRE)、游离脂肪酸(FFA)的  相似文献   
旨在对广灵县优种驴场保种群体进行调查的基础上构建分子系谱,并对其种群的遗传结构进行分析。本研究采集保种群成年、体况良好的广灵驴(体重350~400 kg)颈静脉血10 mL(n=107),其中公驴13份,母驴94份,抗凝处理后提取全血DNA。采用12个微卫星标记进行荧光PCR扩增后,用ABI3730测序仪进行分型。分型结果采用Cervus 2.0和Pedigraph 2.4软件构建分子系谱,同时采用STRUCTURE2.3和Fstat软件计算群体遗传参数,采用R语言的hclust函数绘制7头公驴及其后代的系统发生NJ树(邻接树)。结果,对107头种驴进行了分子系谱构建,找到了30头子代的父亲和7头子代的母亲,系谱可靠性>90%;微卫星标记的平均观测杂合度(HObs)和多态信息含量(PIC)分别为0.676 5和0.593 9,标记遗传多样性较高;NJ树对7个公驴家系进行了聚类;群体分化系数(FST)为0.184,群体平均近交系数(FIT)为0.033,群体内近交系数(FIS)为-0.238,且群体处于哈代-温伯格平衡状态,存在很弱的近交。本研究建立了广灵驴保种群可靠性较高的分子系谱并对其遗传结构进行了分析,证明该群体遗传多态性较高,群体近交系数较低,处于较好的保种状态,具有较大的品种资源开发潜力。  相似文献   

The study aimed to identify important factors threatening genetic diversity within small sheep populations, and to propose sustainable management strategies. Demographic evolution, genetic diversity and current genetic management practices were analyzed in a population of Polish Olkuska sheep. Unbalanced contributions of individual rams to the next generation were observed due to differences in the period of their utilization, the number of progeny and the number of daughters used in reproduction. Matings between closely related animals were common. Pedigree completeness was satisfactory and inbreeding coefficient was high, 11.71% for lambs born in 2012. Relatively high values of potential and realized coancestries within flocks showed the importance of keeping more than one ram. The genetic conservation index and average relatedness coefficient, and their comparison between regions was helpful in considering management options. The information on genetic relationships and genetic conservation parameters of rams should be provided to breeders with simple interpretations.  相似文献   
The accumulation of inbreeding and the loss of genetic diversity is a potential problem in Holstein dairy cattle. The goal of this study was to estimate inbreeding levels and other measures of genetic diversity, using pedigree information from Iranian Holstein cattle. Edited pedigree included 1 048 572 animals. The average number of discrete generation equivalents and pedigree completeness index reached 13.4 and 90%, respectively. The rate of inbreeding was 0.3% per year. Effective number of founders, founder genomes, non‐founders and ancestors of animals born between 2003 and 2011 were 503, 15.6, 16.1 and 25.7, respectively. It was proven that the unequal founder contributions as well as bottlenecks and genetic drift were important reasons for the loss of genetic diversity in the population. The top 10 ancestors with the highest marginal genetic contributions to animals born between 2003 and 2011 and with the highest contributions to inbreeding were 48.20% and 63.94%, respectively. Analyses revealed that the most important cause of genetic diversity loss was genetic drift accumulated over non‐founder generations, which occurred due to small effective population size. Therefore, it seems that managing selection and mating decisions are controlling future co‐ancestry and inbreeding, which would lead to better handling of the effective population size.  相似文献   
阿夫及其衍生小麦品种(系)的SSR分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为了研究小麦骨干亲本阿夫(Funo)遗传物质在其衍生品种(系)的传递规律,用247对SSR引物对阿夫和8个阿夫子一代衍生品种(系)的亲本进行分析,发现有3个标记Xwmc398 (178 bp, 151 bp)、Xgwm400(180 bp, 149 bp)和Xgwm268(191 bp)在阿夫上有稳定、清晰的特异带。以筛选的特异引物对5个阿夫系选品种和255个阿夫衍生品种(系)进行了SSR分析。结果表明,Xwmc398在5个系选品种中均有阿夫的特异带,而Xgwm400只在安选2号,Xgwm268只在扬麦1号具有阿夫特异带。Xwmc398在阿夫子一代至子六代衍生品种(系)中的遗传频率分别为52.8%、38.4%、16.7%、0.0%、0.0%和0.0%, 平均为32.2%;Xgwm400的相应遗传频率分别为32.1%、19.2%、41.7%、33.3%、20.0%和0.0%,平均为26.7%;Xgwm268的相应传递率分别为22.6%、34.4%、11.1%、12.1%、0.0%和0.0%,平均为24.7%。表明SSR位点Xwmc398、Xgwm400和Xgwm268在阿夫衍生品种(系)中有明显的传递。  相似文献   
Summary Four populations of linseed derived from five parents were advanced from the F2 to the F6 generation by SSD and to the F5 by pedigree selection. These populations were used to compare the efficiency of the two methods in order to provide superior genotypes with respect to grain yield and oil content, i.e. oil yield. The results showed minimum differences between pedigree and SSD lines for grain yield, where in only one cross the SSD lines were significantly superior to the pedigree lines. Since pedigree selection was carried out for both, seed yield and oil content, a positive response to selection was expected. However, early selection for yield, a character with low heritability, was not successful. On the contrary, significant differences for oil content were detected between the two groups of lines in three of the four crosses studied. In these cases the pedigree lines were superior to the SSD lines. These results demonstrate that strict selection in early generations for oil content, a character with comparatively high heritability, is feasible and successful in linseed. However, selection for seed yield should be postponed to later inbred generations. Consequently, in breeding for maximum oil yield of linseed a two-step selection procedure is recommended.Abbreviations PS pedigree selection - SSD single seed descent - TGW thousand grain weight  相似文献   
利用分子标记辅助家系选育进行红鳍东方鲀生长性状的遗传评估,由红鳍东方鲀基础群体中选择性腺发育良好的雌雄亲本各11尾建立全同胞家系11个,每个全同胞家系随机采集10尾个体组建全同胞家系群体,从混合培育的家系中选择相对较大的个体400尾组建混合选育群体。在红鳍东方鲀遗传连锁图谱上挑选44个均匀分布于22个连锁群上的微卫星DNA标记,每个连锁群有2个标记。全同胞家系群体的遗传分析结果显示,10个高亲本排除概率微卫星标记的Excl(1)和Excl(2)为0.58~0.662和0.736~0.797,14个低亲本排除概率标记的Excl(1)和Excl(2)为0.054~0.43和0.177~0.608,剩余20个中等亲本排除概率标记的Excl(1)和Excl(2)为0.467~0.575和0.641~0.732。利用拥有高亲本排除概率的微卫星DNA标记进行混合选育群体的亲权鉴定,结果显示:不同父母本繁殖产生的子代数量存在明显差异,父本M2和母本F4产生了124个子代,占子代个体总数的32.89%。根据亲权鉴定结果建立的系谱估计主要生长性状的遗传参数,不同日龄的体质量和体长遗传力估计值为0.17~0.21和0.15~0.18。研究表明,利用具有高亲本排除概率的微卫星DNA标记能够有效建立红鳍东方鲀系谱,进行生长性状的遗传参数估计,分子标记辅助家系选育可以作为红鳍东方鲀目标性状遗传改良的新方法。  相似文献   
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