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The induction of a hypersensitive reaction in Samsun NN tobacco by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) at 20°C leads to the development of both localized and systemic acquired resistance, and is associated with the appearance of pathogenesis-related proteins (PR's) and large increases in peroxidase activity and ethylene production. Salicylic acid (SA) induced a similar resistance in treated plant parts and occasionally also in untreated upper leaves of plants of which three lower leaves had been injected. SA also induced the same four PR's, but these were confined to the treated leaves. Thus, the connection between the presence of PR's and the reduction of TMV multiplication and spread may not be direct.In contrast to TMV, SA did not stimulate ethylene production and hardly increased peroxidase activity. Induction of acquired resistance and PR's by SA developed equally well at 20°C and at 32°C. However, pricking leaves with needles moistened with the ethylene-releasing compound ethephon mimicked TMV infection in inducing acquired resistance and PR's in both treated and untreated leaves at 20°C, but not at 32°C. Ethephon increased peroxidase activity at both temperatures, but only at 20°C dit it induce changes in both the anodic and the cathodic isoenzymes that were similar to those induced as a result of TMV infection. SA induced PR's and reduced TMV multiplication in Samsun tobacco, and inhibited virus spread in Samsun NN at 32°C.These observation indicate that neither the induction of PR's, nor the development of acquired resistance is temperature-sensitive. On the other hand, the effects of ethephon are temperature-sensitive in the same way as the hypersensitive response to TMV. It can thus be hypothesized that ethylene, produced naturally during the hypersensitive reaction of tobacco to TMV, leads to the temperature-sensitive synthesis or release of a presumably benzoic acid-type compound that functions as the natural inducer of PR's and acquired resistance. Although vanillic acid has been shown to accumulate in hypersensitively reacting tobacco leaves, it produced none of the effects of SA, and thus cannot be the natural inducer.Samenvatting Inductie van een overgevoeligheidsreactie in Samsun NN-tabak door tabaksmozaïekvirus (TMV) bij 20°C leidt tot de ontwikkeling van een verworven resistentie die zowel lokaal als systemisch werkzaam is, en gaat samen met het verschijnen van pathogenesis-related proteins (PR's) en sterke toename in de activitieit van peroxidase en de produktie van ethyleen. Salicylzuur (SA) induceerde een vergelijkbare resistentie in behandelde plantedelen en af en toe ook in niet behandelde bovenbladeren van planten waarvan drie onderbladeren waren ingespoten. SA induceerde ook dezelfde vier PR's, maar deze waren beperkt tot de behandelde bladeren. Er bestaat dus geen directe samenhang tussen de aanwezigheid van PR's en de remming van de vermeerdering en uitbreiding van TMV in de plant.In tegenstelling tot TMV stimuleerde SA de ethyleenproduktie niet en verhoogde het de peroxidaseactiviteit nauwelijks. Inductie van verworven resistentie en PR's door SA trad even goed op bij 32°C als bij 20°C. Net als infectie met TMV leidde aanprikken van bladeren met naalden die gedoopt waren in een oplossing van ethefon — waaruit in het blad ethyleen vrijkomt — echter tot inductie van verworven resistentie en PR's in zowel behandelde als onbehandelde bladeren bij 20°C, maar niet bij 32°C. Ethefon verhoogde de peroxidaseactiviteit bij beide temperaturen, maar alleen bij 20°C induceerde het veranderingen in zowel de anodische als de kathodische isoënzymen die vergelijkbaar waren met die welke geïnduceerd werden als gevolg van infectie met TMV. SA induceerde PR's en verminderde de vermenigvuldiging van TMV in Samsun tabak, en remde de uitbreiding van het virus in Samsun NN bij 32°C.Deze waarnemingen tonen dat noch de inductie van PR's, noch de ontwikkeling van verworven resistentie een temperatuurgevoelig proces is. Daarentegen zijn de effecten van ethefon op dezelfde wijze temperatuurgevoelig als de overgevoeligheidsreactie op TMV. Men kan daarom veronderstellen dat ethyleen, dat op natuurlijke wijze geproduceerd wordt tijdens de overgevoeligheidsreactie van tabak op TMV, aanleiding geeft tot een temperatuurgevoelig proces, namelijk de synthese of het vrijkomen van een verbinding, vermoedelijk een benzoëzuurderivaat, dat fungeert als de natuurlijke inductor van PR's en verworven resistentie. Hoewel is aangetoond dat vanillinezuur zich ophoopt in overgevoelig reagerende tabaksbladeren, veroorzaakte deze verbinding geen enkel van de effecten van SA. Vanillinezuur kan dus niet de natuurlijke inductor zijn.  相似文献   
2010年3月笔者于吉林农业大学附属兽医院治疗一例蛋鸡的群发性肿瘤病,对送检的患鸡进行常规剖检,观察肿物眼观病变,用10%福尔马林固定病变组织,制作石蜡切片,观察病理组织学变化,确诊为硬性纤维瘤和粘液性纤维瘤;并对此病的病因、发病机理、诊断等进行了探讨。  相似文献   
重组表达猪传染性胸膜肺炎放线杆菌6种主要毒力因子基因:apxⅠ、apxⅡ、apxⅢ、apxⅣ、apfa和omp,以重组蛋白rApxⅠ、rApxⅡ、rApxⅢ和rOMP组合免疫小鼠作为试验I组,重组蛋白rApxⅠ、rApxⅡ、rApxⅢr、OMPr、ApxⅣ和rApfa组合免疫小鼠作为试验Ⅱ组,PBS为对照组,分3次免疫小鼠,采用背部皮下多点注射,每次间隔2周,免疫剂量为0.2 mL/只,3免后1周分别以APP1型菌Shope 4074株(5×109cfu)和APP2型菌S1536株(5×1010cfu)进行攻毒试验。通过小鼠保护率与抗体效价的相关性研究、肺部病理变化及肺脏细菌的分布情况等指标进行综合评价。结果显示,试验Ⅰ组4种重组蛋白特异性抗体水平显著高于其他两组(P<0.05),对APP1型菌攻毒的保护率(9/10)明显高于试验Ⅱ组(5/10)和对照组(0/8),小鼠的免疫保护率与抗体效价之间存在显著正相关;且该组对APP2型菌攻毒的保护作用(无肺脏损伤)也明显优于其它两组(典型肺部损伤)。间接免疫荧光试验表明试验Ⅰ组对肺脏细菌的清除效果也明显优于其他两组。本试验揭示试验Ⅰ组对不同血清型APP攻击能够提供很好的交叉保护作用,从而为猪传染性胸膜肺炎新型疫苗的研制提供参考。  相似文献   
本试验旨在探讨高致病性猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(HP-PRRSV)对地方品种猪的致病特点。将HP-PRRSV经滴鼻感染4月龄健康莱芜黑猪,观察接毒后的表现,于接毒不同时期颈静脉采血,ELISA试剂盒(IDEXX)检测外周血血清抗体水平的动态变化,定期剖杀,采集相关的器官组织制备组织切片,HE染色,观察不同组织的动态病理学变化,免疫组化染色检测病原在不同组织中的分布。结果表明,攻毒后第2天便出现一定的临床症状,但持续2d后症状就基本消失,感染猪未见死亡。攻毒后5d便可检测到抗体阳性(1/7),14d抗体达峰值。攻毒后3d便可见间质性肺炎,轻微的病毒性脑炎,实质器官颗粒变性;攻毒后7d出现典型的间质性肺炎、淋巴组织坏死、各段肠管大量嗜酸性粒细胞浸润及实质器官出现空泡变性。在攻毒后2~4周内,肺一直表现典型的间质性肺炎,病毒性脑炎逐渐加重,肾上腺变性坏死,胰腺轻微的炎性细胞浸润,甲状腺轻微充血、出血,实质器官出现严重的空泡变性。PRRSV抗原阳性信号出现在淋巴组织(淋巴结、脾、扁桃体)、气管、心、肝、肺、肾、胃、十二指肠、空肠、回肠、甲状腺、肾上腺、颌下腺、子宫、大脑及小脑内;盲肠、结肠、直肠、膀胱、胰腺、输卵管及卵巢均未见到阳性信号。阳性信号主要位于感染细胞的胞质中,偶尔出现在核内。试验结果表明:HP-PRRSV人工感染4月龄莱芜黑猪具有广泛的组织嗜性,并导致广泛的组织损伤,但临床症状表现轻微,未见死亡现象,4月龄莱芜黑猪对HP-PRRSV感染具有较强的抵抗力。试验结果为进一步研究HP-PRRSV对我国地方猪与外源品种猪的致病性差异提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   
取320只30~40H龄SPF鸡,经滴鼻和点眼接种传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV),接种后24~72h出现死亡,病死率51.25%,死亡鸡剖检变化主要为法氏囊肿胀、出血,甚至呈紫葡萄样,脾脏肿大、出血,骨骼肌出血,腺胃肌胃交界处出血。病理组织学变化,呈现以法氏囊淋巴滤泡内髓质淋巴细胞坏死为主的特征性病变,并可在巨噬细胞浆内发现病毒包涵体。电镜观察,在法氏囊内淋巴细胞、异染性细胞、巨噬细胞浆内,见大量晶格状排列的病毒粒子和包涵体,表明IBDV首先损害法氏囊淋巴滤泡髓质内未成熟的B淋巴细胞,病毒在淋巴细胞内以包涵体方式增殖。  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the use of infrared thermography (IRT) for detection of foot lesions in dairy cattle. Thermal images of the rear feet of 139 lactating dairy cows were taken with a thermal camera and evaluated using imaging software. Foot lesions identified in the study included white line disease (WLD), sole ulcer (SU) and digital dermatitis (DD). Temperatures at the coronary band (CBT) and the skin (ST) were recorded. Cows were scored for locomotion on a scale of 1–5 (1?=?normal and 5?=?severely lame). CBT was higher for all types of foot lesion (34.1?±?2.3, 33.8?±?1.6 and 33.1?±?1.6°C for WLD, SU and DD, respectively) than for healthy (32.6?±?1.9°C) feet. ST was higher only for WLD (33.2?±?2.0°C) compared to healthy feet (31.5?±?1.7°C). ΔT (temperature difference between CBT and ST) was higher for SU (2.1?±?0.8°C) than healthy feet (1.1?±?0.9°C). Locomotion scores (LSs) were similar between healthy cows (2.2?±?0.7) and DD (2.4?±?0.7) but greater for SU and WLD cows (3.0?±?0.9, 3.0?±?0.8) than healthy cows. The threshold values established for CBT and ST were 33.5°C (sensitivity?=?77.8%, specificity?=?65.2%) and 33.7°C (sensitivity?=?44.4%, specificity?=?92.9%) for SU, and 34.4oC (sensitivity?=?28.1%, specificity?=?88.6%) and 31.8°C (sensitivity?=?60.7%, specificity?=?55.4%) for overall lesion, respectively. These results indicate that IRT can be a useful tool for detection of SU, but not WLD and DD. In addition, CBT and ΔT were the best indicators for the detection of foot lesions.  相似文献   
The melanomacrophage aggregates or cells (MMC) are commonly used as biomarkers of exposure to pollution in fish, albeit their numbers and morphological characteristics can be influenced not only by environmental toxins but also by a range of physiological parameters and pathological conditions. Accordingly, before we can use MMC as biomarkers in any fish species, their normal, 'background' characteristics have to be established in apparently healthy fish. The knowledge of MMC in sharks is minimal. The aim of this study was to characterize MMC from 51 free-ranging, large pelagic sharks from the northwestern Atlantic, including shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrhinchus , thresher, Alopias vulpinus and blue shark, Prionacae glauca . The rationale of this study was twofold. First, because, sharks have life histories predisposing them to the accumulation of environmental toxins they constitute good sentinel species of the health of the global marine ecosystem. Second, because many shark populations are in decline or threatened by extinction, we need to expand our understanding of their health status in order to develop appropriate protective measures. All sharks were collected by sports fishing gear between June and August in 2007. Their health condition was assessed by necropsy, morphometrics, and by microscopic examination of gonads, livers, spleens and kidneys. Routine, haematoxylin and eosin and/or Pearl's reagent-stained paraffin embedded sections were studied by light microscopy. Our results provide the first data on the morphometric and morphological characteristics of MMC in viscera of apparently healthy free-ranging sharks from the northwestern Atlantic.  相似文献   
本文根据流行病学、临床症状和病理变化观察表明:鸭病毒性肝炎一般发生于3周龄以内的雏鸭,死亡高峰集中在10~14d 龄之间;临床上表现为发病突然,传播迅速,死后呈典型的角弓反张姿态;眼观病变主要是肝脏肿大和斑驳状出血;组织学检查,见肝细胞高度脂肪变性和坏死,以及胆管上皮增生和不同程度的炎性细胞浸润。电镜观察:在肝细胞核内发现有类圆形颗粒,直径为40nm,疑为病毒样粒子。  相似文献   
观察脾虚证模型大鼠肝脏组织病理学变化,探讨脾虚证中肝脏组织病理学变化与脾虚证时肝脏功能障碍间的联系。利血平复制大鼠脾虚证模型,运用组织病理学研究方法,从不同方面观察研究肝脏组织病理学变化。在研究中发现,脾虚证模型大鼠肝脏组织中出现淤血,细胞变性,萎缩,炎性细胞浸润等病理变化,而且肝脏组织中糖原储存量显著减少,门管区胶原纤维增生,细胞中酸性磷酸酶活性升高,透射电镜观察发现细胞质中蓄积大量的次级溶酶体,细胞核出现皱缩,细胞体积减小,线粒体肿胀。脾虚证中肝脏组织发生多种组织病理学变化,很有可能是引起脾虚证肝功能障碍的原因。  相似文献   
目的 探讨雄蚕益肾方对迟发性性腺功能低下症(late-onset hypogonadism,LOH)大鼠睾丸组织病理变化和超微结构的影响。方法 采用"退役种鼠(40周龄)+复合情志刺激+孤养"方法,建立LOH大鼠模型,随机分为模型组、睾酮组、雄蚕益肾方组(雄蚕组),另设立正常对照组(8周龄),药物干预4周,末次给药后24 h处死动物,检测血清睾酮水平、睾丸指数,分别以光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜观察睾丸组织的病理变化与超微结构。结果 模型组、睾酮组、雄蚕组之间睾丸指数比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),LOH大鼠睾丸组织出现曲细精管结构紊乱,精子大量减少,睾丸间质变少等病理变化以及线粒体数量明显减少,大量线粒体水肿等超微结构改变,雄蚕组病理变化和超微结构均得到改善。结论 LOH大鼠可出现睾丸组织器官水平和细胞水平的病理变化及超微结构改变,雄蚕益肾方可能能通过改善其病理变化和睾丸间质细胞超微结构而发挥作用。  相似文献   
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