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目前医疗事故技术鉴定逐渐丧失了话语权,医疗过错司法鉴定意见已成为影响司法判决的最主要证据。当前中医药行业在司法鉴定体系中少有话语权,一旦发生纠纷或技术争议,只能依靠现代医学的司法鉴定体系判断医疗过错,制约了中医药行业的发展并影响到中医从业人员的职业安全。因此,迫切需要构建中医医疗过错鉴定体系。本文从中医医疗过错鉴定理论、标准、机构、人员(法医)4方面提出体系构建的思路,同时就一些重要的问题和困难展开讨论。  相似文献   
Changing climate and fuel accumulation are increasing wildfire risks across the western United States. This has led to calls for fire management reform, including the systematic use of prescribed fire. Although use of prescribed fire by private landowners in the southern Great Plains has increased during the past 30 yr, studies have determined that liability concerns are a major reason why many landowners do not use or promote the use of prescribed fire. Generally, perceptions of prescribed fire ? related liability are based on concerns over legal repercussions for escaped fire. This paper reviews the history and current legal liability standards used in the United States for prescribed fire, it examines how perceived and acceptable risk decisions about engagement in prescribed burning and other activities differ, and it presents unanticipated outcomes in two cases of prescribed fire insurance aimed at promoting the use of prescribed fire. We demonstrate that the empirical risk of liability from escaped fires is minimal (< 1%) and that other underlying factors may be leading to landowners’ exaggerated concerns of risk of liability when applying prescribed fire. We conclude that providing liability insurance may not be the most effective approach for increasing the use of prescribed fire by private landowners. Clearly differentiating the risks of applying prescribed fire from those of catastrophic wildfire damages, changing state statutes to reduce legal liability for escaped fire, and expanding landowner membership in prescribed burn associations may be more effective alternatives for attaining this goal. Fear of liability is a major deterrent to the use of prescribed fire; however, an evaluation of the risks from escaped fire does not support perceptions that using prescribed fire as a land management tool is risky. Prescribed burning associations and agencies that support land management improvement have an important role to play in spreading this message.  相似文献   
破坏生产经营罪属于侵犯财产犯罪,其主观方面为故意,且具有泄愤报复或其他个人目的。破坏集体生产罪与破坏生产经营罪彰显的是新旧刑法罪名的改变和法定刑期及体系归属的调整。破坏生产经营罪的犯罪主体是一般主体,其客体是正常的生产经营活动。司法实践中,应注意区分罪与非罪,把握该罪与自然事故、一般事故的区别。  相似文献   
从法律行为构成要件的角度入手,《公司法》16条第1款规定的公司对外担保问题不是当事人行为能力、标的问题。因此,判断对外担保的效力应遵循意思表示规则。公司对外担保的意思表示过程是:公司董事会或股东会做出决议,形成对外担保意思,由法定代表人向外做出意思表示。无意思形成的对外担保效力,应据动机错误的效力规则确定其效力。有意思形成的对外担保效力,属于典型当事人错误,可纳入表示内容错误。由于界定赔偿责任时,须考虑相对人的过错,相对人过错取决于其审查义务,应限制相对人只是形式审查公司章程与担保决议。  相似文献   
结合多年来的实践,通过观察、分析、总结当今园林景观设计中的诸多"流行病",并以此对这些问题作出深思。  相似文献   
《医疗事故处理条例》与民事法律及相关的司法解释存在一些不协调的地方。在医疗事故侵权诉讼中,认定医疗过失应采用抽象轻过失与具体轻过失的标准;举证责任分配上,实行因果关系、医疗过错推定规则;医疗事故技术鉴定应由医疗机构申请,人民法院对该鉴定具有审查权;《条例》规定的赔偿标准过低,人民法院不应拘泥于该标准。  相似文献   
大陆法系侵权法源自于古代罗马侵权法律制度。以《阿奎利亚法》为代表的罗马侵权法,在侵权法的发展史上,发挥了重要作用。它确立了侵权责任成立的基本要件,推动了侵权行为责任方式的文明进程,并首次确立了侵权法的过失责任原则,为大陆法系现代侵权法的归责原则奠定了基础。  相似文献   
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