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Fusarium head blight and mycotoxin contamination of wheat,a review   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary An infection of bread wheat by fusarium head blight contaminates the crop with mycotoxins, particularly deoxynivalenol (DON) and nivalenol (NIV). The toxicity and natural occurrence of these mycotoxins in wheat are reviewed. Based on 8 years data of fusarium head blight epidemics of wheat in the Netherlands, DON contamination of the grain was estimated. Fusarium head blight ratings averaged an infection of 1.7% of all spikelets; estimates for DON contamination averaged 0.9 mg kg–1. Taking a guideline level for DON in uncleaned bread wheat of 2 mg kg–1, in 1979 and 1982 a wheat crop was produced with estimated DON concentrations above the limit of tolerance. Human and animal exposure to mycotoxins in the Netherlands appears to be small but chronic. The information presented in this paper illustrates the need for an annual evaluation of the crop for fusarium head blight incidence and mycotoxin content, and the necessity of fusarium head blight resistant wheat cultivars.Samenvatting Aaraantasting van tarwe doorFusarium culmorum enFusarium graminearum leidt tot vorming van mycotoxinen in het graan, waarvan deoxynivalenol (DON) en nivalenol (NIV) de belangrijkste toxinen zijn. In dit artikel wordt een overzicht gegeven van de toxicologische aspecten, en het voorkomen van deze toxinen in tarwe. Informatie over DON en NIV in tarwe in West-Europa is schaars. Gebaseerd op gegevens vanFusarium epidemieën in de jaren 1979–1986 wordt een schatting gegeven van de concentratie DON in Nederlandse tarwe. Rekening houdend met de herkomst en verwerking van tarwe, blijken zowel in dierlijk als menselijk voedsel lage concentraties DON chronisch voor te komen. Op basis van een maximaal toelaatbare dagelijkse dosis DON van 3 g kg–1 lichaamsgewicht is de schatting van de dagelijkse opname van DON in het jaar volgend op de oogst van 1982 net op de grens. Zowel een jaarlijkse inventarisatie vanFusarium aantasting en DON besmetting van het graan, als de ontwikkeling vanFusarium-resistente rassen zijn noodzakelijk.  相似文献   
【目的】由稻曲病菌引起的稻曲病不仅造成水稻减产,而且还会产生对动物和植物有毒的真菌毒素。探明水稻幼穗对稻曲病菌毒素胁迫响应的分子机制,可为发掘水稻抗稻曲病基因以及抗病分子育种开辟新的思路。【方法】用稻曲病菌毒素处理水稻幼穗,采用转录组测序技术对水稻幼穗进行转录组测序,以水稻9311基因组作为参考基因组进行对比,利用TPM法计算基因表达量,设定参数(差异倍数的绝对值不小于2,且q值不大于0.05)筛选差异表达基因。结合基因差异表达分析、富集功能分析,鉴定水稻响应胁迫的关键基因,并利用实时荧光定量PCR技术对差异表达基因进行验证。【结果】在稻曲病菌毒素胁迫12 h后,水稻幼穗出现2526个差异表达基因(DEG);通过GO富集、KEGG代谢途经和KOG功能分析,将差异基因划分为GO功能下的64个条目、32个代谢途径和KOG功能下23个类别,包括淀粉和蔗糖代谢、苯丙类生物合成、碳代谢、糖酵解/糖异生、氨基糖和核苷酸糖代谢等生物学过程。DEG中有66个植物转录因子,分属7种植物转录因子家族,包括WRKY和Myb两大转录因子。分析二萜类生物合成与淀粉和蔗糖代谢途径相关基因发现,OsCPS2OsKSL4和细胞色素P450等基因表达量上调,而淀粉酶、β-呋喃果糖苷酶和UDP-焦磷酸化酶等基因表达量下调,推测这些基因在水稻响应稻曲病菌毒素胁迫时发挥重要的作用。【结论】稻曲病菌毒素作为非生物胁迫因素对水稻幼穗具有毒性;通过干扰淀粉和蔗糖代谢等途径而影响种子营养物质的合成,降低水稻抵抗病原菌侵染水稻的能力。  相似文献   
免疫学技术在霉菌毒素检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是饲料生产第一大国,饲料质量安全关系到养殖业发展的兴衰。霉菌毒素污染严重危害饲料及饲料原料质量安全,因此,建立毒素检测方法对预防霉菌毒素污染,减少毒素中毒事件发生至关重要。综述了霉菌毒素的性质、危害及免疫学检测方法的发展,并展望了毒素检测方法的发展趋势。  相似文献   
饲料中霉菌毒素生物降解的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
计成 《中国农业科学》2012,45(1):153-158
霉菌毒素的高毒性和强致癌性严重威胁动物生产性能和人类健康,每年给畜牧业和食品工业带来巨大经济损失。因物理和化学去毒方法存在诸多应用缺陷,故作为一种安全、高效、环保的方法,霉菌毒素生物降解法备受关注。本文对霉菌毒素毒性的作用机制、生物降解的研究进展进行综述,对目前生物降解研究存在的困难提出策略和建议,为饲料和食品中霉菌毒素的生物解毒提供理论基础和实践依据。  相似文献   
Mycotoxins are secondary fungal metabolites that are typically present in grain and feed ingredients used foranimal feeds. An analytical method using LC-ESI-MS/MS was developed to quantify nine mycotoxins, consisting ofaflatoxin B1 (AFB1), AFB2, AFG1, AFG2, T-2 toxin,deoxynivalenol (DON), nivalenol (NIV), zearalenone (ZEA) and ochratoxin A (OTA) in broiler feeds. In total,100 samples of broiler feeds were collected from poultry farms in Central Thailand. The survey found thatAFB1 and ZEA were the most prevalent mycotoxins in the feed samples at percentages of 93% and63%, respectively. The limit of detections (LODs) of investigated mycotoxins was 0.20–0.78ng/g. AFB2, DON, AFG1, NIV and T-2 toxin were also detectable at lowcontamination levels with percentages of 20%, 9%, 7%, 5% and 1%, respectively, whereas OTA and AFG2were not detected in any of the feed samples. These results suggest that there is a very low level of risk ofthe exposure to mycotoxins in feeds obtained from broiler farms in Central Thailand.  相似文献   
药用植物被广泛用作家庭医疗和制药工业的原材料。随着消费量和种植面积的逐年增加,药用植物真菌毒素污染有加重的趋势。在生长、收获、处理和储存的过程中,药用植物都可能会受到各种霉菌的污染,从而导致其发霉并产生真菌毒素。加之缺乏对这些天然药品质量和毒性的有效监测,其安全性已经成为一个严重的公共卫生安全问题。本文对药用植物中主要的真菌毒素污染种类及其天然存在情况进行了综述,提出了真菌毒素污染防控措施,并对保障药品质量安全和人体健康采取的方法进行了展望。  相似文献   
玉米赤霉烯酮(ZEA)一种由镰刀菌属产生的次级代谢物,化学结构与内源性雌激素相似,因此,ZEA可通过与雌激素竞争性结合雌激素受体,导致动物机体生殖激素代谢紊乱,诱发生殖器官形变及功能障碍,严重危害动物繁殖系统,解决ZEA污染问题己经成为当务之急。本文对ZEA的理化特性、毒性作用等进行综述,以期为有效缓解ZEA毒性及提高动物繁殖性能、促进畜牧业健康发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   
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