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Summary Orobanche species are commonly identified using morphological characteristics. In many cases, the distinction of closely related species is difficult, and a molecular tool is more suitable to differentiate them. In this study, genomic polymorphism between morphologically distinct species was investigated through amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) regions. Five primers were used to study genetic variation in the morphologically distinct species O. hederae and O. amethystea, as well as the closely related species O. cernua and O. cumana. For the first two species, all the primers detected genetic polymorphism. Anchored primers allowed the identification of more specific molecular markers than non‐anchored tri‐ and tetranucleotide primers. Genetic polymorphism was investigated among three O. hederae populations using the two types of primer. One non‐anchored and two anchored primers detected intraspecific variation, which was not correlated with the geographical location of those populations. The primer (GATA)4 detected polymorphism between five specimens each of O. cernua and O. cumana species collected from different countries, permitting these two closely related species to be clearly differentiated. This study demonstrated that ISSR markers can be highly reliable for precise identification of Orobanche species.  相似文献   
【目的】探索鱼腥草(Houttuynia cordata Thunb.)中是否存在产槲皮素的内生真菌。【方法】采用组织块法对鱼腥草内生真菌进行分离培养,分离纯化后收集菌丝利用薄层色谱(TLC)和高效液相色谱(HPLC)检测其代谢产物中的槲皮素,并分析其产量。采用形态学和内部转录间隔区(internal transcribed spacer,ITS)序列分析鉴定产槲皮素的内生真菌。【结果】从鱼腥草不同部位共分离得到9株内生真菌,其中由根中分离得到的菌株YXC-G1具有产生槲皮素的能力,为笋顶孢属(Acrostalagmus sp.)真菌,菌丝中槲皮素的含量为8.296 mg/g。【结论】从鱼腥草根部分离到1株产槲皮素的内生真菌YXC-G1,其可作为生产槲皮素的备选菌株。  相似文献   
为了明确近期新西兰报道的侵染猕猴桃的新病毒——猕猴桃病毒1(Actinidia virus 1,AcV-1)在四川地区猕猴桃上的发生情况及其分子特性,采用RT-PCR对来自四川6个地区疑似感染病毒的90份猕猴桃主栽品种‘红阳’和‘金果’的叶片样品进行检测。结果表明,22份样品为AcV-1阳性,检出率为24.4%。将获得的5个AcV-1分离物和已报道的新西兰分离物K75的外壳蛋白(coatprotein,CP)基因序列进行比对,结果表明,分离物间核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列的相似性分别为84.8%~97.1%和89.7%~99.6%,其中除邛崃分离物HYH5与新西兰分离物K75的核苷酸序列相似性较高(97.1%)外,其余4个分离物均低于91%。系统进化分析结果显示,这些分离物主要聚集在3个分支上,分离物HYH5与新西兰分离物K75位于同一分支,其余分离物位于另外2个分支。  相似文献   
【目的】氮素输入影响着全球草地生态系统的可持续性,关注施氮对土壤微生物群落的影响及其分子生态网络,为草地退化修复提供理论依据。【方法】以松嫩退化羊草草地为研究对象,通过施氮和未施氮处理,利用高通量测序和随机矩阵网络构建理论构建土壤微生物群落分子生态网络。探讨氮素管理对退化羊草草地土壤微生物群落结构及网络的影响,氮添加条件下微生物网络结构中的关键微生物变化规律,以及该过程中微生物之间的互作关系,解析外源氮素添加条件下土壤细菌动态变化的关键结点和规律。【结果】在门分类水平上施氮处理草地有细菌门22个,未施氮处理23个。7个菌门是施氮和未施氮处理草地的优势菌门,其中变形菌门(Proteobacteria)是含有OTU数量最多的门类,约占总序列的30.46%,酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)是含有OTU数量次之的门类,约占总序列的30.15%,芽单胞菌门(Gemmatimonadetes)是含有OTU数量第3的门类,约占总序列的8.14%,放线菌(Actinomycete)约占总序列的6.15%,绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和硝化螺旋菌门(N...  相似文献   
NMR data prediction is increasingly important in structure elucidation. The impact of force field selection was assessed, along with geometry and energy cutoffs. Based on the conclusions, we propose a new approach named mix-J-DP4, which provides a remarkable increase in the confidence level of complex stereochemical assignments—100% in our molecular test set—with a very modest increment in computational cost.  相似文献   
番茄黄化曲叶病毒病是番茄生产上的毁灭性病害,严重影响番茄产量及品质。2019年从广西百色市采集疑似番茄黄化曲叶病叶片样品,采用滚环扩增(RCA)及基因克隆等方法,获得了4个烟粉虱传双生病毒的全基因序列,4个分离物的全长序列分别为2 776、2 781、2 752、2 781 bp,均编码6个开放阅读框;核苷酸相似性比较发现,4个分离物彼此间的相似性均在90%以上,与已报道的番茄黄化曲叶病毒Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV)各分离物间的相似性也在91%以上;系统进化分析表明,TYLCV广西分离物BS-2和BS-4与TYLCV-Hunan、BS-1和BS-3与TYLCV-YN6553等分离物处于独立的小分支,说明TYLCV广西分离物与TYLCV-Hunan、TYLCV-YN6553具有较近的亲缘关系。本研究首次报道TYLCV在广西发生。  相似文献   
马铃薯胞囊线虫是马铃薯上最重要的有害生物之一,也是我国特别关注的重要植物检疫性线虫.针对马铃薯白线虫ITS序列,我们设计了引物和TaqMan探针,使用15种马铃薯胞囊线虫群体和4种其它胞囊线虫样品进行验证,可高度灵敏地检测单个马铃薯白线虫的胞囊或幼虫,最高检测灵敏度达到10fs;同时开展了混合样品和未知样品的检测,证明了引物的专化性和TaqMan探针特异性.该检测方法可自动化检测马铃薯白线虫并进行定量,适合进行标准化的常规检测.  相似文献   
蓝莓枝枯病病原菌鉴定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 蓝莓 (Vaccinium spp.),是一类属于杜鹃花科 (Ericaceae) 越橘属 (Vaccinium) 的多年生小浆果类果树,广泛地应用于医药、保健、化妆品和环境保护等各方面,联合国粮农组织将其果实列为人类世界五大健康食品之一,也是我国南方酸性土丘陵地区值得发展的经济作物。全国已超过 10 个省份开始大面积的蓝莓商业化栽培,预计未来 10 年将超过 10 万 hm2 [1]。但是,随着生产面积的不断扩大,蓝莓病害也日趋严重,严重影响和制约蓝莓产业的发展。2010年至今,在云南省昆明市周边及丽江市蓝莓种植区发生一种病害,主要为害嫩枝、枝条和主干,发病初期,感病枝条上产生红褐色圆或椭圆形坏死斑,随后逐渐扩大,造成枝条干枯死亡,并可扩展造成主干枯萎。调查发现,该病发病率通常在 10%~20%,重者可达 25% 以上,可引起蓝莓整株枯萎死亡。本文通过病原菌分离、致病性测定及传统、分子鉴定,明确了该病的病原,以期为病害防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Previous studies found that both oral and topical administration of enzymatic digestion products < 3 K Da ultrafiltration fractions of Pinctada martensii mantle (PMPs) had pro-healing effects. Thus, we further purified them by Sephadex-G25 and screened them by cellular assays to obtain Pinctada martensii purified peptides (PMPPs). In this study, we explored the mechanism of PMPPs on wound healing by in vivo, in vitro, and in silico experiments. LC-MS/MS results showed that PMPPs consisted of 33 peptides with molecular weights ranging from 758.43 to 2014.04 Da, and the characteristic peptide was Leu-Asp. The results of cellular assays showed that PMPPs promoted the proliferation of human skin fibroblasts (HSF) (135%) and human immortalized keratinocyte (HaCaT) cells (125%) very significantly at 12.5 μg/mL. The in vivo results showed that PMPPs could achieve scarless healing by inhibiting the inflammatory response, accelerating the epithelialization process, and regulating collagen I/III ratio. The optimal peptide sequence FAFQAEIAQLMS of PMPPs was screened for key protein receptors in wound healing (EGFR1, FGFR1, and MMP-1) with the help of molecular docking technique, which also showed to be the key pro-healing active peptide sequence. Therefore, it may provide a therapeutic strategy with great potential for wound healing.  相似文献   
拟南芥霜霉病抗性分子机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着近年分子生物学技术的发展与应用,植物霜霉病抗性的研究有了长足的进展。本文就拟南芥抗霜霉病基因的克隆与结构分析,抗病信号传导,防卫反应和系统获得抗性,以及寄主-寄生菌共进化冲突方面进行了综述,并就今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   
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