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In practice, the content of standardized ileal digestible AA in complex feeds for pigs is calculated on the basis of tabulated values for individual feedstuffs. It comes into question, however, whether this truly reflects an accurate content based upon the estimate made for the individual feedstuffs. The objective of this study was to compare standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of crude protein (CP) and selected AA in complex feeds for grower and finisher pigs either calculated or experimentally determined. Six diets with increasing AA levels were prepared for grower (BW from 30 to 70 kg) and finisher (BW from 70 to 120 kg) feed. Crystalline L‐lys, DL‐met and L‐thr were added to both diets, L‐trp and L‐val only to the grower feed. SID of both CP and AA was calculated from feed tables and experimentally determined in six adult minipigs (MINILEWE) with ileorectal anastomosis. With increasing AA levels, experimentally determined SID of supplemented AA increased (p < 0.05), but SID of CP (p  0.05) was not affected. In both grower and finisher feed, calculated and experimentally determined SID of CP, Met, Cys, Trp, Ile and Tyr differed by more than 2% units, but those of Lys and His only in the finisher feed. Yet this effect was not directly consistent. The margin of error following estimation of SID of AA via tabulated values for individual feedstuffs, however, seems to be acceptable for practical use.  相似文献   
脂质体法是一种传统的向哺乳动物细胞导入外源基因的方法,然而其转染效率受多种因素影响。本研究将从脂质体和质粒DNA量、转染暴露时间以及混合孵育时间等四方面进行探索,以寻找最佳的转染体系。试验结果表明最佳转染体系为:脂质体1.25μL、DNA 0.7μg、脂质体-DNA混合孵育0 min以及转染暴露6 h。随后我们用优化过的转染体系对新生广西巴马小型猪肾脏成纤维细胞进行转绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP)操作,获得了(26.45±2.11)%的转染率,并以此为核供体经体细胞核移植技术成功构建表达GFP的广西巴马小型猪克隆胚胎,同时证实转基因克隆胚的体外发育能力比得上非转基因克隆胚。这为我们构建用于人类疾病研究的基因修饰广西巴马小型猪奠定了基础。  相似文献   
本试验旨在比较高原蕨麻小型猪与平原巴马小型猪的血液生理生化指标差异,为高原蕨麻小型猪的实验动物化提供理论基础.试验分别在高原地区和西安市采集高原蕨麻小型猪与巴马小型猪血样,检测10项血液生理指标和14项血液生化指标,并对结果进行统计分析.结果显示,血液生理指标中高原蕨麻小型猪的红细胞计数(RBC)、血红蛋白(HGB)、红细胞压积(HCT)、红细胞平均血红蛋白含量(MCH)、红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度(MCMH)均极显著高于巴马小型猪(P< 0.01),血小板(PLT)、红细胞分布列宽变异系数(RDW-CV)和红细胞分布宽度标准差(RDW-SD)与巴马小型猪相比差异显著(P< 0.05);血液生化指标中高原蕨麻小型猪γ-谷氨酰基转移酶(GGT)、葡萄糖(GLU)、肌酐(CRE)均极显著高于巴马小型猪(P< 0.01),其余指标均无显著差异(P> 0.05).结果表明,高原蕨麻小型猪具有低氧适应的生理特征,与巴马小型猪相比有独特的高原适应性,具有开发成为高原疾病动物模型的潜力.  相似文献   
The primary function of the placenta is to act as an interface between the dam and fetus. The anatomic structure of the chorioallantoic placenta in eutherian mammals varies between different animal species. The placental types in eutherian mammals are classified from various standpoints based on the gross shape, the histological structure of the materno-fetal interface, the type of materno-fetal interdigitation, etc. Particularly, the histological structure is generally considered one of the most useful and instructive classifications for functionally describing placental type. In this system, three main types are recognized according to the cell layers comprising the interhemal area: (1) epitheliochorial type (horses, pigs and ruminants), (2) endotheliochorial type (carnivores) and (3) hemochorial type (primates, rodents and rabbits). The number of cell layers in the interhemal area is considered to modify the transfer of nutrients between maternal and fetal blood and is one of the important factors with respect to the difference in placental permeability between animal species. Therefore, in reproductive and developmental toxicity studies, careful attention should be paid to the histological structure of the interhemal area when extrapolating information concerning placental transfer characteristics to different animal species.  相似文献   
以版纳微型猪近交系妊娠47d的胎儿为材料,采用胰蛋白酶消化法消化培养胎儿成纤维细胞,对其进行细胞形态观察、细胞冻存前和复苏后存活率测定、生长曲线绘制和染色体核型分析等生物学特征检测.结果表明,培养的版纳微型猪近交系胎儿成纤维细胞呈典型的成纤维细胞形态;细胞冻存前和复苏后的存活率分别为98.06%和92.12%;生长曲线呈"S"形,倍增时间为36h;对所制备染色体核型进行分析,显示2n=38,XY,并在体外培养14个代次后仍能保持正常核型.  相似文献   
This study was designed to compare the blood physiological and biochemical parameters between plateau Juema minipigs and plain Bama minipigs,and provide a theoretical basis for Juema minipigs served as experimental animals in the future.The blood samples of Juema minipigs were taken in Gannan,and the blood samples of the Bama minipigs were taken in Xi'an,24 blood physiological and biochemical parameters were tested using an automatic analyzer of blood cells and biochemistry.Between the plateau Juema minipigs and Bama minipigs,there were significant differences in PLT,RDW-CV and RDW-SD (P< 0.05) and extremely significant differences in RBC,HGB,HCT,MCH,MCMH,GGT,GLU and CRE (P< 0.01).The plateau Juema minipig had an altitude acclimatization,so it was better than Bama minipig in plateau medical science.  相似文献   
Ten pigs, aged 85 days, were vaccinated with a subunit vaccine containing 32 g of classical swine fever virus glycoprotein E2 (gp E2) (group 1), and a further 10 pigs were vaccinated with a C strain vaccine (104±0.15 TCID50/ml), produced by amplification in minipig kidney (MPK) cell culture (group 2). Nine non-vaccinated pigs served as a control group (group 3). Serum samples were collected before (day 0) and at 4, 10, 21 and 28 days after vaccination and were analysed by two commercially available enzyme immunoassays and by a neutralizing peroxidase-linked assay (NPLA). At the same times, peripheral blood was taken for determining the total leukocyte count and the body temperature was taken daily. Antibodies were not detected in serum samples collected before vaccination (day 0), and no side-effects that could be connected with vaccination were observed during the trial. Ten days after vaccination 6/10 pigs vaccinated with the subunit vaccine were seropositive. On days 21 and 28, the ratios of serologically positive to vaccinated pigs were 9/10 and 10/10, respectively. Four of the ten pigs that were vaccinated with the C strain vaccine were positive on day 21 and 9/10 on day 28. However, the results of the NPLA showed that only 4/10 pigs had an antibody titre >1:32 at the end of the trial in both the vaccinated groups, even though the subunit vaccine initiated an earlier and higher level of neutralizing antibodies than the vaccine produced from the C strain. Challenge was performed 28 days after vaccination on four randomly selected pigs from both vaccinated groups. The pigs survived the challenge without showing any clinical signs of classical swine fever (CSF), while two nonvaccinated control pigs died on the 10th and 12th days after infection.  相似文献   
利用高脂饲料诱导建立巴马小型猪代谢疾病模型并分析肝脏转录组变化。选取1月龄巴马小型猪24头,随机分为对照组与高脂诱导组,对照组饲喂普通饲料,高脂诱导组饲喂含2.0%胆固醇饲料,定时监测体重、血常规及生化指标,6个月后试验结束,作心脏冠状动脉造影、器官组织学检测及肝脏转录组分析。结果表明,高脂诱导组个体饲喂4个月体重显著高于对照组,诱导期后血液生化指标中甘油三酯显著高于对照组,饲喂6个月时冠状动脉造影及器官组织切片未见显著病变,肝脏转录组分析显示高脂诱导组与对照组相比有2 468个差异表达基因,主要与代谢途径相关。为期6个月的高脂饲喂未致巴马小型猪明显代谢性疾病及心血管病变,但血液甘油三酯水平显著升高,显著影响肝脏代谢途径相关基因表达。文章系统探讨高脂诱导模型,结合血液生化、组织学、冠脉造影及肝脏转录组分析,进一步获得代谢通路相关潜在标记基因,为建立理想小型猪代谢疾病模型提供参考。  相似文献   
Objectives To determine the vitreous volume, and retinal and lens wet weights in male and female Göttingen minipigs of different age groups. Procedures Vitreous, lens and retina were isolated from fresh minipig eyes. Vitreous volume, lens and retina weight were measured and allometric scaling was utilized to predict these parameters. Results There were no gender differences in body weights or retina and lens weights in the three age groups examined in this study. For vitreous volumes, females had a significantly larger volume (approximately 10%–12%) than males in the 4–6 and 6–8 month, but not in the 8–11‐month group. The mean body weight increased from 12.2 ± 2.6 kg (4–6 months) to 19.4 ± 4.0 kg (8–11 months). In the same period, the mean vitreous volume increased from 2.00 ± 0.28 to 2.67 ± 0.31 mL, while the mean retinal and lens weights increased from 114 ± 22 to 126 ± 17 mg, and from 298 ± 26 to 392 ± 15 mg, respectively. Allometric analysis between six species for vitreous volume and four species for lens weight covering a weight range of 260‐fold was not able to estimate the vitreous volume, but it did predict the lens weight in 8–11 months minipigs. Conclusions Overall these measurements add important context to intraocular pharmacology studies, and will help in the improved design and interpretation of such experiments.  相似文献   
采用PMSG+hCG法和PG+PMSG+hCG法对五指山小型猪进行超数排卵处理。2种方法超排有效率分别为58.33%和72.73%,头均排卵数为22枚和25.6枚;PMSG剂量为1500IU和2000 IU时超排有效率分别为50%和81.82%,头均排卵数为21.4枚和26.2枚。将60枚胚胎经短距离运输后采用外科手术法移植入3头受体,平均每头移植(20±3)枚,其中1头产仔3头。  相似文献   
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