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胚胎冷冻保存已广泛用于胚胎移植、动物克隆以及动物资源保护.此技术的应用需保证胚胎在冷冻-解冻后具有较高的成活率.自从1972年小鼠胚胎冷冻保存获得成功以来,许多学者在简化冷冻程序,缩短冷冻时间,方面进行了深入的研究.本文就胚胎冷冻的原理、保护剂、冷冻方法以及解冻方法等方面进行了综述.  相似文献   
哺乳动物细胞无血清培养基研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着哺乳动物细胞培养种类、规模和应用范围的不断扩大以及安全性能要求的不断提高,无血清培养基的研制已经成为细胞工程领域的重要课题.许多类型的哺乳动物细胞无血清培养基配方得到了研究开发和优化,且有些已经进入第3代无蛋白无血清培养基研制阶段.论文重点概述了无血清培养基在添加因子作用机制、细胞分化条件、细胞和组织移植以及肿瘤治...  相似文献   
新疆各类陆栖脊椎动物近 70 0种 ,占中国这一类动物种数的 32 %,其中鸟兽资源尤其丰富 ,计有 42 5种鸟类和 1 5 5种兽类 (哺乳类 ) ,占中国鸟兽种数的 31 %。本文主要以新疆三大山区———阿尔泰山、天山、昆仑 -阿尔金山地区鸟类和哺乳类动物的多样性及区系分布作综合性介绍和分析。根据实地考察和以往文献资料 ,新疆阿尔泰山区记录在 1 2 4种鸟类 ,其中古北界北方型鸟类 5 1种 (占 41 .1 %) ,中亚型鸟类 31种 (占 2 5 .0 %) ,广布种鸟类 2 7种 (占 2 1 .8%) ,其他类型1 5种 (占 1 2 .1 %) ,显出以北方型泰加林鸟类为主的鸟类区系特征 ;分布的 5 0种兽类 ,区系上以古北界北方泰加林为主 ,即北方型兽类占该山区种数的 5 2 %。天山山区记录的鸟类大约2 81种 ,北方型种类占绝对优势 ,即北方型 1 0 6种 (占 37.72 %) ,北方广布型 76种 (占 2 7.0 4 %) ,中亚型 39种 (占 1 3.88%) ,高地型 1 8种 (占 6.41 %) ,广布型 33种 (占 1 1 .74%) ,东北型 9种 (占 3.2 1 %)。兽类分布有 62种 ,北方型兽类区系占优势 ,有 30种 (占 48.40 %) ,广布型 1 2种 (占 1 9.40 %) ,中亚型 1 1种 (占 1 7.70 %) ,特有种 9种 (占 1 4.5 0 %)。昆仑—阿尔金山地区 96种鸟类中 ,中亚类型成份占 2 8.1 %,高地型成分占 2 6%,北方型成?  相似文献   
性别控制是一项能显著提高养殖业经济效益的生物工程技术。目前哺乳动物的性别控制的方法很多,主要是通过XY精子分离和早期胚胎性别鉴定来实现。在生产中,还经常采用其它性别控制的方法,如:受精时间控制法、阴道pH值调节法和营养调节法等。就性别决定的机理、XY精子分离以及早期胚胎性别鉴定的几种方法进行了综述,并对性别控制存在的问题及发展前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Correlations between fine‐scale oceanographic features and aggregations of marine mammals are frequently reported, but the physical forces shaping these relationships are rarely explored. We conducted a series of oceanographic observations and remote sensing surveys of an oceanographic feature near Grand Manan Island known to attract marine mammals on flood tides. We tracked drift drogues from cliff‐top with a theodolite and conducted box‐type surveys with an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) to assess flow patterns within the oceanographic feature. The feature was also visualized with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) scenes. Drift drogues were advected towards a shear line originating near the northern tip of the island and entrained in one or more eddies downstream. ADCP surveys confirmed the presence of the shear line between rapid easterly flow and slower return flow. As the tide progressed, the shear line extended and manifested a single anti‐cyclonic eddy at its distal end. As the flood tide progressed, northerly flow along the eastern shore of the island intensified and deflected the shear line northwards, shedding the eddy at slack high water. SAR images confirmed the presence of the shearline and eddy system, illustrating the evolution of a wake behind the island on flood tides. Profiles of flow direction and acoustic backscatter revealed secondary flows within the wake consistent with models and observations of other wakes. Oceanographic and remote sensing observations confirm that an island wake is generated by tidal flow past Grand Manan Island and provide an ecological context for the predictable aggregations of odontocete and mysticete cetaceans observed foraging within this region.  相似文献   
哺乳动物卵泡发育是一个被众多内分泌、旁分泌和自分泌因素精确调控的生理过程。原始卵泡生长启动可能受卵巢内在因子,如生长因子等的调控,而不是通常认为的FSH(促卵泡素);原始卵泡细胞连接和原始卵泡的细胞(卵母细胞和颗粒细胞)之间相互作用也参与调节原始卵泡的生长启动  相似文献   
为哺乳动物性别,从哺乳动物性别控制的机理、性别控制的方法及现状进行简要综述,控制技术在生产实践广泛应用提供理论指导。  相似文献   
While several studies have demonstrated that roads can act as barriers to small mammal movement, the relationship between road density and small mammal abundance has not yet been investigated. In southeastern Ontario, Peromyscus leucopus (white-footed mice) suffer high over-winter mortality rates, resulting in small springtime populations and frequent local extinctions. Peromyscus leucopus movement is known to be inhibited by roads, which should result in lower rates of immigration into and recolonization of habitats in landscapes with high road density. We tested two predictions: (1) Forest sites situated in landscapes with high road densities have a higher chance of P. leucopus being absent during the early spring than forest sites situated in landscapes with low road densities and (2) P. leucopus populations during the summer are smaller in forest sites situated in landscapes with high road densities than in landscapes with low road densities. We sampled P. leucopus in focal patches within nineteen landscapes (7 rural, low-road-density landscapes; 7 rural, high-road-density landscapes; 5 urban landscapes). There was no significant relationship between road density and the presence/absence of P. leucopus during the early spring. We found a significant positive effect of road density on P. leucopus relative abundance during the summer, even when we excluded the urban landscapes and based the analysis on only the 14 rural landscapes. Our results suggest that any negative effect of roads on P. leucopus populations, created by their inhibition to moving across roads, is far outweighed by some positive effect of roads on P. leucopus abundance. We suggest that the two most likely explanations are that roads are positively correlated with an important as-yet-undetermined component of habitat quality, or that roads positively affect P. leucopus by negatively affecting their predators.  相似文献   
RNA干扰(RNAi)由双链RNA引起,广泛存在于动、植物中的序列特异性转录后基因沉默,是生物体在进化过程中,抵御病毒感染及由于重复序列和突变引起的基因组不稳定性的保护机制。论文从RNAi现象、RNAi发生机制、哺乳动物中的RNAi现象和RNAi与抗病毒感染等几个方面做了综述,详细介绍RNAi在哺乳动物中的应用。  相似文献   
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