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《抚郡农产考略》是清末江西有代表性的农学著作,不仅保存有抚州地区大量农产种类、栽培与加工技术等资料,还包含了大量的商品经济信息。作者何刚德已经认识到自给自足的自然经济会对生产有束缚作用,他在记载各类农产品时,提出“价值”的概念且用货币价格对其衡量,并深入揭示了农产品上市时间、供求、地理、交通条件等因素对价格的影响,进而寻求增值之道。何氏提倡多种经营,大力种植棉花、烟叶等经济作物,发挥柑橘、甘蔗等名优特产优势,促进农业的商品化生产。他还建议通过深加工的方式获取更高利润,并对未能引进西方的先进加工技术而感到惋惜。《抚郡农产考略》体现了中国近代官僚知识分子对农业经济转型的探索,具有重要的历史价值与现实意义。  相似文献   
果树技术经济效益评价的程序与方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合果树生产实际,阐述了果树生产技术经济效益评价研究的基本方法、基本程序步骤和各步骤实施的要求,对评价结果的分析方法进行了较为详细的说明。其中包括对比分析法、试算分析法、边际分析法在果树生产技术经济效益评价研究上的应用。同时本文对该课题中所涉及的几个果树技术的经济效益评价方法程序进行了各论。  相似文献   
通过分析我国现阶段农村经济组织的组织模式、功能及组织连接机制,指出我国农村经济组织已形成以农户家庭经营为基础层次,以社区合作经济组织、专业合作经济组织及以“公司 农户”为典型的契约型组织分别为第二、三、四层次,效能逐级递增,各层次之间具有互动作用的组织体系。  相似文献   
本文总结了太行山区过去几十年林业生产的教训,把近几年的“生态经济沟”经验,应用到太行山南部低海拔岗坡地形区的开发治理中,提出了建设“生态经济岗”的设想及盘龙岗试点的规划方案。  相似文献   
在精料用量相同、定量采食的条件下,研究不同粗料配合、不同加工方法对幼龄波尔羊生产性能的影响,并分析其经济效益。结果表明:粗料为35%稻秆粉、15%砻糠的 号全混合颗粒料在本次试验中的效果最为突出。与粗料为青草的日粮1相比,试羊日增重、饲料转化率分别提高48.4%(P<0.05)和27.9%,且每千克增重饲料费用降低41.5%;与粗料为稻秸散料的日粮2相比,试羊日增重、饲料转化率分别提高了53.3%(P<0.05)和26.9%,且每千克增重饲料费用降低30.9%。经济效益明显。  相似文献   
根据市场经济的要求和目前小流域治理中普遍存在的高投入、低效益问题,提出以市场经济为导向,通过合理开发利用治理成果,优化组合资源、资金、劳力、技术等生产要素,努力发展商品生产,提高小流域治理的经济效益。结合各地实践,总结出基本农田的集约经营、水保林的经营增值、水保草的养畜转化、非生产地的开发利用、转化产品的加工增值和疏通流通渠道六条开发利用途径。  相似文献   
研究了在企业家生成过程中,企业家之间由于行为的互动性而引起的均衡结果的变化,以及均衡结果的协调,达到帕累托最优的问题.  相似文献   
“复激保果剂”在杂交水稻制种上应用技术总结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文英 《杂交水稻》1993,(2):19-21
复激保累剂,在杂交稻制种上使用,能促使花器发育良好,调节父母本花期,提高结实率,增加每穗实粒和粒重,提高产量。且成本低,有显著的经济效益。  相似文献   
The results of a standardised radiological examination of 5928 Hanoverian Warmblood horses selected for sale at auction were used to predict relative breeding values (RBV) in the 23,662 horses included in the last four generations of the probands' pedigrees. The distribution of the RBV was investigated in the whole four-generation pedigree, in the probands and in those stallions that contributed at least three offspring to the probands. The RBV of the probands' sires were further compared with the officially published performance-based relative breeding values, i.e., total indices dressage (TID) and jumping (TIJ). The sires' level of dressage indices was considerably higher (mean TID=110) than of the jumping indices (mean TIJ=98). Total indices radiographic findings (TIR) were calculated for the sires with varying weighting given to the individual RBV. In each case, this resulted in a mean TIR of 99. Finally, total indices were derived from TIR and TID and/or TIJ in order to develop different selection schemes for all-purpose breeding and for breeding focused on dressage and show jumping. All breeding values under consideration increased by between 1% and 19% when radiographic findings were weighted with between 30% and 60% complementary to the corresponding performance parameters, and when only sires were selected with above average total indices. At the same time, the prevalences of the radiographic findings investigated here were lowered by up to 10% each. When only one radiographic finding was considered at a time, the maximum attainable response to selection was a 16-23% increase in the relative breeding values and a relative decrease in prevalences of radiographic findings of between 31% and 52%. The results of this study indicate that it is possible in horse breeding to consider simultaneously health and performance traits. Medical data should be included in the prediction of breeding values in order to improve the radiological status of today's riding horses.  相似文献   
Cocoa is a key or source of income and poverty reduction in the humid forest of Southern Cameroon. Cameroon like other African countries went through a major economic crisis in the early 1980s with a decline in international commodity prices and significant changes in macroeconomic policies. Structural adjustment reforms following the economic crisis led to removal of fertilizers and pesticides subsidies, cocoa price liberalization and the overall withdraw of Government interventions from the cocoa sub-sector. Cocoa input price increases have been compounded by the devaluation of the CFA Franc, which doubled the prices of the imported pesticides which were considered key to the control of cocoa pests. This overall economic shock led to changes in cocoa producer's production decisions as a response to minimize cost. Among the changes the use of alternatives to imported chemicals for cocoa pest control. Farmers responded to the high prices of pesticides by developing, from local botanical knowledge and pest management strategies, which include plant extracts and plant extracts mixed with pesticides at different proportions. This is a major decision given the importance of imported chemical in the cost of production of cocoa. Valuable indigenous knowledge from farmers could be used also as an effective support system for communicating and diffusing modern knowledge and technologies to farmers. The paper describes the farmer knowledge-based alternatives to chemical pesticides for pest control in cocoa fields as a response to high pest control costs. Pest management specialists are urged to take advantage of this shift in practice and assess their effectiveness for further use. Two sets of questions are posed: (1) were the conventional insecticides, with all their problems, really necessary? and (2) are the materials derived from locally grown plants effective pest management agents or are they, in some way, placebos?  相似文献   
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