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本文通过室内贴牌水培法及整株法,快速鉴定并验证了2013年采自湖南省不同地区稻田的50个稗草生物型对二氯喹啉酸的抗药性,试验结果表明:贴牌水培法所用的二氯喹啉酸甄别剂量为80mg/L;稗草死亡率越低,其抗性倍数(resistance factor,RF)越高,其中死亡率为0时,整株法测定的RF值高达896.07~1 209.38;贴牌水培法测定的稗草样本对二氯喹啉酸的ED50远低于整株法,但两种方法得到的不同稗草生物型对二氯喹啉酸的抗性水平趋势高度吻合。笔者认为以贴牌水培法测定的死亡率小于40%的稗草样本对二氯喹啉酸的抗性风险较高,值得深入研究。  相似文献   
狂犬病毒中和试验的病毒回归试验表明,病毒攻毒液的实际剂量与理论剂量不完全一致.建议在新版<中华人民共和国兽用生物制品质量标准>中增加对病毒攻毒实际剂量范围的规定,以使结果的判定更为合理.  相似文献   
为明确不同翻压量细叶满江红(Azolla filiculoides)在非淹水土壤中的腐解过程差异,以玻璃纤维滤纸与尼龙网袋结合的方法开展翻压模拟试验,研究了3个翻压量(萍土质量比为5 g·kg-1,10 g·kg-1和15 g·kg-1)下细叶满江红的腐解及养分释放特征。结果表明:不同翻压量细叶满江红的腐解及养分释放规律均为前期(0~10 d)快、后期(20~60 d)慢,最终(60 d后)的腐解率和养分释放率随翻压量的增加而降低,但养分释放总量随之增加,各翻压量养分释放率均为磷>钾>碳>氮。养分释放率(y)和释放速率(v)与腐解时间(x)的关系分别符合幂函数y=axb(P<0.001)和指数衰减模型v=voe-kx(P<0.05)。回归分析表明,增加翻压量可延缓细叶满江红养分的释放,且延缓效果为氮>碳>钾>磷;随着翻压量的增加,各养分的最大释放速率均显著提升(P<0.05),但速率衰减速度也随之加快。...  相似文献   
为了筛选出治疗仔猪黄白痢的最佳中药处方,确定其合理用药剂量和适用范围,试验将478头确诊为黄白痢的哺乳仔猪随机分为6组,分别用3种预选处方(处方一、处方二和处方三)、氧氟沙星、诺氟沙星、氧氟沙星与诺氟沙星联合用药进行治疗,比较预选处方与对照药物对仔猪黄白痢的治疗效果,筛选最佳的中药处方;并对每种中药处方按照低、中、高3种剂量进行用药,确定预选处方的合理用药剂量;按照发病特点进行用药。探讨预选处方对不同病症的适用性。结果表明:预选处方对仔猪黄白痢的治疗效果优于对照药物,且复发率显著低于后者;3种中药处方中,处方一的疗效最好,治愈率为82.9%,总有效率可迭84.7%,显著高于其他处方;处方一中剂量组的疗效最好,治愈率为88.9%,总有效率可达91.1%,显著高于其他剂量组,而且治愈后无复发现象。  相似文献   
本试验旨在利用体外产气法研究不同非纤维性碳水化合物/中性洗涤纤维(non-fiber carbohydrates/neutral detergent fiber, NFC/NDF)的底物条件下外源纤维素酶(exogenous fibrolytic enzymes, EFE)对底物产气、降解和发酵特性的影响,找出不同底物条件下适宜的EFE添加水平。采用2×5交叉分组试验设计,5个NFC/NDF底物水平 (0.85、1.02、1.19、1.36和1.53)分别添加5种水平的EFE(0, 2, 4, 8 和16 mg/g DM)进行体外发酵。结果表明,1)不同NFC/NDF底物和EFE水平对体外总产气量(GP48)和产气参数(b、c和L)均有显著的影响(P<0.05),且两因素互作显著(P<0.05);底物1中, GP48、b和c值随EFE剂量的增加显著地线性和二次提高(P<0.05),其中以16 mg/g 水平组较高,L值则呈相反趋势;底物2~4中,GP48、b和c值随EFE剂量增加显著地二次提高(P<0.05),其中以4 mg/g 水平组较高。2)不同底物对干物质消失率(DMD)、酸性洗涤纤维降解率(ADFD)、中性洗涤纤维降解率(NDFD)和氮降解率(ND)均有显著的影响(P<0.05),除ND外,EFE水平的添加效应呈现相似结果;底物1条件下,随着EFE添加剂量的提高,DMD、ADFD和NDFD显著地线性提高(P<0.05),其中均以16 mg/g组最高(P<0.05);而底物2~4中则以4 mg/g组最高(P<0.05)。3)不同NFC/NDF底物和EFE水平对瘤胃发酵参数均有显著影响(P<0.05),除丙酸外,两种因素对其他指标的互作效应均显著(P<0.05);在底物1~4条件下,随着EFE添加剂量的提高,除丙酸以外的其他发酵参数显著地线性和二次提高或降低(P<0.05);底物1中,对照组pH值、氨态氮含量和丁酸摩尔浓度显著高于4、8和16 mg/g组(P<0.05),相反,16 mg/g组的总挥发性脂肪酸(TVFA)、乙酸摩尔浓度和乙酸∶丙酸值较高;底物2~4条件下,pH值和氨态氮含量以4 mg/g组较低,而TVFA、乙酸摩尔浓度和乙酸∶丙酸值则呈相反的趋势。4)NFC/NDF=1.53时,添加EFE对体外产气参数、降解特性和发酵特性均无显著影响(P>0.05)。由此,本试验发现,NFC/NDF底物影响了EFE的添加效应,NFC/NDF=0.85时,16 mg/g EFE水平组有较好纤维降解效果;NFC/NDF分别为1.02、1.19和1.36时,EFE最适添加剂量为4 mg/g;NFC/NDF=1.53时,底物中添加EFE没有正面效应。  相似文献   


The proportionality principle has been broadly used for over 10 years in regulatory assessments of pesticide residues. It allows extrapolation of supervised field trial data conducted at lower or higher application rates compared to the use pattern under evaluation by adjustment of measured concentrations, assuming direct proportionality between the rates applied and the resulting residues. This work revisits the principle idea by using supervised residue trials sets conducted under identical conditions but with deviating application rates. Four different statistical methods were used to investigate the relationship between application rates and residue concentrations and to draw conclusions on the statistical significance of the direct proportionality assumed.


Based on over 5000 individual trial results, the assumption of direct proportionality was not confirmed to be statistically significant (P > 0.05) using three models: direct comparison of application rates and residue concentrations ratios and two linear log-log regression models correlating application rate and residue concentration or only residue concentrations per se. In addition, a fourth model analysed deviations between expected concentrations following direct proportional adjustment and measured residue values from corresponding field trials. In 56% of all cases, the deviation was larger than ±25%, which represents the tolerance usually accepted for the selection of supervised field trials in regulatory assessments.


Overall, the assumption of direct proportionality between application rates and resulting residue concentrations of pesticides was not statistically significant. Although the proportionality approach is highly pragmatic in regulatory practice, its use should be considered carefully on a case-by-case basis. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   
禽致病性大肠杆菌(APEC)能引起家禽严重的呼吸系统和全身性疾病,由于APEC耐药菌株的不断出现迫使新型抗菌方式的研发迫在眉睫.本研究旨在评价APEC的luxS和rbsC双缺失的突变株作为减毒疫苗候选株的潜力,通过在APEC分离株DE17的单基因缺失株DE17ΔluxS的基础上,利用Red重组系统构建双基因缺失株DE1...  相似文献   
A single‐factor experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary astaxanthin concentration on the skin colour of snapper. Snapper (mean weight=129 g) were held in white cages and fed one of seven dietary levels of unesterified astaxanthin (0, 13, 26, 39, 52, 65 or 78 mg astaxanthin kg?1) for 63 days. Treatments comprised four replicate cages, each containing five fish. The skin colour of all fish was quantified using the CIE L*, a*, b* colour scale after 21, 42 and 63 days. In addition, total carotenoid concentrations of the skin of two fish cage?1 were determined after 63 days. Supplementing diets with astaxanthin strongly affected redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) values of the skin at all sampling times. After 21 days, the a* values increased linearly as the dietary astaxanthin concentration was increased before a plateau was attained between 39 and 78 mg kg?1. The b* values similarly increased above basal levels in all astaxanthin diets. By 42 days, a* and b* values increased in magnitude while a plateau remained between 39 and 78 mg kg?1. After 63 days, there were no further increases in measured colour values, suggesting that maximum pigmentation was imparted in the skin of snapper fed diets >39 mg kg?1 after 42 days. Similarly, there were no differences in total carotenoid concentrations of the skin of snapper fed diets >39 mg kg?1 after 63 days. The plateaus that occurred in a* and b* values, while still increasing in magnitude between 21 and 42 days, indicate that the rate of astaxanthin deposition in snapper is limited and astaxanthin in diets containing >39 mg astaxanthin kg?1 is not efficiently utilized. Astaxanthin retention after 63 days was greatest from the 13 mg kg?1 diet; however, skin pigmentation was not adequate. An astaxanthin concentration of 39 mg kg?1 provided the second greatest retention in the skin while obtaining maximum pigmentation. To efficiently maximize skin pigmentation, snapper growers should commence feeding diets containing a minimum of 39 mg unesterified astaxanthin kg?1 at least 42 days before sale.  相似文献   
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