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Field studies were undertaken to explore the weed management strategies for transplanted and direct wet-seeded rice in the Dera Ismail Khan district of North-west Frontier Province, Pakistan. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with a split plot arrangement. The main plots consisted of two planting techniques (transplantation and direct seeding), while weed control practises assigned to the subplots included the use of the granular herbicide Sunstar 15WG (ethoxy sulfuron), Machete 60EC (butachlor), conventional hand weeding, and the weedy check (untreated control). Data were recorded on weed dynamics and the agronomic parameters of the rice crop. Economic analyses on the data were also run. The weed density and biomass were lower in the transplantation plots than the direct-seeding plots. The herbicides ethoxy sulfuron and butachlor reduced the density over the weedy check, with a density comparable to hand weeding in 2002, but slightly higher in 2003. As a result of weed management by hand weeding and herbicides, the paddy yield and its components were significantly higher for the transplanted method compared to the direct-seeded method. The comparable yield of herbicides with hand weeding offers an option for the use of herbicides as an alternative management tool. In light of our findings, it is concluded that for good economic returns, rice crops may be transplanted rather than direct-seeded. The herbicides ethoxy sulfuron and butachlor offer a weed control cover comparable with hand weeding under the transplantation method, while butachlor is good for controlling weeds even under the direct-seeded conditions in the agroclimatic conditions of the area.  相似文献   
为了提高奶牛冷冻胚胎移植受胎率,笔者对移植季节、加入胚胎细胞团、胚胎发育阶段、移植技术水平等因素进行了试验研究,研究结果表明:7、9、12月移植,受胎率分别为50.9%、38.4%、57.9%,7、12月差异不显著(P〉0.05),但与9月份差异极显著(P〈0.01);移植时加入胚胎细胞团与对照组的受胎率分别为52%、69.23%,差异极显著(P〈0.01);胚胎发育阶段不同,受胎率不同,桑葚胚、早期囊胚、囊胚、扩张囊胚的受胎率分别是56.25%、58.82%、0、0,桑葚胚和囊胚之间差异不显著(P〉0.05),桑葚胚、囊胚与早期囊胚、扩张囊胚差异极显著(P〈0.01);技术水平对受胎率的影响,高水平和一般水平的移植受胎率分别是52.86%、17.86%,差异极显著(P〈0.01)。  相似文献   
余来宁 《水产学报》2007,31(4):431-436
为了保存濒危鱼类中华鲟种质资源,对其囊胚细胞和原肠细胞进行了冷冻保存和核移植试验。用二甲亚砜(DMSO)、1,2-丙二醇(PG)、羟乙基淀粉(HES)3种抗冻剂,配制4种冷冻保护液:CP1(12%D)、CP2(10%P)、CP3(8%D 6%E)、CP4(7%P 6%E),冷冻细胞存活率分别为47.4%±4.7%、64.4%±3.6%、54.7%±4.7%、76.7%±5.7%,CP4保存效果最好,说明添加非渗透型抗冻剂羟乙基淀粉能提高冷冻保存细胞的存活率。比较了两种冷冻方法,发现细胞在-7℃平衡30min之后直接投入液氮的一步冷冻降温法是可行的。对不同发育时期的胚胎细胞冷冻存活率进行了比较,结果表明原肠细胞冷冻存活率(64.4%±11.8%)明显比囊胚细胞的(57.1%±11.2%)高(P<0.05)。用冷冻复苏后的囊胚细胞和原肠细胞作供体,以中华鲟未受精卵作受体进行核移植,各移植了469和392枚卵,分别获得了5尾和2尾克隆鱼,核移植成功率分别为1.1%和0.5%。表明可通过冷冻保存胚胎细胞结合核移植技术保存鱼类种质资源。  相似文献   
精原干细胞(spermatogonial stem cells, SSCs)是雄性生殖系干细胞,位于睾丸曲细精管基膜上,既具有自我更新潜能,又具有定向分化潜能,是自然状态下出生后动物体内在整个生命过程中进行自我更新并能将基因传递至子代的惟一成体干细胞。根据国内外最新相关进展,系统评述了牛SSCs的生物学特性、分离纯化、冷冻保存、体外培养、永生细胞系的建立及移植等方面的现状及问题。  相似文献   
水牛卵母细胞体外成熟22h后,分别用盲吸法、点击法和纺锤体成像系统(Spindle—View System)去核。结果,三者的去核率分别为65.1%、81.8%和95.0%,差异极显著(P〈0.01)。以水牛胎儿成纤维细胞为供体,通过核移植构建的重构胚的融合率、分裂率和囊胚发育率,在上述3种方法之间均没有显著差异(P〉0.05)。认为点击法是一种较为简单、实用和有效的去核方法。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: The goal of this project was to explore the possibility that fungal organisms produce metabolites that inhibit angiogenesis. Procedures Fungal cultures were obtained from cases of keratomycosis, grown in Sabouraud's dextrose broth, and sterile filtered for use in experiments. The Matrigel assay was used to screen the filtrate samples for antiangiogenic activity. Matrigel is a basement membrane matrix that supports the differentiation of human umbilical vein endothelial (HUVE) cells into a capillary-like network of tubules. HUVE cells were cultured using standard techniques and passaged at confluence, with all cells being used at passage 3-6. HUVE cells (40 000 cells) were pipetted into each well of a 24-well tissue-culture plate coated with Matrigel. An aliquot of fungal media filtrate was added to each well and the plates allowed to incubate for 18 h, at which time they were evaluated for tubule formation. RESULTS: Two fungal isolates showed inhibition of tubule formation. The addition of 100, 200 and 400 &mgr;L of the fungal media filtrate from the first isolate (Fusarium sp. 99A34574) produced a consistent and dose-dependent inhibition of tubule formation. The second isolate (Aspergillus sp. 271599) did not show inhibition of tubule formation with 100 or 200 &mgr;L added to the wells, however, it did show inhibition at 400 &mgr;L/well. The remaining three isolates did not cause inhibition at any concentration. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that certain fungal organisms produce metabolites that inhibit tubule formation in vitro, and that these metabolites may play a significant role in altering the host vascular response to fungal infections of the cornea.  相似文献   
细胞核移植技术是目前生物技术领域研究的热点之一,其科学意义和应用价值重大。文章介绍了中国和世界上鱼类细胞核移植的研究成果及其最新进展;综述了鱼类细胞核移植的基本程序、方法和影响因素,包括胞质受体的准备、核供体的制备、核移植和核质杂种的培养。并对鱼类细胞核移植的应用、现存问题及应用前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   
不同移栽时期对山西早熟区春玉米生长及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索在山西早熟区无膜种植玉米的新模式及明确该地区玉米育苗移栽的适宜移栽时期,采用完全随机区组设计大田试验,以覆膜直播为对照,分析比较了不同时期露地移栽对玉米生育进程、株高、成熟期棒三叶叶面积与产量及其构成因素的影响。结果表明:各时期移栽玉米的生育进程均慢于对照。移栽具有降低株高与减小成熟期棒三叶叶面积的效应。在本试验条件下5月1日移栽玉米产量与对照无显著差异,较覆膜直播(CK)仅减少了7%。在早熟地区采用育苗移栽方法无膜种植玉米时必须注意当地晚霜对玉米幼苗的伤害,可以认为在该地区适宜的移栽时期应当是在当地晚霜之后抓紧时间尽早移栽。  相似文献   
一季晚稻直播栽培与育秧移栽的农艺性状比较   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
选用有代表性的水稻品种(组合)两优培九(两系杂交稻)、绵2优838(三系杂交稻)、湘晚籼11号(优质常规稻)、扬稻6号(高产常规稻)为试验材料,采用裂区设计,通过直播栽培与育秧移栽比较试验,研究不同水稻品种(组合)农艺性状、产量构成因素的差异.结果表明,两种栽培方式下各品种产量之间存在显著差异,直播栽培相比育秧移栽产量高;从产量构成因素上分析,直播栽培增产的原因是水稻有效穗数增多、结实事和千粒重略有增加,其中有效穗数对产量贡献最大,其直接通径系数为0.8677.直播栽培对水稻分蘖、株高、生育期及叶面积有一定影响.  相似文献   
将12日龄小鼠卵巢移植到8~10周龄去势雄性小鼠的背部肌肉中,分别于移植后7、26和40d观察移植体周围血管再生状况,分离并观察移植体上的卵泡和卵母细胞发育情况,并观察移植体的组织学结构及变化。结果发现:卵巢移植后7d,卵巢內大量卵泡发生退行性变化,卵泡数量骤减;移植后26d,移植体周围有明显的血管发生,移植体直径增加到1908μm,极显著大于12日龄小鼠卵巢(P<0.01),移植体边缘可见到各阶段的卵泡,卵巢的皮质和髓质界限模糊;移植后40d,移植体直径增加到2739μm,极显著大于12日龄小鼠卵巢(P<0.01),有明显的卵泡,从移植体中分离得到卵丘卵母细胞复合体(COCs)和卵母细胞,形态基本正常。提示:成年去势雄性小鼠背部肌肉组织环境可支持同种异性移植的小鼠卵巢上卵泡和卵母细胞进一步生长发育。  相似文献   
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