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CIDR、PMSG、FSH联合使用对初产供体羊Borderdale(波德代)3♂15♀、Poll Dorset(无角陶赛特)5♂18♀和Ger-man Mutton Merino(德国肉毛兼用美利奴—德美)3♂15♀进行同期发情和超数排卵。同期化发情波德代、无角陶赛特和德美分别为100.00%、88.89%和93.33%,羊只同期化发情时间经历和各时间点分布3个品种各有特点。超数排卵效果品种间存在差异,波德代、无角陶赛特、德美分别为6.60±2.97(枚)、3.63±2.25(枚)、5.50±3.32(枚),波德代极显著地高于无角陶赛特(P<0.01)。超排有效率波德代、无角陶赛特、德美分别为100.00%、87.50%、92.86%。未受精卵波德代极显著地高于德美羊和无角陶赛特羊(P<0.01)。胚胎总数德美羊极显著地高于波德代(P<0.01)。有效胚胎波德代羊、无角陶赛特羊、德美羊分别为2.40±2.31、2.75±2.05、4.07±3.79,德美极显著地高于波德代(P<0.01)。同一方法进行同期化发情,羊只经历时间和各时间点均衡分布能否有效控制是同期发情的焦点问题,是有效胚胎数目差异的主导因素之一。  相似文献   
猪繁殖性能的提高将为养猪业带来巨大的经济效益 ,目前多数育种者将提高猪的繁殖力作为主要育种目标 ,并用数学遗传学方法和分子育种技术对繁殖性状进行改良。  相似文献   
为了解广东地方品种鸡J亚群禽白血病病毒(ALV-J)净化情况,利用ALV-p27特异性抗原检测、病毒分离、PCR扩增和全基因组测序分析等方法,从广东某地方品种鸡群中分离鉴定出1株ALV-J,命名为GDYH-Y1。全基因组序列分析表明,GDYH-Y1分离株的LTR、gag和pol基因相对保守,而3′UTR和gp85基因变异较大,其中gp85基因与ALV-J参考毒株序列同源性仅为87.5%~92.8%,3′UTR区的rTM出现大量碱基缺失,遗传进化分析表明GDYH-Y1分离株与美国白羽肉鸡源分离株ADOL-7501亲缘关系最近。研究为广东地方品种鸡ALV-J净化效果提供数据参考,为分析广东地方品种鸡ALV-J毒株的分子特征和变异趋势提供了重要的数据资料。  相似文献   
The effects of prior climate change on yak breed distributions are uncertain. Here, we measured changes in the distributions of 12 yak breeds over the past 50 years in China and examined whether the changes could be attributed to climate change. Long‐term records of yak breed distribution, grey relational analysis, fuzzy sets classification techniques and attribution methods were used. Over the past 50 years, the distributions of several yak breeds have changed in multiple directions, mainly shifting northward or westward, and most of these changes are related to the thermal index. Driven by climate change over the past years, the suitable range and the distribution centers of certain yak breeds have changed with fluctuation and have mainly shifted northward, eastward or southward. The consistency of observed versus predicted changes in distribution boundaries or distribution centers is higher for certain yak breeds. Changes in the eastern distribution boundary of two yak breeds over the past 50 years can be attributed to climate change.  相似文献   
为探究鸭在稻田间的运动规律,揭示不同鸭品种在田间的行为学差异以及对水稻产量的影响。本研究选取稻鸭共作试验田9块(766 m2/块),按225只/hm2分别放入役用鸭(绿头野鸭♂?金定鸭♀)、金定鸭、白改鸭等3个鸭品种,通过视频监控系统,采用连续观察法记录鸭在每天的5:00—20:00时间段内在田间的游动、休息、采食等行为的发生时间和持续时间,连续观察5天。经观察发现,鸭田间活动高峰一般是在早上5:00—7:00,8:00—11:00以及15:00—18:00等时间段,役用鸭和金定鸭每天的活动时间分别为324.50 min(36.06%),315.75 min(35.08%),极显著高于白改鸭264.50 min (29.39%) (P<0.01)。采用役用鸭、金定鸭、白改鸭进行稻鸭共作后,水稻产量分别比对照组提高了22.75%,20.14%和10.89%。水稻产量构成因素与鸭游动时间相关性分析发现,结实率、理论产量与游动时间呈极显著正相关(r=0.959,P<0.01;r=0.858,P<0.01),千粒重、实际产量与游动时间呈显著正相关(r=0.627,P<0.05;r=0.767,P<0.05)。研究结果表明:役用鸭对水稻的增产效果最好,且发现游动时间可作为影响稻鸭共作水稻产量的重要评价指标。该研究结果为稻鸭共作鸭品种的筛选以及稻鸭共作系统水稻产量的提升提供了重要的参考数据。  相似文献   
文义湘 《核农学报》2007,21(3):253-255
本文介绍了籼型恢复系郴R92-225的杂交和辐射选育过程、特征特性及配制杂交组合应用于生产的情况。对选育的郴R92-225的有利变异和选育方法及应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   
The effect of training on the potential for work in draught cattle was assessed by measuring the Na+,K+-ATPase in the muscle cell membrane and the elevation in the concentration of K+ in plasma during exercise. Biopsies of the semitendinosus muscle and venous blood samples were taken from the cattle used for draught work in Mozambique. No differences were found in the plasma ion or Na+,K+-ATPase concentrations in samples taken from Nguni, Africander and Angoni breeds. There were no significant differences in plasma ions (Na+, K+ and Cl) or muscle Na+,K+-ATPase concentrations between the Angoni males and females, although the males showed an increase in Na+,K+-ATPase with age, while the females showed a decrease. The increase in males might be attributed to their higher level of activity in the herds than that of females. After a training period of 15 days, a significant increase in Na+,K+-ATPase concentration in semitendinosus muscle was found in Angoni cattle. In females, this was significant after 8 days of training (about 30%); in males after 15 days of training (about 16%). On day 15, there was a reduction in the elevation of plasma K+ during the 2 h of draught work, indicating an increased capacity of the Na+,K+ pumps to maintain the extracellular K+ concentration in working muscles and a possible delay in the moment of fatigue.  相似文献   
The dynamics of the serum concentration of protein 27 (P27) of avian leukosis virus and transforming growth factor 2 (TGF-2) were compared during the period between 29 and 59 weeks of age in two flocks of broiler chicken breeding stock undergoing outbreaks of severe lymphoid leukosis (LL) associated with persistent high mortality (susceptible) and in another two flocks of breeding stock with the presence of avian leukosis virus in association with low mortality due to LL (resistant). The average mean concentration of serum P27 in the LL-susceptible flocks was significantly higher (<0.05) than that in the LL-resistant flocks in six out of seven samplings performed at 5-week intervals, between 29 and 59 weeks of age. The peak in the average rise of serum P27 in the LL-resistant flocks (309 pg/ml) was associated with the highest level of TGF-2 (1282 pg/ml) among all flocks and at all sampling times. The significance of TGF-2 in inhibition of lymphoid tumour development is discussed.  相似文献   
A phenotypically interesting strain of cattle existed on the small island of Agersoe, on the west coast of Zealand, Denmark, in the beginning of the last decade. The cattle share a great resemblance to the extinct Danish breed, the Island cattle. The objective of this study was to genetically characterize the Agersoe cattle, using microsatellites, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and mtDNA markers, and analyse the genetic variability within the breed and the genetic relationship to 14 European breeds with focus on the Red Danish and Jutland breed. The results show diversity in nuclear markers comparable to that of modern breeds and that the Agersoe cattle are separable from the two native breeds. The absence of inbreeding and the degree of genetic diversity are taken as a sign of recent admixture. The Agersoe cattle did not exhibit a consistent association with any of the European breeds. Several arguments based on this survey have been put forward in favour of characterizing the Agersoe cattle as being the last remnants of the Danish Island Cattle.  相似文献   
During last decades, native uniqueness decreased in local livestock breeds due to the introgression of high‐yielding breeds. Recovery of native uniqueness became important because of conservation aspects regarding native genetic diversity and native traits. Thereby the expectation exists, that the relation between native uniqueness and genetic gain is contradictory. The aim of this study was to explore the influence of native uniqueness on performance traits and the total merit index in a local red cattle breed from Northern Germany. Data contained a pedigree file of 178,255 Red Dual‐Purpose cattle, 809 target genotypes and 3,581 reference genotypes from introgressed breeds. Native genetic contributions were tested for correlation with performance traits of milk yield, longevity, foundation, somatic cells, fertility and maternal calving and the total merit index. The study revealed that native uniqueness is favourably related to longevity (0.16), foundation (0.23), and somatic cells (0.08), and the total merit index (0.10). Selection on native uniqueness could probably lead to an increased longevity, udder health and genetic gain of the Red Dual‐Purpose cattle. Moreover, it was shown that the Red Dual‐Purpose cattle was not upgraded through introgression of high‐yielding breeds.  相似文献   
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