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本研究利用问卷调查收集了上海动物园游客类型与特征、游园目的、游客游览时获得野生动物科普知识的途径、游客对现有科普活动的评价、对科普教育的需求、游客满意度、意见与建议等,并进行了研究。结果表明,大部分(66.02%)游客为本市居民和暂居本市的中青年。近9成(89.51%)游客携带孩子游览动物园,其中超过半数(52.34%)为父母与孩子共同出行。游客游园目的主要为观看动物、游玩娱乐和让孩子学习动物知识。观察动物和阅读动物科普说明牌是游客学习动物科普知识的主要途径。互动类和深度游类项目,是游客最愿意参加的活动类型。游客更希望园方从动物科普设施、饲养员讲解、志愿者讲解这3方面提升其教育功能。总体而言,游客对上海动物园感到满意,超过半数(53.81%)表示很满意。具体而言,动物说明牌的满意度最高,其次是路面状况和路标指示牌。基于研究结果,提出以下建议:提升科普活动的内涵和互动性;提升游园体验,延长游览时间;寻找迎合和引导的平衡;完善基础设施。  相似文献   
Toxoplasma gondii is a widely distributed zoonotic protozoan parasite, which can affect most warm-blooded species. Some species of non-human primates (NHPs) are highly susceptible to T. gondii infection. The aim of the study was to determine the seroprevalence and risk factors associated with T. gondii infection in NHPs housed in zoos in Spain. Sera from 189 NHPs belonging to 33 species were collected in eight zoos. Additionally, 10 of the 189 animals were longitudinally sampled. Anti-T. gondii antibodies were detected in 48 NHPs (25.4%; confidence interval of 95% (CI95%): 19.2–31.6) using a modified agglutination test (MAT; cut-off = 25). Seropositive animals had titers of 25 (6.3%), 50 (8.3%), 100 (8.3%) and ≥500 (68.8%). Seropositivity was detected in 15 of the 33 species (45.5%). Of the 10 NHPs sampled more than once, two animals (one Barbary macaque [Macaca sylvanus] and one common chimpanzee [Pan toglodytes]) seroconverted along the study period, while one seropositive chimpanzee increased antibody titers over time. The Hominidae family (OR = 5.9; CI95%: 2.7–12.8) and sex (females) (OR = 2.1; CI95%: 1.1–4.1) were risk factors potentially associated with seropositivity to T. gondii. Our results evince a widespread circulation of T. gondii in NHPs in zoos in Spain, which may be of conservation concern. Control measures should be implemented to minimize the risk of exposure of these species to T. gondii.  相似文献   
为了解北方森林动物园观赏鸟类寄生蠕虫的感染情况,于2006年3~6月采用饱和盐水漂浮法和水洗沉淀法对园内12科158只观赏鸟的粪便进行了蠕虫虫卵检查,结果有32只鸟检出虫卵,感染率为20.3%,雉科、鹤科和鸭科的感染率分别为60%、35.7%和18.5%,检出的虫卵为蛔虫、毛细线虫和棘口吸虫卵。该调查为动物园制定鸟类驱虫方案奠定了基础。  相似文献   
对昆明动物园内干香柏树上营巢的野生小白鹭进行研究,测算其最低适宜营巢枝干和实际最低营巢枝干占树高的百分比,并检测两者的差异显著性。结果表明,实际营巢高度与适宜营巢高度占树高百分比存在显著差异,可能因为亲鸟为避免来自地面的干扰,选择离地较高的位置繁育后代。通过分析坠落鸟巢的构成材料,发现其由268根植物枝条构成,其中91%为干香柏,与主要营巢树一致,说明此地可能由于提供丰富的营巢材料而被鹭群选择成为繁殖地。建议公园积极加强野生涉禽的科学管理,降低繁殖区内及周边的干扰。  相似文献   
野生动物的行为是动物与环境相互作用的结果,动物园中动物的行为也反映出动物与相应的由人为提供的环境之间的关系。本文分析了现阶段在动物园圈养人工控制的环境下,动物展现出的有关动物行为如领域行为、攻击行为、交配行为、学习行为、摄食行为、警戒行为和体温调节行为等,以及由这些行为导致的安全问题,并有针对性地提出了在动物管理中相应的防范措施与解决办法。在动物园日常管理工作中,工作人员要熟知动物行为的目的与意义,观察动物行为,及时发现动物的不适与异常,充分掌握与安全有关的动物行为并及时分析,找出可能存在的对动物造成伤害的安全隐患,避免安全事故,给动物提供更舒适安全符合动物生物学特性的环境,同时也是提高动物福利的重要环节。  相似文献   
本着建设生态园林和节约型园林的植物景观设计原则,针对哈尔滨北方森林动物园区内无遮荫树、没有可形成独立景观的乔木、整体景观效果比较单调的植物景观现状进行了重新设计和调整,即以加强彩化效果为切入点,以点带面,以色彩的对比和色块的碰撞来设计植物景观。彩化种植中增加鼠尾草、长春花及新几内亚凤仙等花期较长、耐旱、耐瘠薄的花卉,种植图案采用流畅的线条,以达到改善植物景观的的效果。同时植物景观设计时除了考虑植物本身的生长习性、色彩及高矮配置外,还应在选择植物种类时考虑栽植地的气候条件和地理条件。  相似文献   
为了解哈尔滨北方森林动物园观赏肉食目动物寄生蠕虫的感染状况,于2009年3~5月采用饱和盐水漂浮法和水洗沉淀法对犬、猫、熊和浣熊4科的67只观赏肉食目动物粪便进行了蠕虫虫卵检查。结果有19只检出虫卵,感染率为28.4%。其中猫科、熊科、浣熊科、犬科的感染率分别为63.6%、16.7%、14.3%和5.0%,在检出的虫卵中,各种蛔虫卵占优势。该调查为动物园制定肉食目动物驱虫方案奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Iridophores are iridescent cutaneous pigment cells found in reptiles, fish, and amphibians. Neoplasms of iridophores are rarely reported, and little is known about their behaviour, metastatic potential, and prognostic indicators. This paper reports details of the clinical course and pathological findings of metastatic iridophoroma in a veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus) and red-barred dragon (Ctenophorus vadnappa). The veiled chameleon presented with a subcutaneous mass on the right lateral elbow and was diagnosed as an iridophoroma on fine needle aspiration. It was otherwise clinically normal. Within 35 days of excision, multiple secondary skin masses developed which were often non-pigmented and required microscopic examination to identify them as iridophoroma metastases. There were in total 54 days between the first detection of the primary mass and end stage, extensive cutaneous and visceral metastatic disease, and there had been no detectable primary mass during routine clinical examination 128 days prior to death. The red-barred dragon presented with a white sub-mandibular mass. While undergoing an excisional biopsy the animal expired, post-mortem examination revealed a cutaneous malignant iridophoroma with tumour cell clusters seen in pulmonary arterial vessels, suggesting that surgical handling of iridophoroma could precipitate the release of circulating tumour cell clusters. This is the first iridophoroma described in a red-barred dragon and the second report of a malignant iridophoroma in a veiled chameleon. Timely detection and careful excision of lizard iridophoroma may be an important factor in clinical outcome.  相似文献   
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