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The heart rate and the pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PWP) was measured in 10 healthy warmblood horses and in six warmblood horses with atrial fibrillation (AF) at rest and during standardised treadmill exercise. During treadmill exercise, the increase in heart rate was significantly higher in the horses with AF than in the healthy horses. Horses with AF showed a significantly higher increase in PWP at treadmill velocities of 5m/s and faster, than did the healthy horses. The differences in PWP between both groups increased with treadmill strain. The present study demonstrates that there is an influence on the haemodynamics in horses with AF during treadmill exercise, which could explain exercise intolerance in some horses with lone AF.  相似文献   
Treadmills and water treadmills are found in research centers, therapy centers, and are becoming increasingly common in private competition yards, yet little evidence exists which informs their use for rehabilitation of injury. The control that they afford in terms of speed, intensity, and duration of exercise is attractive, but guidance regarding any possible benefits and/or contraindications for treadmill exercise in any given scenario is limited. In this review, the evidence pertaining to the physiology and biomechanics of treadmill exercise in horses is examined and combined with our experiences of using treadmills for rehabilitation over 15 years to offer some basic guidelines as to their use. Evidence is presented to support the use of a land treadmill in the rehabilitation of horses following various distal limb conditions and back pain. The effects of water treadmill exercise on limb and back kinematics are considered and suggestions made as to how to select the most appropriate water depth for various conditions. Successful rehabilitation depends as much on avoidance of unsuitable exercise as selection of beneficial exercise. In time, more evidence regarding the use of treadmills for specific conditions will accrue; but as horses commonly suffer from multiple conditions (e.g., hindlimb lameness and back pain), it is likely that a rationale devised on a case by case basis will always be necessary, with regular monitoring of the gait pattern throughout rehabilitation.  相似文献   
Amiodarone, a class III antiarrhythmic with beta-adrenergic blocking and antimuscarinic properties, has a wide spectrum of clinical use in humans. This study was conducted to establish the effects of a 25 mg/kg q12h loading dose and a 30 mg/kg q24h maintenance dose of amiodarone, each given PO for 3.5 weeks, on systemic arterial pressure, echocardiographic (ECHO) indices of left ventricular function, ECGs, exercise tolerance, and serum biochemistries in adult, clinically normal dogs. Means were calculated and were compared by analysis of variance with repeated measures. When a significant F statistic was identified, specific means were compared by Bonferroni's post hoc test. Body weight and heart rate (HR) decreased, and PQ, QT, and corrected QT (QTc) increased significantly (P < .05) for the weeks that the dogs received the loading dose, but all parameters returned to values the same as those in the pretest for the weeks when dogs received the maintenance dose. Serum activity of hepatic enzyme activities and cholesterol concentrations increased, and serum concentrations of thyroid hormones (triiodothyronine [T3] and thyroxine [T4]), phosphorous, and total carbon dioxide decreased. The changes in PQ, QT, and QTc are similar to those obtained previously, but the detailed ECG and ECHO observations have not been reported. A dose of 25 mg/kg q12h, but not 30 mg/kg q24h, is an appetite suppressant, and the lower dose produces neither ECG nor ECHO changes of clinical or toxicological significance in normal dogs.  相似文献   
Background: Stress echocardiography is used to diagnose myocardial dysfunction in horses, but current methods are not well standardized. The influence of heart rate (HR) on measurements is largely unknown. Objectives: To investigate the use of 2‐dimensional echocardiography (2DE), anatomical M‐mode (AMM), tissue Doppler imaging (TDI), and 2D speckle tracking (2DST) at rest and after exercise for quantification of regional and global left‐ventricular (LV) function. Animals: Five athletic Warmblood horses; 11.6 ± 3.6 years; 529 ± 48 kg. Methods: Prospective study. Three separate echocardiographic examinations were performed before (baseline) and over 5 minutes after treadmill exercise with 2DE (1st, short‐axis view; 2nd, long‐axis view) and pulsed‐wave TDI (3rd examination). Offline analyses were performed at baseline and after exercise at HR 120, 110, 100, 90, and 80 minute?1. Global and segmental measurements were compared by analysis of variance. Results: Quantitative analyses of stress echocardiograms were feasible in all horses. None of the AMM indices changed significantly after exercise. Stroke volume and ejection fraction by 2DE and strain by 2DST decreased, whereas strain rate by 2DST increased significantly at HR > 100 minute?1. TDI analyses were technically difficult and provided little additional information. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Volumetric indices by 2DE and strain and strain rate by 2DST are applicable for quantitative assessment of stress echocardiograms. In healthy horses, they are significantly altered at a HR > 100 minute?1 and need to be evaluated in view of the instantaneous HR. Further investigations are needed to define the clinical value of stress echocardiography in horses with cardiac disease.  相似文献   
Muscle activities of the major hindlimb muscles have been reported to decrease with fatigue in horses. However, those in other muscles have been scarcely reported. We aimed to quantify fatigue-induced electromyographic changes in head and neck muscles and muscles around the shoulder joints in horses. Surface electromyographic recording of the splenius, brachiocephalicus, infraspinatus, and deltoid muscles was performed on a total of nine healthy Thoroughbred horses. Horses galloped on a treadmill inclined to 3% at a constant speed (12.7–14.6 m/second) to make them fatigued after approximately 5 minutes. They trotted at 3.5 m/second before and after this exercise. Stride frequency, integrated electromyographic values for a stride, and median frequency of the muscle discharge were calculated every 30 seconds. These parameters were compared at the start and end of the gallop exercise for the lead and trailing limbs and while trotting before and after the exercise using a paired t-test. The stride frequency significantly decreased at the end of the gallop (P < .001), whereas it did not change while trotting. Integrated electromyographic values of the splenius and brachiocephalicus muscles in both lead and trailing limbs at the gallop and those of both left and right sides at the trot significantly decreased with fatigue (P < .05), whereas those of infraspinatus and deltoid muscles did not change at either gallop or trot. No changes were observed in median frequency in any muscles with fatigue. These results suggest that splenius and brachiocephalicus muscle activities can be associated with stride frequency and speed.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess whether acid-base profile exhibits changes in regularly trained show jumping horses undergoing increasing exercise workloads. Seven female Italian saddle horses were subjected to three different physical exercise trials of increasing workload identified as three exercise phases (EPs). During EPI horses were subjected to a standardized exercise test consisting of 15 minutes of treadmill, during EPII horses were subjected to a show jumping test (height, 0.9–1.1 m; course length, 300 m), during EPIII horses underwent two jumping sessions carried out over two consecutive days. Blood samples were collected at rest (TPRE), after exercise (TPOST), and 30 minutes after the end of exercise (TPOST30). The values of pH, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (Pco2), partial pressure of oxygen (Po2), bicarbonate level (HCO3), hemoglobin (Hb), and hematocrit (Hct) were measured. A significant effect of exercise workload and time (P < .001) on Po2, Pco2, HCO3, Hb, and Hct values was found. The variation in the studied parameters resulted mostly reversible within TPOST30 in horses when subjected to EPI and EPII, whereas Po2, Hb, and Hct remained higher at TPOST30 than TPRE in horses when subjected to the second day of jumping section (EPIII) indicating a failure to recover. The results suggest that jumping sessions carried out over two consecutive days represent extra workload for horses, and this should be taken into account by veterinarian to prevent acid-base imbalance and for the maintenance of health and performance in equine athletes.  相似文献   
Respiratory abnormalities are common causes of decreased performance in horses presumably because of impaired pulmonary gas exchange. The objectives of the present study were to describe respiratory abnormalities in poorly performing horses and to investigate the relationships between dynamic upper respiratory tract (URT) videoendoscopy, postexercising bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cytology, and exercising arterial blood gas analysis. Medical records of 93 horses with exercise intolerance, which presented for treadmill evaluation, were reviewed. Relationships between horse demographics, treadmill endoscopic findings, exercising blood gas values, and BAL cytology results were examined. A total of 25 (27%) horses had a URT obstruction and 91 (98%) horses had abnormal BAL cytology; 73 (78%) had evidence of inflammatory airway disease (IAD) and 83 (89%) had exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH). In all, 39 (42%) horses had abnormal blood gas values. Dynamic URT obstruction was significantly associated with exercising hypoxemia (P = .036). There were no significant relationships between gas exchange and IAD or between EIPH. Out of 24 (26%) horses with combined URT obstruction and abnormal BAL, horses with URT obstruction and EIPH were more likely to be hypoxic during exercise (P = .037). It was concluded that horses with dynamic URT abnormalities are likely to have exercising hypoxemia. Although IAD and EIPH were commonly indentified in poor performers, they were not significantly associated with abnormal exercising blood gas analysis.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the effects of unilateral and bilateral jugular vein occlusion by temporary surgical ligature on the heart rate and arterial and venous blood pressure in sedentary horses during progressive treadmill exercise. Six horses performed three exercise tests (ET). ET1, considered the control, was performed in horses without jugular occlusions. ET2 and ET3 were performed with unilateral and bilateral occlusion by temporary surgical ligature of the jugular veins, respectively. Heart rate, arterial pressure, and pressure of the occluded jugular vein were evaluated. Clinically, the horses presented apathy, head edema, congested mucous membranes, increased capillary refill time, and dysphagia. These signs were observed with the unilateral jugular vein occlusion and became more evident with the bilateral occlusion. Comparing ETs, no differences were observed in heart rate. However, jugular occlusions promoted a decrease in the mean arterial pressure and a severe increase in jugular pressure. Head edema caused by the jugular vein occlusion in the horses could interfere with the autonomic cardiovascular regulation of arterial blood pressure during exercise, likely leading to an impairment of tissue perfusion. Jugular occlusion, even unilateral, also causes severe head venous congestion, leading to venous hypertension that was aggravated by exercise, which could risk development of cerebral edema and neurological damage. The present results obtained from sedentary horses are preliminary data that lead us to suggest that sport horses presenting jugular occlusive thrombophlebitis, even unilateral, may be prevented from performing athletic activities.  相似文献   
The breeding scheme of Spanish Purebred (SPB) horses includes the selection of dressage performance as a main objective. Specific characteristics of the gaits are required for dressage aptitude and some could be selected for genetically. The gait of 130 SPB horses was recorded on a treadmill at walk (1.7 m/s). Nineteen biokinematic variables were analysed, 18 were directly measured from the video sequences and 1 estimated from the measurements. The data were used to estimate genetic parameters of gaits (heritability and genetic correlations). The aim was to select the biokinematic variables to include in the breeding scheme of this breed, based on their genetic parameters and their relation with dressage performance.The resulting heritabilities were medium-high (51.1% with heritability higher than 0.5). This implies a high response for selection which allows an indirect early selection for dressage performance. The genetic correlations are abundant and range between 0.28 and 0.99, which allows a reduction in the number of selected variables.Based on our results, a selection scheme should include: stride duration and length; fore and hindlimb duration and length; hindlimb maximum height of hoof; maximal retraction–protraction range of forelimb; hindlimb stance phase duration and fore and hindlimb swing phase duration.  相似文献   
Lameness has been investigated in past studies with kinematic analyses, and the features of lameness have been qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. The output was, however, limited to visible lameness that was scored by experienced clinicians. Subclinical supporting lameness that was induced by subtle pressure to the sole of limb, but that could not be detected by visual check, has yet to be extensively analyzed. To find specific kinematic parameters that were influenced by such subclinical lameness of the fore- or hindlimb, we produced subclinical, subtle and mild lameness in five sound horses by applying slight pressure to the sole. Trot on a treadmill was recorded by a high-speed camera. Symmetric properties of acceleration of the head and the tuber sacrale were disturbed in mild fore- and hindlimb lameness, respectively. In subclinical forelimb lameness, no obvious changes in the symmetric properties of the head, the withers, or the tuber sacrale were observed; however, the vertical lift-off acceleration of the treated forelimb was decreased. In the case of subclinical hindlimb lameness, the lift-off points of both the treated and sound hindlimb shifted posteriad. These findings may contribute to further investigations of subclinical lameness aiming to establish new procedures for early detection of subclinical musculoskeletal disease, which would enable more timely treatment.  相似文献   
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