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Totally 13575 ewes of two different breeds, Dala and Spel, were inseminated with semen, frozen in straws and thawed at 70°C for 8 sec. An insemination dose of 0.2 ml containing approx. 150 × 106 spermatozoa with at least 45 to 50% progressive motility was imerted 5 to 12 mm into the cervix. The insemination was performed once between 12 and 30 h after the onset of heat. The NR rate of the Dala ewes increased significantly during the season. The NR rate of the ewes inseminated before 15. November was 44.3%, from 15. to 20. November 52.2%. from 20. to 25. November 55.3% and from 25. November and later 61.4%. The corresponding values for the ewes of the Spel breed were 57.3, 58.7, 61.5 and 71.0% respectively, and only the difference between the two last values was statistically significant. The difference between the fertility of the two breeds was significant within each of the periods .  相似文献   
王先谦是晚清一位重要的汉学大师。受道光以后晚来湖湘汉学之风和督学江南时江浙考据学派的影响 ,王先谦的治学呈现明显的汉学倾向 ;在湖湘理学传统和晚清经世思潮的影响下 ,王先谦的汉学又不同于传统的乾嘉汉学 ,已走出纯粹的考据而呈现出既趋重经史考据 ,又能调和汉宋、兼采古今、求实致用的多途取向。王先谦一生治学讲学 ,始终没有离开过书院。正是借由如南菁、思贤、城南、岳麓等书院 ,王先谦为传播汉学做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   
犊牛腹泻是一种在规模化养牛场中的常见易发病,由于发病病因复杂,如果在第一时间内不能及时做出准确诊断,做好有效治疗,将会造成牛场的快速感染,带来一定的经济损失。本文通过对武威市某规模牛场“汉和牛”犊牛腹泻的病原调查,采集病样进行检测分析,摸清引起该场犊牛腹泻的病原体,根据养殖场实际情况,通过临床和实验室诊断方法,并研究探讨出具体可行的治疗和预防措施。  相似文献   
试验选用40只2.5岁左右的小尾寒羊羯羊作为试验动物,将其随机分为对照组和试验组,每组20只,进行饲养试验,对照组饲喂试验场现行日粮,试验组饲喂用秸秆分解剂处理的秸秆,预试期4 d,正试期28 d.结果表明:经秸秆分解剂处理后玉米秸秆营养成分中的OM和CP有所增加,NDF和ADF有所降低,试验组羊只的累计平均日增体质量较对照组提高42.7%,差异显著(P<0.05),经济效益较好.  相似文献   
郭浩 《农业考古》2022,(1):89-98
秦汉"大男大女模式"最初并不是专门用来征发赋役的,它是最基本的人身控制模式。直到汉初,"大男大女模式"与赋役制度仍不是直接对应。随着户赋演变为口赋以及杂税的弹性扩张,赋税征缴逐渐向"大男大女模式"靠拢;秦汉"傅籍模式"是朝廷每年八月对男子进行的系统工作,与女性无涉,其目的是统计男子服兵役、更役等常规徭戍的人数。汉代徭役的制度弹性导致服役对象由傅籍男性扩展到大男群体,甚至大女群体,呈现出"大男大女模式"与"傅籍模式"的纠缠不清,形成了汉代赋役身份的外在错位。  相似文献   
试验通过对小尾寒羊与巴美肉羊背最长肌进行转录组分析,旨在挖掘影响两种绵羊肉质性状的关键基因。分别选取小尾寒羊和巴美肉羊各3只,利用转录组高通量测序(RNA-Seq)技术对其背最长肌转录组文库进行测序,利用生物信息学对测序结果进行分析,筛选影响两者肉质相关的候选基因。结果发现,6个样品测序数据经质量控制后共得到120 Gb的有效数据,共筛选出333个差异基因,其中上调基因有82个,下调基因有251个。GO功能富集与KEGG Pathway显著性富集分析结果共筛选了6个与肉质性状相关的候选基因:PDK4、MYF6、PPARGC1A、SLCO4A1、FABP4、LEP。试验通过对比小尾寒羊与巴美肉羊背最长肌转录组数据,筛选影响肉质性状的候选基因,丰富了绵羊基因组信息,为进一步阐述不同品种绵羊肉质性状分子机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   
将45只处于妊娠后期(90~150 d)的苏尼特母羊随机分成4组,以不同的营养水平(ME:0.20、0.33、0.44、0.86MJ·kg-1·W-0.75·d-1)分组饲养,分娩后进行补偿生长试验,研究妊娠后期不同营养限制程度的母羊在补偿初期(分娩后0~6周)对饲料中钙、磷以及氮的代谢规律.结果表明,受限制各组母羊在补偿初期,随着受限程度的降低,钙、磷平衡(g·d-1)值呈升高的趋势,氮平衡(g·d-1)值呈下降的趋势.  相似文献   
李斌 《农业考古》2021,(1):25-33
我国古代先民很早便开始采捕珍珠。先秦以迄西汉中期,出土珍珠的墓葬或规模宏大,或随葬品丰富,反映出这一时期珍珠作为昂贵奢侈品流通的属性。而西汉中晚期以来,尤其是东汉时期,珍珠较多地在中小型墓中出现,表明珍珠的消费群体逐渐扩大。随着岭南珍珠开采和贸易的兴起,合浦成为海上丝绸之路的重要港口。先秦至汉晋时期,珍珠被广泛应用于装饰、丧葬、美容等领域,并被人们赋予一定的文化含义,从而影响着当时的社会生活。  相似文献   
[目的]利用组织生物学方法对不同时期小尾寒羊背最长肌进行研究。[方法]以小尾寒羊为研究对象,利用组织切片技术从微观层面研究胚胎期不同阶段肌纤维生长发育的变化情况。[结果]肌纤维的密度随着时间的增长呈现下降的趋势,而肌纤维直径随着密度的降低而增加。胚胎前期胎儿增重不明显,而胚胎后期及出生后体重迅速增加,差异显著。[结论]该研究可为开展优质肉羊杂交育种工作积累基础性数据。  相似文献   


The physiological levels of endocrine and metabolic parameters in Slovene autochthonous breeds of sheep are not yet well known, nor are the mechanisms of their adaptability and responses to climate and environmental factors.Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate fluctuations of cortisol, insulin and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) in growing ewes over an one-year period. Blood samples were collected monthly from 10 yearling Jezersko-Solchava, 10 Bovec and 10 Istrian ewes. Serum cortisol, insulin and NEFA were measured with commercial kits.


Mean monthly cortisol values fluctuated with low levels in summer and high levels in autumn. Significant peaked cortisol values of 25.69 ± 6.89, 14.67 ± 2.43 and 21.11 ± 7.25 μg/L in Jezersko-Solchava, Bovec and Istrian breed, respectively, were found in September (Bovec breed) and October (Jezersko-Solchava and Istrian breed). Mean monthly insulin values increased during the observation period. The highest levels of 14.60 ± 3.15, 16.03 ± 5.35 and 12.56 ± 2.52 μIU/mL in Jezersko-Solchava, Bovec and Istrian breed, respectively, were observed in the last sample collection in May. NEFA concentrations were found to be low except in some autumn and spring months. The peak values were observed in March for Jezersko-Solchava and Istrian breed (0.60 ± 0.05 and 0.66 ± 0.10 mmol/L), and in April for Bovec breed (0.71 ± 0.11 mmol/L).


Monthly fluctuations of cortisol, insulin and NEFA were measured in all observed sheep breeds, but between-breed differences in monthly values of examined parameters were insignificant. Significantly increased serum cortisol levels were found in autumn for all breeds and were probably associated with the onset of puberty and low environmental temperature. A gradual increase of insulin level in the examined ewes was in parallel with their growth. Significantly higher NEFA values in spring suggest qualitatively insufficient feed supply during that period.  相似文献   
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