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对影响豇豆锈菌夏孢子萌发的基质、温度、光照及接种方法、接种物浓度、接种保湿时间和温度等条件进行了研究。结果表明,豇豆锈菌(Uromycesvignae)夏孢子在灭菌清水、蒸馏水、1%葡萄糖液、1%蔗糖液、豇豆叶煎煮液和豇豆叶表面均能萌发,结果没有明显差异;在无菌水中25℃下,最易萌发且以半暗半光条件萌发最好;喷雾法接种效果稍优于浸蘸法,且操作更方便;在26~28℃下,发病程度与接种保湿时间呈正相关,以18~24h(小时)为佳;接种孢子浓度以3.24×105个·mL-1为宜,接种最适温度为23~26℃。  相似文献   
为研究不同接种方法和接种时期对玉米拟轮枝镰孢穗腐病(Fusarium verticillioides ear rot,FER)抗性鉴定的影响,选取高抗×高抗、高抗×高感、高感×高感组合各3份,2022年在北京顺义和河南新乡分别用针刺果穗注射法与双牙签法在玉米吐丝后5、10、15 d进行接种。结果表明,吐丝后5、10和15 d接种,针刺果穗注射法分别比双牙签法的平均病情严重度高6.3%、3.9%和1.8%;吐丝后5 d接种,不同组合采用针刺果穗注射法接种未达到显著差异,采用双牙签法达到极显著差异(P<0.01);吐丝后10 d和15 d接种,不同组合使用针刺果穗注射法均达到极显著(P<0.01)差异,牙签法均未达到显著差异。采用双牙签法接种时,建议吐丝后5 d接种;采用针刺果穗注射法接种时,建议吐丝后10~15 d接种。  相似文献   
青藏扁蓿豆根瘤菌接种效果试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对青藏扁蓿豆进行了根瘤菌接种试验,结果表明:青藏扁蓿豆的结瘤率接种比对照平均提高52.9%。接种使青藏扁蓿豆的干草产量提高59.6%~69.2%。  相似文献   
在广泛文献检索的基础上,对疫苗的历史、种类、防腐剂、不良反应和安全接种等进行了综述,为接种疫苗的健康风险研究提供科学资料。  相似文献   
The effects of interactions between pseudomonads (Pseudomonas cepacia strains R55 and R85, P. aeruginosa strain R80, P. fluorescens strain R92, and P. putida strain R104) and the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus clarum (Nicol. and Schenck) isolate NT4, on spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Laura), grown under gnotobiotic and nonsterile conditions, were investigated. Although plant growth responses varied, positive responses to pseudomonad inoculants generally were obtained under gnotobiotic conditions. Shoot dry weight enhancement ranged from 16 to 48%, whereas root enhancement ranged from 82 to 137%. Shoot growth in nonsterile soil, however, was unaffected by pseudomonad inoculants, or reduced by as much as 24%. Shoot growth was unaffected or depressed by G. clarum NT4 whereas early root growth was enhanced by 38%. Significant interactions between the pseudomonad inoculants and G. clarum NT4 were detected. Typically, dual inoculation influenced the magnitude of response associated with any organism applied alone. The effect of these pseudomonads on G. clarum NT4 spore germination was investigated. Germination was inhibited when spores were incubated either on membranes placed directly on bacterial lawns of strains R85 and R104 (i.e., direct assay), or on agarose blocks separated from the bacteria by membranes (i.e., diffusion assay). When the agarose blocks were physically separated from the pseudomonad (i.e., volatile assay), there was no evidence of inhibition, suggesting that a nonvolatile, diffusible substance(s) produced by both strains R85 and R104 may inhibit G. clarum NT4 spore germination. Received: 11 December 1995  相似文献   
管花肉苁蓉高产稳产栽培技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]研究肉苁蓉高产稳产的栽培技术。[方法]在实地测试和试验的基础上,分析不同种植模式、接种方法、接种技术对管花肉苁蓉接种率的影响,筛选出肉苁蓉高产稳产的最佳栽培模式。[结果]最佳栽培模式是株行距0.7×3(m×m)或1×1×3(m×m×m)的宽窄行造林模式,接种深度为60~70 cm,水平距离为20~30 cm,种子纯度>70%、成熟度>90%;最佳接种期为每年的3~6月。[结论]接种方法、接种距离、接种时间、定植模式对管花肉苁蓉接种成活率都有影响,而且接种成活率与不同的接种深度、灌水截止期也有着密切的关系。  相似文献   
研究不同接种方式和光照条件对小麦“小堰22”和“豫麦49”幼胚培养愈伤组织再分化的影响。结果表明,不同接种方式对小麦幼胚愈伤组织再分化特性有显著影响,胚芽朝上立放的接种幼胚其愈伤组织再分化率最高,胚芽朝下立放的接种幼胚其愈伤组织再分化率最低;光照对幼胚愈伤组织再分化特性的影响显著,暗培养条件下诱导的愈伤组织再分化效率高于强光和散光条件下诱导的愈伤组织再分化效率。提出在相同条件下,选择小麦幼胚胚芽朝上立放的接种方式,进行幼胚暗培养诱导愈伤组织,强光照诱导幼胚愈伤组织再分化的、高效的小麦离体幼胚培养技术体系。  相似文献   
Two experiments were carried out at Pegões (central Portugal) to determine the potential N mineralization in a pulse amended disturbed and undisturbed soil incubated at several temperatures, and to evaluate for 2 years the yield and N2 fixation capacity of sweet lupine (Lupinus albus L. cv. Estoril) inoculated with a mixture of rhizobia strains or nodulated by indigenous soil bacteria and submitted to conventional tillage or no-till practices. A completely randomized block design for soil mobilization with three replicates was used for the laboratory study, and completely randomized blocks for inoculation and tillage treatments with four replicates were used for the lupine yield and N2 fixation experiment. Residue N immobilization occurred immediately after mature residue return to the soil independent of temperature, and was greater at 7 °C especially in the disturbed topsoil. Greater immobilization was also observed by doubling the amount of mature residue incorporated in the soil. This was expected since soil microorganisms would be in direct contact with the fresh organic matter and would be provided with more organic carbon under these circumstances. Nitrogen mineralization proceeded after 5 days of amendment. Potential N mineralization was higher at 25 °C than at 18 or 7 °C, for both conventional and no-till practices. At 25 °C, 42% of buried residue-15N was released over 210 days, at a smaller rate than 18 °C (49%) over 81 days. Lupine yield and N2 fixation capacity were similar in plots that were not inoculated and those receiving the mixture of three rhizobia strains. White lupine had an efficient symbiosis with indigenous soil rhizobia at pod-filling (>99%, >100 kg N ha−1 year−1) which was not affected by tillage. At this stage, plant residue including visible roots and nodules accounted for a soil N input of +96 kg ha−1 year−1 (91% of crop N), showing the large soil N benefit by the crop at this stage. The lupine residue at pod-filling stage can be used as a green manure under the conditions of organic farming systems. The apparent N “harvest” index of the pulse at pod-filling was only 9% though at maturity phase it should result in a higher value and the legume will show a lower fertilizer N value.  相似文献   
通过子粒注射法和花丝通道法,在玉米吐丝初期至乳熟后期间隔 5~127 d接种 3个不同玉米品种,明确东北地区玉米禾谷镰孢穗腐病抗性鉴定的最佳接种方法。结果发现,禾谷镰孢在玉米吐丝期至乳熟期均能侵染玉米子粒和花丝。子粒注射法在玉米吐丝 1~12 d内接种的病情指数显著高于 16 d以后接种的处理;花丝通道法在玉米吐丝 1~5 d内的病情指数显著高于 12 d以后接种的处理。子粒注射法的抗性鉴定结果为吐丝 1 d接种的果穗表现为感病,吐丝 5~12 d为中抗或抗病,吐丝 16 d之后为抗病或高抗;花丝通道法接种的结果为吐丝 1 d为中抗或抗,吐丝 5 d及以后为抗或高抗。结果表明,子粒注射法在玉米吐丝 10~15 d左右接种发病稳定、抗感差异明显、鉴定结果准确。  相似文献   
黎勇  王小丹  罗培凤  武丙琳 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(36):22212-22214,22225
[目的]对铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale)菌根真菌对铁皮石斛组培苗的接种效应进行研究。[方法]以从野生铁皮石斛根系中分离得到的Tjl、Tj2、Tj3真菌为材料,将其接种到铁皮石斛组培苗的根系上进行接种试验。[结果]在组培条件下,Tjl菌在前期没有表现出促生作用,Tj2菌表现出较强的促生作用,Tj3菌则对根具有促生作用,而在后期,Tj1菌则表现出了较强的促生作用,Tj2菌的接种效果最好,促生作用最强,Tj3菌则出现烂根烂苗现象;在室外条件下,Tj2菌接种使组培苗叶数增加,侧芽数增加,侧根生长明显,株高增加显著,叶片大而深绿,根部有明显的膨大现象。[结论]2种接种方式均说明Tj2菌对铁皮石斛的地上植株和地下根系生长,株数增多,株高增加,新芽和新根萌发均具有较强的促进作用,证明Tj2菌与铁皮石斛有效地建立了共生关系。因此Tj2菌对石斛组培苗的成功栽培具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   
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