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复方吡喹酮注射液防治羊脑多头蚴病的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了获得复方吡喹酮注射液治疗羊脑多头蚴病的最佳治疗剂量,本试验应用复方吡喹酮注射液30、50、80 mg/kg BW三个剂量组对患羊脑多头蚴病的绵羊进行治疗,设80 mg/kg BW剂量的丙硫咪唑作为药物对照组.试验结果表明,30 mg/kg BW剂量组治愈率较低,为68.97%,不能达到治疗目的;50和80 mg/kg BW剂量对羊脑多头蚴均有很强的驱杀作用,对病羊的治愈率分别为91.84%和92.85%,但两组间差异不显著(P>0.05);高、中剂量组(80、50 mg/kg BW)与低剂量组、药物对照组比较差异极显著(P<0.01).50 mg/kg BW剂量为防治羊脑多头蚴病的最佳治疗剂量.  相似文献   
国内外养羊业发展特点与趋势   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
当前肉羊业在大洋洲、美洲、欧洲和一些非洲国家得到迅猛发展,世界羊肉,特别是羔羊肉的生产和消费显著增长。肉羊产业具有周转快、投资少、效益高等特点,已成为我国在资源短缺、畜禽产品需求日益增加的背景下,保持畜牧业可持续发展的重要途径之一。本文还仔细分析我国肉羊生产存在的不足和发展的优势,并结合国内外养羊业发展的趋势提出了及时调整养羊业的生产方向和产品结构,研究和推广先进实用的养羊综合配套技术等发展我国养羊业的建议。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to estimate milk production performance and fit lactation curves for groups of ewes of Local and of Awassi crosses, with a variable blood level, reared under farmer’s environment. The Weigh-Suckle-Weigh method plus hand milking was used to estimate milk yield for ewes. A total of 466 observations from 115 ewes were used. Estimated least-squares adjusted means for the milk production over 120 days were 0.56?kg day?1 (Local), 0.67 (<30% Awassi), 0.86 (30–50% Awassi), and 0.96 (>50% Awassi). Groups with 30–50% Awassi and >50% Awassi ewes produced significantly (p?<?0.05) more milk than Local ewes. Significant differences were observed between <30% Awassi and >50% Awassi crossbred groups. The best crosses (>50% Awassi) produced over 70% more milk than the local ewes which demonstrates the potential that exists in increasing milk production through the initiated crossbreeding programme with sheep in Ethiopia.  相似文献   
The effect of water restriction on body weight, body condition score, milk yield, and milk composition and rheological characteristics in intensively reared Lacaune ewes was evaluated. After 7 days of adaptation, the trial lasted 28 days. Thirty lactating ewes (48 ± 5 months of age; mean value ± standard deviation) at the beginning of third lactation month were divided into three groups (n = 10), corresponding to the following water restriction treatment: a group control received no drinking water restriction (W100), and two groups received water to the extent of 80% and 60% of W100 daily consumption (W80 and W60 group respectively). The effects of water restriction were assessed at the beginning of experiment (D0), at D14 and D28. The W60 group resulted in a significant decrease in body weight, body condition score, milk yield and feed consumption of hay due to the experimental treatment; whereas a marked increase in both W60 and W80 groups of milk lactose, urea, sodium, sodium chloride content and titratable acidity was observed. Rheological parameters of milk, rennet coagulation time and curd‐firming time were positively affected by water restriction treatments, with a decrease in both experimental groups of the time required for the formation of a stable and firm curd. Results highlight the importance of water consumption in dairy sheep. The scarce availability of water, significantly affecting ewes milk production, is worthy of particular attention in arid area where water stress‐resistant breeds should be considered. This study underlines that milk yield, being closely linked to the availability of water of the breeding habitat due to its high water content (about 81%), could be reached in area where water is not a limiting factor without reducing the genetic expression of the animals. Less severe water restrictions, such as 20% of daily voluntary water intake, produce no detrimental effect on milk yield.  相似文献   
试验旨通过在湖羊全混合颗粒料中添加凹凸棒石抗菌材料,探究其对湖羊生长性能、屠宰性能和肉品质的影响。选取48只平均体重(15~20)kg、日龄(60~70日龄)的健康湖羊,公母各半,随机分为2组,每组6个重复,每个重复4只羊。对照组饲喂全混合配方颗粒料,试验组在此基础颗粒料中添加凹凸棒石抗菌材料,饲喂80 d,试验最后一天进行屠宰,检测湖羊的生长性能、屠宰性能和肉品质。结果:试验组总增重和日增重均高于对照组(P>0.05);料重比差异不显著(P>0.05);各屠宰性能指标两组之间均差异不显著(P>0.05);试验组屠宰24 h所测pH值和肉色红度值显著低于对照组(P<0.05),滴水损失率、熟肉率和剪切力与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05)。结论:饲粮中添加凹凸棒石抗菌材料有提高湖羊的生长性能和屠宰性能的趋势,可以改善肉品质。  相似文献   
在养羊生产实践中,消化系统疾病是临床上最常见的多发病,若治疗不及时,可导致严重的经济损失。羊的消化系统是机体摄取食物,并经消化、吸收,供应机体营养的器官系统,包括消化管(口腔、咽、食管、前胃、真胃、小肠、大肠和肛门)和消化腺(唾液腺、肝脏、胰腺)两部分。消化管和消化腺的任何部位发生问题,即表现为消化器官疾病。羊常见的消化器官疾病主要有羊口炎、羊口疮、食道梗塞、前胃迟缓、瘤胃积食、瘤胃臌胀、瓣胃阻塞、皱胃炎及胃肠炎、急性实质性肝炎等,应引起养殖场(户)的重视。本文重点介绍羊常见消化器官疾病的预防及治疗措施。  相似文献   
生态养殖是畜牧业可持续发展的重要组成部分,生态养羊是针对塔里木河中下游地区脆弱的环境条件,为保护和恢复退化生态系统平衡,发展区域经济提出的生态可持续发展方式。针对塔里木河中下游地区的实际情况,依据退化生态系统恢复、产业生态学、系统的能流功能原理、可持续发展原则、景观生态学的理论,对生态养羊中的退耕还草、还牧,天然草地的恢复,圈舍建设,繁殖饲养管理,粪便的无害化生态处理等进行分析,提出生态养羊的相应理论框架。  相似文献   
PMSG对甘肃高山细毛羊同期发情和繁殖率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在甘肃省肃南县康乐乡对甘肃高山细毛羊应用阴道栓与孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG) 结合处理,结果表明,不同注射剂量和处理方式对母羊的同期发情和繁殖率均有影响,在埋栓后12.5 d注射550 IU PMSG并在放栓后14 d撤除阴道栓后的0-48 h发情率显著高于其他试验组(P<0.05);在埋栓后13 d注射600 IU PMSG同时撤除阴道栓的试验组繁殖率最高(P<0.05)。但综合繁殖率和经济效益考虑,在埋栓后间隔12.5 d注射550 IU PMSG并在放栓后14 d撤除阴道栓0-48 h的试验组效果最好,平均每只母羊净收入可达773.7元。  相似文献   
选用安装瘤胃瘘管的绵羊4只,分别饲喂含0、100、300和500mg.kg-1女贞子提取物的饲粮,通过4×4拉丁方实验设计,系统研究了饲喂女贞子提取物对DM、CP、ADF和NDF降解率的影响。结果表明,培养48h后,饲喂女贞子提取物提高了NDF、ADF降解率(P>0.05);对DM、CP降解率未产生影响。  相似文献   
The present research developed a bioeconomic model for control of Californian thistle (Cirsium arvense L. Scop.) in intensive, lowland sheep pastures in New Zealand. Production costs included two control methods: herbicides and defoliation, with defoliation encompassing both physical means and biocontrol measures. The model was used to examine the economic value of a research programme into biological control of the weed, given several different future scenarios. These scenarios were high herbicide prices, a price premium for lamb raised without chemical herbicides, and development of herbicide resistance. The model results were used to estimate national impacts. If the only change in the agricultural sector was the cost of the biocontrol to the nation's farmers, the research programme to find an effective biocontrol agent had little economic impact. If other factors changed, such as the price of petroleum or levels of herbicide resistance in the weed. the model's results suggested that intensive sheep farming could grow or shrink by as much as NZ$219 million dollars over five years. In the latter case, having an alternative control method reduced potential losses and increased potential gains, resulting in a net benefit of between NZ$81 million and NZ$153 million. This work extended prior research in several ways. First. Californian thistle reproduces via root buds, which affected the modelling of weed behaviour. Secondly, the model allowed optimistation over continuous levels of weed control for two different methods. Thirdly, the model accounted for both weed control and damage to nitrogen-fixing clover from herbicide use. Finally, the research investigated optimal weed control in several different alternative future states.  相似文献   
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