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Two young koalas from a fauna park, recently out of the pouch and approximately 6 months old, were found dead with no previous clinical signs or gross lesions. On histopathological examination, large numbers of spores consistent with a microsporidian organism were present intracellularly within the small intestinal mucosa. Electron microscopy and polymerase chain reaction studies (sequencing the 5' end of the SSU RNA gene) identified the organism as Encephalitozoon intestinalis with 100% homology with those of previously reported human isolates. This is believed to be the first report of this organism in a marsupial.  相似文献   
用桔皮油对505只耳(足)螨病兔进行治疗,其中耳螨兔432只,耳、足螨混合感染兔73只,用药后7d病免全部冶愈,60~180d复查,未发现复发病例。离体杀螨试验,桔皮油经过5~10min将螨虫全部杀死。由此证明,桔皮油具有药效快、杀虫率高、对兔体无毒副作用等特点。  相似文献   
Rabbit sera (n = 1600) from 40 commercial farms were submitted to a serological screening for Encephalitozoon cuniculi by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and a carbon immunoassay (CIA test). Antibodies anti-Encephalitozoon cuniculi were found in 505/1600 (31.6%) sera analysed, and all the farms (100%) resulted positive. Rabbits older than 4 months showed a significantly higher seropositivity for E. cuniculi (chi-squared test: p < 0.0001) than rabbits under 4 months, E. cuniculi sero-prevalence showed an increasing trend in rabbits within the farm along with the increase in the “number of rabbits on the farm”; however, this trend was not significant (Spearman’s correlation: p = 0.073).The findings of the present study confirm that rabbit is the main reservoir of E. cuniculi; they are of epidemiological relevance and immediate public health importance because of the recognized infectivity in humans by the microsporidium.  相似文献   
用在体外连续培养10代的兔脑炎原虫,接种于12只家兔,动态地观察了脑炎原虫对家免的感染情况。实验发现,肾脏产生的病变明显早于大脑,即感染3周后,用Gram's和Goodpasture's染色,即可在髓袢和远曲小管内脱落的上皮细胞中发现兔脑炎原虫。6周后即可见到间质性肾炎变化,而脑组织于感染9~12周时才见有细胞性肉芽肿的形成;脑炎原虫具有较强的抗原性,即在感染3周后,血液中的抗体含量足以进行诊断。  相似文献   
Corneal lesions appearing as white mass beneath intact epithelium, with ocular discharge in one mouse, was observed in a batch of laboratory-raised BALB/c mice (n=9 of 56). The affected mice remained active, well-groomed and had normal appetite. Isolates recovered from swab cultures of the external and internal contents of the eye had partial 16S rRNA gene sequence of 99.1% similarity to Streptococcus cuniculi. No previous report of S. cuniculi infection in laboratory rodents has been presented. The isolate was susceptible to all antibiotics tested. We suggest S. cuniculi is an opportunistic bacteria in laboratory mice but are uncertain of its source. Our findings revealed that S. cuniculi is able to colonize laboratory mice and should be considered when mice present with eye lesion or ocular discharge.  相似文献   
将从病兔痂皮内收集的疥螨经研磨、冻融、离心后,制成可溶性抗原,作为诊断抗原,建立Dot-ELISA方法检测兔疥螨血清抗体.研究确定了该方法的最佳工作条件.制备的诊断膜片特异性强,不与兔瘟病毒、兔大肠埃希菌、兔附红细胞体等阳性血清反应.膜片具有良好的灵敏性,高免血清作1∶210稀释亦能检出;重复性试验表明该法重复性良好.诊断膜片在4 ℃保存5个月其检测活性不变.结果表明,建立的Dot-ELISA可用于免疥螨抗体的检测.  相似文献   
透射电镜观察表明:兔疥螨(Sarcoptesscabiei)雌性成虫的体壁由表皮层和真皮组成.表皮层由上表皮、外表皮和内表皮组成.其中上表皮又可分为盖质层和表皮质层.真皮层则由一单层的表皮细胞层所构成.起源于表皮细胞的微管穿过内、外表皮,终止于近盖质层的表皮质层内,为单线型微管.本文还对皮纹、皮棘、杆状毛和基腹板等体壁附属构造进行了观察.骨胳肌细胞由肌质膜、肌质和核所组成.肌质膜为双层单位膜所组成.肌质内含肌原纤维、肌质网、线粒体、β-型糖原以及少许脂滴.肌原纤维显示色淡的I带和色深的A带相间排列,I带中心为Z线.A带中每条粗肌丝周围配有9~11条细肌丝.核单个,内含多量常染色质,核仁一个,电子密度深,位于一端.  相似文献   
12只临床表现头颈歪斜、昏睡、震颤、局部或全身轻瘫的可疑为兔脑炎原虫病的獭兔 ,对其肾脏皮髓交界和尿沉渣分别进行了扫描电镜和负染电镜观察 ,看到了大小为 1~ 1 .5× 1 .4~ 2 .5μm,形态呈卵圆形和杆状的兔脑炎原虫。阳性检出率为 1 0 0 %。说明扫描及负染电镜术是诊断兔脑炎原虫病的一种较为可靠的技术。  相似文献   
丁香杀螨活性成分的追踪分离纯化与结构鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用部位提取、硅胶柱层析分离和薄层层析纯化,经体外杀灭家兔痒螨的活性检测,对丁香(Eu鄄geniacaryophyllataThunb)花蕾中的高效杀螨活性成分进行了追踪分离纯化,并进一步经理化性质、紫外光谱和红外光谱分析及与对照品活性比较进行结构鉴定。结果表明,丁香的高效杀螨活性成分主要存在于石油醚部位提取物中,其50%浓度体外杀死全部供试螨的平均时间为20min,柱层析和薄层层析分离纯化得到一种黄色油状化合物III,其50%浓度体外杀死全部供试螨的平均时间仅12min,化合物III的理化性质、紫外光谱、红外光谱及杀螨活性与丁香酚对照品完全一致,丁香酚为丁香的高效杀螨活性成分。  相似文献   
对发生脑原虫病的獭兔进行尸体剖检和组织病理学检查,尸体剖检发现肾脏有2-4mm灰白色凹陷区,组织病理学检查可见典型的肉芽肿性脑炎及间质性肾炎的变化,这是该病特征性的病理形态学的变化,并在大脑胶质结节内和肾脏髓质见到虫体的剖面。  相似文献   
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