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Vertebral heart size (VHS) has been proposed as a method for quantifying cardiomegaly in dogs. This study was designed to determine how well echocardiographic and electrocardiographic findings correlated with VHS. Dogs were rapid-paced into varying degrees of cardiomegaly and were monitored by thoracic radiography, echocardiography, and electrocardiography during development of cardiomegaly. Echocardiographic and electrocardiographic parameters were compared with VHS. VHS increased with increased duration or rate of pacing or both, and left atrium-to-aorta ratio, left ventricular end-diastolic diameter, left ventricular end-systolic diameter, P wave duration, and QRS duration correlated significantly with VHS. VHS (a score obtained from routine thoracic radiographs) seems to correlate well with both echocardiographic and electrocardiographic parameters. When 9 veterinarians, experienced in interpretation of cardiac silhouettes on radiographs, measured VHS from 1 normal dog and 1 dog with severe cardiomegaly, coefficients of variation (ratio of standard deviation to the mean) for their measurements were 2.7% and 2.8%, respectively. Thus, VHS could be established with great uniformity by experienced interpreters.  相似文献   
AIM:To screen out a suitable lead for monitoring the ambulatory electrocardiogram (ECG) in unrestrained toad, and to investigate its practicability. METHODS:After subcutaneously implanting the electrodes in toads under anaesthesia, the ambulatory ECG of 5 leads were monitored with BL-420S data acquisition and analysis system, and the leads which could well express the waveform in ECG were screened out. The recovery process of the toads from the artificial hibernation within 6 h, the day-to-day stability of the heart rate (HR) and the heart rate variability (HRV) in 5 successive days of hibernation, and the HR and HRV after freeze-thawing process were monitored to determine its practicability. RESULTS:Two out of 5 leads showed better ECG waveforms. Compared with 6 h post hibernation, lowered HR at 0 h and 1 h was observed, and the standard deviation of normal R-R intervals (SDNN) was significantly increased (P<0.05 or P<0.01), but the HR and SDNN from 2 to 5 h showed no significant difference, suggesting that the cardiac function reached the steady state after 2 h recovery. The HR at 2 h and 4 h on day 4 and day 5 decreased significantly compared with that on day 1 (P<0.05 or P<0.01), followed with a significant increase in SDNN (P<0.05 or P<0.01), suggesting that the ECG remained stable within 3 d. The HR increased, while SDNN decreased significantly at 1 h and 12 h post-thawing compared with that at pre-freeze (P<0.05), indicating the damaged cardiac function after freeze-thawing process. CONCLUSION:The method of subcutaneously implanting electrodes is suitable for effectively monitoring the ambulatory ECG in toads.  相似文献   
Introduction/objectiveThe T wave is a poorly characterized electrocardiographic variable in small animals. Therefore, this study aimed to describe T wave features in a large population of healthy dogs.Animals, materials, and methodsMedical records were reviewed to identify healthy dogs ≥one-year-olds that underwent an electrocardiogram. T wave qualitative (morphology, polarity, and concordance between R and T waves) and quantitative (duration, amplitude, mean electrical axis, ratio between T and R waves amplitudes, interval from the peak to the end of the T wave, and ratio between the duration of the latter interval and that of the QT) variables were evaluated. Continuous and categorical variables were compared between dogs of distinct sex, body weight (BW), age and somatotype using the Mann–Whitney U test and χ2 test, respectively. Spearman's correlation coefficients between quantitative variables and age and BW were calculated. Reference intervals of quantitative variables were determined in the overall population.ResultsOne hundred and twenty-nine dogs were enrolled. Concerning morphology, the asymmetrical (slow/fast) pattern occurred more frequently than the symmetrical and biphasic ones. Concerning polarity, positive T waves occurred more frequently than negative and neutral ones. T and R waves were predominantly concordant. No meaningful differences were found when comparing qualitative and quantitative variables between dogs of distinct sex, BW, age and somatotype. No significant correlations were found between quantitative variables and age and BW. Reference intervals of quantitative variables are provided.ConclusionsCanine T wave features were addressed and statistically reliable reference intervals made available for clinical use.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of graded dosages of magnesium given i.v. to anesthetized dogs on blood pressure, cardiac output, and electrophysiology. Magnesium was infused at 0.12 mEq/kg/minute until ventricular fibrillation occurred naturally or was provoked by programmed electrical stimulation or until arrest of the sinuatrial node in 8 dogs. Plasma total magnesium concentrations doubled in 1 minute of that infusion rate, and a hemodynamically safe plasma concentration of 12.2 mEq/L was achieved after 16 minutes of infusion. Heart rate, inotropy, lusitropy, and cardiac output increased up to a cumulative infusion dosage of magnesium of 1.0-2.0 mEq/kg, which produced plasma magnesium concentrations of 8.5-12.2 mEq/L (n = 5). Above the cumulative infusion dosage, inotropy decreased and lusitropy increased until death occurred between cumulative infusion dosages of 5.9 mEq/kg and 10.9 mEq/kg. Arterial pressure and vascular resistance decreased, and PQ interval and QRS complex increased, in a dose-dependent fashion. The relationship between ionized and total magnesium was y = 0.624x - 0.542 (r2 = .986), where y is ionized and x is total magnesium in mEq/L in 3 dogs. In conclusion, a cumulative infusion dosage of 0.1-0.2 mEq/kg of magnesium may be given without changing hemodynamic parameters, but with higher cumulative infusion doses heart rate accelerates. Hemodynamic parameters except those related to blood pressure continued to increase to a cumulative infusion dosage of 2.0 mEq/kg. At higher cumulative infusion dosages dogs became hypotensive and the PQ interval was prolonged. However, dangerous arrhythmias were not provoked until a total dosage of 3.9 mEq/kg.  相似文献   
对34只引入青海的辽宁绒山羊A-B导联心电图进行了描记和分析。结果发现绒山羊A-B导联心电图有波形大,波型和波向一致好等优点,是山羊描记心电图时的首选导联。  相似文献   
硫化氢(H2S)是近年来发现的第三种气体信号分子,其在心血管系统中发挥着重要的生理作用.为了观察不同剂量的外源性H2S对舒泰全麻大鼠心电的影响,在舒泰麻醉前20分钟分别用不同剂量NaHS溶液进行腹腔注射干预,然后测定全麻状态下各组大鼠10~50min时间段内的心电图,并与对照组进行比较分析.结果表明,外源性H2S可以显著降低0-T间期时限,从而起到减缓心动过速或心律失常等异常现象,进而起到保护心脏的作用;S-T段、T段抬高值均显著减少,可能与心率减慢有关.  相似文献   
The objectives of the study were to develop information regarding the frequency of recurrence of exercising arrhythmias and the relationship of arrhythmia development to exercise intensity and type of exercise in Thoroughbred horses. Electrocardiograms (ECGs) were recorded on nine Thoroughbreds during maximal or submaximal exercise on a racetrack (Ra) and treadmill (Tm). The frequency of arrhythmias on a Ra and Tm was compared, and their relationship to exercise intensity (expressed as HR/HRmax [%]) was evaluated. Sixty-five workouts were analyzed: 46 workouts were on a Tm and 19 on a Ra; median number of workouts/horse was four, and the range was 2–14. Exercising arrhythmias were detected in 4/9 horses (12/65 workouts), and there were postexercise arrhythmias in 7/9 horses (19/65 workouts). Arrhythmias were detected at some point in 8/9 horses. For 7/9 horses, the same rhythm result was obtained during exercise in repeated recordings. For 7/9 horses, the postexercise rhythm was variable: postexercise arrhythmias were present in median: 21%; range: 0%–75% of workouts. The presence of arrhythmias was positively related to exercise intensity (P = .01; odds ratio = 1.2) and all occurred during workouts at ≥94% of HR/HRmax (%). Arrhythmias during exercise were more frequent on the Ra than on the Tm (P = .009). A single ECG did not always display all the arrhythmias detected over several exercise tests. The presence/absence of exercising arrhythmias was more consistent than postexercise arrhythmias. Arrhythmias were more likely to be detected at maximal or near-maximal intensities and during gallops on the Ra. A larger population needs to be studied before more definitive conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   
 报道7例绿孔雀(Pauomuticus)心电图的初步研究.绿孔雀取仰卧位,描记标准肢导联、加压单极肢导联、单极胞导联和A-B导联.结果表明:被检绿孔雀皆为窦性心律.心率♂平均301.6±23.75次/min、♀平均325.6±36.11次/min.心电轴显着左偏,在-71.5°~-107°之间.描述了不同导联不同波的形态和振幅.Q、R、S各波部分导联的振幅和Q-T间期存在显着(P<0.05)和非常显着(P<0.01)的性别差异.  相似文献   
蜂猴(Nycticebus coucang)心电图分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 本文报道5例正常蜂猴心电图的初步研究,动物取仰卧位,描记标准肢导联、加压单极肢导联和3个心前区导联.结果:心率从130次/min到214次/min,平均179±32.45次/min,R-R间期,P-R间期,ORS波时间和Q-T间期平均各为0.33±0.087s,0.078±0.017s,0.042±0.01s,0.264±0.043s.并描述不同导联不同波的形态和振幅.  相似文献   
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