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15只健康恒河猴于清醒状态下,在动物离心机上经受相应峰值( 1Gx、 15Gx、 18Gx、 21Gx)的抛物线型过载作用后,按要求在过载后不同时期剖解,大体观察、取材,进行病理形态学的定性研究。结果显示:(1)眼观病变。 15Gx组、 18Gx组和 21Gx组在过载作用后即刻肺脏出现了不同程度的气肿、萎陷、淤血和出血点或斑;恢复组可见肺脏边缘有不同程度气肿区域,肺脏的背面呈暗红色;在各叶的背面均可见大小不等、多少不一的暗红色出血点或斑。(2)光镜下可见各急性实验组动物的肺脏呈现不同程度的气肿区和萎陷区,肺泡壁毛细血管扩张充血,肺泡腔内有浆液和红细胞渗出; 21Gx组还出现了血管内溶血、细支气管粘膜脱落和出血等,肺脏的病理损伤随G值升高而明显加重; 15Gx作用造成的肺脏损伤在1个月后基本恢复。而 21Gx作用后1个月肺脏的损伤尚未恢复,且出现了白细胞浸润、浆液渗出和增生等炎症反应。因此,高 Gx过载可引起猴肺脏明显的病理性损伤,其中 15Gx造成的损伤相对较轻,且容易恢复,而 21Gx造成的损伤严重,且难以恢复。  相似文献   
恒河猴血液细胞、生化和凝血功能正常参考指标的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测定分析人工饲养及在非麻醉(清醒)状态下108只健康成年恒河猴的血常规、血液生化及血小板和凝血功能正常值,并分析各项检测数据的性别差异。血常规测定值17项,其中,雌猴较雄猴极显著高(P<0·01)的项目为红细胞分布宽度(RDW)。血液生化测定值17项,其中,雌猴比雄猴显著低(P<0·05)的项目有丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT),显著高(P<0·05)的项目有碱性磷酸酶(ALP)。血小板和凝血功能测定值9项,其中,雌猴比雄猴明显高(P<0·05)的项目为活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT),极显著高(P<0.01)的项目为凝血酶时间(TT)。建立了人工饲养条件下健康成年恒河猴的血常规、血液生化、血小板和凝血功能正常参考值指标,丰富和完善了恒河猴动物实验和疾病诊断中血液分析的基础知识。  相似文献   
利用全自动化学发光免疫分析仪检测正常未妊娠的与不同孕期猕猴血清中雌二醇及孕酮的分泌水平。结果表明孕5d、10d、25d、30d血清孕酮比正常猕猴的分泌水平有非常明显的上升(P〈0.01),孕15d也有显著的上升(P〈0.05);孕15d、20d的雌二醇分泌水平比正常组有非常显著升高(P〈0.01),而孕5d、10d、2...  相似文献   
The intravenous administration of 0.75 gm glucose per kg and the measurement of serum glucose pretest and at 10, 20, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes constitute a satisfactory protocol for intravenous glucose tolerance testing of Rhesus (Macaca mulatto) and African Green (Cercopithecus aethiops) monkeys. No significant differences were noted between animals restrained with ketamine hydrochloride and those restrained with sodium pentobarbital, but the African Green males and females and the male Rhesus monkeys yielded significantly different results while being manually restrained.  相似文献   
Vaccine approaches against AIDS have focused on inducing cellular immune responses, since many studies revealed the role of T cell responses in the control of human immunodeficiency virus or simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infections. The experimental infection of rhesus macaques with SIV or chimeric SHIV is routinely used as a model for AIDS. In such models, DNA immunization is a tool to elicit specific T cell responses and to study their protective efficacy. DNA immunogenicity in primates depends on parameters such as level of antigen expression, choice of the antigen among SIV proteins, use of fusion proteins, route of immunization, and addition of adjuvants. Recent results suggest that priming with DNA and boosting with attenuated recombinant viral vectors, each expressing corresponding SIV antigens, leads to improved specific immunity and, in some cases, affords protection against pathogenic challenge. After preclinical evaluations, DNA has entered clinical trials for a therapeutic or prophylactic gene-based AIDS vaccine.  相似文献   
7~10岁健康猕猴15只,随机分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组,每组5只,分别按照100、125、150mg/kg的剂量一次性静脉注射链脲菌素,连续观察血糖、血浆C肽和胰岛素浓度的动态变化,观察期15周.结果:与注射链脲菌素前比较,注射后1周,Ⅰ组猕猴血糖浓度明显升高,血浆C肽和胰岛素浓度显著下降(P<0.01),随后趋于正常水平,而Ⅱ、Ⅲ组猕猴血糖浓度明显升高并在随后的时间内持续维持在高水平,血浆C肽和胰岛素浓度持续维持在低水平(P<0.001),Ⅲ组动物至15周全部死亡.结论:按照125mg/kg的剂量一次性给猕猴静脉注射链脲菌素,可成功复制1型糖尿病动物模型,其维持高血糖和低胰岛素及C肽浓度至少15周.  相似文献   
Objective To detect and categorize time‐specific variations in daytime intraocular pressure (IOP) found in Rhesus monkeys with laser‐induced ocular hypertension. Procedures Ten male monkeys with argon laser‐induced ocular hypertension in one eye were anesthetized with ketamine hydrochloride, and the IOP measured in both eyes at 7 a.m., 7.30 a.m., and then hourly until 1 p.m. with a Tonopen? XL applanation tonometer. Intraocular pressure time profiles for both eyes in each animal were developed. The means ± SD of the IOPs for both eyes were calculated for the whole 6‐h study period, and the values compared statistically. The difference between the lasered eye mean IOP standard deviation and the normal eye mean IOP standard deviation for each animal during the 6‐h follow‐up was also calculated and compared. Results Mean IOP (± SD) in the glaucoma and normal eyes for the 10 animals during the 6‐h study was 32.6 ± 2.5 and 14.9 ± 2.5 mmHg, respectively. The IOP was significantly higher in the experimental eye than in the normal eye (P = 0.0008). The mean IOP in the lasered eye did not significantly change during the study period, whereas a slight but significant increase in IOP of the normal eye over the study period was recorded (P = 0.003). The variance in IOP in the hypertensive eyes was considerably greater than that in the untreated control eyes. From 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. the IOP declined in five eyes and increased in the other five eyes with laser‐induced ocular hypertension. Conclusions The time‐specific IOP variation pattern in the daytime in the laser treated eyes is significantly greater than the variation in the normotensive eyes. This shows that in order to detect statistical differences between IOP variations induced by an IOP‐reducing drug, and the exaggerated spontaneous IOP variations present in the laser‐induced hypertensive eye, sufficient animals should be included in any study. Understanding the time‐specific IOP variation present in a group of monkeys with laser‐induced ocular hypertension is essential prior to using the model for the evaluation of IOP‐reducing drugs.  相似文献   
采用MEDISON SA-600型超声实时显像仪,以妊娠囊作为主要的判断依据,对658只配种实验猕猴进行早期妊娠诊断的探索。结果表明:妊娠15d诊断准确率为95.5%,20d诊断准确率为100%。同时对猕猴妊娠各期B超影像的特征及猕猴检测的操作特点进行论述。  相似文献   
Southeast Asian macaques are hosts of a number of Plasmodium infections, some of which are transmittable to humans. During examination of blood films of five wild-caught long-tailed macaques Macaca fascicularis from South China, malaria infection was detected in one of the monkeys. In order to isolate this parasite for identification and characterization, we experimentally passed this parasite through both Assamese (M. assamensis) and rhesus (M. mulatta) monkeys by intravenous injection of infected blood. This parasite morphologically resembled Plasmodium inui, and had a typical 72 h quartan periodicity. This parasite was infective to Anopheles dirus mosquitoes, and salivary gland sporozoites appeared 13 days post feeding. Feeding by 20 infected An. dirus mosquitoes on another Assamese monkey produced infection with a prepatent period of 8 days. Molecular analysis of the small subunit rRNA genes and the mitochondrial genome confirmed this parasite as an isolate of P. inui. In spleen-intact macaques, the infection had a protracted duration with parasites being detected during the rearing of the infected monkeys for over two years. In summary, this study identified a P. inui isolate and successfully passed this parasite through Assamese monkeys by both intravenous inoculation and mosquito transmission.  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate the infection process of human enterovirus 71 (EV71) in a rhesus monkey model of immunosuppression.METHODS: The monkey immunosuppression model was established by oral administration of cyclosporin A at a daily dose of 15 mg/kg for 7 days. Fourteen days after inoculation of EV71 FY23 strain via respiratory and digestive tracts, the infectious monkeys were sacrificed, and then the pathological changes of systemic organs were observed and the viral analysis in different tissues was performed.RESULTS: Compared with the experimental group without cyclosporin A, more positive results were observed in the immunosuppressed monkeys, such as more severe clinical symptoms, higher viral load/antigen expression and more pathological changes in the organs.CONCLUSION: The findings of the viral multiplication in the host provide evidence for evaluation of EV71 vaccine, and also indicate the delimitation for the population using EV71 vaccine in future.  相似文献   
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