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利用犬温热,细小病毒性肠炎,犬传染性肝炎,狂犬病等弱毒株,以香菇多糖和动物的核糖,多肽做为免疫增强剂,对异源动物羊,猪,犊牛,家兔进行了免疫应答,筛选出了猪做为异源免疫动物。在免疫增强剂的参与下,完成了多次免疫应答,达到了理想的免疫球蛋白(IgG),通过试验摸清了该制剂的免疫程序,确定了生产工艺,经重复性试验,稳定性试验及含量测定,以及临床应用试验和现志应用试验均达以了预期效果,该制剂经冷冻干燥后  相似文献   
Abstract— In a blinded trial to determine the efficacy of potentiated sulfa drugs in the treatment of canine pyoderma, 50 dogs with superficial pyoderma were randomly assigned to receive either once or twice daily trimethoprim-sulfadiazine (30mg.kg-1) or once daily sulfadimethoxine-ormetoprim (55mg.kg-1 on the first day, then 27.5 mg.kg-1 thereafter). Dogs were evaluated prior to antibiotic therapy. Clinical efficacy of the antibiotic was assessed after 3 weeks of antibiotic therapy and, if needed, after 6 weeks of antibiotic therapy. Forty-five dogs completed the study; 43 dogs were used in the statistical analysis. The percentage of dogs that were cured of their pyoderma with once daily trimethoprim-sulfadiazine was 38.5% by 3 weeks and 75.9% by 6 weeks. With twice daily trimethoprim-sulfadiazine, 57.1 and 78.6% of dogs were cured by 3 and 6 weeks, respectively. With once daily sulfadimethoxine-ormetoprim, 75.0 and 100% of dogs were cured by 3 and 6 weeks, respectively. This difference was not statistically significant, possibly due to the low sample size. Few adverse effects were noted. Résumé— Dans une étude en double aveugle pour apprécier l'efficacité des sulfamides potentialisés dans le traitement des pyodermites canines, cinquante chiens présentant une pyodermite superficielle ont reçu, au hasard, soit deux fois ou une fois par jour du triméthoprime-sulfadiazine (30 mg.kg-1) ou une fois par jour du sulfadiméthoxine-ormétoprime (55mg.kg-1 le premier jour, puis 27.5 mg.kg-1). Les chiens ont étéévalués avant le traitement. L'efficacité clinique de l'antibiotique a été appréciée après 3 semaines de traitement et, si besion est, après 6 semaines. Le pourcentage de chiens guéris avec une prise quotidienne de triméthoprime-sulfadiazine était de 33.5%à 3 semaines et 75.9%à 6 semaines. Avec des prises biquotidiennes de triméthoprime-sulfadiazine 57.1% et 78.6% des chiens étaint guéris à 3 et 6 semaines. Avec une prise quotidienne de sulfadiméthoxine-ormétoprime, 75.0% et 100.0% des chiens étaient guéris à 3 et 6 semaines. Cette différence n'était pais statistiquement significative, probablement à cause de la taille trop faible de l'échantilon. Très peu d'effects secondaires ont été notés. Zusammenfassung— Für eine Blindstudie zur Bestimmung der Wirksamkeit von potenzierten Sulfonamidpräparaten bei der Behandlung kaniner Pyrodermie wurden 50 Hunde mit oberflächlicher Pyodermie zufällig ausgewählt, um entweder einmal oder zweimal täglich Trimethoprim-Sulfadiazin (30mg/kg) oder einmal täglich Sulfadimethoxin-Ormetoprim zu erhalten (55 mg/kg am ersten Tag, danach 27,5 mg/kg). Die Hunde wurden vor der antibotischen Therapie untersucht. Die klinische Wirksamkeit der Antibiose wurde nach 3 Wochen antibiotischer Therapie und, wenn nötig, nach 6 Wochen antibiotischer Therapie ausgewertet. 45 Hunde durchliefen die Studie vollständig; 43 Hunde fanden in die statistische Analyse Eingang. Der Prozentsatz der Hunde, deren Pyrodermie durch einmal tägliches Trimethoprim-Sulfadiazin geheilt wurde, lag bei 38,5% nach 3 Wochen und bei 75,9% nach 6 Wochen. Bei zweimaliger Trimethoprim-Sulfadiazin-Verabreichung wurden 57,1% und 78,6% der Hunde nach 3 bzw. 6 Wochen geheilt. Mit einer einmal täglichen Verabreichung von. Sulfadimethoxin-Ormetoprim wurden 75,0% und 100% der Hunde nach 3 bzw. 6 Wochen geheilt. Dieser Unterschied war statistisch nicht signifikant, möglicherweise aufgrund der geringen Fallzahlen. Es wurden nur wenige Nebenwirkungen festgestellt. Resumen A cincuenta perros que presentaban pioderma superficial se les evaluó para la eficacia de antibioticos potenciados de tipo sulfamídico en el tratamiento del pioderma canino, por medio de la administración de una a dos veces diarias de trimetoprim-sulfadiazina (30 mg/kg), o sulfadimetoxinaormetoprim una vez al día (55 mg/kg en al primer día, y 27.5 mg/kg después de la primera dosis). Los animales se examinaron antes del tratamiento con antibióticos. La eficacia clínica del tratamiento se evaluó a las tres o seis semanas en los casos necesarios. Cuarenta y cinco de los perros completaron el estudio; 43 se utilizaron en analisis estadísticos. El porcentaje de perros curados con el tratamiento diario a base de trimetoprim-sulfadiazina fué del 38.5% a las 3 semanas, y 75.9% a las 6 semanas. De los animales tratados dos veces al día con trimetoprim-sulfadiazina, el porcentaje de cura fue del 57.1% y 78.6%, a las 3 y 6 semanas respectivamente. Con el tratamiento a base de sulfadimetoxina-ormetoprim una vez al día, 75.0% y 100% de los perros fueron curados a las tres y seis semanas. La diferencia no se encontró estadísticamente significativa, posiblemente debido al reducido número de perros evaluados. Se observaron posas reacciones adversas a la medicación.  相似文献   
ObjectivesThe objectives of this study were (1) to assess the potential effect of body weight (BW), age, and gender on the most commonly used echocardiographic and conventional Doppler variables in a large population of healthy Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (CKCS), and (2) to establish the corresponding reference intervals (RI).Animals134 healthy adult CKCS.MethodsUltrasound examinations were performed by trained observers in awake dogs. M-mode variables included left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic and end-systolic diameters, LV free wall and interventricular septal thicknesses at end-diastole and end-systole, and LV fractional shortening (FS%). The left atrium (LA) and aortic (Ao) diameters were measured using a 2D method, and the LA/Ao was calculated. Pulsed-wave Doppler variables included peak systolic aortic and pulmonary flow velocities, mitral E and A waves, and E/A ratio. Effects of BW, age, and gender on these 15 variables were tested using a general linear model, and RIs were determined by applying the statistical procedures recommended by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute.ResultsA significant BW effect was observed for all variables, except LA/Ao, FS%, and mitral E/A ratio. A significant but negligible effect of gender and age was also observed for 5/15 and 4/15 of the tested variables, respectively. Only the BW effect on M-mode variables was considered as clinically relevant and the corresponding regression-based RIs were calculated.ConclusionsBody weight should be taken into account when interpreting echocardiographic values in CKCS, except for LA/Ao, FS%, and mitral E/A ratio.  相似文献   
A 9-year-old female sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps) was evaluated for a tissue mass near the marsupium. Ultrasonography identified a vascular mass originating from the right mammary gland. Fine-needle aspiration was suggestive of a malignant neoplasm. The glider was anesthetized and the tumor was removed, and this was followed by strontium-90 plesiotherapy to the tumor bed in an attempt to decrease local recurrence. Histopathology revealed an anaplastic mammary carcinoma. The glider was euthanized less than 14 days after the procedure owing to self-mutilation behavior of unknown etiology. This report is the first to describe the clinical presentation, diagnostics, therapeutics, and treatment response for a sugar glider with mammary neoplasia.  相似文献   
The age-related morphological changes of the testes in light ecotype Nigerian indigenous chicken were evaluated in this study using gross anatomical, histological and histomorphometric techniques. The results showed that the testes of 3- to 9-month-old birds were light pink while testes of sexually mature chicken were creamy white in colour. The left and right testicular weight, length, diameter, circumference and the organosomatic indices increased significantly (p < .05) with increasing age across the groups. Although the mean tubular diameter and epithelial height of the left and right seminiferous tubules increased significantly (p < .05) with age, the tubular diameter, epithelial height and luminal diameter did not vary significantly (p > .05) between the left and right testes of all the groups. The one-cell layer thick germinal epithelium of the left testes at 3 to 6 months old showed islands of cell proliferation that contained spermatogonia and spermatocytes. At 6 to 9 months, the left testes exhibited numerous early spermatids with occasional occurrence of late stage spermatids while the right testes showed scanty early stage spermatids. At 12 to 18 months, the germinal epithelia of both left and right testes were characterized by the presence of Sertoli cells, spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes, numerous early and late stage spermatids as well as spermatozoa. In conclusion, the morphological features highlighted in the present study show that at pre-pubertal periods, the left testes may develop faster than the right testes. However, both left and right testes may participate actively in the production of spermatozoa during the post-pubertal life.  相似文献   
This study aimed to determine the usefulness of colour and pulsed Doppler modes for the accurate diagnosis of donkeys suffering from subfertility to determine whether testicular vascularity assessment could be an indicator for sperm functionality. The study sample was composed of 10 male donkeys with normospermia (control group) and 10 donkeys with hypospermia. Animals underwent scrotal circumference measurement, testicular Doppler examination, seminal evaluation, blood sampling and hormonal assay. Semen volume and concentration were significantly (p ≤ .05) lower in the subfertile group (30.25 ± 1.22 ml and 89.44 ± 2.55 × 106/ml) as compared with the control group (82.76 ± 1.65 ml and 452.78 ± 1.25 × 106/ml), and total sperm/ejaculation was significantly (p ≤ .05) higher in the normal donkeys (28.30 ± 2.32 × 109/total ejaculated) as compared with the subfertile group. Intratesticular coloured area showed a marked decline in the hypospermic males. There was no significant difference between the two groups in testosterone level, although the normal group showed an increase in nitric oxide metabolites. Both Doppler indices of the three branches of the testicular artery were elevated significantly (p ≤ .05) in abnormal donkeys, whereas Doppler peak systolic and end-diastolic velocities were increased in the normal group. Male donkeys with subfertility demonstrated lower arterial vascularity parameters in the form of intratesticular coloured area and blood flow rate; therefore, the most optimal parameters for differentiating subfertile hypospermic from normospermic donkeys were found to be the two Doppler indices, velocities parameters, testicular blood flow rate and nitric oxide levels.  相似文献   
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