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For species whose decline preceded the modern era and whose distribution is in the developing world, it is difficult to map suitable habitat across its former range. Eld’s deer (Cervus eldi) is an endangered cervid whose range across Southeast Asia was reduced during the last century to disjoint populations in Myanmar and Cambodia. We used ecological data from the present populations to determine landscape and habitat parameters that would help us predict the occurrence of the species in forests not yet surveyed. The suitable-forest GIS model was created using four readily available datasets for elevation, forest type, canopy closure, and human density. Comparison of the GIS model with 24 verified sightings of Eld’s deer during recent large mammal surveys in Cambodia, found 22 sightings (92%) within predicted suitable forest. Use the suitable-forest GIS model to survey a province in southern Lao People’s Democratic Republic, located a single, previously unreported population from 9 patches surveyed. In a separate analysis, a logistic regression model to predict Eld’s deer habitat in Northern Cambodia found percent tree cover, presence of wetlands, and distance to villages as the best predictors of deer, similar to variables used in the GIS model, with the exception of the importance of wetlands. Using mean annual rainfall to rank suitable-forest patches identified in the GIS model indicated dry dipterocarp forests in Northeastern Cambodia and Northern Myanmar have the highest potential to conserve eld’s deer. Examination of the suitable-forest GIS map and current protected areas indicated only Cambodia, with 11% suitable forest protected, has placed sufficient dry dipterocarp forest under protected status. Other Southeast Asia countries have not recognized dry dipterocarp forest as a significant ecotype worthy of conservation status.  相似文献   
[目的]以热带森林复杂区域为对象,对两种缨帽变换“衍生数据”检测热带森林变化的方法的优劣进行比较.[方法]对两期数据进行缨帽变换,同时结合黑暗对象掩膜与局部直方图阈值提取等方法,获取亮度、绿度、湿度指数组合(MKT)和干扰指数(DI).采用MKT差值(MKT-D)、干扰指数差值(MDI-D)进行变化信息识别,然后,根据植被覆盖与亮度、绿度、湿度之间的变化关系,通过决策树分类提取变化信息,最后,对不同检测结果进行验证与比较分析.[结果]结果显示两种方法都能检测出森林内部的细微变化,但对小图斑变化,MKT-D检测优势明显,且MKT-D的kappa系数为0.763 0,MDI-D的kappa系数为0.655 9,两者相比,MKT-D方法优于MDI-D方法.[结论]MKT能够增强短波红外与近红外波段对森林变化信息的敏感性,有效地消除噪声等非目标信号,突出目标信号,此外,MKT-D为RGB彩色图像,更利于变化信息的目标提取与解译.  相似文献   
A total of 448 samples in five natural populations of wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) were collected in Cambodia. They were examined using 12 SSR and two chloroplast markers to evaluate the degree of variation among populations and the genetic structure within populations. In the two annual populations, the number of plants with homozygous alleles at all 12 SSR loci were high (66.3% and 79.5%), suggesting that these plants propagate mainly through self-pollination. In the three perennial populations, no individuals had all homozygous genotypes, but redundant genotypes resulted from clonal propagation were observed. Percentages of the redundant genotypes were highly varied (3.6%, 29.2% and 86.0%). This may be due to the different stable levels of environmental conditions. As for chloroplast genome, most of the wild plants showed the same chloroplast types as most Indica-type cultivars have. However, plants with different chloroplast types were maintained, even in the same population. In tropical Asian countries, many wild rice populations were observed under similar ecological conditions examined in this study. Therefore, the present results concerning population structure will be important to further elucidate genetic features of wild rice, and will also give strong clues to utilize and conserve wild natural genetic resources.  相似文献   
Fair-trade and organic products are often sold at price premiums justified by smaller production volumes that are associated with greater social and environmental responsibility. The consumption of these products confers on the consumer a greater sense of morality – and usually a claim to better taste. This paper tells the story of attempts to promote organic/fair-trade rice production by de facto organic Cambodian farmers for export to North American and European markets in order to assist poor farmers to trade their way out of poverty. It demonstrates that instead of promoting sustainable agriculture and fair trade between developed and developing markets, organic/fair-trade projects may impose First World consumer ideals and tastes that are out of step with the larger realities of agrarian transition in Cambodia and the wider region of developing Southeast Asia.  相似文献   
The livelihoods of people dependent on the Tonle Sap floodplain ecosystem in Cambodia are expected to be affected by changes in economic conditions, social circumstances, environmental perturbations, demographic shifts and political climates. This study assesses how small‐scale fisheries’ livelihoods are changing in response to social and environmental conditions using the opinions of fishers collected through an intensive family survey of 514 households from Pursat and Battambang Provinces in Cambodia. Probit modelling approach was used to assess whether a fisher would continue fishing or not in the future when subjected to a variety of shifting conditions and identify the factors associated with their response. It was found that in any future condition about 50% of fishers would likely continue to fish, which suggests how much they love their traditional livelihood of fishing. The remaining 50% considered to diversify their livelihood strategy by shifting towards a combination of fishing, farming, and off‐farm jobs. Furthermore, the analysis found that the fishers will change their fishing practices depending on how other sectors in the region develop. The model showed increasing access to agricultural activities decreased the likelihood of continuing to fish, whereas finding an off‐farm job corresponded to increased likelihood of continuing to fish.  相似文献   
In Cambodia, the planting of rice lines with a competitive and/or allelopathic ability would be a very useful way to supplement weed management in the rain‐fed, low‐input production systems. The present study examines a wide range of rice germplasm, mainly from Cambodia, and uses a series of bioassay techniques to identify those that might have a weed growth‐suppressing, allelopathic trait. A laboratory bioassay study that involved 359 rice lines showed that there were 15 that could significantly reduce the growth of awnless barnyard grass seedlings. In a second laboratory bioassay, involving the best 96 rice lines that were identified in the first study, 14 were shown to suppress the shoot growth of awnless barnyard grass, 11 could suppress the shoot growth of barnyard grass, six could suppress the shoot growth of small umbrella sedge, four could suppress the shoot growth of two‐leaf fimbristylis, four could suppress the shoot growth of water primrose, and three could suppress the shoot growth of gooseweed. Of the 13 rice lines that were able to suppress the growth of at least two weed species, there were three lines that could suppress the growth of three weed species, one line that could suppress the growth of four weed species, and one line that could suppress the growth of five weed species. In a third soil‐based, pot bioassay that studied the 18 best lines coming from the second laboratory bioassay, all showed a significant weed growth‐suppressive ability. A linear regression analysis showed that there was no correlation between their weed growth‐suppressive ability and their physical seedling size, supporting the idea that the growth suppression was allelopathic in nature and not a physical competition effect. In summary, the results indicate that an allelopathic trait does exist in some Cambodian rice lines and that this trait is effective in the growth suppression of a number of major rice weeds.  相似文献   
Abstract. A novel agronomic system of soil classification for managing rice soils in Cambodia (CASC) was developed recently. It integrates local knowledge about the soil with its conceptual and taxonomic understanding by soil scientists. Using quantitative soil survey data we evaluated the agronomic efficacy of the classification system. Although the CASC is based on simple field criteria it explained 25 to 44% of the variation in soil prop-erties relevant for agronomic decision making. It failed, however, to differentiate soil types based on pH (6% of variances explained). Despite its simplicity it performed as well or better than the most widely used soil map in Cambodia (Crocker, 1962), and unlike this small-scale soil map it allows classification on a field-specific basis. The average values of soil properties were often significantly different between groups. Organic carbon, clay content and plant available magnesium and calcium contributed most to the discrimination of CASC soil groups. The predictive accuracy when allocating new samples on the basis of quantitative survey data to soil groups of the CASC was 50% to 100%, except for soil groups Kein Svay (0%) and Kampong Siem (20%). The CASC is valuable for managing Cambodian rice soils and may also be used for up-scaling and mapping of soil information.  相似文献   
Abstract. This paper describes a soil classification system developed for agronomists in Cambodia that has proved useful in improving soil fertility management. The classification system relies on soil characteristics that are easily identifiable in the field and have agronomic relevance. The system was used in the on-farm trial programme of the Cambodia-IRRI-Australia Project (CIAP) in 1996 and 1997 to determine whether it could adequately discriminate between soil types and improve fertility management.   Using diagnostic criteria that could be identified in the field, 11 soil groups were defined and subdivided into a further 20 phases. Soil groups were defined as units of morphologically similar soils, which occurred at the same position in the landscape. Classification of soil phases within a soil group was primarily based on soil properties that had significance for crop production, this included information gained from local experience and expertise. A modified version of the Fertility Capability Classification (Sanchez et al., 1982) was added as a third level to allow a more quantitative classification in cases where soil analytical data was available, and to facilitate the transfer of agronomically important soil information from outside Cambodia.   The soil groups adequately predicted differences in grain yields of rice grown on the different soils in on-farm trials and provided the basis for soil-specific management recommendations. Local agronomists have welcomed the system and have incorporated it into their research and extension operations.  相似文献   
Weed infestations are a major cause of yield reduction in rice (Oryza sativa) cultivation, particularly with direct‐seeding methods, but the relationship between weed dynamics and water availability in Cambodian paddy fields has not been documented previously. We surveyed the weed abundance and weed seed banks in the soil of paddy fields with inferred differences in their water regime in 22 farm fields in three provinces of Cambodia in the 2005 and 2006 rainy seasons. We studied rain‐fed lowland fields in upslope and downslope topographic positions and fields at different distances from the irrigation water source inside an irrigation rehabilitation area. The weed seed banks were estimated by seedling emergence in small containers and weed abundance and vigor were estimated by a simple scoring system. The estimated weed seed bank in the top 5 cm of soil ranged from 52.1 to 167 × 103 seeds m?2 (overall mean of 8.5 × 103 seeds m?2) and contained a high proportion (86%) of sedge species, such as Fimbristylis miliacea L. and Cyperus difformis. Several fields had particularly large seed banks, including one near the reservoir. No clear difference was found in the weed seed banks between the irrigated fields that were located close to (upstream) and distant from (downstream) the water source or between the irrigated and rain‐fed lowland fields, but the weed scores were larger in the rain‐fed fields and the downstream fields within the irrigated area. A water shortage during the late growing season in 2005 led to a proliferation of weeds in some fields and an associated increase in weed seedbank size in 2006. However, the weed scores in 2006 were more strongly associated with that year's water conditions than with the weed seedbank size.  相似文献   
为了实现稻田环境信息的实时监测,设计了一种基于定向天线无线传感器网络的稻田环境信息监测系 统,并对其网关进行设计。网关节点设计以MSP430F149 为核心,外围以nRF905 射频芯片和节点通信,节点采用土 壤水分传感器TDR-3 和空气温湿度传感器DHT22 对稻田环境信息进行实时采集与处理,选用MC55 作为GPRS 通 信模块,实现了稻田环境信息的远程传输与监控等功能。在该硬件平台编写硬件驱动程序和通信协议、异常短信报 警程序和时间同步协议。测试了网关节点的通信距离、功耗、存储速率,对网关的实用性进行实地试验,网关节点通 信距离可达331.18 m,1 h工作周期下可持续工作32 d,数据存储速率达849.7 kbps,组网试验结果表明,内网平均丢 包率为0.686%,外网平均丢包率为0.712%,传感器节点采集数据稳定,能够满足稻田环境信息监测的需求。  相似文献   
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