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豫谷6号是应用有性杂交技术,经连续南繁、温室加代选择育成的夏谷新品种。具有高产稳产、高抗倒伏、高度抗旱、综合抗病力强等优良特性,适宜中等以上肥力水、旱地种植。  相似文献   
The results of a standardised radiological examination of 5928 Hanoverian Warmblood horses selected for sale at auction were used to predict relative breeding values (RBV) in the 23,662 horses included in the last four generations of the probands' pedigrees. The distribution of the RBV was investigated in the whole four-generation pedigree, in the probands and in those stallions that contributed at least three offspring to the probands. The RBV of the probands' sires were further compared with the officially published performance-based relative breeding values, i.e., total indices dressage (TID) and jumping (TIJ). The sires' level of dressage indices was considerably higher (mean TID=110) than of the jumping indices (mean TIJ=98). Total indices radiographic findings (TIR) were calculated for the sires with varying weighting given to the individual RBV. In each case, this resulted in a mean TIR of 99. Finally, total indices were derived from TIR and TID and/or TIJ in order to develop different selection schemes for all-purpose breeding and for breeding focused on dressage and show jumping. All breeding values under consideration increased by between 1% and 19% when radiographic findings were weighted with between 30% and 60% complementary to the corresponding performance parameters, and when only sires were selected with above average total indices. At the same time, the prevalences of the radiographic findings investigated here were lowered by up to 10% each. When only one radiographic finding was considered at a time, the maximum attainable response to selection was a 16-23% increase in the relative breeding values and a relative decrease in prevalences of radiographic findings of between 31% and 52%. The results of this study indicate that it is possible in horse breeding to consider simultaneously health and performance traits. Medical data should be included in the prediction of breeding values in order to improve the radiological status of today's riding horses.  相似文献   
本文对现阶段海原县肉牛繁育现状进行总结,即基础母牛饲养量逐年增加,品种趋向良种化;养殖模式由单一散养户逐渐转向规模场(户);养殖技术由原始粗放逐渐转向科学精细化;地方政策支持力度加大,配套体系逐渐健全。并分析了几个制约肉牛良繁的问题:即中大规模养牛场出现本交现象;饲养管理不精准导致“一年一胎”难实现;犊牛成活率低等问题。针对存在的问题从提高冷配繁育技术、母牛规范化饲养管理、提高犊牛成活等方面提出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   
雪莲是传统珍贵藏药,具有散寒除湿,活血通经,抗炎镇痛等作用。本文论述了青海雪莲植物资源、应用价值以及雪莲的研究概况与发展动向。指出雪莲资源可持续发展及保护措施。  相似文献   
东北12种灌木热值与碳含量分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用快速灰化法、量热法、吸收质量法分别测定东北12种灌木的树叶、树枝、干皮的灰分含量、去灰分热值和碳含量。不同器官的灰分的质量分数为:树叶0.43%~0.88%,树枝0.46%~2.37%,干皮0.47%~2.55%;去灰分热值为:树叶20.66~21.90kJ·g-1,树枝20.10~21.39kJ·g-1,干皮19.75~21.01kJ·g-1;碳的质量分数为:树叶43.41%~44.80%,树枝44.82%~46.05%,干皮45.12%~46.25%。12种灌木不同器官的灰分含量、去灰分热值和碳含量均具有显著差异(t检验,p<0.01)。  相似文献   
从乳白糯玉米上的一褐色玉米粒,经单株套袋自交和2代配植杂交,育成彩色糯玉米品系福农胗糯玉米,株高1.5m左右,一般思穗长15~16cm,直径5~6cm,纺锤形,单穗(去苞)重300g左右,糯性,香甜,风味极佳,生育期60~70天,在福建可全年种植。  相似文献   
从白菜病理学研究,抗病性鉴定,抗性遗传规律和抗病机理研究,抗病新品种的选育和推广淫,抗病育种技术研究等5个方面了国家科技攻关白菜抗病育种的主要进展,并对白菜抗病育种的发展趋势和前景进行了探讨。  相似文献   
夏雪40是以91A-C-2-D13-9-15为母本,91B-C-1-2-5-8为父本配制的一代杂种,极早熟,成熟期45天左右,株型直立紧凑,花球洁白,较紧实,平均单球重0.45kg,耐高温高湿,每667m^2产量1480 ̄1680kg,比对照白峰早熟7天左右。  相似文献   
湘红菜薹一号的选育   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
湘红菜薹一号是以自交不亲和系9415-2和孤雌生殖系J-7-2配制的紫菜薹一代杂种,极早熟,从播种到始收45天左右,早期产量高,菜薹亮紫色,无蜡粉,味甜,品质好,耐热,抗软腐病能力强,适应性广,适用于长江流域夏秋栽培和早熟秋冬栽培。  相似文献   
蔬菜作物多倍体育种研究进展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
对蔬菜作物多倍体育种研究的主要进展进行了综述。重点对蔬菜多倍体的 获得途径、多倍体的植物学特征、同源三倍体的不育性、四倍体的低稔性、抗逆性研究进行了综述,介绍了多倍体在蔬菜育种上的应用,并提出了蔬菜多倍体育种尚待解决 的关键问题。  相似文献   
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