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OBJECTIVE: To examine the feasibility and accuracy of a handheld rebound tonometer, TonoVet, and to compare the intraocular pressure (IOP) readings of the TonoVet with those of an applanation tonometer, TonoPen XL, in normal Eurasian Eagle owls. ANIMALS STUDIED: Ten clinically normal Eurasian Eagle owls (20 eyes). PROCEDURES: Complete ocular examinations, using slit-lamp biomicroscopy and indirect ophthalmoscopy, were conducted on each raptor. The IOP was measured bilaterally using a rebound tonometer followed by a topical anesthetic agent after 1 min. The TonoPen XL tonometer was applied in both eyes 30 s following topical anesthesia. RESULTS: The mean +/- SD IOP obtained by rebound tonometer was 10.45 +/- 1.64 mmHg (range 7-14 mmHg), and by applanation tonometer was 9.35 +/- 1.81 mmHg (range 6-12 mmHg). There was a significant difference (P = 0.001) in the IOP obtained from both tonometers. The linear regression equation describing the relationship between both devices was y = 0.669x + 4.194 (x = TonoPen XL and y = TonoVet). The determination coefficient (r(2)) was r(2) = 0.550. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that readings from the rebound tonometer significantly overestimated those from the applanation tonometer and that the rebound tonometer was tolerated well because of the rapid and minimal stress-inducing method of tonometry in the Eurasian Eagle owls, even without topical anesthesia. Further studies comparing TonoVet with manometric measurements may be necessary to employ rebound tonometer for routine clinical use in Eurasian Eagle owls.  相似文献   
Barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) are arriving later in the spring than they did 30–40 years ago at numerous sites in Korea. In some cases their arrival times are later by more than 1 month. This result is perplexing as spring activities of plants and animals are generally getting earlier due to warming temperatures. The first arrival dates of swallows are not related to temperature, suggesting that another factor is involved. On the basis of a questionnaire, a large majority of long-term observers are confident that there has been a moderate to severe decline in swallow populations at their field site over the study period. The greatest delays in arrival times are associated with sites with more severe reported declines in population size. Simulations using trapping data of large migratory bird populations from the United States, consisting of hundreds of individuals, suggest that severe population declines of 99% can result in delays of 10–12 days in arrival times. In summary, our results suggest that the large delays in arrival time of Korean swallows are due, at least in part, to severe reductions of more than 99% in what were formerly very large populations. Significant delays in spring phenology over time during a period of climatic warming may indicate population decline, though alternative explanations, such as changes in range or migration path or changing number of broods per season, should also be investigated. Delays in first arrival data can provide a valuable new tool to conservation biologists by indicating declines in a population that would otherwise go unnoticed. This can, in turn, lead to efforts by researchers to verify the dynamics of a population and draw attention to the conservation needs of the species.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The tawny owl (Strix aluco) is a protected species in Italy. Orphaned, injured, and ill owls often are sheltered and treated in rehabilitation centers, where hematologic and biochemical analyses would be helpful to evaluate and monitor the status of their health. OBJECTIVES: The major aim of this work was to assess hematologic and biochemical constituents together with protein electrophoretic fractions in healthy tawny owls. In addition, we compared laboratory methods for determining hemoglobin (Hgb), total protein, and albumin concentrations. METHODS: Heparinized blood samples were collected from 10 clinically healthy adult captive tawny owls between March 2001 and November 2003 for CBC, routine biochemical analysis, and protein electrophoresis. Alternate methods for Hgb (estimation as HCT/3 vs spectrophotometry), total protein (biuret vs refractometry), and albumin (bromcresol green vs electrophoresis) concentrations were compared in 34 samples from 16 unhealthy adult owls and 8 nestlings. RESULTS: Results were reported as mean, median, and range (minimum-maximum). Significant differences and poor concordance were observed between methods for Hgb, total protein, and albumin. CONCLUSIONS: Hematologic and plasma biochemical values in captive tawny owls may be useful in evaluating and monitoring the health of this species in captivity.  相似文献   
秦汉墓葬中,经常发现有陶仓、陶困等储粮模型明器的随葬。据目前所知最早的陶困出现于春秋晚期的秦国墓地中,并于西汉中后期开始在中原乃至全国范围内盛行开来;而陶仓最早出现于西汉早期的关中汉墓中,在东汉时开始骤然增多,并盛行全国。陶团最先出现在春秋晚期的秦墓,与秦国的农业发展和秦人的价值观及丧葬习俗分不开,而陶困和陶仓的流行时间的不同与它们不同的文化内涵有很大关系。  相似文献   
利用桂林市迁徙过境家燕的物候期及同期地面气象资料,分析了家燕物候期的变化规律及其对气候变化的响应。结果表明,家燕始见期稳定,绝见期显著推迟,始、绝见间隔期明显延长;影响家燕始见期的主要气象条件为1月平均最高气温,影响其绝见期的主要气象条件为6月份降水量和5月份日照时数,影响其始、绝见间隔期的主要气象条件为6月份降水量;1月份平均最高气温升高可使家燕始见期提前,6月份降水量增多、5月份日照时数增加可使家燕绝见期推迟。  相似文献   
清代热河地区的宫仓   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宫仓是清代热河地区最具特色的粮仓,它的建立是由热河地区独特的发展背景决定的。宫仓从属于皇家内务府,是清廷设立最早,发挥作用的时间最长的粮仓,是清代热河地区社会稳定及经济发展的重要保障。目前对宫仓的研究还较为薄弱,值得关注与研究。本文拟对清代热河地区宫仓的建立、粮食来源、功能、管理及宫仓对热河地区发展的作用等问题做进一步的探讨。  相似文献   
我们从巴基斯坦信德省卡拉奇( Karachi)和塔达(Thatta)两个地区的9个地点共收集仓鸮(Tyto alba)食丸共619个,从这些食丸中发现937种食物种类.仓鸮最主要的食物为大鼠和小鼠(59.6%),还包括鼩(22.3%)、蝠类(1.3%)、鸟类(12.0%)、昆虫(1.3%)、蛙类(2.2%)及植物(1....  相似文献   
To aid effective conservation and management there is a need to understand the effect of landscape on species ecology. The aim of this research was to assess the effect of landscape parameters on breeding success of barn owls throughout the Rother and Arun River catchments, Sussex, UK. We used a Geographic Information System to describe the habitat mosaic and landscape structure within an estimated home range area of 3 km2 around 85 artificial nest box sites. Results showed that land cover was less heterogeneous at successful sites, with home ranges dominated by a few habitat types of regular patch shapes. Unsuccessful nesting sites had significantly more improved grassland, suburban land and wetlands than successful sites. Cluster analysis and Principle Components Analysis was used to assess the similarity of the habitat mosaic within these areas and pellet analysis was undertaken to assess barn owl diet and prey availability. Ten prey species were recovered from pellets, field vole (Microtus agrestis), common shrews (Sorex araneus) and house mice (Mus musculus) making up nearly 90% of recoveries. However box sites varied in relative proportions of small mammal, and hence prey availability. Results indicated that land use and landscape structure can affect breeding success in barn owls. Higher levels of poor quality small mammal habitat were associated with unsuccessful sites. However, at a landscape scale, the habitat mosaic across the study area lacked variation, limiting analysis and clear correlations between habitat type and positive breeding success, suggesting that a finer scale was needed in future studies utilising this approach.  相似文献   
[目的]比较舍饲和放牧补饲条件下济宁青山羊妊娠母羊的繁殖性能。[方法]分别研究舍饲和放牧补饲条件下青山羊妊娠母羊平均产羔率及产后发情率、羔羊初生重和断奶成活率,分析不同饲养方式对青山羊妊娠母羊繁殖性能的影响,探讨适宜的饲喂方式。[结果]养殖方式和营养水平对济宁青山羊发情率、受胎率和产羔率没有显著影响。由于舍饲和放牧补饲造成的管理和营养水平差异,舍饲组羔羊初生重和断奶成活率比放牧补饲分别提高10.7%和17.1%,表明饲养方式是影响济宁青山羊妊娠母羊繁殖性能的主要因素。[结论]可以通过改善饲养管理水平来提高母羊繁殖性能和羔羊成活率,从而进一步提高养殖效益,促进济宁青山羊规模养殖的发展。  相似文献   
为在烤烟烘烤期间利用太阳能替代部分燃煤,以达到节能减排的目的,对现有的密集烤房进行太阳能改造,在屋顶加装太阳能加热室,吸收太阳能并加热太阳能加热室内空气,高温空气通过内循环管道与烤房的加热室、装烟室连通,提供辅助热源。太阳能循环风机由温差控制器控制。对改造的太阳能密集烤房进行烘烤效应研究,结果表明密集型烤房的太阳能改造简单易行,经济实用,节能效果明显;太阳能提供的热量可满足烟叶烘烤前期的需要,每千克干烟耗能比改造前降低20%~24%,烘烤烟叶质量与普通密集烤房所烤烟叶质量相当,社会效益与经济效益明显,在光照好的烟区具有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   
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