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3种农药的微核效应研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用蚕豆根尖微核技术研究3种农药(甲胺磷、甲基硫菌灵和盐酸吗啉胍)在不同浓度下的诱变效应。结果表明,3种农药诱发蚕豆根尖细胞微核率与对照组相比均有不同程度的上升(P<0.05或P<0.01),农药浓度与微核率呈剂量-效应关系,盐酸吗啉胍的诱变效应大于其他2种农药。  相似文献   
以单猪屎豆碱(MO)、槲皮素(QU)和环磷酰胺(CY)为参照,观察了狗舌草600mL/L乙醇提取物(EX)对淋巴细胞性白血病L1210细胞体外试验的形态变化;利用流式细胞术,从DNA分子水平上检查了EX对L1210细胞各周期相的影响,探讨EX对L1210细胞的分化机理。结果发现,EX能够使L1210细胞向淋巴细胞方向发展;经EX作用24h后,L1210细胞G0+G1期的百分比较对照组明显升高。提示EX对L1210细胞增殖的抑制作用可能是由于G1期的阻滞所致。  相似文献   
Abstract— Cell mediated and humoral immune responses to experimental Trichophyton verrucosum infection were assessed by sequential cutaneous biopsies, antibody assessments and microscopic monitoring of fungal presence. Histopathologic examination showed the accrual of lymphocytes and other inflammatory cells in the dermis of infected sites. Immunoperoxidase staining of frozen sections with monoclonal antibody preparations revealed an influx of macrophages, BoCD4+ and B0CD8+ lymphocytes and γδ T cells from the 5th day to the 33rd day of infection. A moderate influx of B cells was observed. Protein G-colloidal gold staining revealed the presence of immunoglobulins in the dermis and superficial epidermal layers. Trichophyton specific serum antibodies appeared between days 33 and 55. Microscopic assessment of infected tissues revealed an increase in T, verrucosum elements (mycelium and ectothrix spores) from days 19 to 55. Fungal elements in infected areas did not decrease until after both humoral and cell mediated elements of the immune response were established. These responses imply a combination of cell mediated and humoral events were associated with T. verrucosum immunity and clearance in the calf. Résumé— Le réponse immunitaire humorale et cellulaire a une infection expérimentale àT. verrucosum a été appréciée par des biospsies cutanées successives, des dosages d'anticorps et la recherche microscopique de champignons. L'examen histopathologique a montré un afflux de lymphocytes et d'autres cellules inflammatoires dane le derme des sites infectés. Les marquages en immunopéroxydase par un anticorps monoclonal de coupes congelées a montré un influx de macrophages, lymphocytes BoCD4+ et BoCD8+ et des cellules T γδ, du 5e au 33e jour de l'infection. Un marquage par une protéine G—or colloidal a révélé d'immunogolglobulines dans le derme et les couches supéerficielles de l'épiderme. Les anticorps spécifiques de Trichophyton sont apparus entre 33 et 55 jours. L'examen microscopique des tissus infectés a révélé une augmentation du nombre d'éléments de T. verrucosum (mycelium et spores ectothrix) du 19e au 55e jours. Les éléments fongiques dans les zones infectées n'ont pas diminué avant que les réponses humorales et cellulaires ne solent établies. Ces résponses impliquent qu'une coopération des réponses humorales et cellulaires étaient associées dans l'immunité et la défense contre T. verrucosum. Zusammenfassung— Die zellvermittelten und humoralen Immunantworten auf die experimentelle Infektion mit T. verrucosum wurden durch eine Serie von Hautbiopsien, Antikörperuntersuchungen und mikroskopischer Untersuchung auf das Vorhandensein von Pilzen ausgewertet. Die histopathologische Untersuchung zeigte eine Ansammlung von Lymphozyten und anderen Entzündungszellen in der Dermis der infizierten Stellen. Die Immunperoxidasefärbung der Gefrierschnitte mit monoklonalen Antikörperzubereitungen zeigte einen Influx von Makrophagen, BoCd4-und BoCD8-Lymphozyten und gamma-delta-T-Zellen vom 5. bis zum 33. Tag der Infektion. Es wurde auch ein mäßiger Influx von B-Zellen beobachtet. Die Protein-G-kolloidale Goldfärbung zeigte die Anwesenheit von Immunglobulinen in der Dermis und den oberflächlichen epidermalen Schichten. Trichophyton-spezifische Serumantikörper traten zwischen Tag 33 und 55 auf. Die mikroskopische Untersuchung infizierter Gewebe zeigte eine Zunahme von T. verrucosum-Bestandteilen (Myzel und exktothrixe Sporen) vom Tag 19 bis 55. Pilzteile in infizierten Bereichen verminderten sich weder, nachdem humorale, noch nachdem zellvermittelte Elemente der Immunantwort auftraten. Diese Reaktionen deuten an, daß eine Kombination von zellvermittelten und humoralen Vorgängen im Zusammenhang mit T. verrucosum-Immumtät und Abheilung beim Kalb vorliegt. Resumen Por medio de biposias cutáneas secuenciales, medida de anticuerpos y exámen microscópico de presencia de hongos, se estudió la respuesta inmunitaria de tipo humoral y celular producida por la infección experimental con T. verrucosum. El exámen histopatológico reveló la presencia de agregación de linfocitos y otras células inflamatorias procedentes de la dermis de los puntos infectados. La tintura por medio de inmunoperoxidasa de las secciones congeladas, con preparaciones monoclonales de anticuerpos, demostró un aflujo de macrófagos BoCD4 + y BoCD8 + linfocitos y linfocitos, Tαδ, desde el quinto hasta el día 33 la infección. También se observó un aflugo moderado de linfocitos B. La tintura aúrica de proteina coloidal G reveló la presencia de inmunoglobulinas en al dermis y capas superficiales de la epidermis. Los anticuerpos específicos para la especie Trichophyton aparecieron entre los días 33 y 55. El exámen microscópico de los tejidos afectados demostró un incremento, de los elementos füngicos T. verrucosum (micelio y esporas exótricas) desde los días 19 al 55. Los elementos fúngicos en áreas infectadas no disminuyeron hasta después del establecimiento de ambos tipos de respuesta inmunitaria, humoral y celular. Estas respuestas implican que la combinación de ciertos fenómenos de inmunidad celular y humoral, están relacionados con la desaparición y la inmunidad de la infección producia por T. verrucosum en el ternero.  相似文献   
Résumé— En plus des kératinocytes, l'épiderme contient des cellules résidentes de morphologie dendritique. Ce sont principalement la cellule de Langerhans, la cellule de Merkel et le mélanocyte. Ces cellules ont des fonctions diverses dans le tégument. Le mélanocyte assure la pigmentation cutanée et la protection contre les radiations U.V., et pourrait intervenir également dans la modulation de l'inflammation cutanée. La cellule de Langerhans intervient dans la surveillance immunologique des surfaces corporelles ecternes. La cellule de Merkel a des fonctions neuroendocrines. Cet article donne un aperçu de la structure et de la fonction de ces trois importantes populations cellulaires dans la peau. [Resident dentritic cells in the epidermis: Langerhans cells, Merkel cells and melanocytes (Cellules dentritiques résidentes de l'épiderme: cellules de Langerhans, cellules de Merkel et mélanocytes). Resumen— La epidermis contiene, además de los queratinocitos, células résidentes de morfologia dendria dendritica. Estas son principalmente las células de Langerhans, las células de Merkel y los melanocitos. Estas células tienen varias funciones en el integumento. Los melanocitos se encargan de la pigmentación y protección de la piel contra la radiación ultravioleta y tarrtbién participan en la regulación de la inflamación cutánea. Las células de Langerhans ayudan en la regulación inmunológica en la superficie externa. Las células de Merkel tienen funciones neuroendocrinas. Esta revisión da un repaso general a la estructura y función de tres importantes células de la piel. [Resident dendsuitic cells in the epidermis: Langerhans cells, Merkel cells and Melanocytes (Células résidentes en la epidermis: células de Langerhans, células de Merkel y melanocitos). Abstract— In addition to the keratinocytes, the epidermis contains resident cells of dendritic morphology. These are principally the Langerhans cell, Merkel cell and melanocyte. These cells have a number of different functions in the integument. The melanocyte is responsible for skin pigmentation and protection against UV radiation, and may also play a role in the modulation of cutaneous inflammation. The Langerhans cell aids in the immunological monitoring of the body's external surfaces. The Merkel cell has neuroendocrine functions. This review gives an overview of the structure and function of these three important cells of the skin.  相似文献   
贮藏期间福桔果皮细胞始终具有分裂增殖能力,细胞生长的养分主要通过维管束向果肉吸取,因而促进果肉衰老,形成枯水.枯水果实在贮藏早期就发现果皮细胞层和油腔分泌细胞无丝分裂旺盛,双核细胞多,果皮增厚多.严重枯水时,果皮细胞还具细胞核、线粒体、有色体等超微结构,未枯水果实细胞分裂少见.经预贮后贮藏的果实,由于中断了果皮组织与维管束的联系,果皮细胞生长受抑制,果肉水分、养分消耗少,枯水率最低,  相似文献   
Pathogenic mechanisms of caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Goats infected with caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) show chronic arthritis and cachexia, which are progressive in nature. The immunopathogenic mechanisms responsible for these progressive clinical symptoms have not been fully elucidated. Various haematological and immunological parameters were evaluated in experimentally-infected goats showing typical signs of CAEV-induced disease. Infected goats showed recurrent lymphocytosis that may be due to constant presentation of antigen by infected cells of a monocyte/macrophage lineage. The serum alkaline phosphatase and -glutamyl transferase concentrations were elevated in infected goats, a characteristic of hepatic and bone disorders. All other serum chemistry parameters were similar between infected and control goats. Importantly, the serum tumour necrosis factor- (TNF-) levels were higher in infected goats. The cachexia seen in infected goats may be at least partly due to altered metabolism as a result of prolonged elevation of serum TNF- levels. Depressed natural killer cell activity was observed in infected goats and may contribute towards the establishment of a persistent infection with CAEV.Abbreviations AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - CAEV caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus - GGT -glutamyl transferase - HBSS Hanks' balanced salt solution - HIV human immunodeficiency virus - NK natural killer - PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cells - PCR polymerase chain reaction - SAP serum alkaline phosphatase - TNF tumour necrosis factor  相似文献   
Although the molluscicide Frescon is a strong neurotoxin to the Lymnaea stagnalis central nervous system in vitro, it is probable that the exposure of the whole animal to this molluscicide fails to result in central nervous system abnormalities: Frescon does not appear to reach the brain in sufficient quantity to disrupt its normal activity. However, only those Frescon analogs found to be neurotoxic were molluscicidal, suggesting some related mode, if not site, of action. Frescon and its analogs may act by affecting excitable tissues other than the nervous system (e.g., the snail musculature) by altering certain functional and/or structural membrane properties.  相似文献   
本试验对1头黄占鹿的耳缘皮肤组织采用0.1%胶原酶(Ⅰ型)消化组织块法进行原代培养,反复传代纯化,获得了成纤维细胞,进行了生物学特性观察,并对各代细胞进行了常规冷冻保存。利用Photoshop软件对F12代细胞染色体进行了核型分析,结果表明该黄占鹿的染色体数目为68,常染色体中1号和7号为M染色体,其余的均为A常染色体;X染色体是最大的A染色体,Y染色体是最小的M染色体;该黄占鹿的核型式为4(M)+62(A),XY(A,M);对部分冷冻细胞进行了解冻培养,解冻存活率和贴壁率分别为61.04%、38.85%。  相似文献   
AIM:To explore the serum levels of certain adhesion molecules and its significance in acute coronary syndrome(ACS). METHODS:The subjects included 40 patients with acute myocardial infarction(AMI) and 40 patients with unstable angina pectoris (UAP). Among the 80 patients, 60 patients accepted a follow-up 4 months. At the same time we selected 40 controls from people who attended a routine health check in the university. Serum levels of E-selectin, sICAM-1, sVCAM-1 were measured by ELISA.RESULTS:Serum levels of E-selectin, sICAM-1, sVCAM-1 were significantly higher in the ACS group(AMI or UAP) than in the control group. Four months later, the levels of E-selectin, sICAM-1 became significantly lower in the follow-up group than in the ACS group, while sVCAM-1 showed no significant difference. CONCLUSION:Serum levels of E-selectin, sICAM-1 may have certain diagnostic value for ACS, and can be a useful marker reflecting the stability of the disease.  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate the role of NF-κB/IκB signal pathway in the regulation of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression in human mesangial cells (HMC). METHODS: The PGE2 concentration in supernatants of HMC was measured by radioimmunoassay. COX-2 mRNA and protein expression were determined by RT-PCR and Western blot. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and Western blot were used to detect the activity of NF-κB and degradation of IκB. RESULTS: IL-1β significantly upregulated COX-2 expression and PGE2 production in HMC. Significant up-regulation of NF-κB activation, nuclear translocation of p65 subunit, and degradation of IκB α and IκB β were observed in IL-1β-induced HMC. CONCLUSION: Expression of COX-2 in IL-1β-induced HMC is mediated by NF-κB/IκB signal pathway.  相似文献   
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