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刘成军 《现代农业》2012,(5):196-197
2010年,国家出台了《大小兴安岭林区生态保护与经济转型规划(2010~2020年)》。这为地处大兴安岭核心区的根河市及周边地区的生态保护与经济转型创造良好的政策环境。根河市建设银行作为服务地区经济社会发展的国有商业银行,将牢固把握政策机遇,树立"以市场为导向、以服务林区发展为目标"的经营理念,不断调整和优化信贷结构,充分发挥金融服务职能,支持国有林区生态保护、经济转型和民生改善,促进地区经济社会持续健康发展。  相似文献   
正为帮助茶企解决扩大再生产资金不足问题,宁德市蕉城区政府积极组织宁德建设银行与蕉城区茶企对接,取得积极的效果。3月25日,由区政府组织的银企对接会在政府五楼会议室举行,会议由蕉城区副区  相似文献   
Quantitative, qualitative and phenotypic body measurements were determined on Longling Yellow goats in Longling of Yunnan Province in China. Body weight was determined at birth and then at 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, and 48 mon of age. Body measurements traits including height at wither (HW), body length (BL), heart girth (HG), chest depth (CD), and circumference of cannon bone (CCB) were determined at 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, and 48 mon of age. Phenotypic traits including coat colour, horns type, tip horn torsion, nose type, hair on forehead, wattles, ear lobes, black back line, hair on legs, and black hair on belly were determined at 12, 18, 24, 36, and 48 mon of age. Males were heavier (P〈0.01 or P〈0.05) than females; and except for chest depth at 24 mon of age (P 〉 0.05), all other body measurements were also higher (P 〈 0.01 or P 〈 0.05) in males. HW, BL, CD, HG, and BW increased (P 〈 0.01) with age, except for 48 mon of females (P 〉 0.05); while CCB did not always increase with age. HG had the highest correlation (P〈0.01) with body weights of both sexes. No differences were observed between the two sexes in the colour of the coat, horn type, tip horn torsion, nose type, ear lobes, black back line, and black hair on belly. However, differences exist between the two sexes in the presence of hair on forehead, wattles and long hair on legs. The female goats absence of tip horn torsion had positive effect on all variables measured at 36 and 48 mort of age (P〈0.01 or P〈0.05). The presence of wattles was associated with heavier body weights from 18 mort (P〈0.01) of age onward, and also with longer HW, BL and CD (P〈0.01 or P〈0.05) in female goats. Female goats with ear lobes had heavier body weights at 12, 36 and 48 mon (P〈0.01) and longer CCB at 12 and 24 mon of ages (P〈0.05). Hair on legs and black hair on belly only had partly effect body measurements on 12 mon of Longling Yellow female goats. Results of this study provide valuable information that will assist breeders and genetic improvement specialists when conducting selection and preservation programs in Longling Yellow goats in China.  相似文献   
2009年7月31日凌晨2时许,贵州省贵阳市云岩区红边门发生一起杀人案,一男当场死亡,一女在医院抢救无效死亡。接指令后,贵阳市公安局刑侦支队警犬大队带犬民警携警犬赶赴现场。经勘查和了解情况得知,现场目击者称犯罪嫌疑人已受伤,带犬民警根据警犬初步追踪方向和周围居住环境分析判断,犯罪嫌疑人逃往大营坡方向的可能性较大。警方将搜查重点放在大营坡周围医院、诊所及周围路面巷道等,在金阳路口建设银行附近路边上发现了一滴被车辆和行人踩踏过而模糊不清的血迹。在带犬民警的指挥引导下,  相似文献   
李娟 《中国农垦》2010,(11):71-71
日前,由海拉尔农垦集团公司担保,合适佳食品公司申请的5亿元油菜收购资金贷款顺利通过建设银行内蒙古分行审批,分两批投放到位。合适佳公司已将今年油菜收购资金的45%预付给各农场,改变了以往原料收购先贷后款的状况,缓解了农场的资金压力。  相似文献   
<正>近日,本刊收到了不少读者的电话及来信,反映当前生猪、蛋鸡等养殖行情不错,想扩大养殖规模,但是苦于资金难求,因此想通过该刊物"沟通热线"栏目来了解一下关于银行养殖贷款方面的政策及需要走哪些程序,办理业务的时候需要携带哪些证件等。根据畜牧局相关部门了解,养殖贷款一般都是养殖户在银行直接进行贷款,为此本刊联系到河北几家相关银行咨询了养殖贷款方面的政策,现刊登如下,以供参  相似文献   
<正>1988年4月,当时还是一名高三学生的我,收到了班主任老师派发的三张"江西省大化肥建设奖券",每张面额1元。直至今天,我仍然珍藏着这三张"江西省大化肥建设奖券"。这是一种由江西省大化肥建设基金会主办、中国人民建设银行江西省分行总代理发行的,比壹圆人民币纸币略小的淡绿色纸券。拿着这3张奖券,我觉得很新  相似文献   
为保证广大养殖户能够有充足的资金用于项目建设,龙井市畜牧业管理局积极与市、州财政部门,延边州林合担保公司、延边州建设银行、农村合作银行、邮政储蓄银行等金融部门沟通联系,帮助企业(规模户)牵线搭桥,争取更多的资金投入到项目建设中去。  相似文献   
<正>《天津农业科学》是天津市农业科学院信息研究所主办的综合性学术期刊,创刊于1974年。主要报道农林、植保、土壤肥料、园艺、畜牧兽医、农产品贮藏加工、水产、花卉、生物技术等方面的基础理论、试验报告、实用技术和专题综述类文章及农业区划、科研管理等软科学论  相似文献   
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