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为了探讨两种同期发清处理方法和不同年龄阶段对非繁殖季节奶山羊同期发情效果的影响,选用12∽15月龄初产奶山羊和4∽5胎经产奶山羊分为两组,采用孕激素耳栓埋植和阴道栓塞两种处理,并辅以肌注PMSG及PG-CL、E2,每组试验重复2次.结果显示:孕激素耳栓埋植法和阴道栓塞法两种同期发情处理方法处理初产组奶山羊总发情率分别达到87.5%和100.0%,经产组分别达到77.8%和83.3%,均无显著差异(P>0.05).但两种方法0∽24 h内的同期发情率初产组阴道栓法平均为94.1%,耳栓法平均为37.5%,差异显著(P<0.05),经产组阴道栓法平均为61.1%,耳栓法平均为44.4%,差异亦显著(P<0.05);无论初产、经产组奶山羊阴道栓法处理0∽24 h内的同期发情率(分别为94.1%、61.1%)显著高于24∽36 h发情率(分别为5.9%、22.2%)(P<0.05).用阴道栓同一种方法处理初产和经产奶山羊,初产组24 h的同期发情率(86.7%)显著高于经产组(60.0%)(P<0.05).阴道栓法处理同期发情效果优于耳栓法,初产奶山羊的同期发情效果优于经产奶山羊.  相似文献   
对空间数据内外业一体化作业过程中数据双向同步技术进行研究。阐述GIS数据双向同步的原理、数据还原原理,提出了基于最优差异化机制的双向数据同步模型,并给出此模型基础上的技术实现案例。实践表明,此方案能很好地解决GIS内外业一体化的数据同步需求。  相似文献   
阐述了数字化校园的数据中心建设,其内容包括数据中心数据信息标准的拟订、公共数据库建设、专用数据库的建立以及数据中心服务体系的建设,同时说明了在数字化校园建设过程中建设数据中心的必要性。  相似文献   
Despite the abundant literature on circadian heart rate rhythms in fish, few studies have attempted to elucidate if such pattern is endogenous or if it is modulated by environmental cues. In this study, heart rates were continuously recorded in Sparus aurata acclimated to different light regimes (normal or shifted LD 12:12 cycle and a pulsed 0.75:0.75 LD cycle) to investigate the endogenous nature and the role of light on the circadian pattern of heart rate. Under LD 12:12, the daily pattern of heart rate showed higher values at night and lower rates during the day (average amplitude of the heart rate change of 10.6 ± 5.7 beats min–1). The circadian pattern was maintained in animals under constant light but the amplitude was decreased (2.4 ± 1.1 beats min–1). Light masks the expression of the rhythm because under a pulsed LD cycle, heart rate tracks the pulsed LD phases, increasing during the dark phase and decreasing during the light phase. Besides the ultradian pattern imposed, an underlying circadian rhythm was detected, which indicates that the rhythm is endogenous. However, the strong link between heart rate and light obtained under pulsed LD cycles suggest the timing mechanism to be mostly based on external light reception.  相似文献   
针对分布式网络环境下异构数据库间数据同步的问题,提出了一种基于JMS的数据同步方法,并对该方法实现过程中涉及到的关键技术进行了研究。  相似文献   
We aimed to define whether embryo collection carried out after pseudopregnancy was of similar outcome and quality as after artificial abortion. To induce pseudopregnancy, 30 gilts or sows were given 20 mg intramuscular estradiol dipropionate (EDP) 10–11 days after the onset of estrus. Ten additional pigs were inseminated artificially at natural estrus as a control group. Prostaglandin F (PGF) was administered twice with a 24 hr interval beginning 15, 20, or 25 days after EDP‐treatment (n = 10 per group) or between 23 and 39 days after artificial insemination in control pigs. Following this, all pigs were given 1,000 IU equine chorionic gonadotropin and 500 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and then inseminated. Embryos were recovered 6 or 7 days after hCG treatment and outcome was recorded. There was no significant difference in the number of normal embryos collected from the pigs with PGF initiated at different time points or from the control group. Embryonic developmental stages 7 days after hCG treatment also did not differ among groups. These results indicate that the use of EDP to induce pseudopregnancy, followed by PGF administration to synchronize estrus for subsequent embryo harvest, is a suitable alternative to the artificial abortion method.  相似文献   
为探究同期排卵处理母牛体温和活动量变化规律及不同同期排卵技术处理效果,指导同期排卵技术优化。本研究自动监测了18头20月龄左右同期排卵(GnRH-PG-GnRH)处理荷斯坦母牛和17头产后40~60 d预同期排卵(PG-PG-GnRH-PG-GnRH)处理荷斯坦母牛的体温和活动量,应用自动检测系统进行母牛发情监测。结果发现,同期排卵处理母牛发情时阴道温度平均升高(0.43±0.20)℃,持续(12.37±2.73)h;活动量平均升高(18.28±18.61)倍,持续(11.00±1.68)h;排卵时阴道温度平均下降(0.20±0.10)℃,持续(11.00±1.68)h。自动化发情监测显示,同期排卵处理母牛7头发情并排卵;预同期排卵母牛GnRH处理前全部发情排卵。两种同期排卵处理,虽可改变母牛性周期进程,促进母牛性周期同步化,但均难以使母牛性周期完全同步。因此,将同期排卵-定时输精和发情鉴定技术科学结合才能取得更好的繁殖效果。  相似文献   
在集约化猪场中,要求严格按工艺流程有节奏地进行养猪生产。为了避免夜间产仔和有效地提高商品猪的整体质量,常采用同期分娩解决这一难题。作为调控繁殖节律的技术之一,药物诱导母猪同期分娩已成为集约化养猪业的一个重要研究课题。本文对前列腺素F2α和氦前列烯醇在母猪同期分娩中的应用作一简单介绍。  相似文献   
作物品种田间测试是评价、筛选新品种不可或缺的关键环节,是品种大规模推广应用的主要依据。育种单位每年试验小区数量巨大,单一育种公司每年新产生大约1 000万个数据点,依靠传统的人工纸质录入效率低、错误率高。针对测试数据田间野外录入的特点,研究设计了一套高效的测试数据快速录入、及时传输的技术方案,并详细介绍了客户端与服务器数据交互融合、拍照采集条码、数据分块存取等关键技术。该系统进行了Windows Mobile 6.1及以上多个手机平台的应用测试,结果表明此方法是高效可行的。  相似文献   
采用不同药物处理和给药方式,对不同品种水牛在不同季节自然发情和同期发情配种后的受胎效果进行系统研究,以期建立一套稳定的适合水牛同期发情的处理方法。试验选取本地水牛(102头)、摩拉水牛(129头)、尼里/拉菲水牛(98头)和杂交水牛(326头)共655头,分为5个组进行比较试验。结果表明:河流型摩拉水牛和尼里/拉菲水牛的同期发情率和配种受胎率均高于杂交水牛和本地水牛(P<0.05),但同为河流型的摩拉和尼里/拉菲水牛之间没有差异(P>0.05),以本地水牛效果最差,其同期发情率和配种受胎率分别为74.51%和30.39%;应用不同的药物处理时,以GnRH+PGF2α+GnRH效果最好,同期发情率和受胎率分别为88.46%和46.38%,其同期发情率显著高于其他各药物组(P<0.05),而用PGc的效果最差(分别为79.10%和33.21%);用PMSG肌注+PGc灌注法,其同期发情率和受胎率效果最好,显著高于其他各组(P<0.05),其次是PMSG肌注+PGc肌注法,PGc肌注法效果最差;在冬季进行同期发情处理时,同期发情率和受胎率最高(分别为83.75%和43.28%),明显高于其他各季节(P<0.05);水牛自然发情的人工授精受胎率和胚胎移植的受胎率均比同期发情的高,差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
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