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为探索狐尾藻对重金属铜的积累和耐性机制,本研究通过水培试验,研究不同浓度铜处理(0、20、50 mg·L-1)对狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum L.)生长生理特性以及叶片表皮细胞形态的影响,分析各器官中铜吸收转运及铜在各组织器官亚细胞中的分布和化学形态。结果表明:各浓度铜处理下狐尾藻均能存活,但铜浓度高于50 mg·L-1时,狐尾藻根、茎、叶生物量相比对照(铜 0 mg·L-1)处理降低53.48%、36.99%和32.22%。铜处理后,狐尾藻根、茎和叶铜含量分别为11.81~186.34、1.32~7.89、2.11~11.99 mg·kg-1,根系中铜含量均高于叶片和茎部。铜在狐尾藻中的亚细胞分布主要位于根、茎、叶的细胞壁部分(36.49%~49.61%、45.44%~49.92%、41.45%~55.92%),其次是可溶性组分(21.65%~25.99%、23.03%~27.65%、18.01%~34.63%)。狐尾藻中铜的赋存化学形态以盐酸提取态、醋酸提取态和乙醇提取态为主,所占比例为76.34%~86.67%,均是活性较低的形态。因此,狐尾藻是铜富集较好的植物,其根部的耐性大于茎、叶。铜以吸附态或蛋白质、果胶酸盐等低活性形态赋存于细胞壁或可溶性组分(液泡)中是狐尾藻积累和耐受铜的重要机制。  相似文献   
为探究精胺合成酶(spermine synthase,SPMS)与茶树(Camellia sinensis)耐寒性的关系,以茶树品种‘迎霜’为试验材料,利用简并引物PCR扩增技术结合5′/3′RACE方法,获得与低温胁迫相关的CsSPMS片段cDNA全长序列(GenBank登录号为KJ580429)。该序列全长1 374 bp,包含1 113 bp的完整开放阅读框(ORF),编码371个氨基酸,预测分子量41.28 kD;构建亚细胞定位载体pJIT166-GFP/SPMS,亚细胞定位结果显示CsSPMS定位在细胞核上。荧光定量PCR分析表明CsSPMS在根、茎、叶、芽、花和果中都有表达,在根、茎中表达量较高;低温胁迫处理下不同组织CsSPMS的表达量,在叶片中2 h达到峰值,而在根中12 h达到高峰;在低温条件下4个茶树品种的耐寒性与CsSPMS表达量密切相关。  相似文献   
对动物产肠毒素性大肠杆菌 (ETEC)的一种新型菌毛 (F1987)进行了相应基因的定位研究 ,通过对表达该新型菌毛 (F1987)相应 ETEC菌株的培养、质粒提取、对大肠杆菌受体菌株 DH5α的转化及阳性转化子筛选与相应菌毛表达的检定等 ,初步表明该新型菌毛 (F1987)的基因定位于质粒上  相似文献   
亲环蛋白(CyP)能与免疫抑制剂环孢霉素A(CsA)结合而作为CsA的胞内受体。在已构建的家蚕蛹cDNA文库中获得了家蚕亲环蛋白A(BmCyPA)基因的cDNA序列。利用生物信息学方法对此序列的开放阅读框(ORF)和序列同源性等进行分析,并以家蚕蛹总RNA反转录的cDNA为材料克隆了BmCyPA,通过原核表达目的蛋白后,将纯化的BmCyPA融合蛋白免疫新西兰兔得到抗血清,Western blotting检测目的蛋白在蚕体中得到表达。利用荧光定量PCR方法检测家蚕5龄幼虫各组织中BmCyPA mRNA的转录水平,由高到低依次为脂肪体、丝腺、中肠、马氏管、表皮、头部、气门、卵巢;Western blotting检测BmCyPA在5龄幼虫各组织中的表达水平,由高到低依次为脂肪体、气门、表皮、马氏管、中肠、丝腺、头部和卵巢。亚细胞定位显示Bm-CyPA在细胞质与细胞核中均有分布。推测BmCyPA与家蚕的生长发育以及促进蛋白质折叠和介导免疫应答等有密切联系。  相似文献   
Adenosine diphosphate‐ribosylation factors (Arfs) are a family of guanosine triphosphate‐binding proteins involved in fundamental biological processes including secretion, endocytosis, phagocytosis, cytokinesis, cell adhesion and tumor cell invasion. We report here the molecular cloning, chromosome localization and expression analysis of porcine Arf1–6, of which Arf1–3 (Class I) have >93% similarity to each other and encode nearly similar proteins with 181 amino acids in length. Arf4 and Arf5 (Class II) are 78–81% homologous to Class I Arfs and both encode a protein of 180 amino acids, Arf6 (Class III) shows 64–68% homology to the other Arfs and encodes 175 amino acids. With radiation hybrid mapping, porcine Arf1–6 are assigned to chromosomes 14q21‐q22, 12p14, 5p12‐q11, 13q21.1, 18q24, 1q21‐q27, respectively. Moreover, real‐time quantitative RT‐PCR assays show that porcine Arf1‐6 are ubiquitous in all tissues examined, with the highest levels in the kidney and stomach and the lowest in muscle and the heart. This is the first report of molecular characterization of the Arf gene family in pigs.  相似文献   
西气东输管道干线截断阀的旁通管道节流阀、放空阀,站场ESD放空管道放空阀,大量使用进口Serck Audco压力平衡式旋塞阀。针对站场ESD高压放空旋塞阀内漏故障频繁,常规处理效果不好的问题,分析了进口旋塞阀的密封及压力平衡结构特点,结合现场实践经验提出了注脂处理、解体维修、更换阀门、返厂维修等处理方法。旋塞阀频繁内漏的根本原因是旋塞表面本体磨损、划伤,导致密封失效。现场解体维修中,旋塞和阀体之间的间隙难以保证恢复至原始状态,旋塞经人工打磨很难达到原始匹配精度,多次解体后维修效果可能会更差,因此解体维修应谨慎开展。返厂维修消除了旋塞表面磨损、划伤,经现场试验验证可以解决阀门内漏问题,但国产旋塞阀及国内厂家维修后的进口旋塞阀均需增加旋塞大端泄压孔,才能消除旋塞自锁现象。大端泄压孔与介质流体直接接触,当阀门用于管道介质含杂质较多的工况时,不能避免杂质进入大端底部,旋塞阀的国产化研制应在这方面开展研究。(图4,参16)  相似文献   
为明确小麦矮腥黑粉菌Tilletia controversa g9890基因编码效应蛋白的生物学功能,根据小麦矮腥黑粉病菌转录组测序结果,筛选出效应蛋白g9890,通过PCR技术获得g9890基因cDNA的全长序列,并对其进行生物信息学以及亚细胞定位分析。多种生物信息学数据库分析表明,g9890基因全长为1 038 bp(包括终止密码子),共编码345个氨基酸,相对分子质量为37 353.32,理论等电点为5.02。g9890效应蛋白不稳定系数为15.94,疏水性指数为-0.312,是一种亲水性且稳定的蛋白。将g9890基因与pbin-GFP载体重组,利用冻融法转化至根癌农杆菌Agrobacterium tumefaciens GV3101中,将其注入烟草进行瞬时表达分析,并通过共聚焦激光显微镜观测该基因的定位状况,结果显示,g9890定位在细胞膜和细胞核上。  相似文献   
Along with the establishment of the constructor association,how to locate the constructor association is extremely important at present,which is not only related to the efficiency of the constructor trade management,but also related to the future development of the constructor trade.This paper launches the discussion on the constructor association's localization from three aspects,namely the legal localization,the profession localization and the relation localization with the government and its members,and puts forward some proposals and individual opinions.  相似文献   
Histochemical localization of proteolytic activities in the dorsal epidermis of Japanese eel was demonstrated by fluorescent microscopy utilizing 4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide (4M$\beta$NA) derivatives as substrates and 5-nitrosalicylaldehyde as a trapping agent. Carbobenzoxy-L-phenylalanyl-L-arginyl-4M$\beta$NA (Cbz-Phe-Arg-4M$\beta$NA) and Cbz-Arg-Arg-4M$\beta$NA were used for direct detection of cathepsins L and B activities, respectively, in fresh frozen sections and unfixed cells of the eel epidermis. The fluorescing areas, where Cbz-Phe-Arg-4M$\beta$NA was hydrolyzed by cathepsin L, were shown in mucus secretory cells and club cells and broadly around skin surface. The fluorescing areas due to Cbz-Arg-Arg-4M$\beta$NA hydrolysis by cathepsin B were localized similarly in these tissues. The fluorescing intensity for both catheptic activities in mucus secretory cells was higher than that in club cells, where small fluorescing granules were distributed. These results indicate that eel cathepsins L and B are stored in epidermal secretory cells at different levels and probably serve as defense factors before or after secretion by these cells. Abbreviations: Cbz – carbobenzoxy; 4M$\beta$NA – 4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide; NSA – 5-nitrosalicylaldehyde.  相似文献   
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