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This article highlights the results of a long-term research project on the production of grape stalks engrafted by the desk method. The integrated impact of rootstock varieties, modes of stratification, and different substrates on vegetating vine cuttings, raised in heated greenhouses, and the capacity of their acclimatization after planting was studied. The results of the research show that rootstock variety and modes of stratification influence the output of engrafted vegetating cuttings of vines grown in pots using various substrates. In particular, the engrafted cuttings of variety Rkatsiteli produced on two rootstocks, 5 BB and 101-14, passed stratification (a) in sawdust with local electroheating, (b) on the water with its periodic change, and (c) in the layer of perlite. After preplanting preparations they were planted in pots with six different substrates: (1) soil (control); (2) perlite; (3) sawdust; (4) rice husk + soil + sand (1:1:1); (5) peat + soil + sand (1:1:1); and (6) mold + soil + sand (1:1:1). The cuttings were grown with a covered root system in a heated greenhouse for 35–40 days. Forty-day-old vegetating cuttings, after hardening, were planted into the open ground. Specialties were established during the root and shoot formation on vegetating nursery plant grafts during the rooting period. Optimal substrates for growing engrafted cuttings with a covered root system in heated greenhouses for each rootstock and stratification mode were determined.  相似文献   
The influenfial factors of stratification plane to smooth blasting are studied according to the ti eory of smooth blasting and the anslysis of static stress. The results show that the angle p between the maximum principal plane and the rertical line of stratification plane has some influence on the fracture of rock masses.  相似文献   
对采收的紫果型黑蕊猕猴桃(Actinidia melanandra)种子进行了不同温度、不同层积时间和不同浓度赤霉素处理的发芽试验,结果表明,不同温度的种子发芽率有极显著差异(p<0.01),多重比较显示平均发芽率结果为23℃>18℃>28℃>13℃,23℃的发芽率为72.67%。不同层积时间的种子发芽率有极显著差异(p<0.01),多重比较显示发芽率60 d>45 d>75 d>30 d>0,层积60 d的平均发芽率为79.67%。不同浓度赤霉素处理的种子发芽率有极显著差异(p<0.01),多重比较显示发芽率600 mg·L^-1>900 mg·L^-1>300 mg·L^-1>0,600 mg·L^-1的发芽率最高,为14%。紫果型黑蕊猕猴桃种子最佳萌发条件为:温度23℃,低温层积60 d,600 mg·L^-1的赤霉素浸泡种子。  相似文献   
Although the effects of cold stratification on the release of physiological dormancy in seeds have been studied extensively, knowledge of the role of soil moisture content on seed dormancy release during cold stratification is limited. Our study determined seed dormancy characteristics and the effect of soil moisture content on seed dormancy breakage during cold stratification in the five common weed species Amaranthus retroflexus, Chenopodium album, Chenopodium hybridum, Plantago lanceolata and Setaria glauca. Seeds of all five species were dormant at the time of harvest and their germination response to light and temperature varied. Soil moisture content had a significant effect on seed dormancy release of all species except P. lanceolata. Germination percentage of A. retroflexus, C. album, C. hybridum increased and then decreased as soil moisture content increased, regardless of germination test temperature. The optimal soil moisture content and seed moisture content for dormancy breakage of A. retroflexus, C. album, C. hybridum were 8%, 12%, 8% and 22.0%, 37.7%, 25.7% respectively. Dry storage (after‐ripening) significantly increased germination of S. glauca. Moreover, increasing soil moisture content first slowed and then increased dormancy breakage in S. glauca. These results suggest that data on soil moisture content should be incorporated into models that predict weed seed dormancy breakage and timing of seedling emergence as well as those for weed management.  相似文献   
Alien grape (Vitis, Vitaceae) species and recently described hybrids are recognised as major environmental weeds in southern Europe, based on their tendency to spread into natural and semi‐natural habitats, often behaving as invasive species. Despite a high number of agronomic, genetic and phytopathological studies on Vitis cultivars, regeneration from seed has been poorly investigated, although it plays a key role in plant distribution and evolution. To this end, in this study we exposed seeds of eight wild grapes in Europe (three species and five nothospecies, including the native Vitis vinifera), to different temperature treatments in the laboratory. Fresh seeds from all studied taxa were dormant and germinated only after cold and/or warm plus cold stratification, but showing significant differences between the species. Seeds of V. vinifera showed an intermediate complex morphophysiological dormancy, while all other tested Vitis taxa exhibited a deep complex morphophysiological dormancy. Dark conditions reduced the germination percentage in Vitis labrusca, Vitis riparia and V. vinifera and their hybrids, and alternating temperatures elicited the highest germination percentages in all populations. Our results demonstrated for the first time that Vitis hybrids are capable of regeneration by seed, even in the absence of dispersal by animals. The germination processes studied here help understand the current expansion of alien Vitis taxa in Europe outside the viticultural areas. Consequently, germination requirements contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying alien Vitis taxa establishment and invasion.  相似文献   
基于层次分析法的物元模型在土壤质量评价中的应用   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
物元分析方法应用到土壤质量评价研究中,以土壤质量等级、评价指标及其特征值构造物元,通过建立模型的经典域、节域、权重集和关联度函数,采用层次分析法计算各评价指标的权系数,并根据计算出的综合关联度来实现对各土壤样本的质量等级综合评判与排序。模型被应用到松花江地区21种土壤样本的质量等级评价与排序中,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
研究了GA3对天女木兰种子在变温层积条件下解除休眠过程中碳水化合物的影响,以此探讨外源赤霉素(GA3)对层积过程中天女木兰种子解除休眠的作用机理。结果表明,1000mg/LGA3水溶液处理极显著促进天女木兰种子萌发,在整个层积过程中,GA3水溶液处理诱导淀粉含量下降;蔗糖含量变化剧烈,在层积90d降至最低,果糖和葡萄糖含量显著增加;在层积后期(90~120d)果糖和葡萄糖含量下降,蔗糖含量上升,从而说明了碳水化合物参与并调节了天女木兰种子休眠解除这一过程。  相似文献   
4种槭树属树种种子休眠原因及解除方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对4种槭树属树种种子休眠原因及其解除方法研究发现:五角枫、元宝枫、鸡爪槭和美国红枫的种皮具有一定的透水性,种皮透水性不是造成4种植物种子休眠的主要原因。离体胚活力测定表明,槭树属树种种子胚无休眠现象。在解除种子休眠的处理中,干种子直接低温层积解除休眠所需时间最长,种子在清水或赤霉素中浸种36h,解除休眠所需时间明显短于干种子直接层积,但赤霉素浸种和清水浸种2个处理之间的差异并不显著,赤霉素浸种时间的长短对解除种子休眠的影响不大。赤霉素浸种48h后再变温层积10d,鸡爪槭和美国红枫种子的休眠即可解除,明显短于低温层积的时间,赤霉素浸种结合变温层积,是解除这2个树种种子休眠的较好方法。  相似文献   
南方红豆杉种子休眠特性及催芽技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对南方红豆杉种子进行种皮透水性测定及变温层积处理,研究其休眠特性及催芽技术。结果发现:南方红豆杉种子在自然条件下发芽需要2~3a,休眠期限长,导致其深休眠的主要因素是种子内所含的萌发抑制物质及种胚的发育程度等;对新鲜种子进行层积处理后,能很好地消除体内抑制物含量,且以25℃,层积130d后,再转入5℃,层积80d的“暖温-低温”湿沙变温层积处理,消除发芽抑制物的效果较好,其种子甲醇浸提液的比较发芽抑制率(W100)从6489%降至851%,胚长增长042mm,种子平均发芽率达760%。  相似文献   
新疆野生山楂种子特征及萌发特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集阿尔泰山楂、准噶尔山楂、红果山楂成熟的种子分别采用湿种恒温、变温、外源激素浸泡处理、阴干后层积方法进行层积处理测其种子特征指标及层积后的发芽率,结果表明变温层积对两种山楂种子的萌发有较好的促进作用但不同种山楂种子所需的较适层积时间范围有差异阿尔泰山楂种子层积日90d左右发芽率可达39.5%,红果山楂种子层积150d左右发芽率可达27.1%;准噶尔山楂种子在所有层积处理中的萌发率都相对较低100mg/L的GA3处理层积180d后发芽率为10.2%,三种山楂种子均为自然休眠种子不同层积处理能够打破其休眠促进种子萌发其中变温层积处理效果较好,阿尔泰山楂具有较高的发芽率.  相似文献   
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