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A disease causing the decline of papaya (Carica papaya) plants was noticed in the Jordan Valley in 1982. The disease caused severe yellowing of the upper leaves and dieback of the apex. The disease was not transmissible mechanically and continued efforts to associate viruses and viroids have so far been unsuccessful. Epidemiological observations suggested that the disease is airborne and probably caused by a mollicute. In order to test this hypothesis, plots were covered by an insect-proof net and with white nets providing 15, 30 and 50% shade. The 30%, 50% and insect-proof nettings provided complete protection, and the 15% netting reduced disease incidence to <2%, compared with>37% in the uncovered control plot. Spraying plants at weekly intervals with a commercial whitewash solution was also found to be effective in reducing disease incidence. The advantages of using a range of netting field treatments as a simple means for obtaining information on the epidemiological nature of a new disease are described.  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted during the winter seasons of 1992–93 and 1993–94 at Anand to study the effect of FYM, nitrogen and source of fertilizer on growth and yield of mustard [ Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj & Cosson]. The results showed significant variation in leaf area index (LAI), crop growth rate (CGR), dry matter production and seed yield. The direct effect of farmyard manure (FYM) was conspicuous in improving the growth of mustard. FYM application at 10 tonnes ha−1 significantly increased the LAI, CGR and dry matter accumulation per plant at almost all the stages during first year study (1992–93) and in pooled analysis. Similarly, nitrogen application registered maximum LAI, CGR at 75 kg level and RGR and NAR at 50 kg level at almost all the during both years. Sulphur carrying source (Ammonium sulphate plus single super phosphate) increased all stages growth characters. Maximum dry matter accumulation per plant and seed yield were recorded with highest levels of FYM (20 tonnes ha−1), N (75 kg ha−1) and source having S. Seed yield was strongly associated with LAI and dry matter accumulation per plant at all the stages.  相似文献   
The loss of final tuber weight of Eleocharis kuroguwai Ohwi by shading during the early tuber formation period (TFP) is overcome by exposure to unshaded daylight thereafter (late TFP). In the present study, the growth parameters that contribute to the dry matter increase (DMI) per day of tubers in the late TFP were examined. DMI of the tuber during the late TFP was determined by that of the whole plant and the ratio of the DMI of the tuber to that of the whole plant during this period. The ratio of the DMI of the tuber to that of the whole plant during the late TFP was significantly correlated with the DMI of the whole plant during the first 14 days of the late TFP. During the late TFP after the exposure to unshaded daylight, DMI of the whole plant correlated with the surface area of the stem (SAS) and net assimilation ratio (NAR), and the SAS correlated with the stem dry weight (DW) and specific stem-surface area (SSA). SSA negatively influenced NAR, but NAR was increased by unshading. During the late TFP after shading, the effect of the decrease of the stem DW due to shading on the DMI of the whole plant was mitigated by the large SAS and high NAR. These results indicate that the growth parameters that contribute to the DMI of tuber during the late TFP after exposure to unshaded daylight are SAS and NAR just after unshading, and SSA during this period.  相似文献   
帆布面积增加在促进网口扩张的同时,也使网具整体阻力增加.为了明晰帆布面积对网具整体作业性能的影响,以网口面积与网具阻力的比值(K)作为帆张网网具性能比较参数,通过模型实验分析帆布面积对网具作业性能的影响,结果显示,流速为0.24 m/s时,K值随帆布面积增加而递增,但增速逐渐趋缓,帆布面积趋于0.288 m2时,K呈现...  相似文献   
草地净第一性生产力(NPP)是全球变化与陆地生态系统研究的核心内容之一。草地NPP的模拟方法从站点实测法、统计模型发展到了机理性的过程模型,NPP的站点实测数据为统计模型和过程模型模拟结果提供参考。统计模型通过NPP和温度、降雨等气候因子或者直接与遥感获得的植被指数建立统计关系计算NPP;过程模型从机理上对植物的生物生理过程进行模拟并能够对NPP的影响因子进行分析,主要过程包括了光合作用、生长和维持呼吸、蒸散、氮吸收和释放、光合物质分配与分解,和季相变化等。遥感过程模型通过遥感手段获得地表覆盖状况、植被冠层结构变量值(如LAI)、地表反射率、地表辐射温度及土壤水分状况等作为重要参数应用到模型中,改善了模拟结果的时空精度,成为当前草地生产力模型的主要研究方向。最后对遥感监测草地NPP研究中存在的问题进行了分析并提出了展望。  相似文献   
通过使用智能型温湿度记录仪,以露地为对照,对夏季高温季节3种防虫网覆盖方式下(水平棚架覆盖、大棚覆盖、连栋大棚覆盖)设施内的空气温湿度进行连续记录,初步摸索出3种防虫网覆盖方式下设施内温湿度的变化规律。试验结果表明,高温晴天不同处理防虫网内的温度都高于露地,防虫网+连栋大棚模式设施内温湿度随着外界温度变化最大,温度最高时,防虫网+连栋大棚湿度最低,气温降低后湿度又升高得最快;雨天不同处理温度都差不多,防虫网+连栋大棚覆盖下湿度最低;阴天温度下午最高,各处理温度差别不大,防虫网+连栋大棚的湿度最低;雨转晴后防虫网+连栋大棚温度升高最快,湿度降低最快;所以防虫网+连栋大棚覆盖最适合夏季叶菜类栽培,高温低湿可有效防止烂菜,全封闭的生长和管理模式也可起到很好的防虫效果。  相似文献   
采用活体测量的方法,分析了日光温室中郁金香品种狂人诗叶片的光合作用,以及温度、光照、气孔导度等因素对其净光合速率的影响.结果表明:狂人诗叶片的净光合速率随时间延长而呈双峰曲线型变化,出现明显的"光合午休"现象;温度和光照是影响日光温室内狂人诗叶片净光合速率的重要因素,其光合作用的最适温度为12~18 ℃,光饱和点约为1 140 μmol/(m2.s);其叶片的净光合速率与CO2落差呈极显著的线性正相关关系,线性回归方程为Y=-0.499 3x-0.158 6,r=-0.998 0**.  相似文献   
在模拟遮荫条件下对扁穗牛鞭草的净光合速率、生长指标和经济效益进行了分析。结果表明,扁穗牛鞭草在自然光强1 200μmol/(m2.s)左右时达到饱和点,遮荫48%~79%的光强下很难达到光饱和状态;在中、低光强辐射时,遮荫16%~79%的净光合速率仅为全光下的33.8%~86.4%,高光强辐射下,不同遮荫度下的净光合速率为其全光照的35.0%~94.7%;不同光照强度或者同一光照强度的不同遮荫梯度下,扁穗牛鞭草净光合速率都表现出显著差异[F遮荫=44.09>F0.05(3.84),Pv<0.05;F光照=11.72>F0.05(4.46),Pv<0.05];遮荫改变了光照条件,影响光合产物的合成,进而抑制了扁穗牛鞭草的茎粗生长、植株萌发以及生物量的积累,对株高生长则表现为抑制和促进2个方面;不同遮荫梯度下扁穗牛鞭草产值下降幅度为35.0%~83.1%,年产出0.512 3万元/hm2为扁穗牛鞭草种植的临界值,林(竹)-扁穗牛鞭草模式的冠层遮荫度需等于或小于43%,才能有一定的经济效益。  相似文献   
为解决农机作业过程中因突发状况引起的作业时间增加、某些作业任务无法完成等问题,该研究提出一种基于改进合同网算法的同种农机机群动态作业任务分配方法。基于农机性能参数和任务参数综合考虑用时最长农机的作业时间、农机机群油耗和路上的路程建立机群代价函数,建立单个田块和地头相邻田块的路径规划方法,参考合同网算法中的招-投标过程,建立农机对任务进行投标的代价函数,基于降低服务器计算量、减少通信次数、任务均衡分配和减小非作业路程等原则,通过选择招标者、设定招标阈值、中标者任务再分配和农机间任务交换等方式改进合同网算法。在不同时间进行基于传统合同网算法和改进合同网算法的农机机群动态作业任务分配仿真试验和农场实际播种作业试验。仿真结果表明,基于改进合同网算法的动态任务分配仿真结果比基于传统合同网算法的动态任务分配仿真结果机群时间代价降低0.83%~12.89%,与服务器通信次数降低77.4%~85%。农场实际试验结果表明:在不同的任务分配时间,基于改进合同网算法的动态任务分配的机群时间代价比实际理论机群时间代价降低30.20%~34.09%。本文提出的动态作业任务分配法能够满足农业生产中同种农机机群动态作业任务分配需求。  相似文献   
基于宁德市水利局、水文局、气象局等部门观测数据,建立防汛指挥信息集成掌上平台,为防汛指挥提供决策服务。平台建设涉及跨部门、跨网段、跨地域。文章重点介绍平台的实现难点:使用远程处理框架技术(.net Remoting)方便地解决部门间分布式数据库的命令传递;采用C#实现数据收集模块。最后,文章介绍了防汛平台功能特点。  相似文献   
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