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海河流域东南段地下水系统调蓄潜力大,调蓄能力强,由于调蓄水源欠缺,地下水的人工调蓄研究停滞不前。研究区近年修建的大量平原水库,为地下水的人工调蓄提供了水源条件。由于单纯依靠平原水库调蓄地表水,不仅侵占大量农田,还将产生诸如水资源浪费、土壤次生盐渍化等环境地质问题。利用地下水巨大的调蓄空间和有利的调蓄途径,凭借一定的回灌工程,将平原水库蓄存的地表水回灌至地下蓄存,同时解决了地下水调蓄的水源问题和地表水调蓄空间、蒸发及其他环境地质问题,是水资源可持续利用的有效途径之一。  相似文献   
Rising temperatures caused by climate change are likely to affect cool‐water and warm‐water fishes differently. Yet, forecasts of anticipated temperature effects on fishes of different thermal guilds are lacking, especially in freshwater ecosystems. Towards this end, we used spatially explicit, growth rate potential (GRP) models to project changes in seasonal habitat quality for a warm‐water piscivore (largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides), a cool‐water piscivore (walleye Sander vitreus) and a hybrid piscivore (saugeye S. vitreus × S. canadensis) in two Midwestern reservoirs. We assessed habitat quality for two periods (early and middle 21st century) under two realistic greenhouse gas emission scenarios (a mid‐century emissions peak and a rapid continuous increase in emissions). Largemouth bass were projected to experience enhanced or slightly reduced habitat during all seasons, and throughout the mid‐21st century. By contrast, walleye habitat was projected to decline with anticipated warming, except during the spring in the smaller of our two study reservoirs and during the fall in the larger of our two study reservoirs. Saugeye habitat was projected to either increase modestly or decline slightly during the spring and fall and declines in habitat quality and quantity that were smaller than those for walleye were identified during summer. Collectively, our findings indicate that climate warming will differentially alter habitat suitability for reservoir piscivores, favouring warm‐water species over cool‐water species. We expect these changes in habitat quality to impact the dynamics of reservoir fish populations to varying degrees necessitating the consideration of climate when making future management decisions.  相似文献   
Abstract  The trophic dynamics of a newly-impounded south east Asian reservoir, Pasak Jolasid, Thailand, monitored from its creation, were constructed using ecopath , a mass-balanced model. The trophic levels (TLs) of 36 ecological groups varied between 1.0 and 3.2. The majority of fish biomass was at the second TL, where the fishery is concentrated. Some food resources (benthic organisms and zooplankton) were not fully used, whereas phytoplankton and benthic algae were important components of the food web, which is based on phytoplankton and detritus. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of ecological maturity of the ecosystem and possible fishery management of this multi-purpose reservoir.  相似文献   
为了掌握南水北调东线江苏境内工程输水河道和调蓄湖库水面蒸发损失水量,及其所造成的泵站机组损失功率,了解水面蒸发对工程调水效率的影响,分析比较了适用于工程所在地区的水面蒸发量计算模型和计算公式,计算了工程沿线输水河道和调蓄湖库的水面蒸发量,分析了工程水面蒸发量的时间和空间分布特征.通过积分,计算了水面蒸发造成的各梯级泵站的流量损失和输入功率损失,求解并分析了水面蒸发对整个江苏段工程调水效率的影响.结果表明:工程沿线水面年蒸发量自南向北、西北方向逐渐递增;蒸发量夏季最高,冬季最低;全线平均水面年蒸发量为862.2 mm.洪泽湖、骆马湖、白马湖和输水河道蒸发损失水量分别占总蒸发损失水量的77.7%,13.3%,3.6%和5.4%,蒸发损失水量约占源头泵站抽水量的17.46%,使工程平均调水效率降低10.33%.调水工程可以考虑采用管道输水,从而避免蒸发损失.  相似文献   
总结了水库的风景资源及其景观特征,并提出在水库景观设计中应该因水设景,因地制宜。  相似文献   
汕头市中小水库库区水源林调查研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以汕头市的中小水库库区水源涵养林林分为研究对象 ,通过调查几个比较有代表性的水库库区的植物情况、土壤主要理化状况 ,从而探讨不同森林群落植物多样性与涵养水源功能的关系 ,为进一步确定不同立地、不同类型林分的改造树种和造林模式提供科学依据  相似文献   
Use of geographical information systems (GIS) in inland fisheries has hitherto been essentially restricted to site evaluation for aquaculture development and assessment of limnological changes in time and space in individual water bodies. The present GIS study was conducted on the land-use pattern of the catchments of nine reservoirs in Sri Lanka, for which detailed fishery data, viz. yield, fishing intensity, landing size of major constituent species, together with selected limnological data such as conductivity and chlorophyll- a , were available. Potential statistical relationships (linear, curvilinear, exponential and second-order polynomial) of fish yield ( FY , in kg ha−1 yr−1) to different land-use patterns, such as forest cover ( FC , in km2) and shrub-land ( SL , in km2), either singly, or in combination, and/or the ratio of each land type to reservoir area ( RA in km2) and reservoir capacity ( RC in km3), were explored. Highly significant relationships were evident between FY to the ratio of SL and/or FC + SL to RA and/or RC . Similarly, the above land-use types to RA and RC ratios were significantly related to limnological features of the reservoirs. The relationships of FY to various parameters obtained in this study were much better correlated than those relationships of FY to limnological and biological parameters used in yield prediction in tropical and temperate lacustrine waters previously.  相似文献   
Highly pathogenic influenza A virus subtype H5N1 causes significant poultry mortality in the six countries where it is endemic and can also infect humans. Egypt has reported the third highest number of poultry outbreaks (n = 1084) globally. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to identify putative risk factors for H5N1 infections in backyard poultry in 16 villages in Damietta, El Gharbia, Fayoum, and Menofia governorates from 2010–2012. Cloacal and tracheal swabs and serum samples from domestic (n = 1242) and wild birds (n = 807) were tested for H5N1 via RT-PCR and hemagglutination inhibition, respectively. We measured poultry rearing practices with questionnaires (n = 306 households) and contact rates among domestic and wild bird species with scan sampling. Domestic birds (chickens, ducks, and geese, n = 51) in three governorates tested positive for H5N1 by PCR or serology. A regression model identified a significant correlation between H5N1 in poultry and the practice of disposing of dead poultry and poultry feces in the garbage (F = 15.7, p < 0.0001). In addition, contact between domestic and wild birds was more frequent in villages where we detected H5N1 in backyard flocks (F = 29.5, p < 0.0001).  相似文献   
三峡库区30 a间土地利用景观特征的粒度效应   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
该研究是为了测度景观指数在时空上随粒度变化的特征;总结相同景观在不同粒度下的景观特征差异。利用不同的粒度大小,将景观类型图进行了栅格化,并选取景观指数,在类型与整体景观的水平上,进行了景观指数的粒度效应测度。并采用相关性分析的方法,分析了各景观指数与粒度相关性的差异。研究表明:粒度效应能有力地论证三峡库区近30 a景观格局变化的特征;不同的景观指数随粒度也表现出不同的敏感程度,较敏感的是斑块密度、有效网格大小、正归化形状指数、聚合指数。同一类型景观在不同的景观指数测度上表现不同的变化规律,随粒度变化较为敏感的是耕地(坡度<25°)、林地、草地和城镇建设用地;多数指数呈现出随粒度变化的拐点,尤其在尺度400 m;整体水平上,斑块密度和景观形状指数受粒度变化的影响较大;同一指标与粒度的相关性在类型水平和时间跨度上大多呈现出较高的一致性。此次研究很好反映了景观格局指数在不同空间分辨率(粒度)上的变化规律。  相似文献   
湖库型饮用水水源地污染防治对策研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目前我国湖库型饮用水水源地水质总体状况较好,但不同程度地存在一些污染,分析其污染的原因,主要表现在工业废水和生活污水点源污染的排放,农田种植业、养殖业等引起的面源污染以及相关管理措施欠完善.根据湖库型饮用水水源地污染现状及危害,结合国内外湖库型饮用水水源地污染防治对策,综述了常用保护措施,为湖库型饮用水水源地保护提供依据.  相似文献   
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