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风险(risk)是由一种或多种危害因子而引发危害事件的一种可能性或概率。危害因子可能属于物理的、化学的、微生物的范畴,病原微生物中的细菌、病毒、寄生虫等都可成为引发危害事件的风险因子。评估某一因子是否对人或其他生物构成威胁以及所危害的程度显得至关重要。事实上,存在于环境中的危险因子及其多种可能的传播途径都会引发多种危害性事件。因此,要想充分了解并揭示由危害因子引发危害的概率,以及其随后对人类健康造成的危害并非易事。风险评估则是对不良结果或不期望事件发生几率进行描述及定量的系统过程,现已被视为一种用于揭示存在于环境中的各种危害及其对人类健康造成的影响的方法。论文主要对食源性寄生虫风险评估的方法进行全面阐述。  相似文献   
利用寄生虫学完全剖检的方法,对榆林市榆阳区不同品种(陕北绒山羊、小尾寒羊、当地土山羊、当地土绵羊)的羊各40只进行体内寄生虫感染情况的初步调查。结果表明,不同品种的羊肠道寄生虫感染率不同,其中陕北绒山羊感染率为62.5%、小尾寒羊感染率为52.5%、当地土山羊感染率为57.5%、当地土绵羊感染率为40.0%,共检出寄生蠕虫8种,分别为捻转血矛线虫(Hae-monchus contortus)、球鞘毛尾线虫(Trichuris globulosa)、蛇形毛圆线虫(Trichostrongylus colub-riformis)、粗纹食道口线虫(Oesophagostomum asperum)、美丽筒线虫(Gongylonema pulchrum)、扩展莫尼茨绦虫(Moniezia expansaa)、贝氏莫尼茨绦虫(Moniezia benedeni)和细颈囊尾蚴(Cysti-cercus temuicouis)。其中,捻转血矛线虫、球鞘毛尾线虫和粗纹食道口线虫为优势虫种。  相似文献   
This study was performed to examine and clarify the cause of hindlimb ataxia and neuropathy seen in the South Korean horse population. Fifty horses diagnosed with hindlimb ataxia and neuropathy were referred for this study. Neurological examination was performed on 47 horses while necropsy was performed in all 50 animals. The occurrence of neurological diseases increased rapidly in the summer and 47 out of 50 horses were referred after the end of July. The incidence of neurological diseases started from the southern part of Korea in July and proceeded northward in August and September. Although there was no correlation with age, Thoroughbred and Warmblood horses showed a higher incidence rate than Halla and Jeju horses. The incidence rate was 5 times higher in geldings than in mares and stallions. Of the 20 cases, 16 were diagnosed with eosinophilic meningoencephalomyelitis in 2015. The most common lesions observed in 2016 were parasitic meningoencephalomyelitis (10 cases, 33%) and eosinophilic meningomyelitis (7 cases, 23%). Histopathological analysis of the brain and spinal cord revealed nematodes of approximately 100–200 µm in diameter, microcavitation and infiltrates of eosinophils, and brown pigmented macrophage infiltrates. The nematodes were identified as Setaria digitata via DNA sequencing, performed subsequent to polymerase chain reaction using DNA isolated from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections of the spinal cord. These results show that aberrant migration of Setaria digitata larva in the brain and spinal cord was a major cause for neurological signs in horses.  相似文献   
人兽共患寄生虫种类多、宿主广泛且危害严重。血吸虫病、棘球蚴病、囊尾蚴病、旋毛虫病、弓形虫病等是常见的重要人兽共患寄生虫病。人类和家畜饱受寄生虫病的危害,这对公共卫生和畜牧业造成了很大的影响。控制传染源、切断传播途径和保护易感群是控制人兽共患寄生虫病流行的综合防控措施。在综合防控策略中,疫苗的使用是切断循环链、控制乃至消灭人兽共患寄生虫病的理想和有效途径之一。选用高效的抗原筛选方法挖掘潜在的疫苗候选分子是开发疫苗的前提和关键。抗原筛选技术的更新换代使得研究者发掘出了更多新抗原和保护性多肽。现有的抗原筛选方法主要包括传统的粗抗原筛选法、cDNA文库筛选法、蛋白质组学筛选法、生物信息学及多组学技术联合筛选法。很多抗原筛选的方法是伴随寄生虫疫苗研究的发展应运而生的,粗抗原筛选法是基于抗原抗体相互反应的免疫学原理而设计的,此方法筛选的天然抗原可引起机体较强的免疫反应;cDNA文库筛选抗原的优势在于筛选更有针对性,所以候选产物的成分更单一、明确;蛋白质组学筛选法是基于质谱而兴起的一种筛选技术,它既可对未知蛋白组分进行鉴定,还可对鉴定结果进行差异比较,在未知分子的发现和功能特殊的靶分子筛选中发挥着重要作用;随着后基因时代的到来,生物信息学及多组学联合筛选技术使得抗原筛选逐步进入了多维、立体的筛选模式,也使得候选抗原及其表位的功能研究更加深入,这为基因工程疫苗和多肽疫苗候选分子的筛选提供了技术手段。  相似文献   
A 5-year-old imported Zangersheide gelding was evaluated for SC swellings over both forelimbs and lameness localized to the distal metacarpus. Ultrasound examination of the SC masses was compatible with verminous granulomas. Linear hyperechoic foci were present within the suspensory ligament branches of both forelimbs, suggestive of ligamentous parasitic infiltrates. A diagnosis of onchocerciasis was confirmed on biopsy of a SC mass. The gelding was treated with ivermectin and a tapering course of PO dexamethasone but was eventually euthanized. Necropsy confirmed the presence of SC eosinophilic granulomas and degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis, both with intralesional nematodes. Given the location and appearance of the nematode, a diagnosis of Onchocerca sp., most likely O. reticulata, was made. Onchocerciasis should be included as a differential diagnosis for multifocal suspensory ligament desmitis with these sonographic characteristics when paired with SC masses in imported European Warmbloods.  相似文献   
按体重5mg/kg、10mg/kg、15mg/kg不同剂量的达虫净对自然感染线虫的山羊进行拌料饲喂驱虫,同时用0.2mg/kg阿维菌素一次皮下注射作药效对照,并设空白对照组。分别于用药前及用药后第7天取粪便进行虫卵计数。用药后第2天起每天检查由粪便中驱出的虫体数至查不出为止。结果表明:各剂量组药物对肺线虫虫卵减少率分别为100%,100%,100%,83.3%,虫卵转阴率分别为100%,100%,100%,66.7%;对捻转血矛线虫等其他线虫虫卵减少率分别为88.9%,100%,100%,100%,虫卵转阴率分别为66.7%,100%,100%,100%。用药后第2天病羊开始排虫,第3天为排虫高峰,第4天排虫减少,第5天仅见有少量虫体,第6天以后未再见虫体排出。  相似文献   
Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) is arguably the most damaging parasitic mite that attacks honey bees worldwide. Since its initial host switch from the Asian honey bee (Apis cerana) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) to the Western honey bee (Apis mellifera) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Varroa has become a widely successful invasive species, attacking honey bees on almost every continent where apiculture is practiced. Two haplotypes of V. destructor (Japanese and Korean) parasitize A. mellifera, both of which vector various honey bee-associated viruses. As the population of Varroa grows within a colony in the spring and summer, so do the levels of viral infections. Not surprisingly, high Varroa parasitization impacts bees at the individual level, causing bees to exhibit lower weight, decreased learning capacity, and shorter lifespan. High levels of Varroa infestation can lead to colony-wide varroosis and eventually colony death, especially when no control measures are taken against the mites. Varroa has become a successful parasite of A. mellifera because of its ability to reproduce within both drone cells and worker cells, which allows populations to expand rapidly. Varroa uses several chemical cues to complete its life cycle, many of which remain understudied and should be further explored. Given the growing reports of pesticide resistance by Varroa in several countries, a better understanding of the mite’s basic biology is needed to find alternative pest management strategies. This review focuses on the genetics, behavior, and chemical ecology of V. destructor within A. mellifera colonies, and points to areas of research that should be exploited to better control this pervasive honey bee enemy.  相似文献   
应用伊维菌素干混悬剂进行了驱除猪蛔虫的效力及安全性试验。结果:0.3mg/kg b.w剂量对猪蛔虫的虫卵转阴率、虫卵减少率和驱虫率均达100%,猪可耐受1.5mg/kg剂量。试验证明伊维菌素干混悬剂驱除猪蛔虫安全高效,投药方便,成本较低,具有推广前景。  相似文献   
寄生虫的抗原变异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
文章对寄生虫的抗原变异情况和消除抗原变异对免疫预防影响的主要方面进行了评述,许多种类寄生虫绝大部分表面怕变异频繁,从而逃避了宿主动物的免疫作用,变异最频繁的是各种寄生于人和哺乳动物的锥虫,其次是寄生于人和灵长类动物的几种疟原虫,再其次是寄生于哺乳动物和人的巴贝斯虫,还有几种属鞭毛虫纲、孢子虫纲和蠕虫的寄生虫,一般认为导致抗原变异的作用机制是表达抗原的基因发生了改变,正在表达的基因停止表达,而同时另一个基因却活化了,对于某些寄生虫抗原变异的规律虽已有揭示,但尚未揭示清全部主要规律,另一些种类寄生虫的抗原变异规律尚不清楚,基因活化的调控亦不甚清楚。抗原变异逃避了宿主动物的免疫,人们已提出了多种克服了的方法与设想,有些已在实验试验中出现端倪,但尚未形成临床上实用的技术,文章对它们也进行了讨论。  相似文献   
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