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Multiple greyish‐white visceral nodules containing abundant rapidly growing and acid‐fast bacteria, subsequently identified as Mycobacterium salmoniphilum, were detected in moribund and newly dead market‐sized fish during a period of increased mortality in an Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, farm in western Norway. Isolates cultured from diseased fish were phenotypically consistent with Mycobacterium sp. previously isolated from Atlantic salmon [MT 1890 (= NCIMB13533), MT1892, MT1900 and MT1901] in the Shetland Isles, Scotland. Partial sequences of 16S rDNA, ribosomal RNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS1), 65‐kDa heat‐shock protein (Hsp65) and β subunit of RNA polymerase (rpoB) revealed 97‐99% similarity with M. salmoniphilum type strain ATCC 13758T. The source of infection was not confirmed. Koch’s postulates were fulfilled following experimental challenge of Atlantic salmon with field isolate NVI6598 ( FJ616988 ). Mortality was recorded in experimentally infected fish; however, the infection remained subclinical in the majority of affected fish over the 131‐day challenge period.  相似文献   
A 2‐year, 7‐month‐old female Chihuahua was admitted for a mammary mass measuring one cm in diameter. The dog had a history of demodicosis for 4 months and showed signs of pseudopregnancy at the time of the visit. Cytologic examination of an aspirate of the mass revealed a large number of macrophages containing nonstaining bacterial rods, which were acid‐fast in a Ziehl–Neelsen stain, suggesting mycobacterial infection. Histologic examination of the mass revealed a pyogranulomatous mastitis characterized by an infiltration with macrophages containing acid‐fast bacteria. Mycobacterium kansasii was subsequently cultured and identified by PCR. Surgical excision of the mass resulted in the growth of other dermal masses, but antimycobacterial treatment with rifampin and clarithromycin resolved these masses within 1 month. Three months after discontinuation of the treatment, similar organisms were found in aspirates of the enlarged bilateral inguinal lymph nodes by cytologic examination. Despite antimycobacterial treatment for another 4 months, there was no improvement and demodicosis also recurred. The dog eventually died of lymphoma 5 months after the relapse of mycobacterial infection. Although M kansasii is considered an important pathogen for pulmonary and cutaneous disease in people, there is only one report in a dog with an infection in a pleural effusion. As both adult‐onset demodicosis in dogs as well as mycobacterial infection in people have been associated with T‐lymphocyte deficiency, the M kansasii infection in this dog may have been associated with a condition of immune compromise.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium genavense infection was diagnosed in two adult ferrets. Disseminated mycobacteriosis was diagnosed in a castrated 5-year-old sable ferret with generalised peripheral lymph node enlargement and a proliferative lesion of the conjunctiva of the nictitating membrane. The diagnosis was based on characteristic cytology and sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene amplified using the polymerase chain reaction from fresh biopsy material. Therapy with rifampicin, clofazimine and clarithromycin probably cured the infection. An entire 4-year-old female ferret with conjunctival swelling, serous ocular discharge and swelling of the subcutaneous tissues of the nasal bridge was diagnosed as having M genavense infection on the basis of typical cytology, histopathology and sequence analysis of 16S rRNA amplicons from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue. This patient was treated successfully using rifampicin. Both ferrets subsequently died as a result of other disease conditions, 10 and 4 months following initiation of therapy, respectively. This is the first report documenting M genavense as a cause of disseminated mycobacterial disease in ferrets. Conjunctival involvement may be a feature of disseminated mycobacteriosis in the ferret. The possibility that these infections were the consequence of a ferret retrovirus infection should be considered further.  相似文献   
Piscine mycobacteriosis causes losses in a number of fish species both in the wild and in aquaculture worldwide. Mycobacterium salmoniphilum infections have on several occasions been reported in farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. The present study tested and confirmed the susceptibility of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L., an important yet relatively novel aquaculture species, to infection with M. salmoniphilum. Atlantic cod injected intraperitoneally with a suspension of this bacterium were maintained together with cohabitant (COH) fish in a flow-through marine water system at 10-11 °C. The fish were supervised daily and samples taken at 2, 7, 14, 23, 34 and 53 weeks post-infection and examined pathologically, bacteriologically and using molecular biology. Injected mycobacteria were re-isolated in high concentrations from both injected and COH fish groups. Death attributable to mycobacterial infection was observed in both injected (47%) and COH (28%) fish groups. Extensive development of granuloma in visceral organs, mainly the mesenteries, spleen, kidney and liver (lesser extent) and at later stages of the infection in heart tissues and gills, was observed in both injected and COH fish. Granulomas underwent a temporal progression of distinct morphological stages, culminating in well-circumscribed lesions surrounded by normal or healing tissue. Acid-fast bacilli were detected in both granulomas and non-granulomatous tissues. This study confirms that Atlantic cod is highly susceptible to M. salmoniphilum infection and that this bacterial species may be a threat to cod both in the wild and in the aquaculture.  相似文献   
Objective To obtain a better understanding of a disease affecting dogs in which nodular mycobacterial granulomas are present in the subcutis or skin. Design Retrospective survey Procedure A diagnosis of an unidentified mycobacterial infection was made in 45 dogs following detection of acid-fast bacilli surrounded by granulomatous or pyogranulomatous inflammation in tissue sections. Eight cases were identified from the records of our diagnostic laboratory. In all cases culture for mycobacteria was unsuccessful. Another 37 cases were identified by practitioners and veterinary pathologists in response to a survey mailed to veterinary clinics throughout Australia. Data from these 45 cases were entered into a data base. The data set was incomplete, as some respondents did not answer all questions. Results Over 90% of affected dogs had short coats and about half were Boxers or Boxer-cross dogs. A weak seasonal trend for the development of primary lesions in autumn and winter was identified. Cases were recorded from New South Wales (35 dogs), Western Australia (4), Queensland (4), Tasmania (1) and New Zealand (1). The subcutis and skin of the ears and head (including the ears) were involved in 64% and 85% of cases, respectively, for which lesion site was recorded. Culture was attempted but was unsuccessful in 19 cases, including 11 cases where material was submitted to our laboratory and/or a Mycobacteria Reference Laboratory. Lymph node enlargement, internal organ involvement or constitutional signs were not a feature of the syndrome, and most lesions did not worry the dogs. Although many practitioners recorded a favourable response to therapy with doxycycline (response rate 57%) or amoxycillin-clavulanate (63%), spontaneous resolution of infection was thought to have occurred in six of seven dogs (86%) not given systemic antimicrobials, and three dogs where antimicrobials had failed previously. A minority of cases failed to respond to antimicrobial therapy and continued to have chronic lesions. There was no discernible trend for dogs of a particular age or sex to be affected. Conclusion This syndrome is caused by saprophytic mycobacteria of limited pathogenicity that give rise to lesions restricted principally but not exclusively to the subcutis and skin of body extremities. Fastidious growth requirements have prevented their isolation on synthetic media used for culture of mycobacteria. Organisms presumably enter the subcutis following a breach in integrity of the epidermal barrier and produce self-limiting disease in immunocompetent dogs. Lesions tend to resolve spontaneously. The possibility of a public health threat from affected dogs is highly unlikely.  相似文献   
A survey of the occurrence of mycobacteria was conducted from 717 freshwater fish (25 species) in two water reservoirs, five ponds and two farms in the Czech Republic. A total of 2182 tissue samples from these fish were examined using the conventional culture method. Thirteen mycobacterial isolates were obtained from 12 (1.7%) fish belonging to nine species. Isolates were identified using sequence analysis of the 16SrRNA gene as: Mycobacterium algericum, M. fortuitum, M. gordonae, M. insubricum, M. kumamotonense, M. nonchromogenicum, two isolates of M. peregrinum, M. terrae and M. triplex. Mycobacteria were isolated more frequently from fish skin and gills than from internal organs or muscles.  相似文献   
Control of mycobacterial infection constitutes a priority for human and animal health worldwide. However, effective vaccines are needed for the control of human and animal tuberculosis (TB). Adult zebrafish have become a useful model for studying the pathophysiology of mycobacterial infection and for the development of novel interventions for TB control and prevention. Recently, parenteral and oral immunization with the heat‐inactivated Mycobacterium bovis vaccine (M. bovis IV) protected wild boar against TB. The objectives of this study were to provide additional support for the role of M. bovis IV in TB control using the zebrafish model and to conduct the first trial with this vaccine for the control of fish mycobacteriosis. The results showed that M. bovis IV protected zebrafish against mycobacteriosis caused by low and high infection doses of Mycobacterium marinum and provided evidence suggesting that the protective mechanism elicited by M. bovis IV in zebrafish as in other species is based on the activation of the innate immune response through the C3 pathway, with a role for the regulatory protein Akr2 in this process. These results encourage the use of M. bovis IV for TB control in different species.  相似文献   
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