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Bacterial pathogens of Greenshell™ mussel (GSM) larvae can cause batch losses during hatchery production. Twenty-two isolates were screened using a larval bioassay. Two strains were identified as potential pathogens. Phenotypic identification of these strains revealed two non-reactive Gram-negative, oxidase positive rods. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene identified Vibrio splendidus and a V. coralliilyticus/neptunius -like isolate as pathogens of GSM larvae, with an ability to cause 83% and 75% larval mortality in vitro , respectively, at a concentration of 102 CFU mL−1. Histopathology indicated that the route of infection was via the digestive system. Using healthy larvae as target hosts, Koch's postulates were confirmed for the two isolates. This is the first report on pathogens of GSM larvae.  相似文献   
王慧 《水产科学》2008,27(5):247-250
使用稳定性二氧化氯(S.ClO_2)处理斑节对虾育苗水体(实验室规模),测定其水化学指标以及用S.ClO_2预处理育苗用水,测定ClO_2在不同光照条件下消减情况。试验结果表明:①质量浓度0.35×10~(-6)mg/L的S.ClO_2在露天强光条件下,可在2 d内完全消减;②S.ClO_2可降低水中的COD、氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮的含量,COD、氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮降低最大幅度分别为12.9%、58.9%、25.0%;③S.ClO_2对水中DO无明显影响。  相似文献   
Three Pavlova species were evaluated for their nutritional value as diets for growth and survival of the Cortez oyster Crassostrea corteziensis spat during late‐nursery cultivation at a hatchery. Microalgae were provided as monospecific diets (Pavlova salina, P. sp. C50 and P. sp. C53) and in binary combinations of diets 1+2, 1+3 and 2+3 at 80–90 × 103 cells mL?1 for 21 days. Juveniles experienced high survival rates and grew well with all dietary treatments, but binary diets yielded greater survival and growth of spat. From the three binary treatments, Diet 6 (P. sp. C50 and P. sp. C53) promoted significantly (P<0.001) fastest growth of juveniles in shell height (0.19 mm day?1), shell length (0.14 mm day?1), total wet weight (0.04 g day?1) and dry weight of meat biomass (0.024 g day?1). For all shell dimensions, the lowest growth rates occurred with Diets 2 (P. sp. C56 alone) and 3 (P. sp. C50 alone). These results highlight the importance of testing microalgal diets for bivalve spat rather than just relying on published nutritional values.  相似文献   
大鳞副泥鳅幼苗敌百虫毒性试验的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大鳞副泥鳅人工繁殖过程中,发现剑水蚤特别容易在孵化箱内聚积,严重地影响了孵化效果.为了解决生产中出现的问题,进行了大鳞副泥鳅幼苗敌百虫毒性试验.选择敌百虫晶体原液(含量≥90%),试验设计一个空白组和五个浓度梯度试验组,每组放入幼苗30尾,经24 h和48 h的观察后,试验结果:大鳞副泥鳅苗种安全浓度为1.25 mg...  相似文献   
Effect of extended storage on egg quality, embryo mortality and hatchability in FUNAAB-ɑ chickens was determined. Hatchable eggs (n = 288; weighing 53.2 ± 4.67 g) collected from a flock of FUNAAB-ɑ layer breeder hens aged 32 weeks were stored in egg tray with broad end up under 16 ± 1.5°C for either 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20 d. Before incubation, eight eggs from each group were evaluated for internal and external quality traits. Remaining eggs were set in an incubator and transferred into hatcher on embryonic day 18. Data collected were subjected to one-way analysis of variance. Egg weight loss (EWL; p < .001), surface area (p < .001), yolk diameter (p < .001), inner and outer blastoderm diameters (p < .05) and dead in germ (DIG; p < .001) increased with storage duration while yolk height (p < .001), yolk index (p < .001), albumen weight (p < .05), albumen height (p < .05), albumen index (p < .01), Haugh's unit (HU; p < .05), fertility (p < .001), hatchability of set (HATCHS; p < .001) and fertile eggs (p < .05) decreased. Weight losses of 0, 1.2, 2.2, 3.4, 4.6 and 6.1% were recorded in egg stored for 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 days respectively. Eggs stored beyond 8 days exhibited higher DIG and lower HATCHS. Shell percentage in 4 days storage (11.4%) was lower (p < .05) than in 16 days storage (13.4%). Shell thickness was similar in eggs stored for 0 to 12 days, but 8 days storage (0.60 mm) had thinner (p < .01) shell than day 16 (0.71 mm) and day 20 (0.73 mm) storage. Internal quality unit (IQU) was higher (p < .05) in fresh eggs (180.4) than in 12 days (167.8) and 20 days (167.8) stored eggs. Extended storage of FUNAAB-ɑ eggs caused EWL, surface area shrinkage, lowered HU and IQU, loss of yolk and albumen quality, increased blastoderm diameters and DIG, and decreased egg fertility and HATCHS from day 8 forward. Storing FUNAAB-ɑ eggs beyond 8 days reduced quality parameters; therefore, other mitigating factors are recommended when storing beyond 8 days.  相似文献   
Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were first introduced into Australia over 100 years ago, and forms the basis of important recreational inland fisheries and an aquaculture industry in south‐eastern Australia. This paper investigates the genetic variation within and between samples of Australian rainbow trout using allozyme electrophoresis. The levels of genetic diversity within Australia do not show marked differences from those observed in hatchery and wild populations from throughout North America, New Zealand and South Africa, but there is evidence for the loss of some rare alleles during translocation from California to Australia via New Zealand. No appreciable difference in genetic diversity was apparent between hatchery and self‐sustaining wild populations of rainbow trout from mainland Australia. However, significant differences in allelic frequencies were observed, with consistent genetic differences between Victorian and New South Wales samples most likely reflecting state‐based hatchery and stocking policies.  相似文献   
The impact of shrimp larvae development, as well as water and food inputs upon the increase of bacterial populations within the bacterial community of hatchery tank biofilms, was studied. For this study, a total of 68 biofilm samples were collected from concrete tanks at three larvae production times in a commercial shrimp hatchery. Seventeen samples were taken at each larval development stage (Zoea I, Mysis I, postlarvae 1 and postlarvae 16), as well as 37 samples from water, shrimp nauplii and food, introduced into the shrimp hatchery tanks. Culturable and direct bacterial counts were performed and 16S‐rRNA‐targeted oligonucleotide probes were used to quantify the presence of specific bacterial groups. An average of 27–70% of DAPI total cell counts were detected with the EUB338 probe, while the GAM42a probe signal ranged from 1% to 11%. Vibrio‐like bacteria (VLB) counts in TCBS agar ranged from <10 to 101 VLB/cm−2, with a tendency to increase at the last postlarvae stage. The most significant external source of bacteria registered with GAM42a probe and TCBS agar were found in live Artemia nauplii, used as food; nevertheless, biofilms remain with low counts of these groups.  相似文献   

Shrimp farmers in Alabama who produce the Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, have recently reported abnormally low survival at harvest. Farmers have hypothesized that this phenomenon may be due to disease, toxic algae, shrimp source, or reduced shrimp robustness in later stages of production. To compare performance of shrimp from different sources, postlarvae were obtained from three different hatcheries and stocked on the same day in on-levee tank systems (TS) on two farms (Farm 1-TS; Farm 2-TS1; Farm 2-TS2). Following 104 days of culture on Farm 2-TS1 and Farm 2-TS2, there were no differences in survival (72.8%–91.2%) or final weight (19.8–24.6 g). At Farm 1-TS following 107 days of culture, there were differences in survival from shrimp sourced from one hatchery (40.5%) compared to the other two hatcheries (61.0%–69.8%). Results demonstrated acceptable growth performance and survival from all hatchery sources.  相似文献   
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