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The copepod, Calanus finmarchicus, has potential as a new ingredient in practical feeds for marine fish. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the nutritional value of C. finmarchicus meals when fed to juvenile Atlantic halibut. The first study determined protein, lipid and energy digestibility coefficients of four C. finmarchicus meals prepared under different processing conditions. The second study evaluated growth and nutrient utilization efficiency of juveniles fed diets containing varying proportions of fish meal, plant meals and C. finmarchicus meal. Moisture, ash, protein, lipid and gross energy contents of the C. finmarchicus meals were 28–93, 74–138, 505–648, 123–269 g kg−1, and 21–26 MJ kg−1, respectively. Protein, lipid and energy digestibilities of C. finmarchicus meals were 91–99%, 90–95% and 90–99%. The digestibilities significantly decreased for the Calanus meals processed at higher temperatures. During the growth study, halibut fed a diet containing 240 g kg−1 C. finmarchicus meal had significantly higher weight gain and growth rate than all other groups. Nitrogen and energy retention efficiencies ranged between 35–45% and 33–43%, and were significantly higher for fish fed 160–240 g kg−1 C. finmarchicus meal than for fish fed plant protein and control diets. The results indicate that growth and nutrient utilization efficiency are improved in Atlantic halibut fed diets supplemented with C. finmarchicus meal.  相似文献   
Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) larvae were fed enriched Artemia or zooplankton in duplicate tanks from 0 to 60 days after first‐feeding. Both diets and the larvae were analysed for vitamin A (VA) in order to confirm earlier findings, in which Artemia fed larvae had lower levels of VA compared with larvae fed zooplankton. Furthermore, we wanted to investigate the composition of the retinoids in the larvae. The results showed that Artemia and zooplankton contains low levels of VA, probably too low to sustain the assumed requirement. Nevertheless, larvae fed Artemia had the same level of retinal and retinol as larvae fed zooplankton. We found a significant lower level of retinyl esters in larvae fed Artemia. The total VA level was lower in larvae fed Artemia only at the end of the feeding trial after the onset of metamorphosis. Our conclusion is that feeding Artemia to Atlantic halibut larvae is not likely to cause VA deficiency.  相似文献   
封闭式循环水养殖牙鲆鱼技术初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
将新功能滤料、高效混合净水菌团、水质自动监测及控制3项关键技术及配套设备用于封闭式循环水养殖牙鲆鱼。结果表明,封闭循环组成活率可达到90%-95.1%,平均产量为32.2kg/m^2。较对照组养殖密度增加75.6%-102.7%,成活率提高14%-17%,平均产量增加145%-187.5%。充分利用有限的水体,避免海水二次污染,利于环境保护。  相似文献   
Atlantic halibut larvae were fed docosohexanoic acid- (DHA) selco enriched Artemia (RH-cysts) or wild zooplankton in duplicate tanks from first-feeding and 60 days onward. The zooplankton were collected from a fertilized sea water pond and consisted mainly of different stages of Eurytemora affinis and Centropages hamatus . There were no differences in survival, or in growth during the first 45 days of feeding, between larvae fed the two prey items, but the larvae fed Artemia showed much higher incidence of malpigmentation and impaired eye migration than larvae fed zooplankton. The prey organisms contained similar amounts of dry matter and protein, but Artemia was higher in lipid and glycogen than the zooplankton. Larvae fed Artemia were higher in both glycogen and lipid than the zooplankton-fed larvae towards the end of the feeding period. There were large differences between the prey organisms in the concentrations of essential fatty acids (% of total fatty acids) which was reflected in the fatty acid composition of the larval body. It is concluded that the macronutrient composition of Artemia in the present study was probably within the optimal range for promotion of growth and survival in young Atlantic halibut. The concentration of n-3 HUFA, and especially DHA, is however, very much lower in enriched Artemia than in copepods, and may be one of the factors triggering developmental errors in Atlantic halibut.  相似文献   
Commercially farmed Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) were reared at the Aga Marin's facility located on Dønna (Norway) under ambient environmental conditions in duplicate 15 × 15 × 8 m netpens (May 2004 to May 2005). Twenty fish were sampled five times over a twelve month production period during which time the average body weight increased from 1.26 to 2.08 kg (n = 100 fish). Body mass, fork length (LF), and the number and size distributions of fast muscle fibres were determined in male and female fish. All males matured during the autumn whereas no maturation was observed in females. From the point of maturation females had superior growth performance to males and body mass and the total cross-sectional area of muscle were 1.4-fold (P < 0.05) and 1.3-fold higher (P < 0.01) respectively by May 2005. The total number of fast muscle fibres per trunk cross-section at 0.55 LF was 24.5% higher in females (7.58 × 105) than males (5.80 × 105) prior to sexual maturation. In females, muscle fibre recruitment slowed with short days and low water temperatures (< 6.5 °C), but had increased to 1.01 × 106 by May 2005 (P < 0.001). In contrast, there was no growth and no increase in muscle fibre number in males following the onset of maturation. The distribution of muscle fibre diameters prior to maturation in males was also significantly different between male and female fish matched for LF. The results illustrate a sexual dimorphism of muscle fibre recruitment patterns in Atlantic halibut and highlight the adverse affects of sexual maturation in males on muscle growth.  相似文献   
Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) is a well-characterized disease of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, which has also caused economic losses in marine turbot farms in the British Isles. We have previously demonstrated that turbot, Scophthalmus maximus, are susceptible to isolates of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) that are endemic in the marine environment, highlighting a potential risk to marine aquaculture. Given the increasing interest in the intensive rearing of additional aquaculture species such as Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, and Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, this study aimed at investigating the susceptibility of these species to VHSV. Both species were found to be largely resistant to VHS following immersion challenge with a selection of 18 isolates, representing the known marine VHSV genotypes. Only one and two VHSV-associated mortalities occurred out of a total of 1710 and 1254 halibut and cod, respectively. These findings suggest that there is a low direct risk to the development of commercial cod and halibut aquaculture from the existing endemic reservoir of VHSV. This study, coupled to field observations has, however, highlighted the fact that both species can become infected with VHSV. The known adaptability of RNA viruses, together with the selection pressures associated with intensive aquaculture would thus advocate a cautious approach to VHSV surveillance within these emerging industries.  相似文献   
Isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets containing 0, 18 or 36% toasted full-fat soybean meal (FFSM) were fed to Atlantic halibut. The diets were fed to five tanks of fish each for 34 days (period 1). Four tanks from each treatment were then retained in the growth experiment for a further 32 days (period 2), while the groups of fish from one tank from each of the 0 and 36% FFSM groups were split and transferred to two metabolism tanks each. The initial weight of the fish in the growth trial was 169 ± 1 g (mean ± SEM, n =12; weight range 89–253 g) and the final weight was 317 ± 5 g. There was no significant effect of dietary treatment on specific growth rate (range, 0.8–1.1% day−1), feed consumption (0.5–0.7% body weight day−1), feed efficiency (1.3–1.6 g wet gain g dry feed−1), protein retention (48–55%) or energy retention (49–57%). The fat, protein and energy concentrations in the fish increased during the trial and were not affected by the diet. The hepatosomatic index in fish fed with 36% FFSM diet was significantly lower (1.7%) than in the other groups (2.2%) ( P  < 0.05). No differences in intestinal morphology were observed between dietary treatments and no pathological reactions were identified in any of the samples. In the metabolism trial, there were no significant differences in oxygen consumption or ammonia excretion between fish fed with 0 and 36% FFSM diets. In conclusion, up to 36% FFSM may be added to diets for Atlantic halibut without negative effects on growth, feed efficiency or intestinal morphology.  相似文献   
Atlantic halibut larvae were fed Artemia enriched with two different oil emulsions (cod liver oil and 2050TG) from first feeding to 70 days after first-feeding (dpff). Larvae fed 2050TG enriched Artemia had better growth, survival and eye migration than larvae fed the cod liver oil enriched Artemia, while pigmentation rate was similar in the two groups. In addition to the difference in fatty acids, the two emulsions differed in lipid class composition, since 2050TG is a synthetic oil and a mixture of mono-, di- and tri-acylglycerol, while cod liver oil is a tri-acylglycerol. Total lipid level, estimated as fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) was similar in the two Artemia types, but sum of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids, arachidonic acid (20:4n-6, ARA), docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3, DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3, EPA) were higher in Artemia enriched with 2050TG than in the cod liver oil enriched Artemia. However, the main difference in fatty acid composition in the larvae, was a higher DHA (% of total fatty acids) in 2050TG larvae than in cod liver oil larvae. The lipid level measured as FAME was up to four times higher in the 2050TG larvae than in the cod liver oil larvae, and the reason for this may have been a better bioavailability of the partly digested lipid in the 2050TG emulsion. The correlation between a high level of lipid in the larval tissues (e.g. high energy status) and improved eye migration in larvae fed the 2050TG enriched Artemia supports the hypothesis that energy limitation on the larval stage may be a cause of the impaired eye migration commonly observed in farmed Atlantic halibut juveniles.  相似文献   
California halibut Paralichthys californicus is an important commercial species with high aquaculture potential in Baja California Sur, México. To optimize the feeding process using live prey and/or inert diets, we evaluated alkaline proteases, pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, leucine aminopeptidase, lipase, α-amylase, and acid and alkaline phosphatase activities on starved larvae and larvae fed live prey. Highest activities were observed for alkaline protease, trypsin, chymotrypsin, leucine aminopeptidase, and alkaline phosphatase in feeding larvae than starved larvae on day 4 after hatching. At day 5, a sizeable increase in all enzymatic activities was detected in feeding larvae. Alkaline protease, trypsin, chymotrypsin, and alkaline phosphatase decreases progressively from day 5 until day 18. At day 18, a slight pepsin activity was observed. This was considered an indicator of the start of digestive system maturation. We concluded that total enzymatic equipment for this species is complete between day 18 and 30 after hatching. Based on this evidence, early weaning from live prey to inert feed would be possible at this time.  相似文献   
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