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柞蚕肠液理化性质与饲料效率的相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对柞蚕肠液的理化性质与饲料效率的相关性进行研究的结果表明 :柞蚕肠液对促进蚕体抗病与消化吸收功能有着重要作用 ,平均每头蚕有肠液 1 76mL ,品种间开差为 0 78mL ,相对开差 5 7 80 % ,肠液量越多 ,饲料效率越高 ;柞蚕不同品种肠液pH平均值未发现明显差异 ,但强健好养饲料效率高的品种个体间开差小 ;柞蚕肠液缓冲力除与品种强健性有关外 ,还与品种的饲料效率呈正相关 ,在强健丰产与高饲料效率品种中 ,肠液恢复pH原值所需时间越短 ,饲料效率越高 ,电刺法取出肠液后 ,肠液恢复缓冲力所需时间是恢复其pH原值时间的 1 8倍多 ,同恢复肠液pH原值所需时间长短与品种强健性和饲料效率的关系完全一致。  相似文献   
日粮锌、硒水平对肉鸡肠道黏膜屏障结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探讨微量元素锌和硒相互作用对肉鸡肠道黏膜屏障结构的影响,将24只1日龄AA肉鸡随机分3组,分别饲喂添加有高锌高硒(锌1000mg/kg、硒5mg/kg)、低锌低硒(锌34mg/kg、硒0.08mg/kg)或常锌常硒(锌50mg/kg、硒0.15mg/kg)的日粮45d后,观察肠黏膜上皮细胞、上皮内淋巴细胞和盲肠扁桃体的形态结构变化。结果表明:高锌高硒或低锌低硒组肉鸡的肠黏膜结构有明显的损伤,表现为肠黏膜上皮细胞萎缩,绒毛长度下降,上皮内淋巴细胞数量减少;盲肠扁桃体的弥散淋巴组织和淋巴小结中,淋巴细胞数量减少,细胞出现肿胀,有的核消失,结缔组织增生,淋巴小结萎缩。尤其是高锌高硒组的损伤最为严重。而常锌常硒组肉鸡肠黏膜和盲肠扁桃体的形态结构正常。结论:日粮中按锌50mg/kg、硒0.15mg/kg的比例添加,对于维持肠道黏膜的正常屏障结构是合适的。过高或过低的锌和硒对小肠黏膜有毒性作用,破坏其屏障功能;而且高锌和高硒可相互促进以增强其毒性作用。  相似文献   
Production of pimpled or sandpaper-shelled eggs (SE) is a major problem in aged hens. Probiotics can improve eggshell quality; however, the relationship between SE production and gut bacteria remains unclear. Here, 1200 450-d-old Hy-line hens were assigned to four groups (300 hens each), with the control group fed basal diet and treatment groups fed basal diet plus 500, 1000, and 1500 mg/kg of Clostridium butyricum and Bacillus subtilis, respectively. After 4 weeks, probiotics significantly decreased the SE rate from 42.51% to 28.02%. To address why probiotics reduced SE rate, the hens that only produced normal eggs (NE) or SE based on a 2-week assessment were assigned to three groups (NE, SE, and SEP groups; 10 hens each), with the NE and SE groups fed a basal diet and SEP group fed a basal diet plus 1000 mg/kg probiotics. After 4 weeks, ileal tissues from eight birds/group were collected for histomorphological and gene expression analyses, and the ileal content was collected from five birds/group for 16S rDNA sequencing analysis. The data showed that probiotics significantly increased the villus length and ratio of villus length to crypt depth. Quantitative PCR analysis indicated that there were no significant differences in the expression of genes related to tight junctions, nutrient transport, and calcium absorption among the groups (except TRPV6, P<0.001). The 16S rDNA sequencing analysis indicated that the alpha-diversity of gut bacteria in the SEP group was the highest among the groups. The Firmicutes phylum was dominant in the NE and SEP groups, whereas the Proteobacteria phylum was dominant in the SE group. Together, these results suggest that probiotics can significantly influence the intestinal structure and composition of the intestinal microbiota, which may lead to a reduction in the SE rate in aged hens.  相似文献   
类风湿关节炎是一种威胁全球人类健康的自身免疫性疾病,肠道菌群的平衡与类风湿关节炎密切相关。由于益生菌在改善肠道菌群紊乱、恢复正常肠道菌群中发挥重要作用,因此给益生菌治疗类风湿关节炎提供了可能。本文综述类风湿关节炎病因、机制及患者肠道菌群的变化,总结近年来益生菌在治疗类风湿关节炎中的研究现状,为进一步临床试验和今后的应用提供依据。  相似文献   
猪肠道细菌培养组学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
猪肠道菌群是由所有定殖在猪肠道里的大量细菌、病毒、真菌和古菌等构成的集合.已有研究表明,很多疾病以及猪重要经济性状都与肠道菌群有关.目前,肠道菌群研究使用较多的技术是16S rRNA基因测序和宏基因组测序,但这些技术并不能了解具体菌株的实际功能和生理特性.肠道细菌的分离培养具有特殊重要的意义.近几年来,肠道细菌的培养取...  相似文献   
为明确美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea在取食不同寄主植物后其肠道细菌群落的变化情况,采用高通量测序技术分析其肠道细菌16S rDNA的V3~V4区域,分析肠道细菌的多样性、物种组成和菌群结构差异,并对其生物学功能进行预测。结果显示,美国白蛾4龄幼虫在取食不同寄主植物后肠道细菌Shannon多样性指数出现明显差异,由高到低依次为取食寄主法国梧桐Platanus orientalis、柿Diospyros kaki、胡桃Juglans regia、杨树Populus×canadensis和杏Armeniaca vulgaris的群体。美国白蛾肠道优势菌门主要为变形菌门和厚壁菌门,而属分类水平上的物种在不同处理之间存在较大差异,在取食法国梧桐和柿树的美国白蛾肠道中Burkholderia-Caballeronia-Paraburkholderia的相对丰度较高,分别为63.16%和34.50%;取食杏树和杨树的美国白蛾肠道优势菌属分别是肠球菌属Enterococcus和肠杆菌属Enterobacter,相对丰度分别为87.58%和37.93%。不同寄主也导致美国白蛾肠道细菌群的组成结...  相似文献   
为研究芦荟凝胶、芦荟多糖、乙酰化甘露聚糖对内仔鸡肠道主要菌群、小肠微绒毛密度、免疫功能及生产性能的影响,600只粤黄鸡随机分为5组.每组设6个重复.雌雄各半。分别施以5种不同日粮:①基础日粮添加乙酰化甘露聚糖0.1%;②基础日粮添加乙酰化甘露聚糖0.05%;③基础日粮添加芦荟多糖0.1%;④基础日粮添加芦荟凝胶干粉0.1%;⑤对照组(基础日粮),试验期为56d。结果表明.肉仔鸡饲粮中添加芦荟凝胶、芦荟多糖、乙酰化甘露聚糖。能显著降低盲肠内容物大肠杆菌浓度.提高盲肠内双歧杆菌和乳酸菌杆菌浓度(P〈0.05);回肠微绒毛高度增加、密度加大(P〈0.05);免疫器官胸腺、脾脏、法氏囊相对质量均显著增加.新城疫抗体效价显著提高(P〈0.05);添加芦荟多糖提高了肉仔鸡的日增重和降低了料肉比.但试验组与对照组之间的差异不显著。  相似文献   
彭娜  彭先启  乐敏 《畜牧兽医学报》2020,51(12):2942-2953
实验室条件下可培养的微生物约占自然界中微生物总数的1%,这限制了人们对99%未知微生物的认识和利用,而研究表明,那些“不可培养的微生物”是可以被开发和利用的,未能被纯培养的微生物才是未知微生物的主体。微生物培养组学探索利用多种培养条件和长时间的培养,结合基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱法(MALDI-TOF-MS)和16S核糖体RNA(rRNA)测序可以大规模鉴定各种微生物,同时利用全基因组测序和宏基因组测序手段对未知微生物进行深入分析。本文综述了国内外近年来微生物菌群培养组学在反刍动物胃肠道、禽类盲肠及家畜鼻腔微生物菌群研究中的最新进展,探讨将动物体内菌群培养组学方法应用于动物疾病防治领域的可行性。作为一个新兴的研究方法,尽管该培养组学还存在一些不够成熟的方面,但它的发展前景十分广阔,微生物菌群培养组学方法和其他研究方法的互补已经逐渐成为发展兽医微生物学新的突破口。  相似文献   
Strain NJES-13T is the type strain and currently the only species of the newly established actinobacteria genera Aptenodytes in the family Dermatophilaceae isolated from the gut microbiota of the Antarctic emperor penguin. This strain demonstrated excellent bioflocculation activity with bacteria-derived exopolysaccharides (EPSs). Moreover, it produced bioactive angucycline/angucyclinone derivatives (ADs) and contained one type III polyketide synthase (T3PKS), thus demonstrating great potential to produce novel bioactive compounds. However, the low productivity of the potential new AD metabolite was the main obstacle for its chemical structure elucidation. In this study, to increase the concentration of targeted metabolites, the influence of cellular morphology on AD metabolism in strain NJES-13T was determined using glass bead-enhanced fermentation. Based on the cellular ultra-structural observation driven by bacterial EPSs, and quantitative analysis of the targeted metabolites, the successful increasing of the productivity of three AD metabolites was achieved. Afterward, a new frigocyclinone analogue was isolated and then identified as 2-hydroxy-frigocyclinone, as well as two other known ADs named 2-hydroxy-tetrangomycin (2-HT) and gephyromycin (GPM). Three AD metabolites were found to demonstrate different bioactivities. Both C-2 hydroxyl substitutes, 2-hydroxy-tetrangomycin and 2-hydroxy-frigocyclinone, exhibited variable inhibitory activities against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Candida albicans. Moreover, the newly identified 2-hydroxy-frigocyclinone also showed significant cytotoxicity against three tested human-derived cancerous cell lines (HL-60, Bel-7402 and A549), with all obtained IC50 values less than 10 µM. Based on the genetic analysis after genomic mining, the plausible biogenetic pathway of the three bioactive ADs in strain NJES-13T was also proposed.  相似文献   
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