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为探究LED水下集鱼灯光色、功率、放置深度和海水叶绿素质量浓度对光场分布的影响,基于蒙特卡罗模拟方法建立了水下光束传输数值计算模型,通过控制变量法计算了不同条件下的水下光场分布,并提出以0.1~10.0 lx等值线所包围的面积与计算截面面积比值为相对有效光照范围(relative effective illumination range, REIR)。以REIR为评价指标,对不同条件下的光场分布进行了分析。结果显示:(1)相同功率条件下,REIR依次为绿光>白光>蓝光,以功率420W、叶绿素质量浓度0.1mg/m3为例,3种光色的REIR比值为1.58∶1.31∶1;(2)相同光色条件下,当叶绿素质量浓度为0.1mg/m3时,集鱼灯功率由420W增至1200W,蓝、绿、白3种集鱼灯的REIR分别由31.68%、50.27%、41.78%增至38.59%、56.91%、50.15%,功率增加近3倍,但REIR增幅有限;(3)随着集鱼灯放置深度增加,REIR先增加后稳定;以叶绿素质量浓度1.0mg/m3、功率为4...  相似文献   
2018年重启的WTO渔业补贴协定谈判尚在进行中,其中禁止对IUU捕捞的补贴得到WTO成员的广泛认同,但在IUU捕捞的认定、补贴禁令的执行以及如何处理领土和海洋管辖权争议问题、发展中国家的特殊和差别待遇等方面尚存在分歧。本文对IUU捕捞补贴禁令的有关重要事项进行了分析,建议在未来的协定中明确引用FAO《打击IUU捕捞国际行动计划》的定义;沿海国、船旗国、RFMO/A、港口国、补贴国按国际法可对IUU捕捞进行认定,但在认定方与补贴国不一致时应设定一个由补贴国的确认或核实的程序;补贴禁令的实施应按照“补贴谁、取消谁”的原则实施,并在程度上考虑IUU捕捞的严重性,且应规定IUU捕捞认定不当触发的补贴禁令对船舶造成损害的救济问题;领土和海洋管辖权争议应当完全排除在WTO渔业补贴协定之外;对未报告、无管制渔业的补贴禁令应当对发展中国家领海以内水域非大型工业渔业予以免除。此外,建议我国应坚定维护自身发展中国家地位,进一步加强取消从事IUU捕捞活动的补贴,尽快修改《渔业法》完善打击IUU捕捞条款,并尽早加入《港口国措施协定》。  相似文献   
蟹笼渔船诱捕饵料在使用过程需要经过破冰分离、切块、填盒、塞笼等工序,效率低、劳动强度大.为提升蟹笼渔船的生产效率,需要实现饵料使用自动化.提出了一种实现饵料使用自动化的流水线生产方案,并通过Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0进行流水线的结构设计建模与原理分析,采用GX works3基于三菱FX5U系列P...  相似文献   
Variability in catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) was examined for the autumn cohort of Ommastrephes bartramii collected with research driftnets during 1979–1998 along five longitudinal transects passing through the Subarctic, Transitional and Subtropical Domains in the North Pacific. CPUE was generally low during the period of intensive commercial driftnet fishing (1980–1992) and increased following the 1992 moratorium on the use of large-scale driftnets. However, CPUE levels were low for the cohorts hatched in 1992 and 1996 (captured in subsequent years owing to a one-year life of O. bartramii ) that experienced low sea surface temperatures from hatching to recruitment. Among similar-aged squid collected from 180° and 179°30'W in June, mantle lengths were significantly greater in 1997 than during 1995–96. These findings suggest that the driftnet fishery and sea surface temperatures from hatching to recruitment strongly affected stock abundance and possibly growth.  相似文献   
In order to determine the effects of ghost fishing by lost gill nets, the relationship was examined between soak time and number of enmeshed animals in experimentally lost gill nets by using diving observations. Two experimental gill nets were set at 13 m depth in Tateyama Bay, Chiba Prefecture, Japan for approximately 200 days. One gill net was deployed in a small trough surrounded by artificial reefs, and the other was deployed on an adjacent open sandy bed. Twelve species of crustaceans, six species of gastropods, and five species of bony fish were enmeshed in the experimental gill nets. The number of enmeshed animals in the artificial reef gill net was substantially larger than that in the sandy bed gill net. The number of enmeshed animals in the experimental gill nets increased rapidly within one month after deployment, and then declined gradually showing fluctuations caused by the decrease in newly enmeshed animals, and the drop off from gill nets caused by the decomposition of dead animals. The decrease in the number of enmeshed animals was expressed by logarithmic equations, and based on these equations, the duration of capture function for the lost gill nets was calculated to be 284–561 days in the artificial reef gill net and 200 days in the sandy bed gill net. The duration of capture function for the lost gill nets for non-commercial by-catch species such as small crustaceans and gastropods was longer than for commercial species such as Japanese spiny lobster and bony fish.  相似文献   
本文根据2009年8月至12月福建省捕捞业渔具渔法普查资料,分析整理了福建内陆地区捕捞业渔具渔法现状调查数据.结果表明:福建内陆地区捕捞渔具有刺网类、钓具类、笼壶类、拖网类、张网类、陷阱类、耙刺类、地拉网类、敷网类、掩罩类、抄网类和杂渔具等12个类别、21种作业型式、渔具总数量123204张(个、顶等).按渔具类别划分...  相似文献   
杨德康 《水产学报》1991,15(1):77-81
太平洋丛柔鱼(Todarodes pacificus steenstrup)的年产量,在八十年代高达四、五十万吨,占目前世界头足类年产量的三分之一左右,是世界最重要的头足类资源。丛柔鱼的分布区局限于太平洋,主要分布在日本群岛周围海域,其群体密度最高;在黄海北部和东海外海的分布区,也有一定产量,主要为流网和底拖网所兼捕。本文论述东海长江口渔场、舟山渔场内太平洋丛柔渔资源的分布密度以及它与不同水系交汇形成流隔的密切关系;五、六月份柔鱼鱼发适温为16—17℃,柔鱼群体栖息活动水层与浮游  相似文献   
渔用浮标定位监视系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了几种常用的渔用浮标定位监视系统的基本组成、工作原理及各自的特点。着重对GPS渔用浮标定位监视系统的模式及各组成部分的功能和设计的关键技术进行了讨论。采取适当方法解决关键技术后,使GPS渔用浮标定位系统具有较强的抗干扰能力和信息自动交换能力,特别适合在海洋中容易漂移的渔具、航行器等设备中作位置监视、搜寻之用。  相似文献   
Abstract Inland fisheries in England and Wales have high economic and social values. Managing participation to maximise fishery performance is key to maintaining this status. The capital value of fishing rights for migratory salmonid fisheries is €165 million. Coarse fisheries contribute €1030 million to the economy. The central tenet to increasing participation in recreational salmonid fisheries is that an increase in stock size will result in more anglers accessing the fishery. This was examined for salmon on the rivers Usk and Lune where exploitation restrictions increased the number of salmon available to anglers. On the River Lune, the number of salmon available post‐intervention increased by 66%. There was no significant increase in catch while the number of anglers decreased by 16.3%. On the River Usk, the closure of the net fishery potentially resulted in an additional ~1200 salmon being available. Following closure, there was no significant change in rod catch or in the number of anglers. Increased participation is dependent less upon stock manipulation for coarse fisheries and more upon facilitating the activity. In recent years, urban fishery development programmes have provided improved access to local fishing opportunity. Also, new anglers have been targeted through campaigns such as Get Hooked on Fishing and the Scout Angler Badge.  相似文献   
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