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Aquaculture production is predicted to increase sharply. In this regard, live feed plays a crucial role in the larval phase of many aquaculture organisms. Hence, a persistent concern in aquaculture is to find low‐cost and eco‐friendly feed sources to culture live feed organisms. Branchinecta orientalis (G. O. Sars 1901), a fresh/brackish water fairy shrimp, was reared using effluent from rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum 1792) ponds, either fresh but supplemented with two species of microalgae, Scenedesmus sp. and Haematococcus sp., or non‐supplemented but after “ageing” of the culture medium. The feeding experiment was designed at a density of 100 individuals L?1 in 2‐L vessels. The results indicated that differences between final length, survival and most reproductive parameters of the treatment with aged medium and the treatment using fresh medium supplemented with Scenedesmus sp. were non‐significant (p > .05). Better results were obtained for a number of reproductive parameters in the treatment supplemented with Haematococcus sp. Thus, for intensive resting egg production of B. orientalis, microalgae can be replaced by aged non‐supplemented effluent from trout ponds as a nutrient‐rich feed source. This consequently can reduce drainage of nutrients into the environment and thus decrease aquatic pollution.  相似文献   
The variable quality and high price of Artemia (Leach 1819) cyst products, used worldwide as live food, motivate aquaculturists to find an appropriate alternative, especially for fresh/brackish water organisms. In this study, Branchinecta orientalis (G. O. Sars 1901), a common fairy shrimp in north‐western Iran, was reared for 15 days using effluent from trout ponds enriched with effluent filtrate as sole feed, or co‐fed with microalgae (Scenedesmus sp.). The effluent filtrate was replaced by algae at different ratios (25% and 50%), and feeding experiments were designed at densities of 100, 200 and 400 individuals/L in 3‐L containers and at 100 individuals/L in 20‐L containers. The results indicated that, at a certain density, the final length and survival were not significantly affected by different feeding regimes (p > .05). In 3‐L containers, the highest length and survival were observed at the lowest density. B. orientalis contained the highest amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, though, when co‐fed algae, although the differences with the treatment fed solely effluent filtrate were often limited. Inclusion of algae in the diet also resulted in higher levels of a number of PUFAs. Our study proves that B. orientalis can be mass‐cultured successfully using trout effluent as culture medium without additional microalgae. Fish pond effluent is massively available as a cheap food source. Recycling aquaculture effluent for this type of live food production contributes to lowering the use of natural resources and to less discharge of nutrient loads into natural water bodies.  相似文献   
捕捞业可持续发展之管见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
捕捞业的可持续发展问题得到了国内外学者长期的关注,然而至今为止学界对捕捞业可持续发展的理解还存在分歧。文章在对国内外研究进行回顾的基础上,指出了目前在捕捞业可持续发展理解上存在的片面性,进而剖析了捕捞业可持续发展之涵义,提出了为实现捕捞业可持续发展需要进一步研究的几个重要问题。  相似文献   
The New Zealand fairy tern Sterna nereis davisae has only one small population of c.30 individuals and its conservation is a priority. The population was declining prior to the mid 1980s. Management of the three remaining breeding sites was initiated during 1983/84 and intensified from 1991 onwards. We have collated historic data and reviewed the changes in the population since 1991. Our results illustrate that the number of chicks fledged increased since 1991. Fifty-five chicks fledged between 1991/92 and 2002/03. Demographic modelling based on productivity and age-specific survival estimates predicted that the population should increase at c.1.5% per annum. The predicted results from the demographic model contrasted against the observation of a stable resident population. This difference could have resulted from the movement of individuals out of our study area. Demographic modelling also indicated that the population may have continued to decline at a rate of c.1.4% per annum if management was not initiated. Extinction risk within 50 years has decreased from 0.52 to 0.39.  相似文献   
The antibacterial effects of organic salts, chemical disinfectants and antibiotics were evaluated on cultures of Aeromonas hydrophila C03, Aeromonas sobria C26, A. sobria C29, Aeromonas caviae C24 and Acinetobacter sp. SH‐94B, the pathogens that cause black disease found in fairy shrimps (Streptocephalus sirindhornae Sanoamuang et al. (2000) and Branchinella thailandensis Sanoamuang, Saengphan & Murugan) of Thailand. The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of organic salts (sodium chloride and potassium chloride) and antibiotics (oxytetracycline dihydrate, streptomycin sulphate, kanamycin monosulphate, chloramphenicol and ampicillin) were determined using the agar‐dilution method. The effect of chemical disinfectants (sodium hypochlorite and chlorine dioxide) was evaluated by exposing bacteria to different concentrations of these chemicals for different periods of time. Interestingly, all strains were intrinsically resistant to 0.25–3% sodium chloride and potassium chloride. The effect of sodium hypochlorite was greater than that of chlorine dioxide, and 5–20 μg mL?1 of sodium hypochlorite was sufficient to inhibit the growth of these bacteria, but the exposure time varied, depending on the bacterial species. Of the antibiotics tested, chloramphenicol and oxytetracycline dihydrate completely inhibited the selected strains. Chloramphenicol showed the highest antibacterial effect against all pathogenic species – the MIC and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) ranged from 0.8 to 3.1 μg mL?1 from 3.1 to 6.25 μg mL?1, respectively. To achieve control of black disease during cultivation of fairy shrimp, data derived from this study can be used as a basis for further toxicity tests in vivo.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of concentration of the microalga Dunaliella tertiolecta on the growth and survival of fairy shrimp, Phallocryptus spinosa. Newly hatched nauplii were stocked into containers, maintained at different concentrations of D. tertiolecta (at 18, 36, 54, 72 and 90 × 106 cells mL?1). All treatments were in quadruplicate and each replicate was stocked with 100 larvae in a 2‐L cylindrical bowl. We studied the survival and growth of the fairy shrimp after 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 days of culture. The results indicated significant differences, in terms of growth and survival, of fairy shrimps fed at different algal densities. The highest and lowest growth and survival among the treatments were observed on Day 15, the highest in animals fed at a concentration of 90 × 106 cells mL?1 and the lowest in animals fed at a concentration of 18 × 106 cells mL?1. We conclude that the growth and survival of the P. spinosa increased with increasing density of algae, to a threshold level. Within certain concentration limits, the addition of D. tertiolecta substantially improved the performance of larval culture of P. spinosa, suggesting that this fairy shrimp has potential in terms of aquaculture development.  相似文献   
草坪蘑菇圈是一种在高尔夫草坪上普遍发生的严重病害,经常造成草坪草的严重衰退甚至死亡。木霉(Trichoderma)菌对蘑菇圈真菌有良好的抑制作用。从贵阳乐湾国际高尔夫球场草坪出现的蘑菇子实体中分离出当地有代表性的真菌菌株1506,经形态学鉴定为环柄菇属菌株(Lepiota spp.)。并从曾发生过蘑菇圈病害,但第2年未发生蘑菇圈的草坪土壤中分离和筛选出典型拮抗木霉菌8株,其中加纳木霉GCPL175(Trichoderma ghanense)和木霉菌株GGFL12(Trichoderma.sp.)的抑菌能力最强,其发酵液的无菌滤液对1506抑菌率分别达到61.23%,73.13%,显著高出其他菌株95.75%,1178.50%(P0.05),但供试木霉菌株的几丁质酶活性与其对环柄菇属菌株1506的抑菌率无明显相关。  相似文献   
蘑菇圈作为青藏高原高寒草甸一种常见生态学现象,也是草地群落植被更新重要场所。通过对青藏高原高寒草甸蘑菇圈区域群落植被特征和经济类群、生活型及演替顶极成分功能群生物量构成、Raunkiaer频度系数、演替度及Spearman秩相关特征进行分析,明晰蘑菇圈不同区域草地植被分异特征,解析蘑菇圈形成对草地植被变化和群落稳定性的作用。结果表明:1)蘑菇圈形成明显改变物种构成,圈上群落优势种为垂穗披碱草和赖草,而圈上和圈外群落皆无绝对优势种;2)蘑菇圈环的形成显著提高了圈上禾草、地下芽植物和降低种的生物量比例,降低其物种多样性;3)蘑菇圈圈上群落处于更高演替阶段,其植物种重要值与经济类群和演替顶极成分的生物量构成变化一致;4)圈上群落主要植物种对正负关联比为0.89,多数种对的种间联结松散,群落稳定性较低;圈内和圈外群落主要植物种对的正负关联比皆>1,多数种对间关联性较强,群落稳定性较强;且蘑菇圈群落中显著关联种对发生在亚优势种与伴生种或伴生种与伴生种之间。研究认为,蘑菇圈形成促进高寒草甸由莎草/杂类草群落向禾草/杂类草群落演替,但降低高寒草甸稳定性。  相似文献   
呼伦贝尔草原蘑菇圈对土壤呼吸作用的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【目的】蘑菇圈是草原上常见的生态学景观,蘑菇圈的真菌不仅会影响植物的生长,而且会极大地改变土壤理化性质和微生物群落,从而间接影响土壤呼吸。探究草原蘑菇圈的土壤呼吸作用,为精确估算草地土壤温室气体排放提供科学依据。【方法】采用Li-8100土壤呼吸监测系统,对呼伦贝尔草甸草原蘑菇圈不同位置(圈上、圈内、圈外)的土壤呼吸作用进行监测,并使用探针式电子温度计(CJTP-101)和手持式土壤水分仪测量土壤温度和土壤含水量,同时测定蘑菇圈土壤生物量和土壤养分,探讨它们之间的相关性。【结果】蘑菇圈上的地上生物量为246.2 g·m-2,显著高于圈内(153.1 g·m-2)和圈外(132.6 g·m-2),圈上地上生物量分别为圈内和圈外的1.61倍和1.86倍;蘑菇圈上地下生物量为763.9 g·m-2,小于圈内(927.4 g·m-2)和圈外(824.8 g·m-2),圈上、圈内、圈外地下生物量差异不显著(P>0.05);蘑菇圈上枯落物量为17.9 g·m  相似文献   
不同草原生境下的土壤微生物生物量研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在内蒙古不同的草原生境条件下,采用氯仿熏浸提法对土壤微生物生物量-碳(MB-C)进行了测定分析。MB-C与土壤有机质含量呈正比;过度放牧会导致土壤中MB-C的明显减少,而围栏保护和适度放牧有助于该指标的恢复;蘑茹圈土壤的MB-C与其发育过程有密切关系。  相似文献   
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