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The objective of this study was to investigate the characteristics of ruminal microbial communities of alpacas (Lama pacos) and sheep (Ovis aries) fed three diets with varying ratios of roughage (corn stalk) to concentrate, 3:7 (LS), 5:5 (MS) and 7:3 (HS). Six alpacas (one-year-old and weighing 29.5 ± 7.1 kg) and six sheep (one-year-old and weighing 27.9 ± 2.7 kg) were used in this study, in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square experiment. Total protozoa concentration was determined under the microscope; total fungi and methanogens were assessed using quantitative polymerase chain reaction and expressed as a percentage of total bacterial 16S rRNA gene copies; bacterial communities were investigated by targeted 16S rRNA gene (V3–V4 region) sequencing. The percentage of fungi was significantly higher in alpacas than in sheep under the LS diet, while the concentration of protozoa was significantly lower in alpacas under HS, MS and LS diets. The alpha diversity including Shannon, Chao l and ACE indices of bacterial communities was higher in alpacas than in sheep, under the LS diet. A total of 299 genera belonging to 22 phyla were observed in the forestomach of alpaca and sheep, with Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes dominating both animal species. Phyla Armatimonadetes and Fusobacteria, as well as 64 genera, were detected only in alpacas, whereas phyla Acidobacteria and Nitrospira, as well as 44 genera, were found only in sheep. The abundance of cellulolytic bacteria, including Butyrivibrio and Pseudobutyrivibrio, was higher in alpacas than in sheep under all three diets. These differences in the forestomach microbial communities partly explained why alpacas displayed a higher poor-quality roughage digestibility, and a lower methane production. Results also revealed that the adverse effects of high-concentrate diets (70%) were lesser in alpacas than in sheep.  相似文献   
The microbial community structure and function under forest in tropical peatlands are poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the microbial community structure and diversity in natural peat swamp forest soil, disturbed peat soil and mineral soil in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, using 454 pyrosequencing. The results showed that the natural peat soil had the greatest fungal species richness (Chao1), which was significantly (< .05) larger than that in the other two soils. Community structure of both fungi and bacteria in natural peat soil differed significantly from that in the disturbed peat soil (= .039 and = .045, respectively). Ascomycota (40.5%) was the most abundant phylum across the three soils followed by Basidiomycota (18.8%), Zygomycota (<0.1%) and Glomeromycota (<0.1%). The linear discriminant analysis with effect size (LEfSe) showed that Ascomycota (< .05) and genus Gliocephalotrichum (< .05) dominated in natural peat soil. Functionally, pathotrophs were more abundant in disturbed peat soil (< .05). Proteobacteria (43.8%) were the most abundant phylum followed by Acidobacteria (32.6%), Actinobacteria (9.8%), Planctomycetes (1.7%). Methylocystis, Telmatospirillum, Syntrophobacter, Sorangium and Opitutus were the more abundant genera in disturbed peat soil, whereas Nevskia and Schlesneria were more abundant in mineral soil and natural peat soil, respectively. The natural peat forest soil supported a more diverse microbiology; however, the land use of such a soil can change its microbial community structure. The results provide evidence that the disturbance of tropical peat land could lead to the introduction and spread of a large number of fungal diseases  相似文献   
研究结果表明:在沙漠化发展过程中,差巴嘎蒿--杂类草群落(1)首先是植物种组成数量和密度大幅度减少,继而植被盖度和地上生物量急剧下降,四项指标受沙漠化影响的强弱顺序是密度>植物种数量>工>地上生物量;(2)结构趋于简单,功能逐渐消退,优势种或亚优势种发生更替,群落最终变性;(3)沙漠化演变既有连续性又有间断性,随着沙漠化的加剧,其连续性变弱,间断性增强,变幅增大;(4)轻度沙漠化时群落稳定性最高,严重沙漠化可导致其稳定性迅速破坏;(5)对沙漠化的危害,表现出一定的时滞效应和自我适应调节能力,这两个问题有等于进一步研究。  相似文献   
本文根据所采标本和野外实地观察记录,比较详细地描述了甑峰山苔藓植物的群落组成,初步揭示了该山各种生态环境下苔藓植物的生长分布规律。  相似文献   
羊草+杂类草群落生物量动态模式的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对黑龙江肇州县羊草+杂类草群落地上生物量的季节动态、地下生物量的分布以及地上生物量与降雨量、温度之间的关系进行了分析.结果表明,在生长季内,群落地上生物量动态模式呈单峰型,符合四次多项式模型增长,最大地上生物量出现在8月5日,其值为197.3m2而后下降;群落地下生物量分布由上至下呈负幂函数变化,其模型为:Bu=Y·(D+10)-x.其中在0-30cm土层中,群落地下生物量占总地下生物量的77%~82%.  相似文献   
基于冗余分析的高寒草原土壤与草地退化关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在高寒草原退化草地设置研究样地,观测植物群落特征、采集土壤样品、分析土壤物理化学性质,依据数量生态学基本原理,探讨高寒草原退化草地与土壤因子间关系。结果表明:不同退化程度样地沿冗余分析排序图第一排序轴分布,第一排序轴反映草地退化程度的变化;草地植物群落中与第一排序轴负相关且按相关程度大小排序的指标为盖度>地上生物量>地下生物量;第一、第二排序轴能够解释97.1%的土壤因子与草地退化关系;土壤沙砾、p H与第一排序轴正相关,土壤有机碳、土壤含水量、容重、全氮、有效氮与第一排序轴负相关;第一排序轴及所有排序轴所反映的土壤因子均与草地退化之间呈极显著相关关系(P<0.01);不同土壤因子与草地退化之间相关程度不同,土壤有机碳(r=-0.890)、土壤含水量(r=-0.864)、容重(r=-0.847)、全氮(r=-0.836)、有效氮(r=-0.821)等与高寒草原退化相关程度更高且相关关系极显著(P<0.01)。利用退化草地群落特征和土壤因子数据矩阵进行冗余分析能够较好地综合反映土壤因子与草地退化之间的关系及相关程度,土壤有机碳、土壤含水量、容重、全氮、有效氮是反映高寒草原退化的重要土壤指标。  相似文献   
对观赏桃园昆虫群落的结构及多样性研究表明:观赏桃园昆虫有61种,隶属于11目44科。物种数随季节变化而变化,主要优势种为桃小绿叶蝉(Empoasca flavescensFabr.)和山楂叶螨(Tetranychus viennesisZacher)。在不同时间其优势度、多样性、均匀性等也不断变化。根据群落的相异系数对观赏桃园6~9月的昆虫群落进行分析表明,9月上旬与9月中旬的昆虫群落最为相似,其次是7月下旬与8月中旬。  相似文献   
邹刚华  赵凤亮  兰雪成  吴天昊 《土壤》2024,56(3):525-532
以热带稻田土壤为研究对象,利用室内短期恒温(25°C)培养探讨好氧和淹水条件下椰壳炭不同施用量(0%、2%和5%(w/w))对土壤性质和微生物群落的影响。结果表明:①培养35 d后,好氧和淹水条件下增施2% 和5% 椰壳炭均提升土壤pH,增幅分别为20%、39%和31%、32%。好氧下土壤脲酶活性增加121% 和75%,酸性磷酸酶活性降低10% 和49%,碱性磷酸酶活性提高39% 和39%;淹水下脲酶活性减少12% 和45%,酸性磷酸酶活性降低3% 和14%,碱性磷酸酶活性增加133% 和105%。②增施2% 和5% 椰壳炭时,好氧下土壤细菌和真菌香农指数均降低,但淹水时增加。好氧下变形杆菌门(Proteobacteria)、芽单胞菌门(Gemmatimonadetes)和浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)丰度提高,增幅分别为2%、54%,51%、47% 和94%、82%;淹水下酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)丰度增加,增幅分别为3%、20%,14%、18% 和38%、37%;同时好氧和淹水下土壤担子菌门(Basidiomycota)丰度均下降,降幅分别为68%、70% 和68%、76%,并且淹水下壶菌门(Chytridiomycota)和罗兹菌门(Rozellomycota)丰度增加。该研究结果可为椰壳炭对稻田土壤改良及其推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   
从人的价值及行为形成机制出发,分析认为影响林业发展的核心因素是产权安排,目前我国林权制度存在所有权主体虚置、林地产权的各项权能边界不清、林地权属四至界限不清等问题.发展社会林业,必须界定出明晰的林业权能边界,强化林地使用权,保障四大权能.  相似文献   
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