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为了在中华鲟洄游生态学研究上有新突破,实验首次比较研究了中华鲟3种硬组织(耳石、背骨板和胸鳍条)的微结构和微化学特征.结果 发现,耳石结构松散,存在多个耳砂(微晶球霰石球晶)颗粒,且每个颗粒均具有独立的核心;背骨板存在分层现象;胸鳍条结构较为致密,且均一.胸鳍条、耳石中生境元素Co/Ca、Sr/Ca和Ba/Ca比特征变...  相似文献   
板翅换热器平直翅片的传热与阻力性能试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对11种不同结构参数的紧凑式板翅换热器平直翅片的传热和流动阻力进行了试验研究,分析比较平直翅片间距、翅片高度、翅片长度对其传热和流动阻力的影响。结果表明,翅片间距对传热和流动阻力影响较小,而翅片长度和高度对其传热和流动阻力有重要影响。同时对11种翅片的220个试验数据点进行了j因子和f因子的试验关联式拟合,拟合关联式的误差范围为±10%。  相似文献   
The authors conduct the experimental study and optimal computing for the condenser of automobile air conditioner. The especially the properties of heat transfer and flow at the side of air when using shutter fin. The authors the influence of several combinations of fin's geometry parameter to heat transfer and flow resistance. The maximal heat transfer is used as a criterion relation to select the fin's geometry parameters in the same facing air area of condenser. Furthermore, a program is designed to conduct optimal computing, and the computing results are basically consistent with experimental results. It shows that the optimal method is reasonable and the results can be applied to engineering practice.  相似文献   
本研究建立了锦鲤(Cyprinus carpio)尾鳍细胞系。染色体数目、核型及DNA含量等实验,发现锦鲤体细胞和锦鲤培养细胞无显著性差异,染色体数目和DNA含量符合比例关系,建立的锦鲤尾鳍细胞系已形成了稳定的遗传性状,命名为KF-H。  相似文献   
美洲鲥仔稚鱼脊柱及附肢骨骼系统的早期发育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
使用软骨-硬骨双染色技术,描述了美洲鲥(Alosa sapidissima)仔稚鱼(1~51日龄)脊柱、胸鳍、尾鳍、背鳍等附肢骨骼的形态发育特征。结果显示,脊柱的发育开始于10日龄仔鱼尾部的髓弓、脉弓和尾下骨的出现,16日龄髓弓和脉弓延伸形成髓棘和脉棘,19日龄脊柱出现分节的硬骨环,23日龄所有椎体形成。各附鳍支鳍骨发育顺序先后依次为胸鳍、尾鳍、背鳍、臀鳍和腹鳍。胸鳍在2日龄时出现乌喙骨,13日龄形成软骨质的胸鳍支鳍骨,19日龄仔鱼肩带和上匙骨开始骨化;尾鳍的尾下骨最早出现在5日龄,12日龄尾鳍形成2枚尾上骨、1枚尾杆骨和6枚尾下骨,19日龄仔鱼尾椎和尾鳍率先开始骨化,直至23日龄尾鳍骨骼系统钙化完全。最终背鳍和臀鳍分别形成18和22根鳍条。美洲鲥骨骼发育研究对其早期发育功能趋向、环境优化及分类鉴定有重要作用。  相似文献   
基于田口方法,结合均匀设计法对低雷诺数工况下错列锯齿型翅片进行三维参数化数值研究。以单层翅片组件为测试对象,对6种试件的试验表明,仿真结果与试验数据的趋势吻合良好,而存在差异的主要原因是试件加工工艺引起翅片表面存在毛刺。按照均匀设计法得到6因子5水平的11种仿真方案,引入田口方法的信噪比和贡献率,研究各几何参数对翅片性能的影响程度,依次为齿距、齿高、齿型角、错齿距、齿开窗宽度和齿厚。根据各水平下各可控因子的信噪比分布得到翅片的优化模型,并通过仿真验证了优化模型的有效性。  相似文献   
以黄颡鱼Pelteobagrus fulvidraco幼鱼鱼鳍为组织来源,采用组织块培养法,对其短期培养及染色体制片所需的消毒方法、培养基、培养温度、秋水仙素浓度和低渗处理时间等条件进行了探索,初步建立了以鳍组织培养法提供材料制作黄颡鱼染色体标本的方法。  相似文献   
The caudla vena cava (CVA) was evaluated as an laternative site for the measurement of central venous pressure (CPV) in six healthy, sedated (ketamine 10 mg/km, midazolam 0.1 mg/kg, and atropine 0.04 mg/kg IM) cats. The CVC was cathererized via medial saphenous puncture, and estimates of CPV from this site compared to those obtained via a jugular catheter. Simulataneous CPV values were recorded electronically (mmgh), via calibrated pressure transducer positioned at the level of the manubrium in cats in lateral recumbency. Five readings, performed at 1 minute intervals, were collected from the jugular and CVC catheters at rest (baseline) and following a rapid fluid bolus. Twenty-four hours later, cats were resedated, baseline measurements repeated, and CVPs recorded following a rapid, 25% whole-blood volume bleed. CVP measurements from the jugular and CVC were statistically compared using repeated measures ANOVA (p<0.05). There were no significant differences between the two sites in the baseline and bleed trials. Significant defferences between jugular and CVC CVPs were noted at 1 and 2 minutes following the fluid bolus. It was concluded that CVC is an alternative site for measurement of CPV in sedated cats.  相似文献   
采用肝素诱导获能 ,比较了 TAL P液和 BO液处理水牛附睾尾精子进行体外受精和细管冷冻精液体外受精的效果。结果表明 ,用 BO液和 TAL P液分别处理水牛附睾尾精子 ,受精后的卵裂率分别为 4 6 .6 7%和 5 3.73% ,发育率分别为 2 1.6 7%和 2 6 .87% ,其受精效果差异不显著。综合 2种方法 ,水牛附睾尾精子的受精率为 5 7.14 % ,受精后的卵裂率为 5 0 .39% ;发育率相对于培养卵为 2 4 .4 1% ,相对于卵裂卵为 4 8.4 4 % ;与细管冷冻精液 (5 6 .0 0 % ,5 4 .31% ,2 6 .72 % ,4 9.2 1% )相比 ,差异不显著。形态学观察还表明 ,用保温干储的方法可获得活率好、存活时间长的附睾尾精子。试验结果说明水牛附睾尾精子用于体外受精可以得到与细管冷冻精液相当的效果。  相似文献   
Caudal epidural analgesia is a well-established therapeutic modality for pain alleviation in horses. Additionally, epidural analgesia could potentially be a complementary diagnostic tool for confirmation of pain-related conditions in horses presenting with nonspecific signs of poor performance or rideability issues. To use the epidural as a diagnostic tool, the administered medications should provide efficient analgesia without accompanying adverse effects. Therefore, the objectives of the current study were to evaluate the analgesic properties and effects on locomotor function, mentation and physical examination parameters of caudal epidural co-administration of methadone and morphine in horses. Five mares received a caudal epidural injection of 0.1 mg/kg bwt methadone and 0.1 mg/kg bwt morphine diluted to a total volume of 4.4 mL/100 kg. Before and several times thereafter, horses were subjected to mechanical nociceptive threshold evaluation, physical examination, assessment of mentation and locomotor function examination. Horses were assigned ataxia scores (0–4) by a group of inexperienced raters (three senior-year veterinary students) and a group of experienced raters (two board-certified internal medicine specialists) that assessed the locomotor examinations either live or video-based. The epidural co-administration of methadone and morphine resulted in clinically relevant and statistically significant increases of horses’ tolerance to mechanical noxious stimuli at the coccygeal, perineal, sacral, lumbar and thoracic regions. Analgesia was evident after 4.4 h and lasted at least 5 h. Regional differences in the onset of analgesia reflected a cranial spread of the analgesic solution. No horses showed signs of gait disturbances; the overall median ataxia score was 0 at all times; and the average difference in scores between two randomly selected raters for a random horse at a random time point was 0.377 indicating high inter-rater agreement. There were no adverse changes of mentation and physical examination parameters. Observed side effects included signs of decreased frequency of defaecation, generalised sweating, and pruritus.  相似文献   
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