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为明确群体感应系统在枯草芽胞杆菌NCD-2菌株抑菌活性和生物膜形成中的作用,通过同源重组技术对群体感应系统中的comA基因进行定位缺失突变,分别比较了NCD-2菌株和comA基因突变子在胞外酶合成、抑菌活性、脂肽抗生素(丰产素)产生以及生物膜形成上的差异,并进一步利用实时荧光定量RT-PCR技术比较了二者生物膜基质编码基因epsA和tasA的表达情况。结果表明,通过同源重组技术获得了comA基因突变子MA-4,同菌株NCD-2相比,其在胞外蛋白酶和纤维素酶的合成能力、对番茄灰霉菌Botrytis cinerea的抑菌活性、丰产素的合成量和生物膜的形成能力上均明显下降;生物膜基质编码基因tasA的表达量下降了70%,而epsA的表达量变化不明显。表明ComA是NCD-2菌株脂肽抗生素和生物膜形成中的重要调控因子。  相似文献   
水稻白叶枯病菌在离体培养条件下生物膜形成的检测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
分析了不同培养和测试条件(塑料和玻璃表面、培养时间、培养温度和培养基)对水稻白叶枯病菌(Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae,Xoo)生物膜形成的影响,并测定了不同地区来源的Xoo野生型菌株、基因缺失突变体的生物膜形成。结果表明,在聚苯乙烯表面生长、用M210培养基在23 ℃下静止培养24 h是Xoo生物膜形成比较适宜的条件;不同地区来源的菌株生物膜形成能力不同;鞭毛相关基因fleQxoo、fliExoo和rbfCxoo以及H2O2降解调控基因oxyRxoo的缺失突变均影响生物膜形成。  相似文献   
为了明确本实验室前期分离得到的一株核桃细菌性疫病菌Xaj DW3F3的相关特性及其与寄主内生菌的竞争能力。对该病原细菌进行了显微观察、生物膜形成测定,不同培养基上多糖和色素含量,以及18项生理生化指标测定。通过毛细管法和滴落法观察其趋化作用,并测试其与寄主内生菌的竞争能力。结果表明,病原菌DW3F3为杆状、极生鞭毛、有运动性并能形成生物膜。其在YPGA、King’B 和NA培养基上生长较好,产生多糖和色素较多。病原菌有较强的耐盐性,致死温度达60℃,对纤维素和淀粉都有较强的分解能力,对NaCl和寄主叶片表现出一定的趋性。在其与核桃叶部内生菌的共培养中表现出一定竞争优势。该病菌菌DW3F3有树生黄单胞菌核桃致病变种(Xanthomonas arboricola pv.juglandis,Xaj)的基本特征及致病相关特性,这些特征可能与其致病性强及病害难以控制有关。  相似文献   
Seaweeds are broadly distributed and represent an important source of secondary metabolites (e.g., halogenated compounds, polyphenols) eliciting various pharmacological activities and playing a relevant ecological role in the anti-epibiosis. Importantly, host (as known as basibiont such as algae)–microbe (as known as epibiont such as bacteria) interaction (as known as halobiont) is a driving force for coevolution in the marine environment. Nevertheless, halobionts may be fundamental (harmless) or detrimental (harmful) to the functioning of the host. In addition to biotic factors, abiotic factors (e.g., pH, salinity, temperature, nutrients) regulate halobionts. Spatiotemporal and functional exploration of such dynamic interactions appear crucial. Indeed, environmental stress in a constantly changing ocean may disturb complex mutualistic relations, through mechanisms involving host chemical defense strategies (e.g., secretion of secondary metabolites and antifouling chemicals by quorum sensing). It is worth mentioning that many of bioactive compounds, such as terpenoids, previously attributed to macroalgae are in fact produced or metabolized by their associated microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites). Eventually, recent metagenomics analyses suggest that microbes may have acquired seaweed associated genes because of increased seaweed in diets. This article retrospectively reviews pertinent studies on the spatiotemporal and functional seaweed-associated microbiota interactions which can lead to the production of bioactive compounds with high antifouling, theranostic, and biotechnological potential.  相似文献   
光养生物膜是河流生态系统中重要的初级生产者,在河流生物地球化学循环中扮演重要角色。然而,河流水文状态及营养盐差异引起的生境异质性对光养生物膜藻类的影响未知。本研究在微型跑道池模拟流水(0.5 m/s)和静水(0 m/s)条件的基础上,通过设置不同浓度氮(1.51, 2.51和5.51 mg/L)、磷(0.1, 0.2和0.4 mg/L)及氮磷比(8, 16和32)条件培养野外采集的原位生物膜及人工基质,探究水文分异和营养变化对河流光养生物膜藻类物种组成及密度的影响。非度量多维排序(NMDS)分析结果表明,差异水文条件下,原位和建群生物膜藻类群落在梯度氮、磷和氮磷比环境中均呈现明显分离(PERMANOVA,P < 0.001),且建群生物膜中各分组藻类群落具有更明显的差异。双因素方差分析结果表明,生物膜中硅藻、蓝藻和绿藻的生长对营养盐与水文变化的响应并不一致,其中磷处理中,磷与流速单一及其交互效应显著影响了大多数藻类的生长及建群(P < 0.001);而氮处理中,氮与流速的交互效应仅对建群生物膜藻类影响显著(P < 0.001)。研究结果也发现,藻类在静水环境更有利于建群生物膜的形成,且静水-高营养盐环境更有利于蓝藻和绿藻的生长。这些结果说明,生物膜建群初期易受到水文扰动的影响,且水文分异和氮、磷影响了光养生物膜藻类的响应模式,研究为河流生态保护提供了新视角。  相似文献   
A reduction in light intensity may increase shrimp activity, although it may also negatively affect the development of photoautotrophic organisms present in biofilm, an important natural food source for shrimp. This experiment evaluated the influence of light intensity on biofilm development and on the growth of cultured Farfantepenaeus paulensis juveniles. Six cages were deployed in a shrimp culture pond and stocked with 60 juveniles (0.72 ± 0.03 g). Three cages were randomly chosen and covered with five layers of polyamide net to reduce light incidence (shaded treatment), while the other three cages were not covered (control treatment). Biofilm chlorophyll a and microorganism abundance, as well as shrimp growth, were monitored during the experiment. Chlorophyll a concentration and the abundance of bacteria and flagellates were significantly lower in the shaded treatment (P<0.05). After 75 rearing days, shrimp stocked in control treatment achieved significantly higher (5.98 g) (P<0.05) mean weight than shrimp reared in shaded treatment cages (5.13 g). Similarly, the biomass produced was also significantly higher (P<0.05) in the control treatment (322.92 g) than in the shaded treatment (287.31 g). The results of this study demonstrate that light intensity has a huge influence on shrimp performance mainly due to the increase in natural food availability.  相似文献   
The nutritional quality of biofilm, a microbial community associated to an organic matrix, was evaluated in artificial substrate (polyethylene screen) in net cages during 30 days in the Patos Lagoon estuary, Southern Brazil. During this period, samples of biofilm were collected each 5 days for analysis of chlorophyll a, microorganisms abundance, dry weight, protein and lipid contents. During the study, chlorophyll a varied from 0.38 to 2.75 μg cm?2; dry weight between 7.16 and 17.63 mg cm?2; protein content from 0.43 to 1.76 mg cm?2 and lipid concentration between 1.21 and 4.23 mg cm?2. The variation of lipid in the biofilm was closely related to the abundance of free heterotrophic bacteria (34.25–56.54 × 106 cells cm?2), filamentous cyanobacteria (7.5–15.9 × 106 filaments cm?2), flagellates (6.92–12.89 × 106 cells cm?2) and mainly nematodes (29–1,414 organisms cm?2), while protein content varied similarly to the abundance of unicellular centric diatoms (52.10–179.81 × 103 cells cm?2), and nematodes. This information will allow a better management of food supply to raised aquatic organism with the utilization of natural productivity in the culture systems, with considerable decrease in production costs.  相似文献   
序批式生物膜法处理水产养殖废水的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国水产养殖废水直接排放的现象较多, 使受纳水体富营养化和生物多样性降低; 同时养殖水体中残饵、水生生物排泄物容易引起水体溶解氧下降、病原体增加并产生有害物质如氨氮、亚硝酸盐等, 引起养殖对象发病甚至死亡。提出采用以组合填料为载体的序批式生物膜反应器处理水产养殖废水。通过试验确定了最佳运行模式: 水力停留时间12 h, 其中瞬时进水y 厌氧( 3 h) y 曝气( 5 h) y 添加原水(添加比1B 3) y 缺氧( 3 h) y 曝气( 1 h) y 沉淀( 0. 5 h) y 排水( 0. 5 h), 并考察了试验对污染物的去除特性。试验结果表明了序批式生物膜法处理水产养殖废水的可行性, 对有机物、氨氮、TN、TP的平均去除率分别为91. 1%、85. 1%、751 8%、89. 5%, 处理后出水可回用于水产养殖。  相似文献   
土壤中的有机污染物可从根系进入植物体内,并可进一步通过食物链富集,从而威胁人群健康。植物根际微生物种类繁多、数量巨大,其中很多根际细菌可通过成膜作用在植物根表形成细菌生物膜,协助植物抵抗外界的不良环境或促进植物生长。有机污染物在被植物根系吸收的过程中,多需经过根表细菌生物膜这一特殊界面。综述了根际细菌在植物根表的成膜作用,以及根表功能细菌生物膜对污染物根际环境过程的影响及作用机理,分析了利用根表功能细菌生物膜调控植物吸收有机污染物的可行性,试图为防治土壤有机污染、降低作物污染风险、保障农产品安全等提供理论依据。  相似文献   
活性污泥法与生物膜法处理味精废水的中试对比试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用石灰中和、蒸汽加温、空气吹脱对离交废水进行预处理后,以活性污泥法与生物膜法对味精废水进行了现场中试对比试验。中试规模为0.5t/h。预处理后的混合味精废水水质为:进水COD浓度1580~9510mg/L,NH3-N浓度108~2270mg/L。经过一个半月试验,采用好氧生物膜法和两段活性污泥法处理出水,COD均可小于700mg/L,出水NH3-N小于400mg/L,COD去除率大于90%,NH3-N去除率大于80%。当水温下降时两段活性污泥法生化处理效果下降,出水COD和氨氮明显升高,而采用悬挂竹球填料的好氧膜法生物处理过程中剩余污泥排放量极少,处理效果更稳定。  相似文献   
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